/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SW_INC_REDLINE_HXX #define INCLUDED_SW_INC_REDLINE_HXX #include #include #include #include "pam.hxx" #include #include #include #include class SfxItemSet; class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRedlineExtraData { SwRedlineExtraData( const SwRedlineExtraData& ) = delete; SwRedlineExtraData& operator=( const SwRedlineExtraData& ) = delete; protected: SwRedlineExtraData() {} public: virtual ~SwRedlineExtraData(); virtual SwRedlineExtraData* CreateNew() const = 0; virtual void Reject( SwPaM& rPam ) const; virtual bool operator == ( const SwRedlineExtraData& ) const; }; class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRedlineExtraData_FormatColl final : public SwRedlineExtraData { OUString m_sFormatNm; std::unique_ptr m_pSet; sal_uInt16 m_nPoolId; bool m_bFormatAll; // don't strip the last paragraph mark public: SwRedlineExtraData_FormatColl( OUString aColl, sal_uInt16 nPoolFormatId, const SfxItemSet* pSet = nullptr, bool bFormatAll = true ); virtual ~SwRedlineExtraData_FormatColl() override; virtual SwRedlineExtraData* CreateNew() const override; virtual void Reject( SwPaM& rPam ) const override; virtual bool operator == ( const SwRedlineExtraData& ) const override; const OUString& GetFormatName() const { return m_sFormatNm; } void SetItemSet( const SfxItemSet& rSet ); SfxItemSet* GetItemSet( ) const { return m_pSet.get(); } void SetFormatAll( bool bAll ) { m_bFormatAll = bAll; } }; class SwRedlineExtraData_Format final : public SwRedlineExtraData { std::vector m_aWhichIds; SwRedlineExtraData_Format( const SwRedlineExtraData_Format& rCpy ); public: SwRedlineExtraData_Format( const SfxItemSet& rSet ); virtual ~SwRedlineExtraData_Format() override; virtual SwRedlineExtraData* CreateNew() const override; virtual void Reject( SwPaM& rPam ) const override; virtual bool operator == ( const SwRedlineExtraData& ) const override; }; class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRedlineData { friend class SwRangeRedline; SwRedlineData* m_pNext; // Points to other data. SwRedlineExtraData* m_pExtraData; OUString m_sComment; DateTime m_aStamp; std::size_t m_nAuthor; RedlineType m_eType; sal_uInt16 m_nSeqNo; bool m_bAutoFormat; sal_uInt32 m_nMovedID; // 0 == not moved, 1 == moved, but don't have its pair, 2+ == unique ID public: SwRedlineData( RedlineType eT, std::size_t nAut, sal_uInt32 nMoveID = 0 ); SwRedlineData( const SwRedlineData& rCpy, bool bCpyNext = true ); // For sw3io: pNext/pExtraData are taken over. SwRedlineData( RedlineType eT, std::size_t nAut, const DateTime& rDT, sal_uInt32 nMovedID, OUString aCmnt, SwRedlineData* pNxt ); ~SwRedlineData(); bool operator==( const SwRedlineData& rCmp ) const { return m_nAuthor == rCmp.m_nAuthor && m_eType == rCmp.m_eType && m_bAutoFormat == rCmp.m_bAutoFormat && m_nMovedID == rCmp.m_nMovedID && m_sComment == rCmp.m_sComment && (( !m_pNext && !rCmp.m_pNext ) || ( m_pNext && rCmp.m_pNext && *m_pNext == *rCmp.m_pNext )) && (( !m_pExtraData && !rCmp.m_pExtraData ) || ( m_pExtraData && rCmp.m_pExtraData && *m_pExtraData == *rCmp.m_pExtraData )); } RedlineType GetType() const { return m_eType; } std::size_t GetAuthor() const { return m_nAuthor; } const OUString& GetComment() const { return m_sComment; } const DateTime& GetTimeStamp() const { return m_aStamp; } bool IsAnonymized() const { return m_aStamp.GetYear() == 1970 && m_aStamp.GetMonth() == 1 && m_aStamp.GetDay() == 1; } const SwRedlineData* Next() const{ return m_pNext; } void SetComment( const OUString& rS ) { m_sComment = rS; } void SetTimeStamp( const DateTime& rDT ) { m_aStamp = rDT; } void SetAutoFormat() { m_bAutoFormat = true; } bool IsAutoFormat() const { return m_bAutoFormat; } void SetMoved( sal_uInt32 nMoveID ) { m_nMovedID = nMoveID; } sal_uInt32 GetMoved() const { return m_nMovedID; } bool IsMoved() const { return m_nMovedID != 0; } bool CanCombine( const SwRedlineData& rCmp ) const; bool CanCombineForAcceptReject( const SwRedlineData& rCmp ) const; // ExtraData gets copied, the pointer is therefore not taken over by // the RedlineObject void SetExtraData( const SwRedlineExtraData* pData ); const SwRedlineExtraData* GetExtraData() const { return m_pExtraData; } // For UI-side pooling of Redline-actions. // At the moment only used for Autoformat with Redline. // Value != 0 means there can be others! sal_uInt16 GetSeqNo() const { return m_nSeqNo; } void SetSeqNo( sal_uInt16 nNo ) { m_nSeqNo = nNo; } OUString GetDescr() const; void dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const; }; class SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI SwRangeRedline final : public SwPaM, public ISwContentIndexOwner { SwRedlineData* m_pRedlineData; std::optional m_oContentSect; std::optional m_oLOKLastNodeTop; sal_uInt32 m_nId; bool m_bDelLastPara : 1; bool m_bIsVisible : 1; void MoveToSection(); void CopyToSection(); void DelCopyOfSection(size_t nMyPos); void MoveFromSection(size_t nMyPos); public: static sal_uInt32 s_nLastId; SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRangeRedline( RedlineType eType, const SwPaM& rPam, sal_uInt32 nMoveID = 0 ); SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRangeRedline( const SwRedlineData& rData, const SwPaM& rPam ); SwRangeRedline( const SwRedlineData& rData, const SwPosition& rPos ); // For sw3io: pData is taken over! SwRangeRedline(SwRedlineData* pData, const SwPosition& rPos, bool bDelLP) : SwPaM( rPos ), m_pRedlineData( pData ), m_nId( s_nLastId++ ), m_bDelLastPara( bDelLP ), m_bIsVisible( true ) { GetBound().SetOwner(this); GetBound(false).SetOwner(this); } SwRangeRedline( const SwRangeRedline& ); virtual ~SwRangeRedline() override; virtual SwContentIndexOwnerType GetOwnerType() const override final { return SwContentIndexOwnerType::Redline; } sal_uInt32 GetId() const { return m_nId; } const SwNodeIndex* GetContentIdx() const { return m_oContentSect ? &*m_oContentSect : nullptr; } // For Undo. void SetContentIdx( const SwNodeIndex& ); void ClearContentIdx(); bool IsVisible() const { return m_bIsVisible; } bool IsDelLastPara() const { return m_bDelLastPara; } void SetStart( const SwPosition& rPos, SwPosition* pSttPtr = nullptr ); void SetEnd( const SwPosition& rPos, SwPosition* pEndPtr = nullptr ); /// Do we have a valid selection? bool HasValidRange() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwRedlineData& GetRedlineData(sal_uInt16 nPos = 0) const; bool operator!=( const SwRedlineData& rCmp ) const { return *m_pRedlineData != rCmp; } void SetAutoFormat() { m_pRedlineData->SetAutoFormat(); } bool IsAutoFormat() const { return m_pRedlineData->IsAutoFormat(); } sal_uInt16 GetStackCount() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC std::size_t GetAuthor( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC OUString const & GetAuthorString( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0 ) const; sal_uInt32 GetMovedID(sal_uInt16 nPos = 0) const; const DateTime& GetTimeStamp(sal_uInt16 nPos = 0) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC RedlineType GetType( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0 ) const; // text content of the redline is only an annotation placeholder // (i.e. a comment, but don't confuse it with comment of the redline) bool IsAnnotation() const; const OUString& GetComment( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0 ) const; void SetComment( const OUString& rS ) { m_pRedlineData->SetComment( rS ); } /** ExtraData gets copied, the pointer is therefore not taken over by * the RedLineObject.*/ void SetExtraData( const SwRedlineExtraData* pData ) { m_pRedlineData->SetExtraData( pData ); } const SwRedlineExtraData* GetExtraData() const { return m_pRedlineData->GetExtraData(); } // For UI-side pooling of Redline-actions. // At the moment only used for Autoformat with Redline. // Value != 0 means there can be others! sal_uInt16 GetSeqNo() const { return m_pRedlineData->GetSeqNo(); } void SetSeqNo( sal_uInt16 nNo ) { m_pRedlineData->SetSeqNo( nNo ); } // At Hide/ShowOriginal the list is traversed two times in order to // hide the Del-Redlines via Copy and Delete. // Otherwise at Move the attribution would be handled incorrectly. // All other callers must always give 0. void CallDisplayFunc(size_t nMyPos); void Show(sal_uInt16 nLoop , size_t nMyPos, bool bForced = false); void Hide(sal_uInt16 nLoop , size_t nMyPos, bool bForced = false); void ShowOriginal(sal_uInt16 nLoop, size_t nMyPos, bool bForced = false); /// Calculates the intersection with text node number nNdIdx. /// @return true if the entire redline precedes nNdIdx bool CalcStartEnd(SwNodeOffset nNdIdx, sal_Int32& rStart, sal_Int32& rEnd) const; enum class Invalidation { Add, Remove }; /// Initiate the layout. void InvalidateRange(Invalidation); bool IsOwnRedline( const SwRangeRedline& rRedl ) const { return GetAuthor() == rRedl.GetAuthor(); } bool CanCombine( const SwRangeRedline& rRedl ) const; void PushData( const SwRangeRedline& rRedl, bool bOwnAsNext = true ); bool PopData(); bool PopAllDataAfter(int depth); /** Returns textual description of a redline data element of this redline. The textual description of the selected element contains the kind of redline and the possibly shortened text of the redline. @return textual description of the selected redline data element bSimplified = simplified shortened text to show deletions on margin */ SW_DLLPUBLIC OUString GetDescr(bool bSimplified = false); bool operator<( const SwRangeRedline& ) const; void dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const; void MaybeNotifyRedlinePositionModification(tools::Long nTop); void SetMoved(sal_uInt32 nMoveID = 1) { m_pRedlineData->SetMoved(nMoveID); } bool IsMoved() const { return m_pRedlineData->IsMoved(); } sal_uInt32 GetMoved(sal_uInt16 nPos = 0) const { return GetRedlineData(nPos).GetMoved(); } }; void MaybeNotifyRedlineModification(SwRangeRedline& rRedline, SwDoc& rDoc); /// Base object for 'Redlines' that are not of 'Ranged' type (like table row insert\delete) class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwExtraRedline { private: SwExtraRedline(SwExtraRedline const&) = delete; SwExtraRedline& operator=(SwExtraRedline const&) = delete; public: SwExtraRedline() = default; virtual ~SwExtraRedline(); }; /// Redline that holds information about a table-row that had some change class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTableRowRedline final : public SwExtraRedline { private: SwRedlineData m_aRedlineData; const SwTableLine& m_rTableLine; public: SwTableRowRedline(const SwRedlineData& rData, const SwTableLine& rTableLine); virtual ~SwTableRowRedline() override; /** ExtraData gets copied, the pointer is therefore not taken over by * the RedLineObject.*/ void SetExtraData( const SwRedlineExtraData* pData ) { m_aRedlineData.SetExtraData( pData ); } const SwTableLine& GetTableLine() const { return m_rTableLine; } const SwRedlineData& GetRedlineData() const { return m_aRedlineData; } }; /// Redline that holds information about a table-cell that had some change class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTableCellRedline final : public SwExtraRedline { private: SwRedlineData m_aRedlineData; const SwTableBox& m_rTableBox; public: SwTableCellRedline(const SwRedlineData& rData, const SwTableBox& rTableBox); virtual ~SwTableCellRedline() override; /** ExtraData gets copied, the pointer is therefore not taken over by * the RedLineObject.*/ void SetExtraData( const SwRedlineExtraData* pData ) { m_aRedlineData.SetExtraData( pData ); } const SwTableBox& GetTableBox() const { return m_rTableBox; } const SwRedlineData& GetRedlineData() const { return m_aRedlineData; } }; namespace sw { std::vector> GetAllValidRanges(std::unique_ptr p); } // namespace sw #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */