/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: rolbck.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-08-14 15:31:02 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _ROLBCK_HXX #define _ROLBCK_HXX #ifndef _SOLAR_H #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTS #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTSSORT #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX #include #endif //Nur die History anziehen, um das docnew.cxx gegen die CLOOK's zu behaupten. class SwDoc; class SwFmt; class SwFmtColl; class SwHstryHint; class SwBookmark; class SwTxtAttr; class SfxPoolItem; class SwTxtNode; class SwUndoSaveSection; class SwTxtFtn; class SwTxtFlyCnt; class SwUndoDelLayFmt; class SwFlyFrmFmt; class SwFmtFld; class SwTxtFld; class SwFieldType; class SwTxtTOXMark; class SwTxtRefMark; class SwFrmFmt; class SwpHints; class SwFmtChain; class SwNode; #ifndef ROLBCK_HISTORY_ONLY #ifndef _TOX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef PRODUCT class Writer; #define OUT_HSTR_HINT( name ) \ friend Writer& OutUndo_Hstr_ ## name( Writer&, const SwHstryHint& ); #else #define OUT_HSTR_HINT( name ) #endif enum HISTORY_HINT { HSTRY_SETFMTHNT, HSTRY_RESETFMTHNT, HSTRY_SETTXTHNT, HSTRY_SETTXTFLDHNT, HSTRY_SETREFMARKHNT, HSTRY_SETTOXMARKHNT, HSTRY_RESETTXTHNT, HSTRY_SETFTNHNT, HSTRY_CHGFMTCOLL, HSTRY_FLYCNT, HSTRY_BOOKMARK, HSTRY_SETATTRSET, HSTRY_RESETATTRSET, HSTRY_CHGFLYANCHOR, HSTRY_CHGFLYCHAIN, HSTRY_CHGCHARFMT, // #i27615# HSTRY_END }; class SwHstryHint { HISTORY_HINT eWhichId; public: SwHstryHint( HISTORY_HINT eWh ) : eWhichId( eWh ) {} virtual ~SwHstryHint() {} // jetzt inline virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ) = 0; HISTORY_HINT Which() const { return eWhichId; } virtual String GetDescription() const; }; class SwSetFmtHint : public SwHstryHint { SfxPoolItem* pAttr; ULONG nNode; USHORT nSetStt; BYTE nNumLvl; BOOL bNumStt; public: SwSetFmtHint( const SfxPoolItem* pFmtHt, ULONG nNode ); virtual ~SwSetFmtHint(); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); virtual String GetDescription() const; OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetFmtHnt) }; class SwResetFmtHint : public SwHstryHint { ULONG nNode; USHORT nWhich; public: SwResetFmtHint( const SfxPoolItem* pFmtHt, ULONG nNode ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(ResetFmtHnt) }; class SwSetTxtHint : public SwHstryHint { SfxPoolItem *pAttr; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nStart, nEnd; public: SwSetTxtHint( /*const*/ SwTxtAttr* pTxtHt, ULONG nNode ); virtual ~SwSetTxtHint(); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetTxtHnt) }; class SwSetTxtFldHint : public SwHstryHint { SwFmtFld* pFld; SwFieldType* pFldType; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nPos; USHORT nFldWhich; public: SwSetTxtFldHint( SwTxtFld* pTxtFld, ULONG nNode ); virtual ~SwSetTxtFldHint(); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); virtual String GetDescription() const; OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetTxtFldHnt) }; class SwSetRefMarkHint : public SwHstryHint { String aRefName; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nStart, nEnd; public: SwSetRefMarkHint( SwTxtRefMark* pTxtHt, ULONG nNode ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetRefMarkHnt) }; class SwSetTOXMarkHint : public SwHstryHint { String aTOXName; TOXTypes eTOXTypes; SwTOXMark aTOXMark; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nStart, nEnd; public: SwSetTOXMarkHint( SwTxtTOXMark* pTxtHt, ULONG nNode ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); int IsEqual( const SwTOXMark& rCmp ) const; OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetToxMarkHnt) }; class SwResetTxtHint : public SwHstryHint { ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nStart, nEnd; USHORT nAttr; public: SwResetTxtHint( USHORT nWhich, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd, ULONG nNode ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); USHORT GetWhich() const { return nAttr; } ULONG GetNode() const { return nNode; } xub_StrLen GetCntnt() const { return nStart; } OUT_HSTR_HINT(ResetTxtHnt) }; class SwSetFtnHint : public SwHstryHint { String aFtnStr; SwUndoSaveSection* pUndo; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nStart; BOOL bEndNote; public: SwSetFtnHint( SwTxtFtn* pTxtFtn, ULONG nNode ); SwSetFtnHint( const SwTxtFtn& ); ~SwSetFtnHint(); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); virtual String GetDescription() const; OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetFtnHnt) }; class SwChgFmtColl : public SwHstryHint { const SwFmtColl* pColl; ULONG nNode; USHORT nSetStt; BYTE nNdWhich, nNumLvl; BOOL bNumStt; public: SwChgFmtColl( const SwFmtColl* pColl, ULONG nNode, BYTE nNodeWhich ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(ChgFmtColl) }; class SwHstryTxtFlyCnt : public SwHstryHint { SwUndoDelLayFmt* pUndo; public: SwHstryTxtFlyCnt( SwTxtFlyCnt* pTxtFly ); // fuer Zeichengebundene SwHstryTxtFlyCnt( SwFlyFrmFmt* pFlyFmt ); // fuer Absatzgebundene ~SwHstryTxtFlyCnt(); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); SwUndoDelLayFmt* GetUDelLFmt() { return pUndo; } OUT_HSTR_HINT(FlyCnt) }; class SwHstryBookmark : public SwHstryHint { String aName, aShortName; ULONG nNode1, nNode2; xub_StrLen nCntnt1, nCntnt2; USHORT nKeyCode; BYTE nTyp; public: enum { BKMK_POS = 1, BKMK_OTHERPOS = 2 }; SwHstryBookmark( const SwBookmark&, BYTE nTyp ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(Bookmark) BOOL IsEqualBookmark( const SwBookmark& ); const String & GetName() const; }; class SwHstrySetAttrSet : public SwHstryHint { SfxItemSet aOldSet; SvUShorts aResetArr; ULONG nNode; USHORT nSetStt; BYTE nNumLvl; BOOL bNumStt; public: SwHstrySetAttrSet( const SfxItemSet& rSet, ULONG nNode, const SvUShortsSort& rSetArr ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetAttrSet) }; class SwHstryResetAttrSet : public SwHstryHint { ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nStart, nEnd; SvUShorts aArr; public: SwHstryResetAttrSet( const SfxItemSet& rSet, ULONG nNode, xub_StrLen nStt = STRING_MAXLEN, xub_StrLen nEnd = STRING_MAXLEN ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); const SvUShorts& GetArr() const { return aArr; } ULONG GetNode() const { return nNode; } xub_StrLen GetCntnt() const { return nStart; } OUT_HSTR_HINT(ResetAttrSet) }; class SwHstryChgFlyAnchor : public SwHstryHint { SwFrmFmt* pFmt; ULONG nOldPos; xub_StrLen nOldCnt; public: SwHstryChgFlyAnchor( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); }; class SwHstryChgFlyChain : public SwHstryHint { SwFlyFrmFmt *pPrevFmt, *pNextFmt, *pFlyFmt; public: SwHstryChgFlyChain( const SwFlyFrmFmt& rFmt, const SwFmtChain& rAttr ); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); }; // #i27615# class SwHstryChgCharFmt : public SwHstryHint { SfxItemSet aOldSet; String sFmt; public: SwHstryChgCharFmt( const SfxItemSet& rSet, const String & sFmt); virtual void SetInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc, BOOL bTmpSet ); OUT_HSTR_HINT(SetAttrSet) }; #endif typedef SwHstryHint* SwHstryHintPtr; SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL( SwpHstry, SwHstryHintPtr, 0, 2 ); class SwHistory : private SwpHstry { friend class SwDoc; // eig. darf nur SwDoc::DelUndoObj zugreifen friend class SwUndoWriter; // fuer den Undo/Redo-Writer friend class SwRegHistory; // fuer Insert, von Histoy-Attributen USHORT nEndDiff; public: SwHistory( USHORT nInitSz = 0, USHORT nGrowSz = 2 ); ~SwHistory(); // loesche die History ab Start bis zum Ende void Delete( USHORT nStart = 0 ); // alle Objecte zwischen nStart und Array-Ende aufrufen und loeschen BOOL Rollback( SwDoc* pDoc, USHORT nStart = 0 ); // alle Objecte zwischen nStart und temporaeren Ende aufrufen und // den Start als temporaeres Ende speichern BOOL TmpRollback( SwDoc* pDoc, USHORT nStart, BOOL ToFirst = TRUE ); void Add( const SfxPoolItem* pOldValue, const SfxPoolItem* pNewValue, ULONG nNodeIdx ); void Add( const SwTxtAttr* pTxtHt, ULONG nNodeIdx, BOOL bNewAttr = TRUE ); void Add( const SwFmtColl*, ULONG nNodeIdx, BYTE nWhichNd ); void Add( const SwBookmark&, BYTE ); void Add( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt ); void Add( const SwFlyFrmFmt&, USHORT& rSetPos ); void Add( const SwTxtFtn& ); void Add( const SfxItemSet & rSet, const SwCharFmt & rCharFmt); // #i27615# USHORT Count() const { return SwpHstry::Count(); } USHORT GetTmpEnd() const { return SwpHstry::Count() - nEndDiff; } USHORT SetTmpEnd( USHORT nTmpEnd ); // returne alten Wert SwHstryHint* operator[]( USHORT nPos ) const { return SwpHstry::operator[](nPos); } // fuer SwUndoDelete::Undo/Redo void Move( USHORT nPos, SwHistory *pIns, USHORT nStart = 0, USHORT nEnd = USHRT_MAX ) { SwpHstry::Insert( pIns, nPos, nStart, nEnd ); SwpHstry* pDel = pIns; pDel->Remove( nStart, nEnd == USHRT_MAX ? pDel->Count() - nStart : nEnd ); } // Hilfs-Methoden zum Sichern von Attributen in der History. // Wird von UndoKlasse benutzt (Delete/Overwrite/Inserts) void CopyAttr( const SwpHints* pHts, ULONG nNodeIdx, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd, BOOL bFields ); void CopyFmtAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet, ULONG nNodeIdx ); }; #ifndef ROLBCK_HISTORY_ONLY class SwRegHistory : public SwClient { SvUShortsSort aSetWhichIds; SwHistory* pHstry; ULONG nNodeIdx; void _MakeSetWhichIds(); public: SwRegHistory( SwHistory* pHst ); SwRegHistory( SwTxtNode* pTxtNode, const SfxItemSet& rSet, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd, USHORT nFlags, SwHistory* pHst ); SwRegHistory( const SwNode& rNd, SwHistory* pHst ); SwRegHistory( SwModify* pRegIn, const SwNode& rNd, SwHistory* pHst ); virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOld, SfxPoolItem* pNew ); void Add( SwTxtAttr* pHt, const BOOL bNew = FALSE ); void RegisterInModify( SwModify* pRegIn, const SwNode& rNd ); }; #endif #endif // _ROLBCK_HXX