/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SW_SHELLIO_HXX #define SW_SHELLIO_HXX #include <memory> #include <boost/utility.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h> #include <com/sun/star/embed/XStorage.hpp> #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx> #include <sfx2/fcontnr.hxx> #include <sot/formats.hxx> #include <sot/storage.hxx> #include <svtools/parhtml.hxx> #include <tools/string.hxx> #include <tools/date.hxx> #include <tools/time.hxx> #include <tools/datetime.hxx> #include <tools/ref.hxx> #include <swdllapi.h> #include <swtypes.hxx> #include <docfac.hxx> // SwDocFac #include <iodetect.hxx> #include <IMark.hxx> class SfxFilterContainer; class SfxFilter; class SfxItemPool; class SfxItemSet; class SfxMedium; class SvPtrarr; class SvStream; class SvxFontItem; class SvxMacroTableDtor; class SwCntntNode; class SwCrsrShell; class SwDoc; class SwPaM; class SwTextBlocks; class vector; struct SwPosition; struct Writer_Impl; // Defines the count of chars at which a paragraph read via ASCII/W4W-Reader // is forced to wrap. It has to be always greater than 200!!! #define MAX_ASCII_PARA 10000 class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwAsciiOptions { String sFont; rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet; sal_uInt16 nLanguage; LineEnd eCRLF_Flag; public: const String& GetFontName() const { return sFont; } void SetFontName( const String& rFont ) { sFont = rFont; } rtl_TextEncoding GetCharSet() const { return eCharSet; } void SetCharSet( rtl_TextEncoding nVal ) { eCharSet = nVal; } sal_uInt16 GetLanguage() const { return nLanguage; } void SetLanguage( sal_uInt16 nVal ) { nLanguage = nVal; } LineEnd GetParaFlags() const { return eCRLF_Flag; } void SetParaFlags( LineEnd eVal ) { eCRLF_Flag = eVal; } void Reset() { sFont.Erase(); eCRLF_Flag = GetSystemLineEnd(); eCharSet = ::osl_getThreadTextEncoding(); nLanguage = 0; } // for the automatic conversion (mail/news/...) void ReadUserData( const String& ); void WriteUserData( String& ); SwAsciiOptions() { Reset(); } }; /**************** SwReader/Reader ************************/ // Base class of possible options for a special reader. class Reader; // Calls reader with its options, document, cursor etc. class SwReader; // SwRead is pointer to the read-options base class. typedef Reader *SwRead; class SwgReaderOption { SwAsciiOptions aASCIIOpts; union { sal_Bool bFmtsOnly; struct { sal_Bool bFrmFmts: 1; sal_Bool bPageDescs: 1; sal_Bool bTxtFmts: 1; sal_Bool bNumRules: 1; sal_Bool bMerge:1; } Fmts; } What; public: void ResetAllFmtsOnly() { What.bFmtsOnly = 0; } sal_Bool IsFmtsOnly() const { return What.bFmtsOnly; } sal_Bool IsFrmFmts() const { return What.Fmts.bFrmFmts; } void SetFrmFmts( const sal_Bool bNew) { What.Fmts.bFrmFmts = bNew; } sal_Bool IsPageDescs() const { return What.Fmts.bPageDescs; } void SetPageDescs( const sal_Bool bNew) { What.Fmts.bPageDescs = bNew; } sal_Bool IsTxtFmts() const { return What.Fmts.bTxtFmts; } void SetTxtFmts( const sal_Bool bNew) { What.Fmts.bTxtFmts = bNew; } sal_Bool IsNumRules() const { return What.Fmts.bNumRules; } void SetNumRules( const sal_Bool bNew) { What.Fmts.bNumRules = bNew; } sal_Bool IsMerge() const { return What.Fmts.bMerge; } void SetMerge( const sal_Bool bNew ) { What.Fmts.bMerge = bNew; } const SwAsciiOptions& GetASCIIOpts() const { return aASCIIOpts; } void SetASCIIOpts( const SwAsciiOptions& rOpts ) { aASCIIOpts = rOpts; } void ResetASCIIOpts() { aASCIIOpts.Reset(); } SwgReaderOption() { ResetAllFmtsOnly(); aASCIIOpts.Reset(); } }; class SwReader: public SwDocFac { SvStream* pStrm; SotStorageRef pStg; com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg; SfxMedium* pMedium; // Who wants to obtain a Medium (W4W). SwPaM* pCrsr; String aFileName; String sBaseURL; public: // Initial reading. Document is created only at Read(...) // or in case it is given, into that. // Special case for Load with Sw3Reader. SwReader( SfxMedium&, const String& rFilename, SwDoc *pDoc = 0 ); // Read into existing document. // Document and position in document are taken from SwPaM. SwReader( SvStream&, const String& rFilename, const String& rBaseURL, SwPaM& ); SwReader( SfxMedium&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& ); SwReader( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& ); // The only export interface is SwReader::Read(...)!!! sal_Bool NeedsPasswd( const Reader& ); sal_Bool CheckPasswd( const String&, const Reader& ); sal_uLong Read( const Reader& ); // Ask for glossaries. sal_Bool HasGlossaries( const Reader& ); sal_Bool ReadGlossaries( const Reader&, SwTextBlocks&, sal_Bool bSaveRelFiles ); const String& GetBaseURL() const { return sBaseURL;} protected: void SetBaseURL( const String& rURL ) { sBaseURL = rURL; } }; /**************** Special Readers ************************/ // Special Readers can be both!! (Excel, W4W, .. ). #define SW_STREAM_READER 1 #define SW_STORAGE_READER 2 class SW_DLLPUBLIC Reader { friend class SwReader; SwDoc* pTemplate; String aTemplateNm; Date aDStamp; Time aTStamp; DateTime aChkDateTime; protected: SvStream* pStrm; SotStorageRef pStg; com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg; SfxMedium* pMedium; // Who wants to obtain a Medium (W4W). SwgReaderOption aOpt; sal_Bool bInsertMode : 1; sal_Bool bTmplBrowseMode : 1; sal_Bool bReadUTF8: 1; // Interprete stream as UTF-8. sal_Bool bBlockMode: 1; sal_Bool bOrganizerMode : 1; sal_Bool bHasAskTemplateName : 1; sal_Bool bIgnoreHTMLComments : 1; virtual String GetTemplateName() const; public: Reader(); virtual ~Reader(); virtual int GetReaderType(); SwgReaderOption& GetReaderOpt() { return aOpt; } virtual void SetFltName( const String& rFltNm ); static void SetNoOutlineNum( SwDoc& rDoc ); // Adapt item-set of a Frm-Format to the old format. static void ResetFrmFmtAttrs( SfxItemSet &rFrmSet ); // Adapt Frame-/Graphics-/OLE- styles to the old format // (without borders etc.). static void ResetFrmFmts( SwDoc& rDoc ); // Load filter template, set it and release it again. SwDoc* GetTemplateDoc(); sal_Bool SetTemplate( SwDoc& rDoc ); void ClearTemplate(); void SetTemplateName( const String& rDir ); void MakeHTMLDummyTemplateDoc(); sal_Bool IsReadUTF8() const { return bReadUTF8; } void SetReadUTF8( sal_Bool bSet ) { bReadUTF8 = bSet; } sal_Bool IsBlockMode() const { return bBlockMode; } void SetBlockMode( sal_Bool bSet ) { bBlockMode = bSet; } sal_Bool IsOrganizerMode() const { return bOrganizerMode; } void SetOrganizerMode( sal_Bool bSet ) { bOrganizerMode = bSet; } void SetIgnoreHTMLComments( sal_Bool bSet ) { bIgnoreHTMLComments = bSet; } virtual sal_Bool HasGlossaries() const; virtual sal_Bool ReadGlossaries( SwTextBlocks&, sal_Bool bSaveRelFiles ) const; // Read the sections of the document, which is equal to the medium. // Returns the count of it virtual size_t GetSectionList( SfxMedium& rMedium, std::vector<String*>& rStrings ) const; SotStorageRef getSotStorageRef() { return pStg; }; void setSotStorageRef(SotStorageRef pStgRef) { pStg = pStgRef; }; private: virtual sal_uLong Read(SwDoc &, const String& rBaseURL, SwPaM &,const String &)=0; // Everyone who does not need the streams / storages open // has to overload the method (W4W!!). virtual int SetStrmStgPtr(); }; class AsciiReader: public Reader { friend class SwReader; virtual sal_uLong Read( SwDoc &, const String& rBaseURL, SwPaM &,const String &); public: AsciiReader(): Reader() {} }; class SW_DLLPUBLIC StgReader : public Reader { String aFltName; protected: sal_uLong OpenMainStream( SotStorageStreamRef& rRef, sal_uInt16& rBuffSize ); public: virtual int GetReaderType(); const String& GetFltName() { return aFltName; } virtual void SetFltName( const String& r ); }; // The given stream has to be created dynamically and must // be requested via Stream() before the instance is deleted! class SwImpBlocks; class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTextBlocks { SwImpBlocks* pImp; sal_uLong nErr; public: SwTextBlocks( const String& ); ~SwTextBlocks(); void Flush(){} SwDoc* GetDoc(); void ClearDoc(); // Delete Doc-contents. const String& GetName(); void SetName( const String& ); sal_uLong GetError() const { return nErr; } String GetBaseURL() const; void SetBaseURL( const String& rURL ); sal_Bool IsOld() const; sal_uLong ConvertToNew(); // Convert text modules. sal_uInt16 GetCount() const; // Get count text modules. sal_uInt16 GetIndex( const String& ) const; // Get index of short names. sal_uInt16 GetLongIndex( const String& ) const; // Get index of long names. const String& GetShortName( sal_uInt16 ) const; // Get short name for index. const String& GetLongName( sal_uInt16 ) const; // Get long name for index. sal_Bool Delete( sal_uInt16 ); sal_uInt16 Rename( sal_uInt16, const String*, const String* ); sal_uLong CopyBlock( SwTextBlocks& rSource, String& rSrcShort, const String& rLong ); sal_Bool BeginGetDoc( sal_uInt16 ); // Read text modules. void EndGetDoc(); // Release text modules. sal_Bool BeginPutDoc( const String&, const String& ); // Begin save. sal_uInt16 PutDoc(); // End save. sal_uInt16 PutText( const String&, const String&, const String& ); // Save (short name, text). sal_Bool IsOnlyTextBlock( sal_uInt16 ) const; sal_Bool IsOnlyTextBlock( const String& rShort ) const; const String& GetFileName() const; // Filename of pImp. sal_Bool IsReadOnly() const; // ReadOnly-flag of pImp. sal_Bool GetMacroTable( sal_uInt16 nIdx, SvxMacroTableDtor& rMacroTbl ); sal_Bool SetMacroTable( sal_uInt16 nIdx, const SvxMacroTableDtor& rMacroTbl ); sal_Bool StartPutMuchBlockEntries(); void EndPutMuchBlockEntries(); }; // BEGIN source/filter/basflt/fltini.cxx extern SwRead ReadAscii, /*ReadSwg, ReadSw3, */ReadHTML, ReadXML; SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRead SwGetReaderXML(); // END source/filter/basflt/fltini.cxx extern sal_Bool SetHTMLTemplate( SwDoc &rDoc ); //For templates from HTML before loading shellio.cxx. // Base-class of all writers. class IDocumentSettingAccess; class IDocumentStylePoolAccess; class SW_DLLPUBLIC Writer : public SvRefBase , private ::boost::noncopyable { SwAsciiOptions aAscOpts; String sBaseURL; void _AddFontItem( SfxItemPool& rPool, const SvxFontItem& rFont ); void _AddFontItems( SfxItemPool& rPool, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ); ::std::auto_ptr<Writer_Impl> m_pImpl; protected: SwPaM* pOrigPam; // Last Pam that has to be processed. const String* pOrigFileName; void ResetWriter(); sal_Bool CopyNextPam( SwPaM ** ); void PutNumFmtFontsInAttrPool(); void PutEditEngFontsInAttrPool( sal_Bool bIncl_CJK_CTL = sal_True ); virtual sal_uLong WriteStream() = 0; void SetBaseURL( const String& rURL ) { sBaseURL = rURL; } IDocumentSettingAccess* getIDocumentSettingAccess(); const IDocumentSettingAccess* getIDocumentSettingAccess() const; IDocumentStylePoolAccess* getIDocumentStylePoolAccess(); const IDocumentStylePoolAccess* getIDocumentStylePoolAccess() const; public: SwDoc* pDoc; SwPaM* pCurPam; sal_Bool bWriteAll : 1; sal_Bool bShowProgress : 1; sal_Bool bWriteClipboardDoc : 1; sal_Bool bWriteOnlyFirstTable : 1; sal_Bool bASCII_ParaAsCR : 1; sal_Bool bASCII_ParaAsBlanc : 1; sal_Bool bASCII_NoLastLineEnd : 1; sal_Bool bUCS2_WithStartChar : 1; sal_Bool bExportPargraphNumbering : 1; sal_Bool bBlock : 1; sal_Bool bOrganizerMode : 1; Writer(); virtual ~Writer(); virtual sal_uLong Write( SwPaM&, SfxMedium&, const String* = 0 ); sal_uLong Write( SwPaM&, SvStream&, const String* = 0 ); virtual sal_uLong Write( SwPaM&, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >&, const String* = 0, SfxMedium* = 0 ); virtual sal_uLong Write( SwPaM&, SotStorage&, const String* = 0 ); virtual void SetPasswd( const String& ); virtual void SetVersion( const String&, long ); virtual sal_Bool IsStgWriter() const; void SetShowProgress( sal_Bool bFlag = sal_False ) { bShowProgress = bFlag; } const String* GetOrigFileName() const { return pOrigFileName; } const SwAsciiOptions& GetAsciiOptions() const { return aAscOpts; } void SetAsciiOptions( const SwAsciiOptions& rOpt ) { aAscOpts = rOpt; } const String& GetBaseURL() const { return sBaseURL;} // Look up next bookmark position from bookmark-table. sal_Int32 FindPos_Bkmk( const SwPosition& rPos ) const; // Build a bookmark table, which is sort by the node position. The // OtherPos of the bookmarks also inserted. void CreateBookmarkTbl(); // Search alle Bookmarks in the range and return it in the Array. sal_uInt16 GetBookmarks( const SwCntntNode& rNd, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd, std::vector< const ::sw::mark::IMark* >& rArr ); // Create new PaM at position. static SwPaM * NewSwPaM(SwDoc & rDoc, sal_uLong const nStartIdx, sal_uLong const nEndIdx); // If applicable copy a local file into internet. sal_Bool CopyLocalFileToINet( String& rFileNm ); // Stream-specific routines. Do not use in storage-writer! // Optimizing output on stream. SvStream& OutLong( SvStream& rStrm, long nVal ); SvStream& OutULong( SvStream& rStrm, sal_uLong nVal ); inline SvStream& OutLong( long nVal ) { return OutLong( Strm(), nVal ); } inline SvStream& OutULong( sal_uLong nVal ) { return OutULong( Strm(), nVal ); } void SetStream(SvStream *const pStream); SvStream& Strm(); void SetOrganizerMode( sal_Bool bSet ) { bOrganizerMode = bSet; } }; #ifndef SW_DECL_WRITER_DEFINED #define SW_DECL_WRITER_DEFINED SV_DECL_REF(Writer) #endif SV_IMPL_REF(Writer) // Base class for all storage writers. class SW_DLLPUBLIC StgWriter : public Writer { protected: String aFltName; SotStorageRef pStg; com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg; // Create error at call. virtual sal_uLong WriteStream(); virtual sal_uLong WriteStorage() = 0; virtual sal_uLong WriteMedium( SfxMedium& ) = 0; using Writer::Write; public: StgWriter() : Writer() {} virtual sal_Bool IsStgWriter() const; virtual sal_uLong Write( SwPaM&, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >&, const String* = 0, SfxMedium* = 0 ); virtual sal_uLong Write( SwPaM&, SotStorage&, const String* = 0 ); SotStorage& GetStorage() const { return *pStg; } }; // Interface class for general access on special writers. class SwWriter { SvStream* pStrm; SotStorageRef pStg; com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg; SfxMedium* pMedium; SwPaM* pOutPam; SwCrsrShell *pShell; SwDoc &rDoc; sal_Bool bWriteAll; public: sal_uLong Write( WriterRef& rxWriter, const String* = 0); SwWriter( SvStream&, SwCrsrShell &,sal_Bool bWriteAll = sal_False ); SwWriter( SvStream&, SwDoc & ); SwWriter( SvStream&, SwPaM &, sal_Bool bWriteAll = sal_False ); SwWriter( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >&, SwDoc& ); SwWriter( SfxMedium&, SwCrsrShell &,sal_Bool bWriteAll = sal_False ); SwWriter( SfxMedium&, SwDoc & ); }; typedef Reader* (*FnGetReader)(); typedef void (*FnGetWriter)(const String&, const String& rBaseURL, WriterRef&); sal_uLong SaveOrDelMSVBAStorage( SfxObjectShell&, SotStorage&, sal_Bool, const String& ); sal_uLong GetSaveWarningOfMSVBAStorage( SfxObjectShell &rDocS ); struct SwReaderWriterEntry { Reader* pReader; FnGetReader fnGetReader; FnGetWriter fnGetWriter; sal_Bool bDelReader; SwReaderWriterEntry( const FnGetReader fnReader, const FnGetWriter fnWriter, sal_Bool bDel ) : pReader( NULL ), fnGetReader( fnReader ), fnGetWriter( fnWriter ), bDelReader( bDel ) {} /// Get access to the reader. Reader* GetReader(); /// Get access to the writer. void GetWriter( const String& rNm, const String& rBaseURL, WriterRef& xWrt ) const; }; namespace SwReaderWriter { /// Return reader based on ReaderWriterEnum. Reader* GetReader( ReaderWriterEnum eReader ); /// Return reader based on the name. Reader* GetReader( const String& rFltName ); /// Return writer based on the name. void GetWriter( const String& rFltName, const String& rBaseURL, WriterRef& xWrt ); } void GetRTFWriter( const String&, const String&, WriterRef& ); void GetASCWriter( const String&, const String&, WriterRef& ); void GetHTMLWriter( const String&, const String&, WriterRef& ); void GetXMLWriter( const String&, const String&, WriterRef& ); void GetWW8Writer( const String&, const String&, WriterRef& ); #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */