/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: swabstdlg.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-08-14 15:31:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SW_ABSTDLG_HXX #define _SW_ABSTDLG_HXX // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _SOLAR_H #include #endif #ifndef _STRING_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX2_DIALOG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SYSWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_REFERENCE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_SEQUENCE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XMODEL_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XCONTROLLER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XTEXTCURSOR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XNAMEACCESS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XCONTROL_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XNAMED_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _SWUNODEF_HXX #include "swunodef.hxx" #endif #ifndef _ITABENUM_HXX #include "itabenum.hxx" #endif class SfxViewFrame; class SfxBindings; class SfxItemSet; class ResId; class Window; class String; class SfxItemPool; class SfxStyleSheetBase; class SwGlossaryHdl; class SwField; class SwLabFmtPage; class SwLabRec; class SwAsciiOptions; class SwDocShell; class SvStream; class SwWrtShell; class SfxRequest; class SwView; class SwTableAutoFmt; class SwTOXMgr; class SwForm; struct CurTOXType; class SwTOXDescription; class SwTOXBase; class SwSection; struct SwDBData; class SwField; class Printer; class SwLabItem; class SwNewDBMgr; class SwTableFUNC; class SwChildWinWrapper; struct SfxChildWinInfo; class SwTOXMark; struct SwDocStat; #ifndef _CNTTAB_HXX #include //add for struct CurTOXType #endif namespace com{namespace sun{namespace star{ namespace frame{ class XFrame; } namespace sdbcx{ class XColumnsSupplier; } namespace sdbc{ class XDataSource; class XConnection; class XResultSet; } }}} typedef void (*SwLabDlgMethod) (::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel>& xModel, const SwLabItem& rItem); //CHINA001 class AbstractSwSaveLabelDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //CHINA001 add for SwSaveLabelDlg //CHINA001 { //CHINA001 public: //CHINA001 virtual void SetLabel(const rtl::OUString& rMake, const rtl::OUString& rType) = 0; //CHINA001 virtual sal_Bool GetLabel(SwLabItem& rItem) = 0; //CHINA001 } typedef String (*GlossaryGetCurrGroup)(); typedef void (*GlossarySetActGroup)(const String& rNewGroup); class AbstractGlossaryDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwGlossaryDlg { public: virtual String GetCurrGrpName() const = 0; virtual String GetCurrShortName() const = 0; }; class AbstractFldInputDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwFldInputDlg { public: //from class SalFrame virtual void SetWindowState( const ByteString& rStr ) = 0; virtual ByteString GetWindowState( ULONG nMask = WINDOWSTATE_MASK_ALL ) const = 0; }; class AbstractInsFootNoteDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwInsFootNoteDlg { public: virtual String GetFontName() = 0; virtual BOOL IsEndNote() = 0; virtual String GetStr() = 0; //from class Window virtual void SetHelpId( ULONG nHelpId ) = 0; virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr ) = 0; }; class AbstractInsertGrfRulerDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwInsertGrfRulerDlg { public: virtual String GetGraphicName() = 0; virtual BOOL IsSimpleLine() = 0; virtual BOOL HasImages() const = 0; }; class AbstractInsTableDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwInsTableDlg { public: virtual void GetValues( String& rName, USHORT& rRow, USHORT& rCol, SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTblFlags, String& rTableAutoFmtName, SwTableAutoFmt *& prTAFmt ) = 0; }; class AbstractJavaEditDialog : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwJavaEditDialog { public: virtual String GetText() = 0; virtual String GetType() = 0; virtual BOOL IsUrl() = 0; virtual BOOL IsNew() = 0; virtual BOOL IsUpdate() = 0; }; class AbstractMailMergeDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwMailMergeDlg { public: virtual USHORT GetMergeType() = 0; virtual const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any > GetSelection() const = 0; virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSet> GetResultSet() const = 0; }; class AbstractMailMergeCreateFromDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwMailMergeCreateFromDlg { public: virtual BOOL IsThisDocument() const = 0; }; class AbstractMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg { public: virtual BOOL IsUseExistingConnections() const = 0; }; class AbstractMultiTOXTabDialog : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwMultiTOXTabDialog { public: virtual SwForm* GetForm(CurTOXType eType) = 0; virtual CurTOXType GetCurrentTOXType() const = 0; virtual SwTOXDescription& GetTOXDescription(CurTOXType eTOXTypes) = 0; //from SfxTabDialog virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const = 0; }; class AbstractEditRegionDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwEditRegionDlg { public: virtual void SelectSection(const String& rSectionName) = 0; }; class AbstractInsertSectionTabDialog : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwInsertSectionTabDialog { public: virtual void SetSection(const SwSection& rSect) = 0; }; class AbstractSwWordCountDialog : public VclAbstractDialog { public: virtual void SetValues(const SwDocStat& rCurrent, const SwDocStat& rDoc) = 0; }; class AbstractSwInsertAbstractDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //CHINA001 add for SwInsertAbstractDlg { public: virtual BYTE GetLevel() const = 0; virtual BYTE GetPara() const = 0; }; class AbstractSwAsciiFilterDlg : public VclAbstractDialog // add for SwAsciiFilterDlg { public: virtual void FillOptions( SwAsciiOptions& rOptions ) = 0; }; class AbstractSwBreakDlg : public VclAbstractDialog // add for SwBreakDlg { public: virtual String GetTemplateName() = 0; virtual USHORT GetKind() = 0; virtual USHORT GetPageNumber() = 0; }; class AbstractSwConvertTableDlg : public VclAbstractDialog // add for SwConvertTableDlg { public: virtual void GetValues( sal_Unicode& rDelim, SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTblFlags, SwTableAutoFmt *& prTAFmt ) = 0; }; class AbstractSwInsertDBColAutoPilot : public VclAbstractDialog // add for SwInsertDBColAutoPilot { public: virtual void DataToDoc( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any >& rSelection, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XDataSource> rxSource, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection> xConnection, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSet > xResultSet) = 0; }; class AbstractDropDownFieldDialog : public VclAbstractDialog //add for DropDownFieldDialog { public: virtual ByteString GetWindowState( ULONG nMask = WINDOWSTATE_MASK_ALL ) const = 0; //this method inherit from SystemWindow virtual void SetWindowState( const ByteString& rStr ) =0;//this method inherit from SystemWindow }; class AbstarctSwLabDlg : public SfxAbstractTabDialog //add for SwLabDlg { public: virtual const String& GetBusinessCardStr() const = 0; virtual Printer *GetPrt() =0; }; class AbstarctSwSelGlossaryDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwSelGlossaryDlg { public: virtual void InsertGlos(const String &rRegion, const String &rGlosName) = 0; // inline virtual USHORT GetSelectedIdx() const = 0; // inline virtual void SelectEntryPos(USHORT nIdx) = 0; // inline }; class AbstractSwSplitTableDlg :public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwSplitTableDlg { public: virtual BOOL IsHorizontal() const = 0; virtual BOOL IsProportional() const = 0; virtual long GetCount() const = 0; }; class AbstractSwAutoFormatDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwAutoFormatDlg { public: virtual void FillAutoFmtOfIndex( SwTableAutoFmt*& rToFill ) const = 0; }; class AbstractSwFldDlg : public SfxAbstractTabDialog //add for SwFldDlg { public: virtual void Start( BOOL bShow = TRUE ) = 0; //this method from sfxtabdialog virtual void Initialize(SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual void ReInitDlg() = 0; virtual void ActivateDatabasePage() = 0; virtual void ShowPage( USHORT nId ) = 0;// this method from SfxTabDialog virtual Window * GetWindow() = 0; //this method is added for return a Window type pointer }; class AbstractSwRenameXNamedDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwRenameXNamedDlg { public: virtual void SetForbiddenChars( const String& rSet ) = 0; virtual void SetAlternativeAccess( STAR_REFERENCE( container::XNameAccess ) & xSecond, STAR_REFERENCE( container::XNameAccess ) & xThird ) = 0; }; class AbstractSwModalRedlineAcceptDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg { public: virtual void AcceptAll( BOOL bAccept ) = 0; }; class AbstractMarkFloatDlg : public VclAbstractDialog //add for SwIndexMarkFloatDlg & SwAuthMarkFloatDlg { public: virtual void ReInitDlg(SwWrtShell& rWrtShell) = 0; virtual Window * GetWindow() = 0; //this method is added for return a Window type pointer }; #define RET_LOAD_DOC 100 #define RET_EDIT_DOC 101 #define RET_EDIT_RESULT_DOC 102 #define RET_TARGET_CREATED 103 #define RET_REMOVE_TARGET 104 class SwView; class SwMailMergeConfigItem; class AbstractMailMergeWizard : public VclAbstractDialog { public: virtual void SetReloadDocument(const String& rURL) = 0; virtual const String& GetReloadDocument() const = 0; virtual BOOL ShowPage( USHORT nLevel ) = 0; virtual sal_uInt16 GetRestartPage() const = 0; }; //-------Swabstract fractory class SwAbstractDialogFactory { public: static SwAbstractDialogFactory* Create(); //CHINA001 virtual AbstractSwSaveLabelDlg* CreateSwSaveLabelDlg(SwLabFmtPage* pParent, SwLabRec& rRec, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; virtual AbstractSwWordCountDialog* CreateSwWordCountDialog( Window* pWindow ) = 0; virtual AbstractSwInsertAbstractDlg * CreateSwInsertAbstractDlg ( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //CHINA001 add for SwInsertAbstractDlg virtual AbstractSfxSingleTabDialog* CreateSfxSingleTabDialog ( Window* pParent, SfxItemSet& rSet,const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //CHINA001 add for SwAddrDlg SwDropCapsDlg, SwBackgroundDlg,SwNumFmtDlg, virtual AbstractSwAsciiFilterDlg* CreateSwAsciiFilterDlg ( Window* pParent, SwDocShell& rDocSh, SvStream* pStream, const ResId& rResId ) = 0;//CHINA001 add for SwAsciiFilterDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateSwInsertBookmarkDlg( Window *pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh, SfxRequest& rReq, const ResId& rResId ) = 0;//CHINA001 add for SwInsertBookmarkDlg virtual AbstractSwBreakDlg * CreateSwBreakDlg( Window *pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh,const ResId& rResId ) = 0; // add for SwBreakDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateSwChangeDBDlg( SwView& rVw, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwChangeDBDlg virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog * CreateSwCharDlg( Window* pParent, SwView& pVw, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet, const ResId& rResId, // add for SwCharDlg const String* pFmtStr = 0, BOOL bIsDrwTxtDlg = FALSE) = 0; virtual AbstractSwConvertTableDlg* CreateSwConvertTableDlg ( SwView& rView , const ResId& rResId, bool bToTable) = 0; //add for SwConvertTableDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateSwCaptionDialog ( Window *pParent, SwView &rV,const ResId& rResId) = 0; //add for SwCaptionDialog virtual AbstractSwInsertDBColAutoPilot* CreateSwInsertDBColAutoPilot( SwView& rView, // add for SwInsertDBColAutoPilot ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XDataSource> rxSource, com::sun::star::uno::Reference xColSupp, const SwDBData& rData, const ResId& rResId) = 0; virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog * CreateSwFootNoteOptionDlg( Window *pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh,const ResId& rResId) = 0;//add for SwFootNoteOptionDlg virtual AbstractDropDownFieldDialog * CreateDropDownFieldDialog ( Window *pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh, //add for DropDownFieldDialog SwField* pField,const ResId& rResId, BOOL bNextButton = FALSE ) = 0; virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSwEnvDlg ( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell* pWrtSh, Printer* pPrt, BOOL bInsert,const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwEnvDlg virtual AbstarctSwLabDlg* CreateSwLabDlg ( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet, //add for SwLabDlg SwNewDBMgr* pNewDBMgr, BOOL bLabel,const ResId& rResId ) = 0; virtual SwLabDlgMethod GetSwLabDlgStaticMethod () =0;//add for SwLabDlg virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSwParaDlg ( Window *pParent, //add for SwParaDlg SwView& rVw, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet, BYTE nDialogMode, const ResId& rResId, const String *pCollName = 0, BOOL bDraw = FALSE, UINT16 nDefPage = 0) = 0; virtual AbstarctSwSelGlossaryDlg * CreateSwSelGlossaryDlg ( Window * pParent, const String &rShortName, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwSelGlossaryDlg virtual AbstractSwSplitTableDlg * CreateSwSplitTableDlg ( Window *pParent, SwWrtShell& rShell,const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwSplitTableDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateVclAbstractDialog ( Window * pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwTableHeightDlg SwSortDlg ,SwSplitTblDlg virtual AbstractSwAutoFormatDlg * CreateSwAutoFormatDlg( Window* pParent, SwWrtShell* pShell, //add for SwAutoFormatDlg const ResId& rResId, BOOL bSetAutoFmt = TRUE, const SwTableAutoFmt* pSelFmt = 0 ) = 0; virtual AbstractSfxSingleTabDialog * CreateSwBorderDlg ( Window* pParent, SfxItemSet& rSet, USHORT nType,const ResId& rResId ) = 0;//add for SwBorderDlg virtual AbstractSfxSingleTabDialog * CreateSwWrapDlg ( Window* pParent, SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell* pSh, BOOL bDrawMode, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwWrapDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateSwTableWidthDlg ( Window *pParent, SwTableFUNC &rFnc , const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwTableWidthDlg virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSwTableTabDlg( Window* pParent, SfxItemPool& Pool, const SfxItemSet* pItemSet, SwWrtShell* pSh,const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwTableTabDlg virtual AbstractSwFldDlg * CreateSwFldDlg ( SfxBindings* pB, SwChildWinWrapper* pCW, Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwFldDlg virtual AbstractSfxSingleTabDialog* CreateSwFldEditDlg ( SwView& rVw, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwFldEditDlg virtual AbstractSwRenameXNamedDlg * CreateSwRenameXNamedDlg( Window* pParent, //add for SwRenameXNamedDlg STAR_REFERENCE( container::XNamed ) & xNamed, STAR_REFERENCE( container::XNameAccess ) & xNameAccess, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; virtual AbstractSwModalRedlineAcceptDlg * CreateSwModalRedlineAcceptDlg ( Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId ) = 0; //add for SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateSwVclDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, BOOL& rWithPrev ) = 0; //add for SwMergeTblDlg //CHINA001 virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateSwWrtShDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, SwWrtShell& rSh ) = 0; //add for SwColumnDlg virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateFrmTabDialog( const ResId& rResId, SfxViewFrame *pFrame, Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet, BOOL bNewFrm = TRUE, USHORT nResType = DLG_FRM_STD, BOOL bFmt = FALSE, UINT16 nDefPage = 0, const String* pFmtStr = 0) = 0; //add for SwFrmDlg virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateTemplateDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, SfxStyleSheetBase& rBase, USHORT nRegion, BOOL bColumn = FALSE, SwWrtShell* pActShell = 0, BOOL bNew = FALSE ) = 0; //add for SwTemplateDlg virtual AbstractGlossaryDlg* CreateGlossaryDlg( const ResId& rResId, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, SwGlossaryHdl* pGlosHdl, SwWrtShell *pWrtShell) = 0; //add for SwGlossaryDlg virtual AbstractFldInputDlg* CreateFldInputDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window *pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh, SwField* pField, BOOL bNextButton = FALSE ) = 0; //add for SwFldInputDlg virtual AbstractInsFootNoteDlg* CreateInsFootNoteDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window * pParent, SwWrtShell &rSh, BOOL bEd = FALSE) = 0; //add for SwInsFootNoteDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateVclSwViewDialog( const ResId& rResId, SwView& rView, BOOL bCol = FALSE ) = 0; //add for SwInsRowColDlg, SwLineNumberingDlg virtual AbstractInsertGrfRulerDlg* CreateInsertGrfRulerDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window * pParent ) = 0; //add for SwInsertGrfRulerDlg virtual AbstractInsTableDlg* CreateInsTableDlg( const ResId& rResId, SwView& rView ) = 0; //add for SwInsTableDlg virtual AbstractJavaEditDialog* CreateJavaEditDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, SwWrtShell* pWrtSh ) = 0; //add for SwJavaEditDialog virtual AbstractMailMergeDlg* CreateMailMergeDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, SwWrtShell& rSh, const String& rSourceName, const String& rTblName, sal_Int32 nCommandType, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection>& xConnection, ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any >* pSelection = 0 ) = 0; //add for SwMailMergeDlg virtual AbstractMailMergeCreateFromDlg* CreateMailMergeCreateFromDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent ) = 0; //add for SwMailMergeCreateFromDlg virtual AbstractMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg* CreateMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent ) = 0; //add for SwMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateMultiTOXMarkDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, SwTOXMgr &rTOXMgr ) = 0; //add for SwMultiTOXMarkDlg virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSwTabDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pSwItemSet, SwWrtShell &) = 0; //add for SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog, SwOutlineTabDialog virtual AbstractMultiTOXTabDialog* CreateMultiTOXTabDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell &rShell, SwTOXBase* pCurTOX, USHORT nToxType = USHRT_MAX, BOOL bGlobal = FALSE) = 0; //add for SwMultiTOXTabDialog virtual AbstractEditRegionDlg* CreateEditRegionDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, SwWrtShell& rWrtSh ) = 0; //add for SwEditRegionDlg virtual AbstractInsertSectionTabDialog* CreateInsertSectionTabDialog( const ResId& rResId, Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell& rSh ) = 0; //add for SwInsertSectionTabDialog virtual AbstractMarkFloatDlg* CreateIndexMarkFloatDlg( const ResId& rResId, SfxBindings* pBindings, SfxChildWindow* pChild, Window *pParent, SfxChildWinInfo* pInfo, sal_Bool bNew=sal_True) = 0; //add for SwIndexMarkFloatDlg virtual AbstractMarkFloatDlg* CreateAuthMarkFloatDlg( const ResId& rResId, SfxBindings* pBindings, SfxChildWindow* pChild, Window *pParent, SfxChildWinInfo* pInfo, sal_Bool bNew=sal_True) = 0; //add for SwAuthMarkFloatDlg virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateIndexMarkModalDlg( const ResId& rResId, Window *pParent, SwWrtShell& rSh, SwTOXMark* pCurTOXMark ) = 0; //add for SwIndexMarkModalDlg virtual AbstractMailMergeWizard* CreateMailMergeWizard(SwView& rView, SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem) = 0; //add for static func in SwGlossaryDlg virtual GlossaryGetCurrGroup GetGlossaryCurrGroupFunc( USHORT nId ) = 0; virtual GlossarySetActGroup SetGlossaryActGroupFunc( USHORT nId ) = 0; // for tabpage virtual CreateTabPage GetTabPageCreatorFunc( USHORT nId ) = 0; virtual GetTabPageRanges GetTabPageRangesFunc( USHORT nId ) = 0; }; #endif