/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: undobj.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.30 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-08-14 15:36:15 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _UNDOBJ_HXX #define _UNDOBJ_HXX #ifndef _SVMEMPOOL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTS #define _SVSTDARR_ULONGS #define _SVSTDARR_BOOLS #define _SVSTDARR_BYTES #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTSSORT #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_SEQUENCE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _NUMRULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ITABENUM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FORMAT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SW_REWRITER_HXX #include #endif #include // #111827# class SwUndoIter; class SwHistory; class SwIndex; class SwPaM; struct SwPosition; class SwDoc; class SwFmt; class SwFmtColl; class SwTxtFmtColl; class SwTxtNode; class SwBookmark; class SwTableNode; class SwTable; class SwTableBox; struct SwSortOptions; class SwFrmFmt; class SwHstryBookmark; class SwSection; class SwSectionFmt; class SvxTabStopItem; class SwDDEFieldType; class Graphic; class SwGrfNode; class SwUndos; class SwFtnInfo; class SwEndNoteInfo; class SwNodeIndex; class SwNodeRange; class SwFmtAnchor; struct SwUndoGroupObjImpl; class SdrMark; class SdrMarkList; class SdrObject; class SdrObjGroup; class SdrUndoAction; class SwDrawFrmFmt; class _SaveTable; class SwTableAutoFmt; class SwSelBoxes; class SwTableSortBoxes; class SwUndoSaveSections; class SwUndoMoves; class SwStartNode; class _SaveFlyArr; class SwTblToTxtSaves; class SwRedlineData; class SwRedlineSaveData; class SwRedline; namespace utl { class TransliterationWrapper; }; #ifndef PRODUCT class Writer; class SwUndo; #define OUT_UNDOBJ( name ) \ friend Writer& OutUndo_ ## name( Writer&, const SwUndo& ); #else #define OUT_UNDOBJ( name ) #endif const String UNDO_ARG1("$1", RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); const String UNDO_ARG2("$2", RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); const String UNDO_ARG3("$3", RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); typedef SwRedlineSaveData* SwRedlineSaveDataPtr; SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL( SwRedlineSaveDatas, SwRedlineSaveDataPtr, 8, 8 ) class SwUndo { USHORT nId; USHORT nOrigRedlineMode; protected: bool bCacheComment; mutable String * pComment; void RemoveIdxFromSection( SwDoc&, ULONG nSttIdx, ULONG* pEndIdx = 0 ); void RemoveIdxFromRange( SwPaM& rPam, BOOL bMoveNext ); void RemoveIdxRel( ULONG, const SwPosition& ); void SetId( USHORT nNew ) { nId = nNew; } static BOOL CanRedlineGroup( SwRedlineSaveDatas& rCurr, const SwRedlineSaveDatas& rCheck, BOOL bCurrIsEnd ); // #111827# /** Returns the rewriter for this object. @return the rewriter for this object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; public: SwUndo( USHORT nI ); virtual ~SwUndo(); USHORT GetId() const { return nId; } virtual USHORT GetEffectiveId() const; virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ) = 0; virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ) = 0; virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns textual comment for this undo object. The textual comment is created from the resource string corresponding to this object's ID. The rewriter of this object is applied to the resource string to get the final comment. @return textual comment for this undo object */ virtual String GetComment() const; // das UndoObject merkt sich, welcher Mode eingeschaltet war. // In Undo/Redo/Repeat wird dann immer auf diesen zurueck geschaltet USHORT GetRedlineMode() const { return nOrigRedlineMode; } void SetRedlineMode( USHORT eMode ) { nOrigRedlineMode = eMode; } bool IsDelBox() const; // sicher und setze die RedlineDaten static BOOL FillSaveData( const SwPaM& rRange, SwRedlineSaveDatas& rSData, BOOL bDelRange = TRUE, BOOL bCopyNext = TRUE ); static BOOL FillSaveDataForFmt( const SwPaM& , SwRedlineSaveDatas& ); static void SetSaveData( SwDoc& rDoc, const SwRedlineSaveDatas& rSData ); static BOOL HasHiddenRedlines( const SwRedlineSaveDatas& rSData ); }; // diese Klasse muss in ein Undo-Object vererbt werden, wenn dieses Inhalt // fuers Redo/Undo ... speichert class SwUndoSaveCntnt { protected: SwHistory* pHistory; // wird fuer das loeschen von Inhalt benoetigt. Fuer das ReDo werden // Inhalte in das UndoNodesArray verschoben. Diese Methoden fuegen // am Ende eines TextNodes ein Trenner fuer die Attribute. Damit werden // Attribute nicht expandiert. // MoveTo.. verschiebt aus dem NodesArray in das UndoNodesArray // MoveFrom.. verschiebt aus dem UndoNodesArray in das NodesArray void MoveToUndoNds( SwPaM& rPam, SwNodeIndex* pNodeIdx = 0, SwIndex* pCntIdx = 0, ULONG* pEndNdIdx = 0, xub_StrLen * pEndCntIdx = 0 ); void MoveFromUndoNds( SwDoc& rDoc, ULONG nNodeIdx, xub_StrLen nCntntIdx, SwPosition& rInsPos, ULONG* pEndNdIdx = 0, xub_StrLen * pEndCntIdx = 0 ); // diese beiden Methoden bewegen den SPoint vom Pam zurueck/vor. Damit // kann fuer ein Undo/Redo ein Bereich aufgespannt werden. (Der // SPoint liegt dann vor dem manipuliertem Bereich !!) // Das Flag gibt an, ob noch vorm SPoint Inhalt steht. BOOL MovePtBackward( SwPaM& rPam ); void MovePtForward( SwPaM& rPam, BOOL bMvBkwrd ); // vor dem Move ins UndoNodes-Array muss dafuer gesorgt werden, das // die Inhaltstragenden Attribute aus dem Nodes-Array entfernt werden. enum DelCntntType{ DELCNT_FTN = 0x01, DELCNT_FLY = 0x02, DELCNT_TOC = 0x04, DELCNT_BKM = 0x08, DELCNT_ALL = 0x0F, DELCNT_CHKNOCNTNT = 0x80 // nur den NodeIndex beachten }; void DelCntntIndex( const SwPosition& pMark, const SwPosition& pPoint, DelCntntType nDelCntntType = DELCNT_ALL ); public: SwUndoSaveCntnt(); ~SwUndoSaveCntnt(); OUT_UNDOBJ( SaveCntnt ) }; // sicher eine vollstaendige Section im Nodes-Array class SwUndoSaveSection : private SwUndoSaveCntnt { SwNodeIndex *pMvStt; SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData; ULONG nMvLen; // Index ins UndoNodes-Array ULONG nStartPos; protected: SwNodeIndex* GetMvSttIdx() const { return pMvStt; } ULONG GetMvNodeCnt() const { return nMvLen; } public: SwUndoSaveSection(); ~SwUndoSaveSection(); void SaveSection( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwNodeIndex& rSttIdx ); void SaveSection( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwNodeRange& rRange ); void RestoreSection( SwDoc* pDoc, SwNodeIndex* pIdx, USHORT nSectType ); void RestoreSection( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwNodeIndex& rInsPos ); const SwHistory* GetHistory() const { return pHistory; } SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } OUT_UNDOBJ( SaveSection ) }; // Diese Klasse speichert den Pam als USHORT's und kann diese wieder zu // einem PaM zusammensetzen class SwUndRng { public: ULONG nSttNode, nEndNode; xub_StrLen nSttCntnt, nEndCntnt; SwUndRng(); SwUndRng( const SwPaM& ); void SetValues( const SwPaM& rPam ); void SetPaM( SwPaM&, BOOL bCorrToCntnt = FALSE ) const; void SetPaM( SwUndoIter&, BOOL bCorrToCntnt = FALSE ) const; }; class SwUndoStart: public SwUndo { // Um innerhalb von Undo zuerkennen, wann ein Start vorliegt, gibt // GetId() immer die UNDO_START zurueck. Die UserId kann ueber // GetUserId() erfragt werden. USHORT nUserId; // fuer die "Verpointerung" von Start- und End-Undos USHORT nEndOffset; SwRewriter mRewriter; public: SwUndoStart( USHORT nId ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // -> #111827# virtual String GetComment() const; void SetRewriter(const SwRewriter & rRewriter); virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; // <- #111827# virtual USHORT GetEffectiveId() const; USHORT GetUserId() const { return nUserId; } // Setzen vom End-Undo-Offset geschieht im Doc::EndUndo USHORT GetEndOffset() const { return nEndOffset; } void SetEndOffset( USHORT n ) { nEndOffset = n; } OUT_UNDOBJ( Start ) }; class SwUndoEnd: public SwUndo { // Um innerhalb von Undo zuerkennen, wann ein Ende vorliegt, gibt // GetId() immer die UNDO_END zurueck. Die UserId kann ueber // GetUserId() erfragt werden. USHORT nUserId; // fuer die "Verpointerung" von Start- und End-Undos USHORT nSttOffset; SwRewriter mRewriter; public: SwUndoEnd( USHORT nId ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // -> #111827# virtual String GetComment() const; void SetRewriter(const SwRewriter & rRewriter); virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; // <- #111827# virtual USHORT GetEffectiveId() const; USHORT GetUserId() const { return nUserId; } // Setzen vom Start-Undo-Offset geschieht im Doc::EndUndo void SetSttOffset(USHORT _nSttOffSet) { nSttOffset = _nSttOffSet; } USHORT GetSttOffset() const { return nSttOffset; } OUT_UNDOBJ( End ) }; class SwUndoInsert: public SwUndo, private SwUndoSaveCntnt { SwPosition *pPos; // Inhalt fuers Redo String *pTxt, *pUndoTxt; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nCntnt, nLen; BOOL bIsWordDelim : 1; BOOL bIsAppend : 1; friend class SwDoc; // eigentlich nur SwDoc::Insert( String ) BOOL CanGrouping( sal_Unicode cIns ); BOOL CanGrouping( const SwPosition& rPos ); SwDoc * pDoc; void Init(const SwNodeIndex & rNode); String * GetTxtFromDoc() const; public: SwUndoInsert( const SwNodeIndex& rNode, xub_StrLen nCntnt, xub_StrLen nLen, BOOL bWDelim = TRUE ); SwUndoInsert( const SwNodeIndex& rNode ); virtual ~SwUndoInsert(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns rewriter for this undo object. The returned rewriter has the following rule: $1 -> '' is shortened to a length of nUndoStringLength. @return rewriter for this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; BOOL CanGrouping( const SwPosition&, sal_Unicode cIns ); OUT_UNDOBJ( Insert ) DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL(SwUndoInsert) }; class SwUndoDelete: public SwUndo, private SwUndRng, private SwUndoSaveCntnt { SwNodeIndex* pMvStt; // Position der Nodes im UndoNodes-Array String *pSttStr, *pEndStr; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData; String sTableName; ULONG nNode; ULONG nNdDiff; // Differenz von Nodes vor-nach Delete ULONG nSectDiff; // Diff. von Nodes vor/nach Move mit SectionNodes ULONG nReplaceDummy; // Diff. to a temporary dummy object USHORT nSetPos; BOOL bGroup : 1; // TRUE: ist schon eine Gruppe; wird in CanGrouping() ausgwertet !! BOOL bBackSp : 1; // TRUE: wenn Gruppierung und der Inhalt davor geloescht wird BOOL bJoinNext: 1; // TRUE: wenn der Bereich von Oben nach unten geht BOOL bTblDelLastNd : 1; // TRUE: TextNode hinter der Tabelle einf./loeschen BOOL bDelFullPara : 1; // TRUE: gesamte Nodes wurden geloescht BOOL bResetPgDesc : 1; // TRUE: am nachfolgenden Node das PgDsc zuruecksetzen BOOL bResetPgBrk : 1; // TRUE: am nachfolgenden Node das PgBreak zuruecksetzen BOOL bFromTableCopy : 1; // TRUE: called by SwUndoTblCpyTbl BOOL SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd, SwTxtNode* pSttTxtNd, SwTxtNode* pEndTxtNd ); public: SwUndoDelete( SwPaM&, BOOL bFullPara = FALSE, BOOL bCalledByTblCpy = FALSE ); virtual ~SwUndoDelete(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns rewriter for this undo object. The rewriter consists of the following rule: $1 -> '' is shortened to nUndoStringLength characters. @return rewriter for this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; BOOL CanGrouping( SwDoc*, const SwPaM& ); void SetTblDelLastNd() { bTblDelLastNd = TRUE; } // fuer die PageDesc/PageBreak Attribute einer Tabelle void SetPgBrkFlags( BOOL bPageBreak, BOOL bPageDesc ) { bResetPgDesc = bPageDesc; bResetPgBrk = bPageBreak; } void SetTableName(const String & rName); // SwUndoTblCpyTbl needs this information: long NodeDiff() const { return nSttNode - nEndNode; } xub_StrLen ContentStart() const { return nSttCntnt; } BOOL IsDelFullPara() const { return bDelFullPara; } OUT_UNDOBJ( Delete ) DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL(SwUndoDelete) }; class SwUndoOverwrite: public SwUndo, private SwUndoSaveCntnt { String aDelStr, aInsStr; SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData; ULONG nSttNode; xub_StrLen nSttCntnt; BOOL bInsChar : 1; // kein Overwrite mehr; sondern Insert BOOL bGroup : 1; // TRUE: ist schon eine Gruppe; wird in // CanGrouping() ausgwertet !! public: SwUndoOverwrite( SwDoc*, SwPosition&, sal_Unicode cIns ); virtual ~SwUndoOverwrite(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns the rewriter of this undo object. The rewriter contains the following rule: $1 -> '' is shortened to nUndoStringLength characters. @return the rewriter of this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; BOOL CanGrouping( SwDoc*, SwPosition&, sal_Unicode cIns ); OUT_UNDOBJ( Overwrite ) }; class SwUndoSplitNode: public SwUndo { SwHistory* pHistory; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nCntnt; BOOL bTblFlag : 1; BOOL bChkTblStt : 1; public: SwUndoSplitNode( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwPosition& rPos, BOOL bChkTbl ); virtual ~SwUndoSplitNode(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SetTblFlag() { bTblFlag = TRUE; } OUT_UNDOBJ( SplitNode ) }; class SwUndoMove : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng, private SwUndoSaveCntnt { // nDest.. - Bereich, in den verschoben wurde (nach dem Move!) // nIns.. - Position, von der verschoben wurde und wieder die neue InsPos. ist // nMv.. Position auf die verschoben wird (vor dem Move!) ; fuers REDO ULONG nDestSttNode, nDestEndNode, nInsPosNode, nMvDestNode; xub_StrLen nDestSttCntnt, nDestEndCntnt, nInsPosCntnt, nMvDestCntnt; USHORT nFtnStt; // StartPos der Fussnoten in der History BOOL bJoinNext : 1, bJoinPrev : 1, bMoveRange : 1; bool bMoveRedlines; // use DOC_MOVEREDLINES when calling SwDoc::Move void DelFtn( const SwPaM& ); public: SwUndoMove( const SwPaM&, const SwPosition& ); SwUndoMove( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwNodeRange&, const SwNodeIndex& ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); // setze den Destination-Bereich nach dem Verschieben. void SetDestRange( const SwPaM&, const SwPosition&, BOOL, BOOL ); void SetDestRange( const SwNodeIndex& rStt, const SwNodeIndex& rEnd, const SwNodeIndex& rInsPos ); BOOL IsMoveRange() const { return bMoveRange; } ULONG GetEndNode() const { return nEndNode; } ULONG GetDestSttNode() const { return nDestSttNode; } xub_StrLen GetDestSttCntnt() const { return nDestSttCntnt; } void AddTblMrgFlyHstry( SwHistory& rHstr ); void SetMoveRedlines( bool b ) { bMoveRedlines = b; } OUT_UNDOBJ( Move ) }; class SwUndoAttr : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SfxItemSet aSet; // Attribute fuers Redo SwHistory* pHistory; // History fuers Undo SwRedlineData* pRedlData; // Redlining SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData; ULONG nNdIdx; // fuers Redlining - Offset USHORT nInsFlags; // Einfuege Flags void RemoveIdx( SwDoc& rDoc ); public: SwUndoAttr( const SwPaM&, const SfxItemSet&, USHORT nFlags = 0 ); SwUndoAttr( const SwPaM&, const SfxPoolItem&, USHORT nFlags = 0 ); virtual ~SwUndoAttr(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } void SaveRedlineData( const SwPaM& rPam, BOOL bInsCntnt ); OUT_UNDOBJ( InsAttr ) }; class SwUndoRstAttr : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SwHistory* pHistory; SvUShortsSort aIds; USHORT nFmtId; // Format-Id fuer das Redo public: SwUndoRstAttr( const SwPaM&, USHORT nFmtId ); SwUndoRstAttr( const SwDoc&, const SwPosition&, USHORT nWhichId ); virtual ~SwUndoRstAttr(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SetAttrs( const SvUShortsSort& rArr ); SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } OUT_UNDOBJ( ResetAttr ) }; class SwUndoFmtAttr : public SwUndo { friend class SwUndoDefaultAttr; SwFmt* pFmt; SfxItemSet* pOldSet; // die alten Attribute ULONG nNode; USHORT nFmtWhich; BOOL bSaveDrawPt; int IsFmtInDoc( SwDoc* ); // ist das Attribut-Format noch im Doc ? void SaveFlyAnchor( BOOL bSaveDrawPt = FALSE ); // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - Add return value, type . // Return value indicates, if anchor attribute is restored. // Notes: - If anchor attribute is restored, all other existing attributes // are also restored. // - Anchor attribute isn't restored successfully, if it contains // an invalid anchor position and all other existing attributes // aren't restored. // This situation occurs for undo of styles. bool RestoreFlyAnchor( SwUndoIter& rIter ); // <-- void Init(); public: // meldet sich im Format an und sichert sich die alten Attribute SwUndoFmtAttr( const SfxItemSet& rOldSet, SwFmt& rFmt, BOOL bSaveDrawPt = TRUE ); SwUndoFmtAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rItem, SwFmt& rFmt, BOOL bSaveDrawPt = TRUE ); virtual ~SwUndoFmtAttr(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - calls - nothing else virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); // <-- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; OUT_UNDOBJ( InsFmtAttr ) void PutAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ); SwFmt* GetFmt( SwDoc& rDoc ); // prueft, ob es noch im Doc ist! }; class SwUndoDontExpandFmt : public SwUndo { ULONG nNode; xub_StrLen nCntnt; public: SwUndoDontExpandFmt( const SwPosition& rPos ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); }; // Hilfs-Klasse, um die geaenderten Sets zu "empfangen" struct _UndoFmtAttr : public SwClient { SwUndoFmtAttr* pUndo; BOOL bSaveDrawPt; _UndoFmtAttr( SwFmt& rFmt, BOOL bSaveDrawPt = TRUE ); virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem*, SfxPoolItem* ); }; class SwUndoFmtColl : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { String aFmtName; SwHistory* pHistory; SwFmtColl* pFmtColl; public: SwUndoFmtColl( const SwPaM&, SwFmtColl* ); virtual ~SwUndoFmtColl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns the rewriter for this undo object. The rewriter contains one rule: $1 -> is the name of the format collection that is applied by the action recorded by this undo object. @return the rewriter for this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } OUT_UNDOBJ( SetFmtColl ) }; class SwUndoMoveLeftMargin : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SwHistory* pHistory; BOOL bModulus; public: SwUndoMoveLeftMargin( const SwPaM&, BOOL bRight, BOOL bModulus ); virtual ~SwUndoMoveLeftMargin(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } OUT_UNDOBJ( MoveLeftMargin ) }; // Basis-Klasse fuer Insert von Dokument, Glossaries und Kopieren class SwUndoInserts : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng, private SwUndoSaveCntnt { SwTxtFmtColl *pTxtFmtColl, *pLastNdColl; SvPtrarr* pFrmFmts; SwUndos* pFlyUndos; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; BOOL bSttWasTxtNd; protected: ULONG nNdDiff; SwPosition *pPos; // Inhalt fuers Redo USHORT nSetPos; // Start in der History-Liste SwUndoInserts( USHORT nUndoId, const SwPaM& ); public: virtual ~SwUndoInserts(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // setze den Destination-Bereich nach dem Einlesen. void SetInsertRange( const SwPaM&, BOOL bScanFlys = TRUE, BOOL bSttWasTxtNd = TRUE ); OUT_UNDOBJ( Inserts ) }; class SwUndoInsDoc : public SwUndoInserts { public: SwUndoInsDoc( const SwPaM& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( InsDoc ) }; class SwUndoCpyDoc : public SwUndoInserts { public: SwUndoCpyDoc( const SwPaM& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( Copy ) }; class SwUndoInsTbl : public SwUndo { String sTblNm; SwInsertTableOptions aInsTblOpts; SwDDEFieldType* pDDEFldType; SvUShorts* pColWidth; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; SwTableAutoFmt* pAutoFmt; ULONG nSttNode; USHORT nRows, nCols; USHORT nAdjust; public: SwUndoInsTbl( const SwPosition&, USHORT nCols, USHORT nRows, USHORT eAdjust, const SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTblOpts, const SwTableAutoFmt* pTAFmt, const SvUShorts* pColArr, const String & rName); virtual ~SwUndoInsTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; OUT_UNDOBJ( InsTable ) }; class SwUndoTxtToTbl : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng { String sTblNm; SwInsertTableOptions aInsTblOpts; SvULongs* pDelBoxes; SwTableAutoFmt* pAutoFmt; SwHistory* pHistory; sal_Unicode cTrenner; USHORT nAdjust; BOOL bSplitEnd : 1; public: SwUndoTxtToTbl( const SwPaM&, const SwInsertTableOptions&, sal_Unicode , USHORT, const SwTableAutoFmt* pAFmt ); virtual ~SwUndoTxtToTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); SwHistory& GetHistory(); // wird ggfs. angelegt void AddFillBox( const SwTableBox& rBox ); OUT_UNDOBJ( TextToTable ) }; class SwUndoTblToTxt : public SwUndo { String sTblNm; SwDDEFieldType* pDDEFldType; _SaveTable* pTblSave; SwTblToTxtSaves* pBoxSaves; SwHistory* pHistory; ULONG nSttNd, nEndNd; USHORT nAdjust; sal_Unicode cTrenner; USHORT nHdlnRpt; BOOL bCheckNumFmt : 1; public: SwUndoTblToTxt( const SwTable& rTbl, sal_Unicode cCh ); virtual ~SwUndoTblToTxt(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SetRange( const SwNodeRange& ); void AddBoxPos( SwDoc& rDoc, ULONG nNdIdx, ULONG nEndIdx, xub_StrLen nCntntIdx = STRING_MAXLEN); OUT_UNDOBJ( TableToText ) }; class SwUndoAttrTbl : public SwUndo { ULONG nSttNode; _SaveTable* pSaveTbl; BOOL bClearTabCol : 1; public: SwUndoAttrTbl( const SwTableNode& rTblNd, BOOL bClearTabCols = FALSE ); virtual ~SwUndoAttrTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( SetTableAttr ) }; class SwUndoTblAutoFmt : public SwUndo { ULONG nSttNode; _SaveTable* pSaveTbl; SwUndos* pUndos; BOOL bSaveCntntAttr; void UndoRedo( BOOL bUndo, SwUndoIter& rUndoIter ); public: SwUndoTblAutoFmt( const SwTableNode& rTblNd, const SwTableAutoFmt& ); virtual ~SwUndoTblAutoFmt(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void SaveBoxCntnt( const SwTableBox& rBox ); OUT_UNDOBJ( TableAutoFmt ) }; class SwUndoTblNdsChg : public SwUndo { _SaveTable* pSaveTbl; SvULongs aBoxes; union { SvULongs* pNewSttNds; SwUndoSaveSections* pDelSects; } Ptrs; SvBools aMvBoxes; // fuers SplitRow (aufgeteilte Nodes einer Box) ULONG nSttNode, nCurrBox; USHORT nCount, nRelDiff, nAbsDiff, nSetColType; BOOL bFlag; BOOL bSameHeight; // only used for SplitRow public: SwUndoTblNdsChg( USHORT UndoId, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, const SwTableNode& rTblNd, USHORT nCnt, BOOL bFlg, BOOL bSameHeight = FALSE ); // fuer SetColWidth SwUndoTblNdsChg( USHORT UndoId, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, const SwTableNode& rTblNd ); virtual ~SwUndoTblNdsChg(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void SaveNewBoxes( const SwTableNode& rTblNd, const SwTableSortBoxes& rOld ); void SaveNewBoxes( const SwTableNode& rTblNd, const SwTableSortBoxes& rOld, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, const SvULongs& rNodeCnts ); void SaveSection( SwStartNode* pSttNd ); void SetColWidthParam( ULONG nBoxIdx, USHORT nMode, USHORT nType, SwTwips nAbsDif, SwTwips nRelDif ) { nCurrBox = nBoxIdx; nCount = nMode; nSetColType = nType; nAbsDiff = (USHORT)nAbsDif; nRelDiff = (USHORT)nRelDif; } OUT_UNDOBJ( TblNodesChg ) }; class SwUndoTblMerge : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { ULONG nTblNode; _SaveTable* pSaveTbl; SvULongs aBoxes, aNewSttNds; SwUndoMoves* pMoves; SwHistory* pHistory; public: SwUndoTblMerge( const SwPaM& rTblSel ); virtual ~SwUndoTblMerge(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void MoveBoxCntnt( SwPaM& rPam, SwPosition& rPos, const _SaveFlyArr& ); void MoveBoxCntnt( SwDoc* pDoc, SwNodeRange& rRg, SwNodeIndex& rPos ); void SetSelBoxes( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes ); void AddNewBox( ULONG nSttNdIdx ) { aNewSttNds.Insert( nSttNdIdx, aNewSttNds.Count() ); } void SaveCollection( const SwTableBox& rBox ); OUT_UNDOBJ( TblMerge ) }; class SwUndoTblNumFmt : public SwUndo { SfxItemSet *pBoxSet; SwHistory* pHistory; String aStr, aNewFml; ULONG nFmtIdx, nNewFmtIdx; double fNum, fNewNum; ULONG nNode; BOOL bNewFmt : 1; BOOL bNewFml : 1; BOOL bNewValue : 1; public: SwUndoTblNumFmt( const SwTableBox& rBox, const SfxItemSet* pNewSet = 0 ); virtual ~SwUndoTblNumFmt(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void SetNumFmt( ULONG nNewFmtIdx, const double& rNewNumber ) { nFmtIdx = nNewFmtIdx; fNum = rNewNumber; } void SetBox( const SwTableBox& rBox ); OUT_UNDOBJ( TblNumFmt ) }; class _UndoTblCpyTbl_Entries; class SwUndoTblCpyTbl : public SwUndo { _UndoTblCpyTbl_Entries* pArr; SwUndoTblNdsChg* pInsRowUndo; //b6341295: When redlining is active, PrepareRedline has to create the redlining attributes //for the new and the old table cell content SwUndo* PrepareRedline( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwTableBox& rBox, const SwPosition& rPos, bool& rJoin, bool bRedo ); public: SwUndoTblCpyTbl(); virtual ~SwUndoTblCpyTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void AddBoxBefore( const SwTableBox& rBox, BOOL bDelCntnt ); void AddBoxAfter( const SwTableBox& rBox, const SwNodeIndex& rIdx, BOOL bDelCntnt ); BOOL IsEmpty() const; BOOL InsertRow( SwTable& rTbl, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, USHORT nCnt ); OUT_UNDOBJ( TblCpyTbl ) }; class SwUndoCpyTbl : public SwUndo { SwUndoDelete* pDel; ULONG nTblNode; public: SwUndoCpyTbl(); virtual ~SwUndoCpyTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void SetTableSttIdx( ULONG nIdx ) { nTblNode = nIdx; } OUT_UNDOBJ( CpyTbl ) }; class SwUndoSplitTbl : public SwUndo { ULONG nTblNode, nOffset; _SaveTable* pSavTbl; SwHistory* pHistory; USHORT nMode, nFmlEnd; BOOL bCalcNewSize; public: SwUndoSplitTbl( const SwTableNode& rTblNd, USHORT nMode, BOOL bCalcNewSize ); virtual ~SwUndoSplitTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SetTblNodeOffset( ULONG nIdx ) { nOffset = nIdx - nTblNode; } SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } void SaveFormula( SwHistory& rHistory ); }; class SwUndoMergeTbl : public SwUndo { String aName; ULONG nTblNode; _SaveTable* pSavTbl, *pSavHdl; SwHistory* pHistory; USHORT nMode; BOOL bWithPrev; public: SwUndoMergeTbl( const SwTableNode& rTblNd, const SwTableNode& rDelTblNd, BOOL bWithPrev, USHORT nMode ); virtual ~SwUndoMergeTbl(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SaveFormula( SwHistory& rHistory ); }; class SwUndoBookmark : public SwUndo { SwHstryBookmark* pHBookmark; protected: SwUndoBookmark( USHORT nUndoId, const SwBookmark& ); void SetInDoc( SwDoc* ); void ResetInDoc( SwDoc* ); public: virtual ~SwUndoBookmark(); // #111827# /** Returns the rewriter for this undo object. The rewriter contains the following rule: $1 -> is the name of the bookmark whose insertion/deletion is recorded by this undo object. @return the rewriter for this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; }; class SwUndoDelBookmark : public SwUndoBookmark { public: SwUndoDelBookmark( const SwBookmark& ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( DelBookmark ) }; class SwUndoInsBookmark : public SwUndoBookmark { public: SwUndoInsBookmark( const SwBookmark& ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( InsBookmark ) }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Undo auf Sorting --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct SwSortUndoElement { union { struct { ULONG nKenn; ULONG nSource, nTarget; } TXT; struct { String *pSource, *pTarget; } TBL; } SORT_TXT_TBL; SwSortUndoElement( const String& aS, const String& aT ) { SORT_TXT_TBL.TBL.pSource = new String( aS ); SORT_TXT_TBL.TBL.pTarget = new String( aT ); } SwSortUndoElement( ULONG nS, ULONG nT ) { SORT_TXT_TBL.TXT.nSource = nS; SORT_TXT_TBL.TXT.nTarget = nT; SORT_TXT_TBL.TXT.nKenn = 0xffffffff; } ~SwSortUndoElement(); }; SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(SwSortList, SwSortUndoElement*, 10,30) SV_DECL_PTRARR(SwUndoSortList, SwNodeIndex*, 10,30) class SwUndoSort : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SwSortOptions* pSortOpt; // die Optionen mit den Sortier-Kriterien SwSortList aSortList; SwUndoAttrTbl* pUndoTblAttr; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; ULONG nTblNd; void RemoveIdx( SwPaM& rPam ); public: SwUndoSort( const SwPaM&, const SwSortOptions& ); SwUndoSort( ULONG nStt, ULONG nEnd, const SwTableNode&, const SwSortOptions&, BOOL bSaveTable ); virtual ~SwUndoSort(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void Insert( const String& rOrgPos, const String& rNewPos ); void Insert( ULONG nOrgPos, ULONG nNewPos ); OUT_UNDOBJ( Sort ) }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoFlyBase : public SwUndo, private SwUndoSaveSection { protected: SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt; // das gespeicherte FlyFormat ULONG nNdPgPos; xub_StrLen nCntPos; // Seite/am Absatz/im Absatz USHORT nRndId; BOOL bDelFmt; // loesche das gespeicherte Format void InsFly( SwUndoIter&, BOOL bShowSel = TRUE ); void DelFly( SwDoc* ); SwUndoFlyBase( SwFrmFmt* pFormat, USHORT nUndoId ); SwNodeIndex* GetMvSttIdx() const { return SwUndoSaveSection::GetMvSttIdx(); } ULONG GetMvNodeCnt() const { return SwUndoSaveSection::GetMvNodeCnt(); } public: virtual ~SwUndoFlyBase(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ) = 0; virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ) = 0; OUT_UNDOBJ( FlyBase ) }; class SwUndoInsLayFmt : public SwUndoFlyBase { public: SwUndoInsLayFmt( SwFrmFmt* pFormat ); ~SwUndoInsLayFmt(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); String GetComment() const; OUT_UNDOBJ( InsLayFmt ) }; class SwUndoDelLayFmt : public SwUndoFlyBase { BOOL bShowSelFrm; public: SwUndoDelLayFmt( SwFrmFmt* pFormat ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void Redo(); // Schnittstelle fuers Rollback void ChgShowSel( BOOL bNew ) { bShowSelFrm = bNew; } virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; OUT_UNDOBJ( DelLayFmt ) }; class SwUndoSetFlyFmt : public SwUndo, public SwClient { SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt; // das gespeicherte FlyFormat SwFrmFmt* pOldFmt; // die alte Fly Vorlage SwFrmFmt* pNewFmt; // die neue Fly Vorlage SfxItemSet* pItemSet; // die zurueck-/ gesetzten Attribute ULONG nOldNode, nNewNode; xub_StrLen nOldCntnt, nNewCntnt; USHORT nOldAnchorTyp, nNewAnchorTyp; BOOL bAnchorChgd; void PutAttr( USHORT nWhich, const SfxPoolItem* pItem ); void Modify( SfxPoolItem*, SfxPoolItem* ); void GetAnchor( SwFmtAnchor& rAnhor, ULONG nNode, xub_StrLen nCntnt ); public: SwUndoSetFlyFmt( SwFrmFmt& rFlyFmt, SwFrmFmt& rNewFrmFmt ); virtual ~SwUndoSetFlyFmt(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class _UnReplaceData; SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL( _UnReplaceDatas, _UnReplaceData*, 10, 25 ); class SwUndoReplace : public SwUndo { friend class SwDoc; BOOL bOldIterFlag; // Status vom Undo-Iter vorm 1. Aufruf USHORT nAktPos; // fuer GetUndoRange und Undo/Redo _UnReplaceDatas aArr; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; public: SwUndoReplace(); virtual ~SwUndoReplace(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns the rewriter of this undo object. If this undo object represents several replacements the rewriter contains the following rules: $1 -> $2 -> occurrences of $3 -> If this undo object represents one replacement the rewriter contains these rules: $1 -> $2 -> "->" (STR_YIELDS) $3 -> @return the rewriter of this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; void AddEntry( const SwPaM& rPam, const String& rInsert, BOOL bRegExp ); void SetEntryEnd( const SwPaM& rPam ); BOOL IsFull() const { return ((USHRT_MAX / sizeof( void* )) - 50 ) < aArr.Count(); } OUT_UNDOBJ( Replace ) }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoTblHeadline : public SwUndo { ULONG nTblNd; USHORT nOldHeadline; USHORT nNewHeadline; public: SwUndoTblHeadline( const SwTable&, USHORT nOldHdl, USHORT nNewHdl ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( SwUndoTblHeadline ) }; //------------ Undo von Insert-/Delete-Sections ---------------------- class SwUndoInsSection : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SwHistory* pHistory; SwSection* pSection; SwRedlineData* pRedlData; SfxItemSet* pAttr; ULONG nSectNodePos; BOOL bSplitAtStt : 1; BOOL bSplitAtEnd : 1; BOOL bUpdateFtn : 1; void Join( SwDoc& rDoc, ULONG nNode ); public: SwUndoInsSection( const SwPaM&, const SwSection&, const SfxItemSet* pSet ); virtual ~SwUndoInsSection(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( SwUndoInsSection ) void SetSectNdPos( ULONG nPos ) { nSectNodePos = nPos; } void SaveSplitNode( SwTxtNode* pTxtNd, BOOL bAtStt ); void SetUpdtFtnFlag( BOOL bFlag ) { bUpdateFtn = bFlag; } }; class SwUndoDelSection : public SwUndo { ULONG nSttNd, nEndNd; SwSection* pSection; SfxItemSet* pAttr; public: SwUndoDelSection( const SwSectionFmt& ); virtual ~SwUndoDelSection(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( SwUndoDelSection ) }; class SwUndoChgSection : public SwUndo { ULONG nSttNd; SwSection* pSection; SfxItemSet* pAttr; BOOL bOnlyAttrChgd; public: SwUndoChgSection( const SwSectionFmt&, BOOL bOnlyAttrChgd ); virtual ~SwUndoChgSection(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( SwUndoChgSection ) }; //------------ Undo von verschieben/stufen von Gliederung ---------------- class SwUndoOutlineLeftRight : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { short nOffset; public: SwUndoOutlineLeftRight( const SwPaM& rPam, short nOffset ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( SwUndoOutlineLeftRight ) }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoDefaultAttr : public SwUndo { SfxItemSet* pOldSet; // die alten Attribute SvxTabStopItem* pTabStop; public: // meldet sich im Format an und sichert sich die alten Attribute SwUndoDefaultAttr( const SfxItemSet& rOldSet ); virtual ~SwUndoDefaultAttr(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( DefaultAttr ) }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------- Undo fuer Numerierung ---------------------------------- class SwUndoInsNum : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SwNumRule aNumRule; SwHistory* pHistory; ULONG nSttSet; SwNumRule* pOldNumRule; String sReplaceRule; USHORT nLRSavePos; public: SwUndoInsNum( const SwPaM& rPam, const SwNumRule& rRule ); SwUndoInsNum( const SwNumRule& rOldRule, const SwNumRule& rNewRule ); SwUndoInsNum( const SwPosition& rPos, const SwNumRule& rRule, const String& rReplaceRule ); virtual ~SwUndoInsNum(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); SwHistory* GetHistory(); // wird ggfs. neu angelegt! void SetSttNum( ULONG nNdIdx ) { nSttSet = nNdIdx; } void SaveOldNumRule( const SwNumRule& rOld ); void SetLRSpaceEndPos(); OUT_UNDOBJ( InsNum ) }; class SwUndoDelNum : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SvULongs aNodeIdx; SvBytes aLevels; SvBools aRstLRSpaces; SwHistory* pHistory; public: SwUndoDelNum( const SwPaM& rPam ); virtual ~SwUndoDelNum(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void AddNode( const SwTxtNode& rNd, BOOL bResetLRSpace ); SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } OUT_UNDOBJ( DelNum ) }; class SwUndoMoveNum : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { ULONG nNewStt; long nOffset; public: SwUndoMoveNum( const SwPaM& rPam, long nOffset, BOOL bIsOutlMv = FALSE ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SetStartNode( ULONG nValue ) { nNewStt = nValue; } OUT_UNDOBJ( MoveNum ) }; class SwUndoNumUpDown : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { short nOffset; public: SwUndoNumUpDown( const SwPaM& rPam, short nOffset ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( NumUpDown ) }; class SwUndoNumOrNoNum : public SwUndo { ULONG nIdx; BOOL mbNewNum, mbOldNum; public: SwUndoNumOrNoNum( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx, BOOL mbOldNum, BOOL mbNewNum ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( NumOrNoNum ) }; class SwUndoNumRuleStart : public SwUndo { ULONG nIdx; USHORT nOldStt, nNewStt; BOOL bSetSttValue : 1; BOOL bFlag : 1; public: SwUndoNumRuleStart( const SwPosition& rPos, BOOL bDelete ); SwUndoNumRuleStart( const SwPosition& rPos, USHORT nStt ); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); OUT_UNDOBJ( NumRuleStart ) }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------- Undo fuer DrawObjecte ---------------------------------- class SwSdrUndo : public SwUndo { SdrUndoAction* pSdrUndo; SdrMarkList* pMarkList; // MarkList for all selected SdrObjects public: SwSdrUndo( SdrUndoAction* , const SdrMarkList* pMarkList ); virtual ~SwSdrUndo(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); String GetComment() const; }; class SwUndoDrawGroup : public SwUndo { SwUndoGroupObjImpl* pObjArr; USHORT nSize; BOOL bDelFmt; public: SwUndoDrawGroup( USHORT nCnt ); virtual ~SwUndoDrawGroup(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void AddObj( USHORT nPos, SwDrawFrmFmt*, SdrObject* ); void SetGroupFmt( SwDrawFrmFmt* ); }; class SwUndoDrawUnGroup : public SwUndo { SwUndoGroupObjImpl* pObjArr; USHORT nSize; BOOL bDelFmt; public: SwUndoDrawUnGroup( SdrObjGroup* ); virtual ~SwUndoDrawUnGroup(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void AddObj( USHORT nPos, SwDrawFrmFmt* ); }; class SwUndoDrawDelete : public SwUndo { SwUndoGroupObjImpl* pObjArr; SdrMarkList* pMarkLst; // MarkList for all selected SdrObjects USHORT nSize; BOOL bDelFmt; public: SwUndoDrawDelete( USHORT nCnt ); virtual ~SwUndoDrawDelete(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); void AddObj( USHORT nPos, SwDrawFrmFmt*, const SdrMark& ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoReRead : public SwUndo { Graphic *pGrf; String *pNm, *pFltr; ULONG nPos; USHORT nMirr; void SaveGraphicData( const SwGrfNode& ); void SetAndSave( SwUndoIter& ); public: SwUndoReRead( const SwPaM& rPam, const SwGrfNode& pGrfNd ); virtual ~SwUndoReRead(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoInsertLabel : public SwUndo { union { struct { // fuer NoTxtFrms SwUndoInsLayFmt* pUndoFly; SwUndoFmtAttr* pUndoAttr; } OBJECT; struct { // fuer Tabelle/TextRahmen SwUndoDelete* pUndoInsNd; ULONG nNode; } NODE; }; String sText; // --> PB 2005-01-06 #i39983# - the separator will be drawed with a character style String sSeparator; // <-- String sCharacterStyle; // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - re-store of drawing object position no longer needed USHORT nFldId; SwLabelType eType; BYTE nLayerId; // fuer Zeichen-Objekte BOOL bBefore :1; BOOL bUndoKeep :1; BOOL bCpyBrd :1; public: SwUndoInsertLabel( const SwLabelType eTyp, const String &rText, // --> PB 2005-01-06 #i39983# - the separator will be drawed with a character style const String& rSeparator, // <-- const BOOL bBefore, const USHORT nId, const String& rCharacterStyle, const BOOL bCpyBrd ); virtual ~SwUndoInsertLabel(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); // #111827# /** Returns the rewriter of this undo object. The rewriter contains this rule: $1 -> '' is shortened to nUndoStringLength characters. @return the rewriter of this undo object */ virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const; void SetNodePos( ULONG nNd ) { if( LTYPE_OBJECT != eType ) NODE.nNode = nNd; } void SetUndoKeep() { bUndoKeep = TRUE; } void SetFlys( SwFrmFmt& rOldFly, SfxItemSet& rChgSet, SwFrmFmt& rNewFly ); void SetDrawObj( BYTE nLayerId ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoChgFtn : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng { SwHistory* pHistory; String sTxt; USHORT nNo; BOOL bEndNote; public: SwUndoChgFtn( const SwPaM& rRange, const String& rTxt, USHORT nNum, BOOL bIsEndNote ); virtual ~SwUndoChgFtn(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; } }; class SwUndoFtnInfo : public SwUndo { SwFtnInfo *pFtnInfo; public: SwUndoFtnInfo( const SwFtnInfo &rInfo ); virtual ~SwUndoFtnInfo(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); }; class SwUndoEndNoteInfo : public SwUndo { SwEndNoteInfo *pEndNoteInfo; public: SwUndoEndNoteInfo( const SwEndNoteInfo &rInfo ); virtual ~SwUndoEndNoteInfo(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- struct _UndoTransliterate_Data; class SwUndoTransliterate : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng { _UndoTransliterate_Data *pData, *pLastData; sal_uInt32 nType; public: SwUndoTransliterate( const SwPaM& rPam, const utl::TransliterationWrapper& rTrans ); virtual ~SwUndoTransliterate(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& rUndoIter ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& rUndoIter ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& rUndoIter ); void AddChanges( const SwTxtNode& rTNd, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nLen, ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence & rOffsets ); BOOL HasData() const {return 0 != pData; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoRedline : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng { protected: SwRedlineData* pRedlData; SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData; USHORT nUserId; BOOL bHiddenRedlines; virtual void _Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& ); public: SwUndoRedline( USHORT nUserId, const SwPaM& rRange ); virtual ~SwUndoRedline(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); USHORT GetUserId() const { return nUserId; } USHORT GetRedlSaveCount() const { return pRedlSaveData ? pRedlSaveData->Count() : 0; } }; class SwUndoRedlineDelete : public SwUndoRedline { BOOL bCanGroup : 1; BOOL bIsDelim : 1; BOOL bIsBackspace : 1; virtual void _Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& ); public: SwUndoRedlineDelete( const SwPaM& rRange, USHORT nUserId = 0 ); BOOL CanGrouping( const SwUndoRedlineDelete& rPrev ); }; class SwUndoRedlineSort : public SwUndoRedline { SwSortOptions* pOpt; ULONG nSaveEndNode, nOffset; xub_StrLen nSaveEndCntnt; virtual void _Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& ); public: SwUndoRedlineSort( const SwPaM& rRange, const SwSortOptions& rOpt ); virtual ~SwUndoRedlineSort(); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); void SetSaveRange( const SwPaM& rRange ); void SetOffset( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ); }; class SwUndoAcceptRedline : public SwUndoRedline { virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& ); public: SwUndoAcceptRedline( const SwPaM& rRange ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); }; class SwUndoRejectRedline : public SwUndoRedline { virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& ); public: SwUndoRejectRedline( const SwPaM& rRange ); virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class SwUndoCompDoc : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng { SwRedlineData* pRedlData; SwUndoDelete* pUnDel, *pUnDel2; SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData; BOOL bInsert; public: SwUndoCompDoc( const SwPaM& rRg, BOOL bIns ); SwUndoCompDoc( const SwRedline& rRedl ); virtual ~SwUndoCompDoc(); virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& ); virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Object der als Iterator durch die Undo-Liste laeuft, bis die // letze oder die angegebene Klammerung/Id erreicht ist. class SwUndoIter { friend class SwDoc; // um im SwDoc::Undo bWeiter zu stezen friend void SwUndoEnd::Undo( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoStart::Undo( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoEnd::Redo( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoStart::Redo( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoEnd::Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoStart::Repeat( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoReplace::Undo( SwUndoIter& ); friend void SwUndoReplace::Redo( SwUndoIter& ); USHORT nUndoId; USHORT nEndCnt; BOOL bWeiter : 1; BOOL bUpdateAttr : 1; // Setze das GCAttr an der CursorShell public: SwPaM * pAktPam; // Member fuer das Undo SwUndo* pLastUndoObj; // fuers Redo, das vorherige UndoObj. SwFrmFmt* pSelFmt; // ggfs. das Format Rahmen/Object-Selektionen SdrMarkList* pMarkList; // MarkList for all selected SdrObjects SwUndoIter( SwPaM * pPam, USHORT nId = 0 ); BOOL IsNextUndo() const { return bWeiter; } BOOL IsUpdateAttr() const { return bUpdateAttr; } void SetUpdateAttr( BOOL bNew ) { bUpdateAttr = bNew; } inline SwDoc& GetDoc() const; USHORT GetId() const { return nUndoId; } USHORT GetLastUndoId() const { return pLastUndoObj ? pLastUndoObj->GetId() : 0 ; } void ClearSelections() { pSelFmt = 0; pMarkList = 0; } }; // -> #111827# const int nUndoStringLength = 20; /** Shortens a string to a maximum length. @param rStr the string to be shortened @param aLength the maximum length for rStr @param rFillStr string to replace cut out characters with If rStr has less than aLength characters it will be returned unaltered. If rStr has more than aLength characters the following algorithm generates the shortened string: frontLength = (aLength - length(rFillStr)) / 2 rearLength = aLength - length(rFillStr) - frontLength shortenedString = concat() Preconditions: - aLength - length(rFillStr) >= 2 @return the shortened string */ String ShortenString(const String & rStr, int aLength, const String & rFillStr); // <- #111827# // #16487# /** Denotes special characters in a string. The rStr is split into parts containing special characters and parts not containing special characters. In a part containing special characters all characters are equal. These parts are maximal. @param rStr the string to denote in The resulting string is generated by concatenating the found parts. The parts without special characters are surrounded by "'". The parts containing special characters are denoted as "n x", where n is the length of the part and x is the representation of the special character (i. e. "tab(s)"). @return the denoted string */ String DenoteSpecialCharacters(const String & rStr); #endif