/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: viewopt.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.23 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 02:30:17 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX #define _VIEWOPT_HXX #ifndef _GEN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_COLOR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SWDLLAPI_H #include "swdllapi.h" #endif #ifndef _AUTHRATR_HXX #include "authratr.hxx" #endif class SwRect; class Window; class OutputDevice; class ViewShell; class SwDocShell; namespace svtools{ class ColorConfig;} #define VIEWOPT_1_IDLE 0x00000001L #define VIEWOPT_1_TAB 0x00000002L #define VIEWOPT_1_BLANK 0x00000004L #define VIEWOPT_1_HARDBLANK 0x00000008L #define VIEWOPT_1_PARAGRAPH 0x00000010L #define VIEWOPT_1_LINEBREAK 0x00000020L #define VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBREAK 0x00000040L #define VIEWOPT_1_COLUMNBREAK 0x00000080L #define VIEWOPT_1_SOFTHYPH 0x00000100L #define VIEWOPT_1_REF 0x00000400L #define VIEWOPT_1_FLDNAME 0x00000800L //#define 0x00001000L //#define 0x00002000L #define VIEWOPT_1_POSTITS 0x00004000L #define VIEWOPT_1_FLD_HIDDEN 0x00008000L #define VIEWOPT_1_CHAR_HIDDEN 0x00010000L #define VIEWOPT_1_GRAPHIC 0x00020000L #define VIEWOPT_1_TABLE 0x00040000L #define VIEWOPT_1_DRAW 0x00080000L #define VIEWOPT_1_CONTROL 0x00100000L //#define 0x00200000L #define VIEWOPT_1_CROSSHAIR 0x00400000L #define VIEWOPT_1_SNAP 0x00800000L #define VIEWOPT_1_SYNCHRONIZE 0x01000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_GRIDVISIBLE 0x02000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_ONLINESPELL 0x04000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_HIDESPELL 0x08000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_RESERVED1 0x10000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS 0x20000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBACK 0x40000000L #define VIEWOPT_1_SOLIDMARKHDL 0x80000000L #define VIEWOPT_CORE2_BLACKFONT 0x00000001L #define VIEWOPT_CORE2_HIDDENPARA 0x00000002L #define VIEWOPT_CORE2_SMOOTHSCROLL 0x00000004L #define VIEWOPT_CORE2_CRSR_IN_PROT 0x00000008L #define VIEWOPT_CORE2_PDF_EXPORT 0x00000010L #define VIEWOPT_CORE2_BIGMARKHDL 0x00000040L #define VIEWOPT_2_UNUSED1 0x00000100L #define VIEWOPT_2_UNUSED2 0x00000200L #define VIEWOPT_2_H_RULER 0x00000400L #define VIEWOPT_2_VSCROLLBAR 0x00000800L #define VIEWOPT_2_HSCROLLBAR 0x00001000L #define VIEWOPT_2_STATUSLINE 0x00002000L #define VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER 0x00004000L #define VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER 0x00008000L #define VIEWOPT_2_MODIFIED 0x00010000L #define VIEWOPT_2_KEEPASPECTRATIO 0x00020000L #define VIEWOPT_2_GRFKEEPZOOM 0x00040000L #define VIEWOPT_2_EXECHYPERLINKS 0x00080000L #define VIEWOPT_2_PREVENT_TIPS 0x00100000L #define VIEWOPT_2_RESERVED3 0x00200000L #define VIEWOPT_2_RESERVED4 0x00400000L #define VIEWOPT_2_PRTFORMAT 0x00800000L #define VIEWOPT_2_SHADOWCRSR 0x01000000L #define VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER_RIGHT 0x02000000L //Tabellenhintergrund #define TBL_DEST_CELL 0 #define TBL_DEST_ROW 1 #define TBL_DEST_TBL 2 //Appearance flags #define VIEWOPT_DOC_BOUNDARIES 0x0001 #define VIEWOPT_OBJECT_BOUNDARIES 0x0002 #define VIEWOPT_TABLE_BOUNDARIES 0x0004 #define VIEWOPT_INDEX_SHADINGS 0x0008 #define VIEWOPT_LINKS 0x0010 #define VIEWOPT_VISITED_LINKS 0x0020 #define VIEWOPT_FIELD_SHADINGS 0x0040 #define VIEWOPT_SECTION_BOUNDARIES 0x0080 // Implementierung in core/text/txtpaint.cxx extern void SyncVout( const OutputDevice *pOut ); class SwViewOption { static Color aDocColor; // color of document boundaries static Color aDocBoundColor; // color of document boundaries static Color aObjectBoundColor; // color of object boundaries static Color aAppBackgroundColor; // application background static Color aTableBoundColor; // color of table boundaries static Color aFontColor; static Color aIndexShadingsColor; // background color of indexes static Color aLinksColor; static Color aVisitedLinksColor; static Color aDirectCursorColor; static Color aTextGridColor; static Color aSpellColor; // mark color of online spell checking static Color aFieldShadingsColor; static Color aSectionBoundColor; static Color aPageBreakColor; static Color aNotesIndicatorColor; static Color aScriptIndicatorColor; static sal_Int32 nAppearanceFlags; // protected: static USHORT nPixelTwips;// 1 Pixel == ? Twips String sSymbolFont; // Symbolzeichensatz UINT32 nCoreOptions; // Bits fuer die ViewShell UINT32 nCore2Options; // Bits fuer die ViewShell UINT32 nUIOptions; // UI-Bits Color aRetoucheColor; // DefaultBackground fuer BrowseView Size aSnapSize; // Beschreibt hori. wie vert. Snap short nDivisionX; // Rasterunterteilung short nDivisionY; BYTE nPagePrevRow; // Page Preview Row/Columns BYTE nPagePrevCol; // Page Preview Row/Columns BYTE nShdwCrsrFillMode; // FillMode fuer den ShadowCrsr BOOL bReadonly : 1; // Readonly-Doc BOOL bStarOneSetting : 1;// prevent from UI automatics (no scrollbars in readonly documents) BOOL bIsPagePreview : 1; // the preview mustn't print field/footnote/... shadings BOOL bSelectionInReadonly : 1; //determines whether selection is switched on in readonly documents // --> FME 2004-06-29 #114856# Formular view BOOL bFormView : 1; // <-- BOOL bBookview : 1; // view mode for page preview // Maszstab USHORT nZoom; // Angaben in Prozent BYTE eZoom; // 'enum' fuer Zoom BYTE nTblDest; // Ziel fuer Tabellenhintergrund #ifndef PRODUCT // korrespondieren zu den Angaben in ui/config/cfgvw.src BOOL bTest1 :1; // Test-Flag "Layout not loading" BOOL bTest2 :1; // Test-Flag "WYSIWYG++" BOOL bTest3 :1; // Test-Flag "" BOOL bTest4 :1; // Test-Flag "WYSIWYG debug" BOOL bTest5 :1; // Test-Flag "No idle format" BOOL bTest6 :1; // Test-Flag "No screen adj" BOOL bTest7 :1; // Test-Flag "win format" BOOL bTest8 :1; // Test-Flag "" static BOOL bTest9; // Test-Flag "DrawingLayerNotLoading" BOOL bTest10 :1; // Test-Flag "Format by Input" #endif public: SwViewOption(); // CTOR SwViewOption(const SwViewOption&); // ~SwViewOption(); // void Init( Window *pWin ); // Initialisierung der statischen Daten USHORT GetPixelTwips() const { return nPixelTwips; } inline UINT32 GetCoreOptions() const {return nCoreOptions;} inline UINT32 GetUIOptions() const {return nUIOptions;} inline void SetUIOptions( const SwViewOption& ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionen aus nCoreOptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ inline BOOL IsIdle() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_IDLE ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetIdle( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_IDLE ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_IDLE); } inline BOOL IsTab(BOOL bHard = FALSE) const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_TAB) && ((nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS)||bHard) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetTab( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_TAB ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_TAB); } #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT #else void PaintTab( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect ) const; #endif inline BOOL IsBlank(BOOL bHard = FALSE) const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_BLANK) && ((nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS)||bHard) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetBlank( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_BLANK ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_BLANK); } inline BOOL IsHardBlank() const { return !bReadonly && nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_HARDBLANK ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetHardBlank( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_HARDBLANK ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_HARDBLANK); } inline BOOL IsParagraph(BOOL bHard = FALSE) const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_PARAGRAPH) && ((nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS)||bHard) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetParagraph( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_PARAGRAPH ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_PARAGRAPH); } inline BOOL IsLineBreak(BOOL bHard = FALSE) const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_LINEBREAK) && ((nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS)||bHard) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetLineBreak( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_LINEBREAK ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_LINEBREAK); } #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT #else void PaintLineBreak( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect ) const; #endif inline BOOL IsPageBreak() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBREAK) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetPageBreak( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBREAK ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBREAK); } inline BOOL IsColumnBreak() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_COLUMNBREAK) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetColumnBreak( BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_COLUMNBREAK ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_COLUMNBREAK); } inline BOOL IsSoftHyph() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_SOFTHYPH) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetSoftHyph( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_SOFTHYPH ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_SOFTHYPH); } inline BOOL IsFldName() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_FLDNAME) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetFldName( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_FLDNAME ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_FLDNAME); } inline BOOL IsPostIts() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_POSTITS) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetPostIts( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_POSTITS ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_POSTITS); } void PaintPostIts( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect, sal_Bool bIsScript ) const; USHORT GetPostItsWidth( const OutputDevice *pOut = 0 ) const; inline BOOL IsShowHiddenChar(sal_Bool bHard = sal_False) const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_CHAR_HIDDEN) && ((nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS)||bHard) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetShowHiddenChar( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_CHAR_HIDDEN ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_CHAR_HIDDEN); } inline BOOL IsShowHiddenField() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_FLD_HIDDEN) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetShowHiddenField( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_FLD_HIDDEN ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_FLD_HIDDEN); } inline BOOL IsGraphic() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_GRAPHIC ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetGraphic( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_GRAPHIC ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_GRAPHIC); } inline BOOL IsPageBack() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBACK ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetPageBack( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBACK) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBACK); } inline BOOL IsSolidMarkHdl() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_SOLIDMARKHDL ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetSolidMarkHdl( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_SOLIDMARKHDL) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_SOLIDMARKHDL); } inline BOOL IsBigMarkHdl() const { return nCore2Options & VIEWOPT_CORE2_BIGMARKHDL ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetBigMarkHdl(BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCore2Options |= VIEWOPT_CORE2_BIGMARKHDL ) : (nCore2Options &= ~VIEWOPT_CORE2_BIGMARKHDL);} inline BOOL IsTable() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_TABLE ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetTable( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_TABLE ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_TABLE); } inline BOOL IsDraw() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_DRAW ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetDraw( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_DRAW ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_DRAW); } inline BOOL IsControl() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_CONTROL ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetControl( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_CONTROL ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_CONTROL); } inline BOOL IsSnap() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_SNAP ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetSnap( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_SNAP ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_SNAP); } inline void SetSnapSize( Size &rSz ){ aSnapSize = rSz; } inline const Size &GetSnapSize() const { return aSnapSize; } inline BOOL IsGridVisible() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_GRIDVISIBLE) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetGridVisible( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_GRIDVISIBLE ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_GRIDVISIBLE); } inline BOOL IsOnlineSpell() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_ONLINESPELL) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetOnlineSpell( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_ONLINESPELL ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_ONLINESPELL); } inline BOOL IsHideSpell() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_HIDESPELL ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetHideSpell( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_HIDESPELL ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_HIDESPELL); } inline BOOL IsViewMetaChars() const { return !bReadonly && (nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS) ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetViewMetaChars( BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_VIEWMETACHARS); } inline BOOL IsSynchronize() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_SYNCHRONIZE ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetSynchronize( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_SYNCHRONIZE ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_SYNCHRONIZE); } inline BOOL IsCrossHair() const { return nCoreOptions & VIEWOPT_1_CROSSHAIR ? TRUE : FALSE; } inline void SetCrossHair( BOOL b ) { (b != 0) ? (nCoreOptions |= VIEWOPT_1_CROSSHAIR ) : ( nCoreOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_1_CROSSHAIR); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionen aus nCore2Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ inline BOOL IsBlackFont() const {return nCore2Options & VIEWOPT_CORE2_BLACKFONT ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetBlackFont(BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCore2Options |= VIEWOPT_CORE2_BLACKFONT) : (nCore2Options &= ~VIEWOPT_CORE2_BLACKFONT);} inline BOOL IsShowHiddenPara() const {return nCore2Options & VIEWOPT_CORE2_HIDDENPARA ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetShowHiddenPara(BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCore2Options |= VIEWOPT_CORE2_HIDDENPARA) : (nCore2Options &= ~VIEWOPT_CORE2_HIDDENPARA);} inline BOOL IsSmoothScroll() const {return nCore2Options & VIEWOPT_CORE2_SMOOTHSCROLL ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetSmoothScroll(BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCore2Options |= VIEWOPT_CORE2_SMOOTHSCROLL) : (nCore2Options &= ~VIEWOPT_CORE2_SMOOTHSCROLL);} inline BOOL IsCursorInProtectedArea() const {return nCore2Options & VIEWOPT_CORE2_CRSR_IN_PROT ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetCursorInProtectedArea(BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCore2Options |= VIEWOPT_CORE2_CRSR_IN_PROT) : (nCore2Options &= ~VIEWOPT_CORE2_CRSR_IN_PROT);} inline BOOL IsPDFExport() const {return nCore2Options & VIEWOPT_CORE2_PDF_EXPORT ? TRUE : FALSE;} inline void SetPDFExport(BOOL b) { (b != 0) ? (nCore2Options |= VIEWOPT_CORE2_PDF_EXPORT) : (nCore2Options &= ~VIEWOPT_CORE2_PDF_EXPORT);} /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ inline short GetDivisionX() const { return nDivisionX; } inline void SetDivisionX( short n ){ nDivisionX = n; } inline short GetDivisionY() const { return nDivisionY; } inline void SetDivisionY( short n ){ nDivisionY = n; } inline BYTE GetPagePrevRow() const { return nPagePrevRow; } inline void SetPagePrevRow( BYTE n ) { nPagePrevRow = n; } inline BYTE GetPagePrevCol() const { return nPagePrevCol; } inline void SetPagePrevCol( BYTE n ) { nPagePrevCol = n; } BOOL IsReadonly() const { return bReadonly; } void SetReadonly(BOOL bSet) { bReadonly = bSet; } BOOL IsSelectionInReadonly() const {return bSelectionInReadonly;} void SetSelectionInReadonly(BOOL bSet) {bSelectionInReadonly = bSet;} // --> FME 2004-06-29 #114856# Formular view BOOL IsFormView() const { return bFormView; } void SetFormView( BOOL bSet ) { bFormView = bSet; } // <-- inline BOOL IsPagePrevBookview() const { return bBookview; } inline void SetPagePrevBookview(BOOL bSet) { bBookview = bSet; } BOOL IsAutoCompleteWords() const; #ifndef PRODUCT // korrespondieren zu den Angaben in ui/config/cfgvw.src inline BOOL IsTest1() const { return bTest1; } inline void SetTest1( BOOL b ) { bTest1 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest2() const { return bTest2; } inline void SetTest2( BOOL b ) { bTest2 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest3() const { return bTest3; } inline void SetTest3( BOOL b ) { bTest3 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest4() const { return bTest4; } inline void SetTest4( BOOL b ) { bTest4 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest5() const { return bTest5; } inline void SetTest5( BOOL b ) { bTest5 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest6() const { return bTest6; } inline void SetTest6( BOOL b ) { bTest6 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest7() const { return bTest7; } inline void SetTest7( BOOL b ) { bTest7 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest8() const { return bTest8; } inline void SetTest8( BOOL b ) { bTest8 = b; } static inline BOOL IsTest9() { return bTest9; } static inline void SetTest9( BOOL b ) { bTest9 = b; } inline BOOL IsTest10() const { return bTest10; } inline void SetTest10( BOOL b ) { bTest10 = b; } #endif inline USHORT GetZoom() const { return nZoom; } inline void SetZoom( USHORT n ){ nZoom = n; } void DrawRect( OutputDevice* pOut, const SwRect &rRect, long nCol ) const; void DrawRectPrinter( OutputDevice* pOut, const SwRect& rRect ) const; SwViewOption& operator=( const SwViewOption &rOpt ); // Vergleichsmethoden BOOL IsEqualFlags ( const SwViewOption &rOpt ) const; inline BOOL operator==( const SwViewOption &rOpt ) const; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionen aus nUIOptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsViewVScrollBar() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_VSCROLLBAR ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsViewHScrollBar() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_HSCROLLBAR ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsKeepRatio() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_KEEPASPECTRATIO ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsGrfKeepZoom() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_GRFKEEPZOOM ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsExecHyperlinks() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_EXECHYPERLINKS ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsPreventTips() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_PREVENT_TIPS ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL IsPrtFormat() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_PRTFORMAT ? TRUE : FALSE; } BYTE GetZoomType() const { return eZoom; } BYTE GetTblDest() const { return nTblDest; } void SetViewVScrollBar(BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_VSCROLLBAR ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_VSCROLLBAR); } void SetViewHScrollBar(BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_HSCROLLBAR ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_HSCROLLBAR); } void SetKeepRatio (BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_KEEPASPECTRATIO ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_KEEPASPECTRATIO); } void SetGrfKeepZoom (BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_GRFKEEPZOOM ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_GRFKEEPZOOM); } void SetExecHyperlinks( BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_EXECHYPERLINKS) : (nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_EXECHYPERLINKS); } void SetPreventTips( BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_PREVENT_TIPS) : (nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_PREVENT_TIPS); } void SetPrtFormat( BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_PRTFORMAT) : (nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_PRTFORMAT); } void SetZoomType (BYTE eZoom_){ eZoom = eZoom_; } void SetTblDest( BYTE nNew ) { nTblDest = nNew; } const String& GetSymbolFont() const {return sSymbolFont;} void SetSymbolFont(const String& sSet) {sSymbolFont = sSet;} const Color& GetRetoucheColor() const { return aRetoucheColor;} void SetRetoucheColor(const Color&r) { aRetoucheColor = r; } BOOL IsViewAnyRuler() const {return 0 != (nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER);} void SetViewAnyRuler(BOOL bSet) { bSet ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER) : (nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER);} BOOL IsViewHRuler(BOOL bDirect = FALSE) const { BOOL bRet = bDirect ? 0 != (nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_H_RULER) : !bReadonly ? (nUIOptions & (VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER|VIEWOPT_2_H_RULER)) == (VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER|VIEWOPT_2_H_RULER) : FALSE; return bRet; } void SetViewHRuler (BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_H_RULER ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_H_RULER);} BOOL IsViewVRuler(BOOL bDirect = FALSE) const { BOOL bRet = bDirect ? 0 !=(nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER) : !bReadonly ? (nUIOptions & (VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER|VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER)) == (VIEWOPT_2_ANY_RULER|VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER) : FALSE; return bRet; } void SetViewVRuler (BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER);} // ShadowCursor ein schalten/abfragen/Farbe setzen/Modus setzen BOOL IsShadowCursor() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_SHADOWCRSR ? TRUE : FALSE; } void SetShadowCursor(BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_SHADOWCRSR ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_SHADOWCRSR); } //move vertical ruler to the right BOOL IsVRulerRight() const { return nUIOptions & VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER_RIGHT ? TRUE : FALSE; } void SetVRulerRight(BOOL b) { b ? (nUIOptions |= VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER_RIGHT ) : ( nUIOptions &= ~VIEWOPT_2_V_RULER_RIGHT); } BOOL IsStarOneSetting() const {return bStarOneSetting; } void SetStarOneSetting(BOOL bSet) {bStarOneSetting = bSet; } BOOL IsPagePreview() const {return bIsPagePreview; } void SetPagePreview(BOOL bSet) { bIsPagePreview= bSet; } BYTE GetShdwCrsrFillMode() const { return nShdwCrsrFillMode; } void SetShdwCrsrFillMode( BYTE nMode ) { nShdwCrsrFillMode = nMode; }; static Color& GetDocColor(); static Color& GetDocBoundariesColor(); static Color& GetAppBackgroundColor(); static Color& GetObjectBoundariesColor(); static Color& GetTableBoundariesColor(); static Color& GetIndexShadingsColor(); static Color& GetLinksColor(); static Color& GetVisitedLinksColor(); static Color& GetDirectCursorColor(); static Color& GetTextGridColor(); static Color& GetSpellColor(); SW_DLLPUBLIC static Color& GetFontColor(); static Color& GetFieldShadingsColor(); static Color& GetSectionBoundColor(); static Color& GetPageBreakColor(); static BOOL IsAppearanceFlag(sal_Int32 nFlag); static BOOL IsDocBoundaries() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_DOC_BOUNDARIES);} static BOOL IsObjectBoundaries(){return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_OBJECT_BOUNDARIES);} static BOOL IsTableBoundaries() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_TABLE_BOUNDARIES );} static BOOL IsIndexShadings() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_INDEX_SHADINGS );} static BOOL IsLinks() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_LINKS );} static BOOL IsVisitedLinks() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_VISITED_LINKS );} static BOOL IsFieldShadings() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_FIELD_SHADINGS);} static BOOL IsSectionBoundaries() {return IsAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_SECTION_BOUNDARIES);} static void SetAppearanceFlag(sal_Int32 nFlag, BOOL bSet, BOOL bSaveInConfig = FALSE); void SetDocBoundaries(BOOL bSet) {SetAppearanceFlag(VIEWOPT_DOC_BOUNDARIES, bSet);} static void ApplyColorConfigValues(const svtools::ColorConfig& rConfig); }; inline BOOL SwViewOption::operator==( const SwViewOption &rOpt ) const { return IsEqualFlags( rOpt ) && nZoom == rOpt.GetZoom(); } inline void SwViewOption::SetUIOptions( const SwViewOption& rVOpt ) { nUIOptions = rVOpt.nUIOptions; nTblDest = rVOpt.nTblDest; nShdwCrsrFillMode = rVOpt.nShdwCrsrFillMode; } // Hilfsfunktion zur Ermittlung der HTML-Faehigkeiten SW_DLLPUBLIC USHORT GetHtmlMode(const SwDocShell*); #endif