/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "hintids.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "frmatr.hxx" #include "charatr.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; HTMLOptionEnum aHTMLImgHAlignTable[] = { { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_left, text::HoriOrientation::LEFT }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_right, text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT }, { 0, 0 } }; HTMLOptionEnum aHTMLImgVAlignTable[] = { { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_top, text::VertOrientation::LINE_TOP }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_texttop, text::VertOrientation::CHAR_TOP }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_middle, text::VertOrientation::CENTER }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_center, text::VertOrientation::CENTER }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_absmiddle, text::VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_bottom, text::VertOrientation::TOP }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_baseline, text::VertOrientation::TOP }, { OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_absbottom, text::VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM }, { 0, 0 } }; ImageMap *SwHTMLParser::FindImageMap( const String& rName ) const { ImageMap *pMap = 0; OSL_ENSURE( rName.GetChar(0) != '#', "FindImageName: Name beginnt mit #!" ); if( pImageMaps ) { for( sal_uInt16 i=0; isize(); i++ ) { ImageMap *pIMap = &(*pImageMaps)[i]; if( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pIMap->GetName() ) ) { pMap = pIMap; break; } } } return pMap; } void SwHTMLParser::ConnectImageMaps() { SwNodes& rNds = pDoc->GetNodes(); // auf den Start-Node der 1. Section sal_uLong nIdx = rNds.GetEndOfAutotext().StartOfSectionIndex() + 1; sal_uLong nEndIdx = rNds.GetEndOfAutotext().GetIndex(); SwGrfNode* pGrfNd; while( nMissingImgMaps > 0 && nIdx < nEndIdx ) { SwNode *pNd = rNds[nIdx + 1]; if( 0 != (pGrfNd = pNd->GetGrfNode()) ) { SwFrmFmt *pFmt = pGrfNd->GetFlyFmt(); SwFmtURL aURL( pFmt->GetURL() ); const ImageMap *pIMap = aURL.GetMap(); if( pIMap && pIMap->GetIMapObjectCount()==0 ) { // Die (leere) Image-Map des Nodes wird entweder // durch die jetzt gefundene Image-Map ersetzt // oder geloescht. ImageMap *pNewIMap = FindImageMap( pIMap->GetName() ); aURL.SetMap( pNewIMap ); pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aURL ); if( !pGrfNd->IsScaleImageMap() ) { // die Grafikgroesse ist mitlerweile da oder dir // Grafik muss nicht skaliert werden pGrfNd->ScaleImageMap(); } nMissingImgMaps--; // eine Map weniger suchen } } nIdx = rNds[nIdx]->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1; } } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::SetAnchorAndAdjustment( sal_Int16 eVertOri, sal_Int16 eHoriOri, const SfxItemSet &rCSS1ItemSet, const SvxCSS1PropertyInfo &rCSS1PropInfo, SfxItemSet& rFrmItemSet ) { const SfxItemSet *pCntnrItemSet = 0; sal_uInt16 i = aContexts.size(); while( !pCntnrItemSet && i > nContextStMin ) pCntnrItemSet = aContexts[--i]->GetFrmItemSet(); if( pCntnrItemSet ) { // Wenn wir und in einem Container befinden wird die Verankerung // des Containers uebernommen. rFrmItemSet.Put( *pCntnrItemSet ); } else if( pCSS1Parser->MayBePositioned( rCSS1PropInfo, sal_True ) ) { // Wenn die Ausrichtung anhand der CSS1-Optionen gesetzt werden kann // werden die benutzt. SetAnchorAndAdjustment( rCSS1ItemSet, rCSS1PropInfo, rFrmItemSet ); } else { // Sonst wird die Ausrichtung entsprechend der normalen HTML-Optionen // gesetzt. SetAnchorAndAdjustment( eVertOri, eHoriOri, rFrmItemSet ); } } void SwHTMLParser::SetAnchorAndAdjustment( sal_Int16 eVertOri, sal_Int16 eHoriOri, SfxItemSet& rFrmSet, sal_Bool bDontAppend ) { sal_Bool bMoveBackward = sal_False; SwFmtAnchor aAnchor( FLY_AS_CHAR ); sal_Int16 eVertRel = text::RelOrientation::FRAME; if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE != eHoriOri ) { // den Absatz-Einzug bestimmen sal_uInt16 nLeftSpace = 0, nRightSpace = 0; short nIndent = 0; GetMarginsFromContextWithNumBul( nLeftSpace, nRightSpace, nIndent ); // Horizonale Ausrichtung und Umlauf bestimmen. sal_Int16 eHoriRel; SwSurround eSurround; switch( eHoriOri ) { case text::HoriOrientation::LEFT: eHoriRel = nLeftSpace ? text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA : text::RelOrientation::FRAME; eSurround = SURROUND_RIGHT; break; case text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT: eHoriRel = nRightSpace ? text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA : text::RelOrientation::FRAME; eSurround = SURROUND_LEFT; break; case text::HoriOrientation::CENTER: // fuer Tabellen eHoriRel = text::RelOrientation::FRAME; eSurround = SURROUND_NONE; break; default: eHoriRel = text::RelOrientation::FRAME; eSurround = SURROUND_PARALLEL; break; } // Einen neuen Absatz aufmachen, wenn der aktuelle // absatzgebundene Rahmen ohne Umlauf enthaelt. if( !bDontAppend && HasCurrentParaFlys( sal_True ) ) { // Wenn der Absatz nur Grafiken enthaelt, braucht er // auch keinen unteren Absatz-Abstand. Da hier auch bei // Verwendung von Styles kein Abstand enstehen soll, wird // hier auch geweohnlich attributiert !!! sal_uInt16 nUpper=0, nLower=0; GetULSpaceFromContext( nUpper, nLower ); InsertAttr( SvxULSpaceItem( nUpper, 0, RES_UL_SPACE ), sal_False, sal_True ); AppendTxtNode( AM_NOSPACE ); if( nUpper ) { NewAttr( &aAttrTab.pULSpace, SvxULSpaceItem( 0, nLower, RES_UL_SPACE ) ); aParaAttrs.push_back( aAttrTab.pULSpace ); EndAttr( aAttrTab.pULSpace, 0, sal_False ); } } // Vertikale Ausrichtung und Verankerung bestimmen. xub_StrLen nCntnt = pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex(); if( nCntnt ) { aAnchor.SetType( FLY_AT_CHAR ); bMoveBackward = sal_True; eVertOri = text::VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM; eVertRel = text::RelOrientation::CHAR; } else { aAnchor.SetType( FLY_AT_PARA ); eVertOri = text::VertOrientation::TOP; eVertRel = text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA; } rFrmSet.Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, eHoriOri, eHoriRel) ); rFrmSet.Put( SwFmtSurround( eSurround ) ); } rFrmSet.Put( SwFmtVertOrient( 0, eVertOri, eVertRel) ); if( bMoveBackward ) pPam->Move( fnMoveBackward ); aAnchor.SetAnchor( pPam->GetPoint() ); if( bMoveBackward ) pPam->Move( fnMoveForward ); rFrmSet.Put( aAnchor ); } void SwHTMLParser::RegisterFlyFrm( SwFrmFmt *pFlyFmt ) { // automatisch verankerte Rahmen muessen noch um eine Position // nach vorne verschoben werden. if( RES_DRAWFRMFMT != pFlyFmt->Which() && (FLY_AT_PARA == pFlyFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId()) && SURROUND_THROUGHT == pFlyFmt->GetSurround().GetSurround() ) { aMoveFlyFrms.push_back( pFlyFmt ); aMoveFlyCnts.push_back( pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() ); } } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::GetDefaultScriptType( ScriptType& rType, String& rTypeStr ) const { SwDocShell *pDocSh = pDoc->GetDocShell(); SvKeyValueIterator* pHeaderAttrs = pDocSh ? pDocSh->GetHeaderAttributes() : 0; rType = GetScriptType( pHeaderAttrs ); rTypeStr = GetScriptTypeString( pHeaderAttrs ); } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::InsertImage() { // und jetzt auswerten String sGrfNm, sAltNm, aId, aClass, aStyle, aMap, sHTMLGrfName; sal_Int16 eVertOri = text::VertOrientation::TOP; sal_Int16 eHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::NONE; long nWidth=0, nHeight=0; long nVSpace=0, nHSpace=0; sal_uInt16 nBorder = (aAttrTab.pINetFmt ? 1 : 0); sal_Bool bIsMap = sal_False; sal_Bool bPrcWidth = sal_False; sal_Bool bPrcHeight = sal_False; SvxMacroItem aMacroItem(RES_FRMMACRO); ScriptType eDfltScriptType; String sDfltScriptType; GetDefaultScriptType( eDfltScriptType, sDfltScriptType ); const HTMLOptions& rHTMLOptions = GetOptions(); for (size_t i = rHTMLOptions.size(); i; ) { sal_uInt16 nEvent = 0; ScriptType eScriptType2 = eDfltScriptType; const HTMLOption& rOption = rHTMLOptions[--i]; switch( rOption.GetToken() ) { case HTML_O_ID: aId = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_STYLE: aStyle = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_CLASS: aClass = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_SRC: sGrfNm = rOption.GetString(); if( !InternalImgToPrivateURL(sGrfNm) ) sGrfNm = INetURLObject::GetAbsURL( sBaseURL, sGrfNm ); break; case HTML_O_ALIGN: eVertOri = rOption.GetEnum( aHTMLImgVAlignTable, text::VertOrientation::TOP ); eHoriOri = rOption.GetEnum( aHTMLImgHAlignTable, text::HoriOrientation::NONE ); break; case HTML_O_WIDTH: // erstmal nur als Pixelwerte merken! nWidth = rOption.GetNumber(); bPrcWidth = (rOption.GetString().Search('%') != STRING_NOTFOUND); if( bPrcWidth && nWidth>100 ) nWidth = 100; break; case HTML_O_HEIGHT: // erstmal nur als Pixelwerte merken! nHeight = rOption.GetNumber(); bPrcHeight = (rOption.GetString().Search('%') != STRING_NOTFOUND); if( bPrcHeight && nHeight>100 ) nHeight = 100; break; case HTML_O_VSPACE: nVSpace = rOption.GetNumber(); break; case HTML_O_HSPACE: nHSpace = rOption.GetNumber(); break; case HTML_O_ALT: sAltNm = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_BORDER: nBorder = (sal_uInt16)rOption.GetNumber(); break; case HTML_O_ISMAP: bIsMap = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_USEMAP: aMap = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_NAME: sHTMLGrfName = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_SDONLOAD: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONLOAD: nEvent = SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_LOAD; goto IMAGE_SETEVENT; case HTML_O_SDONABORT: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONABORT: nEvent = SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_ABORT; goto IMAGE_SETEVENT; case HTML_O_SDONERROR: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONERROR: nEvent = SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_ERROR; goto IMAGE_SETEVENT; IMAGE_SETEVENT: { String sTmp( rOption.GetString() ); if( sTmp.Len() ) { sTmp = convertLineEnd(sTmp, GetSystemLineEnd()); String sScriptType; if( EXTENDED_STYPE == eScriptType2 ) sScriptType = sDfltScriptType; aMacroItem.SetMacro( nEvent, SvxMacro( sTmp, sScriptType, eScriptType2 )); } } break; } } if( !sGrfNm.Len() ) return; // Wenn wir in einer Numerierung stehen und der Absatz noch leer und // nicht numeriert ist, handelt es sich vielleicht um die Grafik // einer Bullet-Liste if( !pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() && GetNumInfo().GetDepth() > 0 && GetNumInfo().GetDepth() <= MAXLEVEL && aBulletGrfs[GetNumInfo().GetDepth()-1].Len() && aBulletGrfs[GetNumInfo().GetDepth()-1]==sGrfNm ) { SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = pPam->GetNode()->GetTxtNode(); if( pTxtNode && ! pTxtNode->IsCountedInList()) { OSL_ENSURE( pTxtNode->GetActualListLevel() == GetNumInfo().GetLevel(), "Numerierungs-Ebene stimmt nicht" ); pTxtNode->SetCountedInList( true ); // Rule invalisieren ist noetig, weil zwischem dem einlesen // des LI und der Grafik ein EndAction gerufen worden sein kann. if( GetNumInfo().GetNumRule() ) GetNumInfo().GetNumRule()->SetInvalidRule( sal_True ); // Die Vorlage novh mal setzen. Ist noetig, damit der // Erstzeilen-Einzug stimmt. SetTxtCollAttrs(); return; } } SfxItemSet aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool(), pCSS1Parser->GetWhichMap() ); SvxCSS1PropertyInfo aPropInfo; if( HasStyleOptions( aStyle, aId, aClass ) ) ParseStyleOptions( aStyle, aId, aClass, aItemSet, aPropInfo ); SfxItemSet aFrmSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool(), RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END-1 ); if( !IsNewDoc() ) Reader::ResetFrmFmtAttrs( aFrmSet ); // Umrandung setzen long nHBorderWidth = 0, nVBorderWidth = 0; if( nBorder ) { nHBorderWidth = (long)nBorder; nVBorderWidth = (long)nBorder; SvxCSS1Parser::PixelToTwip( nVBorderWidth, nHBorderWidth ); ::editeng::SvxBorderLine aHBorderLine( NULL, nHBorderWidth ); ::editeng::SvxBorderLine aVBorderLine( NULL, nVBorderWidth ); if( aAttrTab.pINetFmt ) { const String& rURL = ((const SwFmtINetFmt&)aAttrTab.pINetFmt->GetItem()).GetValue(); pCSS1Parser->SetATagStyles(); sal_uInt16 nPoolId = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(pDoc->IsVisitedURL( rURL ) ? RES_POOLCHR_INET_VISIT : RES_POOLCHR_INET_NORMAL); const SwCharFmt *pCharFmt = pCSS1Parser->GetCharFmtFromPool( nPoolId ); aHBorderLine.SetColor( pCharFmt->GetColor().GetValue() ); aVBorderLine.SetColor( aHBorderLine.GetColor() ); } else { const SvxColorItem& rColorItem = aAttrTab.pFontColor ? (const SvxColorItem &)aAttrTab.pFontColor->GetItem() : (const SvxColorItem &)pDoc->GetDefault(RES_CHRATR_COLOR); aHBorderLine.SetColor( rColorItem.GetValue() ); aVBorderLine.SetColor( aHBorderLine.GetColor() ); } SvxBoxItem aBoxItem( RES_BOX ); aBoxItem.SetLine( &aHBorderLine, BOX_LINE_TOP ); aBoxItem.SetLine( &aHBorderLine, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM ); aBoxItem.SetLine( &aVBorderLine, BOX_LINE_LEFT ); aBoxItem.SetLine( &aVBorderLine, BOX_LINE_RIGHT ); aFrmSet.Put( aBoxItem ); } // Ausrichtung setzen SetAnchorAndAdjustment( eVertOri, eHoriOri, aItemSet, aPropInfo, aFrmSet ); // Abstaende setzen SetSpace( Size( nHSpace, nVSpace), aItemSet, aPropInfo, aFrmSet ); // Sonstige CSS1-Attribute Setzen SetFrmFmtAttrs( aItemSet, aPropInfo, HTML_FF_BOX, aFrmSet ); Size aTwipSz( bPrcWidth ? 0 : nWidth, bPrcHeight ? 0 : nHeight ); if( (aTwipSz.Width() || aTwipSz.Height()) && Application::GetDefaultDevice() ) { aTwipSz = Application::GetDefaultDevice() ->PixelToLogic( aTwipSz, MapMode( MAP_TWIP ) ); } // CSS1-Groesse auf "normale" Groesse umrechnen switch( aPropInfo.eWidthType ) { case SVX_CSS1_LTYPE_TWIP: aTwipSz.Width() = aPropInfo.nWidth; nWidth = 1; // != 0 bPrcWidth = sal_False; break; case SVX_CSS1_LTYPE_PERCENTAGE: aTwipSz.Width() = 0; nWidth = aPropInfo.nWidth; bPrcWidth = sal_True; break; default: ; } switch( aPropInfo.eHeightType ) { case SVX_CSS1_LTYPE_TWIP: aTwipSz.Height() = aPropInfo.nHeight; nHeight = 1; // != 0 bPrcHeight = sal_False; break; case SVX_CSS1_LTYPE_PERCENTAGE: aTwipSz.Height() = 0; nHeight = aPropInfo.nHeight; bPrcHeight = sal_True; break; default: ; } Size aGrfSz( 0, 0 ); sal_Bool bSetTwipSize = sal_True; // Twip-Size am Node setzen? sal_Bool bChangeFrmSize = sal_False; // Frame-Format nachtraeglich anpassen? sal_Bool bRequestGrfNow = sal_False; sal_Bool bSetScaleImageMap = sal_False; sal_uInt8 nPrcWidth = 0, nPrcHeight = 0; if( !nWidth || !nHeight ) { // Es fehlt die Breite oder die Hoehe // Wenn die Grfik in einer Tabelle steht, wird sie gleich // angefordert, damit sie eventuell schon da ist, bevor die // Tabelle layoutet wird. if( pTable!=0 && !nWidth ) { bRequestGrfNow = sal_True; IncGrfsThatResizeTable(); } // Die Groesse des Rahmens wird nachtraeglich gesetzt bChangeFrmSize = sal_True; aGrfSz = aTwipSz; if( !nWidth && !nHeight ) { aTwipSz.Width() = HTML_DFLT_IMG_WIDTH; aTwipSz.Height() = HTML_DFLT_IMG_HEIGHT; } else if( nWidth ) { // eine %-Angabe if( bPrcWidth ) { nPrcWidth = (sal_uInt8)nWidth; nPrcHeight = 255; } else { aTwipSz.Height() = HTML_DFLT_IMG_HEIGHT; } } else if( nHeight ) { if( bPrcHeight ) { nPrcHeight = (sal_uInt8)nHeight; nPrcWidth = 255; } else { aTwipSz.Width() = HTML_DFLT_IMG_WIDTH; } } } else { // Breite und Hoehe wurden angegeben und brauchen nicht gesetzt // zu werden bSetTwipSize = sal_False; if( bPrcWidth ) nPrcWidth = (sal_uInt8)nWidth; if( bPrcHeight ) nPrcHeight = (sal_uInt8)nHeight; } // Image-Map setzen aMap = comphelper::string::stripEnd(aMap, ' '); if( aMap.Len() ) { // Da wir nur lokale Image-Maps kennen nehmen wireinfach alles // hinter dem # als Namen xub_StrLen nPos = aMap.Search( '#' ); String aName; if ( STRING_NOTFOUND==nPos ) aName = aMap ; else aName = aMap.Copy(nPos+1); ImageMap *pImgMap = FindImageMap( aName ); if( pImgMap ) { SwFmtURL aURL; aURL.SetMap( pImgMap );//wird kopieiert bSetScaleImageMap = !nPrcWidth || !nPrcHeight; aFrmSet.Put( aURL ); } else { ImageMap aEmptyImgMap( aName ); SwFmtURL aURL; aURL.SetMap( &aEmptyImgMap );//wird kopieiert aFrmSet.Put( aURL ); nMissingImgMaps++; // es fehlen noch Image-Maps // die Grafik muss beim SetTwipSize skaliert werden, wenn // wir keine Groesse am Node gesetzt haben oder die Groesse // nicht der Grafikgroesse entsprach. bSetScaleImageMap = sal_True; } } // min. Werte einhalten !! if( nPrcWidth ) { OSL_ENSURE( !aTwipSz.Width(), "Wieso ist da trotz %-Angabe eine Breite gesetzt?" ); aTwipSz.Width() = aGrfSz.Width() ? aGrfSz.Width() : HTML_DFLT_IMG_WIDTH; } else { aTwipSz.Width() += 2*nVBorderWidth; if( aTwipSz.Width() < MINFLY ) aTwipSz.Width() = MINFLY; } if( nPrcHeight ) { OSL_ENSURE( !aTwipSz.Height(), "Wieso ist da trotz %-Angabe eine Hoehe gesetzt?" ); aTwipSz.Height() = aGrfSz.Height() ? aGrfSz.Height() : HTML_DFLT_IMG_HEIGHT; } else { aTwipSz.Height() += 2*nHBorderWidth; if( aTwipSz.Height() < MINFLY ) aTwipSz.Height() = MINFLY; } SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSize( ATT_FIX_SIZE, aTwipSz.Width(), aTwipSz.Height() ); aFrmSize.SetWidthPercent( nPrcWidth ); aFrmSize.SetHeightPercent( nPrcHeight ); aFrmSet.Put( aFrmSize ); Graphic aEmptyGrf; aEmptyGrf.SetDefaultType(); SwFrmFmt *pFlyFmt = pDoc->Insert( *pPam, sGrfNm, aEmptyStr, &aEmptyGrf, &aFrmSet, NULL, NULL ); SwGrfNode *pGrfNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[ pFlyFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() ->GetIndex()+1 ]->GetGrfNode(); if( sHTMLGrfName.Len() ) { pFlyFmt->SetName( sHTMLGrfName ); // ggfs. eine Grafik anspringen if( JUMPTO_GRAPHIC == eJumpTo && sHTMLGrfName == sJmpMark ) { bChkJumpMark = sal_True; eJumpTo = JUMPTO_NONE; } } if( sAltNm.Len() ) pGrfNd->SetTitle( sAltNm ); if( bSetTwipSize ) pGrfNd->SetTwipSize( aGrfSz ); pGrfNd->SetChgTwipSize( bChangeFrmSize, bChangeFrmSize ); if( bSetScaleImageMap ) pGrfNd->SetScaleImageMap( sal_True ); if( aAttrTab.pINetFmt ) { const SwFmtINetFmt &rINetFmt = (const SwFmtINetFmt&)aAttrTab.pINetFmt->GetItem(); SwFmtURL aURL( pFlyFmt->GetURL() ); aURL.SetURL( rINetFmt.GetValue(), bIsMap ); aURL.SetTargetFrameName( rINetFmt.GetTargetFrame() ); aURL.SetName( rINetFmt.GetName() ); pFlyFmt->SetFmtAttr( aURL ); { const SvxMacro *pMacro; static sal_uInt16 aEvents[] = { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT, SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT, SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT, 0 }; for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; aEvents[ n ]; ++n ) if( 0 != ( pMacro = rINetFmt.GetMacro( aEvents[ n ] ) )) aMacroItem.SetMacro( aEvents[ n ], *pMacro ); } if ((FLY_AS_CHAR == pFlyFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId()) && aAttrTab.pINetFmt->GetSttPara() == pPam->GetPoint()->nNode && aAttrTab.pINetFmt->GetSttCnt() == pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() - 1 ) { // das Attribut wurde unmitellbar vor einer zeichengeb. // Grafik eingefuegt, also verschieben wir es aAttrTab.pINetFmt->SetStart( *pPam->GetPoint() ); // Wenn das Attribut auch ein Sprungziel ist, fuegen // wir noch eine Bookmark vor der Grafik ein, weil das // SwFmtURL kein Sprungziel ist. if( rINetFmt.GetName().Len() ) { pPam->Move( fnMoveBackward ); InsertBookmark( rINetFmt.GetName() ); pPam->Move( fnMoveForward ); } } } if( !aMacroItem.GetMacroTable().empty() ) pFlyFmt->SetFmtAttr( aMacroItem ); // Wenn die Grafik gleich angeforder wird, muss dies geschehen, // nachdem das Format vollstaendig aufgebaut ist, weil es evtl. // gleich (synchron) angepasst wird (war bug #40983#) if( bRequestGrfNow ) { pGrfNd->SwapIn(); } // Ggf. Frames anlegen und Auto-gebundenen Rahmen registrieren RegisterFlyFrm( pFlyFmt ); if( aId.Len() ) InsertBookmark( aId ); } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::InsertBodyOptions() { pDoc->SetTxtFmtColl( *pPam, pCSS1Parser->GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT ) ); String aBackGround, aId, aStyle, aLang, aDir; Color aBGColor, aTextColor, aLinkColor, aVLinkColor; sal_Bool bBGColor=sal_False, bTextColor=sal_False; sal_Bool bLinkColor=sal_False, bVLinkColor=sal_False; ScriptType eDfltScriptType; String sDfltScriptType; GetDefaultScriptType( eDfltScriptType, sDfltScriptType ); const HTMLOptions& rHTMLOptions = GetOptions(); for (size_t i = rHTMLOptions.size(); i; ) { const HTMLOption& rOption = rHTMLOptions[--i]; ScriptType eScriptType2 = eDfltScriptType; rtl::OUString aEvent; sal_Bool bSetEvent = sal_False; switch( rOption.GetToken() ) { case HTML_O_ID: aId = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_BACKGROUND: aBackGround = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_BGCOLOR: rOption.GetColor( aBGColor ); bBGColor = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_TEXT: rOption.GetColor( aTextColor ); bTextColor = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_LINK: rOption.GetColor( aLinkColor ); bLinkColor = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_VLINK: rOption.GetColor( aVLinkColor ); bVLinkColor = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_SDONLOAD: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONLOAD: aEvent = GlobalEventConfig::GetEventName( STR_EVENT_OPENDOC ); bSetEvent = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_SDONUNLOAD: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONUNLOAD: aEvent = GlobalEventConfig::GetEventName( STR_EVENT_PREPARECLOSEDOC ); bSetEvent = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_SDONFOCUS: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONFOCUS: aEvent = GlobalEventConfig::GetEventName( STR_EVENT_ACTIVATEDOC ); bSetEvent = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_SDONBLUR: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONBLUR: aEvent = GlobalEventConfig::GetEventName( STR_EVENT_DEACTIVATEDOC ); bSetEvent = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_ONERROR: break; case HTML_O_STYLE: aStyle = rOption.GetString(); bTextColor = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_LANG: aLang = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_DIR: aDir = rOption.GetString(); break; } if( bSetEvent ) { const String& rEvent = rOption.GetString(); if( rEvent.Len() ) InsertBasicDocEvent( aEvent, rEvent, eScriptType2, sDfltScriptType ); } } if( bTextColor && !pCSS1Parser->IsBodyTextSet() ) { // Die Textfarbe wird an der Standard-Vorlage gesetzt pCSS1Parser->GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ) ->SetFmtAttr( SvxColorItem(aTextColor, RES_CHRATR_COLOR) ); pCSS1Parser->SetBodyTextSet(); } // Die Item fuer die Seitenvorlage vorbereiten (Hintergrund, Umrandung) // Beim BrushItem muessen schon gesetzte werte erhalten bleiben! SvxBrushItem aBrushItem( pCSS1Parser->GetPageDescBackground() ); sal_Bool bSetBrush = sal_False; if( bBGColor && !pCSS1Parser->IsBodyBGColorSet() ) { // Hintergrundfarbe aus "BGCOLOR" String aLink; if( aBrushItem.GetGraphicLink() ) aLink = *aBrushItem.GetGraphicLink(); SvxGraphicPosition ePos = aBrushItem.GetGraphicPos(); aBrushItem.SetColor( aBGColor ); if( aLink.Len() ) { aBrushItem.SetGraphicLink( aLink ); aBrushItem.SetGraphicPos( ePos ); } bSetBrush = sal_True; pCSS1Parser->SetBodyBGColorSet(); } if( aBackGround.Len() && !pCSS1Parser->IsBodyBackgroundSet() ) { // Hintergrundgrafik aus "BACKGROUND" aBrushItem.SetGraphicLink( INetURLObject::GetAbsURL( sBaseURL, aBackGround ) ); aBrushItem.SetGraphicPos( GPOS_TILED ); bSetBrush = sal_True; pCSS1Parser->SetBodyBackgroundSet(); } if( aStyle.Len() || aDir.Len() ) { SfxItemSet aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool(), pCSS1Parser->GetWhichMap() ); SvxCSS1PropertyInfo aPropInfo; String aDummy; ParseStyleOptions( aStyle, aDummy, aDummy, aItemSet, aPropInfo, 0, &aDir ); // Ein par Attribute muessen an der Seitenvorlage gesetzt werden, // und zwar die, die nicht vererbit werden pCSS1Parser->SetPageDescAttrs( bSetBrush ? &aBrushItem : 0, &aItemSet ); const SfxPoolItem *pItem; static sal_uInt16 aWhichIds[3] = { RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE, RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONTSIZE, RES_CHRATR_CTL_FONTSIZE }; for( sal_uInt16 i=0; i<3; i++ ) { if( SFX_ITEM_SET == aItemSet.GetItemState( aWhichIds[i], sal_False, &pItem ) && static_cast (pItem)->GetProp() != 100) { sal_uInt32 nHeight = ( aFontHeights[2] * static_cast (pItem)->GetProp() ) / 100; SvxFontHeightItem aNewItem( nHeight, 100, aWhichIds[i] ); aItemSet.Put( aNewItem ); } } // alle noch uebrigen Optionen koennen an der Standard-Vorlage // gesetzt werden und gelten dann automatisch als defaults pCSS1Parser->GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ) ->SetFmtAttr( aItemSet ); } else if( bSetBrush ) { pCSS1Parser->SetPageDescAttrs( &aBrushItem ); } if( bLinkColor && !pCSS1Parser->IsBodyLinkSet() ) { SwCharFmt *pCharFmt = pCSS1Parser->GetCharFmtFromPool(RES_POOLCHR_INET_NORMAL); pCharFmt->SetFmtAttr( SvxColorItem(aLinkColor, RES_CHRATR_COLOR) ); pCSS1Parser->SetBodyLinkSet(); } if( bVLinkColor && !pCSS1Parser->IsBodyVLinkSet() ) { SwCharFmt *pCharFmt = pCSS1Parser->GetCharFmtFromPool(RES_POOLCHR_INET_VISIT); pCharFmt->SetFmtAttr( SvxColorItem(aVLinkColor, RES_CHRATR_COLOR) ); pCSS1Parser->SetBodyVLinkSet(); } if( aLang.Len() ) { LanguageType eLang = LanguageTag( aLang ).getLanguageType(); if( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW != eLang ) { sal_uInt16 nWhich = 0; switch( SvtLanguageOptions::GetScriptTypeOfLanguage( eLang ) ) { case SCRIPTTYPE_LATIN: nWhich = RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE; break; case SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN: nWhich = RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE; break; case SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX: nWhich = RES_CHRATR_CTL_LANGUAGE; break; } if( nWhich ) { SvxLanguageItem aLanguage( eLang, nWhich ); aLanguage.SetWhich( nWhich ); pDoc->SetDefault( aLanguage ); } } } if( aId.Len() ) InsertBookmark( aId ); } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::NewAnchor() { // den voherigen Link beenden, falls es einen gab _HTMLAttrContext *pOldCntxt = PopContext( HTML_ANCHOR_ON ); if( pOldCntxt ) { // und ggf. die Attribute beenden EndContext( pOldCntxt ); delete pOldCntxt; } SvxMacroTableDtor aMacroTbl; String sHRef, aName, sTarget; String aId, aStyle, aClass, aLang, aDir; sal_Bool bHasHRef = sal_False, bFixed = sal_False; ScriptType eDfltScriptType; String sDfltScriptType; GetDefaultScriptType( eDfltScriptType, sDfltScriptType ); const HTMLOptions& rHTMLOptions = GetOptions(); for (size_t i = rHTMLOptions.size(); i; ) { sal_uInt16 nEvent = 0; ScriptType eScriptType2 = eDfltScriptType; const HTMLOption& rOption = rHTMLOptions[--i]; switch( rOption.GetToken() ) { case HTML_O_NAME: aName = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_HREF: sHRef = rOption.GetString(); bHasHRef = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_TARGET: sTarget = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_STYLE: aStyle = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_ID: aId = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_CLASS: aClass = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_SDFIXED: bFixed = sal_True; break; case HTML_O_LANG: aLang = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_DIR: aDir = rOption.GetString(); break; case HTML_O_SDONCLICK: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONCLICK: nEvent = SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT; goto ANCHOR_SETEVENT; case HTML_O_SDONMOUSEOVER: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONMOUSEOVER: nEvent = SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT; goto ANCHOR_SETEVENT; case HTML_O_SDONMOUSEOUT: eScriptType2 = STARBASIC; case HTML_O_ONMOUSEOUT: nEvent = SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT; goto ANCHOR_SETEVENT; ANCHOR_SETEVENT: { String sTmp( rOption.GetString() ); if( sTmp.Len() ) { sTmp = convertLineEnd(sTmp, GetSystemLineEnd()); String sScriptType; if( EXTENDED_STYPE == eScriptType2 ) sScriptType = sDfltScriptType; aMacroTbl.Insert( nEvent, SvxMacro( sTmp, sScriptType, eScriptType2 )); } } break; } } // Sprungziele, die unseren ipmliziten Zielen entsprechen, schmeissen // wir hier ganz rigoros raus. if( aName.Len() ) { String sDecoded( INetURLObject::decode( aName, INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 )); xub_StrLen nPos = sDecoded.SearchBackward( cMarkSeperator ); if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ) { String sCmp(comphelper::string::remove(sDecoded.Copy(nPos+1), ' ')); if( sCmp.Len() ) { sCmp.ToLowerAscii(); if( sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToRegion ) || sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToFrame ) || sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToGraphic ) || sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToOLE ) || sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToTable ) || sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToOutline ) || sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToText ) ) { aName.Erase(); } } } } // einen neuen Kontext anlegen _HTMLAttrContext *pCntxt = new _HTMLAttrContext( HTML_ANCHOR_ON ); sal_Bool bEnAnchor = sal_False, bFtnAnchor = sal_False, bFtnEnSymbol = sal_False; String aFtnName; String aStrippedClass( aClass ); SwCSS1Parser::GetScriptFromClass( aStrippedClass, sal_False ); if( aStrippedClass.Len() >=9 && bHasHRef && sHRef.Len() > 1 && ('s' == aStrippedClass.GetChar(0) || 'S' == aStrippedClass.GetChar(0)) && ('d' == aStrippedClass.GetChar(1) || 'D' == aStrippedClass.GetChar(1)) ) { if( aStrippedClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_sdendnote_anc ) ) bEnAnchor = sal_True; else if( aStrippedClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_sdfootnote_anc ) ) bFtnAnchor = sal_True; else if( aStrippedClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_sdendnote_sym ) || aStrippedClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_sdfootnote_sym ) ) bFtnEnSymbol = sal_True; if( bEnAnchor || bFtnAnchor || bFtnEnSymbol ) { aFtnName = sHRef.Copy( 1 ); aClass = aStrippedClass = aName = aEmptyStr; bHasHRef = sal_False; } } // Styles parsen if( HasStyleOptions( aStyle, aId, aStrippedClass, &aLang, &aDir ) ) { SfxItemSet aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool(), pCSS1Parser->GetWhichMap() ); SvxCSS1PropertyInfo aPropInfo; if( ParseStyleOptions( aStyle, aId, aClass, aItemSet, aPropInfo, &aLang, &aDir ) ) { DoPositioning( aItemSet, aPropInfo, pCntxt ); InsertAttrs( aItemSet, aPropInfo, pCntxt, sal_True ); } } if( bHasHRef ) { if( sHRef.Len() ) { sHRef = URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs( INetURLObject(sBaseURL), sHRef, Link(), false ); } else { // Bei leerer URL das Directory nehmen INetURLObject aURLObj( aPathToFile ); sHRef = aURLObj.GetPartBeforeLastName(); } pCSS1Parser->SetATagStyles(); SwFmtINetFmt aINetFmt( sHRef, sTarget ); aINetFmt.SetName( aName ); if( !aMacroTbl.empty() ) aINetFmt.SetMacroTbl( &aMacroTbl ); // das Default-Attribut setzen InsertAttr( &aAttrTab.pINetFmt, aINetFmt, pCntxt ); } else if( aName.Len() ) { InsertBookmark( aName ); } if( bEnAnchor || bFtnAnchor ) { InsertFootEndNote( aFtnName, bEnAnchor, bFixed ); bInFootEndNoteAnchor = bCallNextToken = sal_True; } else if( bFtnEnSymbol ) { bInFootEndNoteSymbol = bCallNextToken = sal_True; } // den Kontext merken PushContext( pCntxt ); } void SwHTMLParser::EndAnchor() { if( bInFootEndNoteAnchor ) { FinishFootEndNote(); bInFootEndNoteAnchor = sal_False; } else if( bInFootEndNoteSymbol ) { bInFootEndNoteSymbol = sal_False; } EndTag( HTML_ANCHOR_OFF ); } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::InsertBookmark( const String& rName ) { _HTMLAttr* pTmp = new _HTMLAttr( *pPam->GetPoint(), SfxStringItem( RES_FLTR_BOOKMARK, rName )); aSetAttrTab.push_back( pTmp ); } sal_Bool SwHTMLParser::HasCurrentParaBookmarks( sal_Bool bIgnoreStack ) const { sal_Bool bHasMarks = sal_False; sal_uLong nNodeIdx = pPam->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex(); // first step: are there still bookmark in the attribute-stack? // bookmarks are added to the end of the stack - thus we only have // to check the last bookmark if( !bIgnoreStack ) { _HTMLAttr* pAttr; for( sal_uInt16 i = aSetAttrTab.size(); i; ) { pAttr = aSetAttrTab[ --i ]; if( RES_FLTR_BOOKMARK == pAttr->pItem->Which() ) { if( pAttr->GetSttParaIdx() == nNodeIdx ) bHasMarks = sal_True; break; } } } if( !bHasMarks ) { // second step: when we didnt find a bookmark, check if there is one // set already IDocumentMarkAccess* const pMarkAccess = pDoc->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); for(IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t ppMark = pMarkAccess->getMarksBegin(); ppMark != pMarkAccess->getMarksEnd(); ++ppMark) { const ::sw::mark::IMark* pBookmark = ppMark->get(); sal_uLong nBookNdIdx = pBookmark->GetMarkPos().nNode.GetIndex(); if( nBookNdIdx==nNodeIdx ) { bHasMarks = sal_True; break; } else if( nBookNdIdx > nNodeIdx ) break; } } return bHasMarks; } /* */ void SwHTMLParser::StripTrailingPara() { sal_Bool bSetSmallFont = sal_False; SwCntntNode* pCNd = pPam->GetCntntNode(); if( !pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() ) { if( pCNd && pCNd->StartOfSectionIndex()+2 < pCNd->EndOfSectionIndex() ) { sal_uLong nNodeIdx = pPam->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex(); const SwFrmFmts& rFrmFmtTbl = *pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts(); for( sal_uInt16 i=0; iGetAnchor(); SwPosition const*const pAPos = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor(); if (pAPos && ((FLY_AT_PARA == pAnchor->GetAnchorId()) || (FLY_AT_CHAR == pAnchor->GetAnchorId())) && pAPos->nNode == nNodeIdx ) return; // den Knoten duerfen wir nicht loeschen } SetAttr( sal_False ); // die noch offenen Attribute muessen // beendet werden, bevor der Node // geloescht wird, weil sonst der // End-Index in die Botanik zeigt if( pCNd->Len() && pCNd->IsTxtNode() ) { // es wurden Felder in den Node eingefuegt, die muessen // wir jetzt verschieben SwTxtNode *pPrvNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[nNodeIdx-1]->GetTxtNode(); if( pPrvNd ) { SwIndex aSrc( pCNd, 0 ); pCNd->GetTxtNode()->CutText( pPrvNd, aSrc, pCNd->Len() ); } } // jetz muessen wir noch eventuell vorhandene Bookmarks // verschieben IDocumentMarkAccess* const pMarkAccess = pDoc->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); for(IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t ppMark = pMarkAccess->getMarksBegin(); ppMark != pMarkAccess->getMarksEnd(); ++ppMark) { ::sw::mark::IMark* pMark = ppMark->get(); sal_uLong nBookNdIdx = pMark->GetMarkPos().nNode.GetIndex(); if(nBookNdIdx==nNodeIdx) { SwNodeIndex nNewNdIdx(pPam->GetPoint()->nNode); SwCntntNode* pNd = pDoc->GetNodes().GoPrevious(&nNewNdIdx); if(!pNd) { OSL_ENSURE(!this, "Hoppla, wo ist mein Vorgaenger-Node"); return; } // #i81002# - refactoring // Do not directly manipulate member of { SwPosition aNewPos(*pNd); aNewPos.nContent.Assign(pNd, pNd->Len()); const SwPaM aPaM(aNewPos); pMarkAccess->repositionMark(ppMark->get(), aPaM); } } else if( nBookNdIdx > nNodeIdx ) break; } pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( 0, 0 ); pPam->SetMark(); pPam->DeleteMark(); pDoc->GetNodes().Delete( pPam->GetPoint()->nNode ); pPam->Move( fnMoveBackward, fnGoNode ); } else if( pCNd && pCNd->IsTxtNode() && pTable ) { // In leeren Zellen stellen wir einen kleinen Font ein, damit die // Zelle nicht hoeher wird als die Grafik bzw. so niedrig wie // moeglich bleibt. bSetSmallFont = sal_True; } } else if( pCNd && pCNd->IsTxtNode() && pTable && pCNd->StartOfSectionIndex()+2 == pCNd->EndOfSectionIndex() ) { // Wenn die Zelle nur zeichengebundene Grafiken/Rahmen enthaelt // stellen wir ebenfalls einen kleinen Font ein. bSetSmallFont = sal_True; SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pCNd->GetTxtNode(); xub_StrLen nPos = pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex(); while( bSetSmallFont && nPos>0 ) { --nPos; bSetSmallFont = (CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == pTxtNd->GetTxt()[nPos]) && (0 != pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt( nPos, RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT )); } } if( bSetSmallFont ) { //Added default to CJK and CTL SvxFontHeightItem aFontHeight( 40, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE ); pCNd->SetAttr( aFontHeight ); SvxFontHeightItem aFontHeightCJK( 40, 100, RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONTSIZE ); pCNd->SetAttr( aFontHeightCJK ); SvxFontHeightItem aFontHeightCTL( 40, 100, RES_CHRATR_CTL_FONTSIZE ); pCNd->SetAttr( aFontHeightCTL ); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */ rnize_gtktiledviewer LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-22Resolves: tdf#130563 Add predefined 4-digit year date+time formatEike Rathke