/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: app.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.25 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2001-04-03 08:02:43 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "cmdid.h" #include "globals.hrc" #include "app.hrc" #include "statstr.hrc" #include "swstyle.h" #include "comcore.hrc" #include "shells.hrc" #define IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR Color { Red = 0xC000; Green = 0xC000; Blue = 0xC000; } String RID_SW_NAME { TEXT = "StarWriter" ; }; String STR_PRINT_MERGE_MACRO { TEXT = "Serienbriefe drucken" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Print merge" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Print form letters" ; Text [ italian ] = "Stampa in serie" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Imprimir cartas en serie" ; Text [ french ] = "Imprimer un mailing" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Standaardbrieven afdrukken" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Skriv ut standardbrev" ; Text [ danish ] = "Udskriv flettede breve" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Serienbriefe drucken" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Imprimir cartas em srie" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡʼϲ"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Drukuj listy seryjne"; Text[ japanese ] = "݈"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X֦CL"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Standaardbrieven afdrukken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡʼϲ"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " μ"; Text[ turkish ] = "Standart mektup yazdr"; }; String STR_PAGE_COUNT_MACRO { TEXT = "nderung der Seitenanzahl" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Page count changed" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Changing the page count" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "nderung der Seitenanzahl" ; Text [ swedish ] = "ndring av sidantal" ; Text [ danish ] = "Modificer sideantal" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modifica del numero delle pagine" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Modificacin del nmero de pginas" ; Text [ french ] = "Modification du nombre de pages" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Wijziging van het aantal pagina's" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Modificar nmero de pginas" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Zmiana liczby stron"; Text[ japanese ] = "߰ސ̕ύX"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ܧ󭶼"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Wijziging van het aantal pagina's"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa saysnn deitirilmesi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; // Image-Liste ---------------------------------------------------------------- //Dafuer gibt es jetzt eine Vorsortierung: //1. SID_ //2. RID_ //3. FN_ //4. Ids, die noch aus der Default-Liste entfernt werden muessen #define IMAGELIST_AND_COUNT \ IdList = { \ SID_SELECTALL ;\ SID_NEWDOCDIRECT ;\ SID_DOCINFO ;\ SID_CLOSEDOCS ;\ SID_MAIL_SENDDOC ;\ SID_PRINTPREVIEW ;\ \ SID_INSERT_GRAPHIC ;\ SID_INSERT_DRAW ;\ SID_DOCTEMPLATE ;\ SID_AUTOFORMAT ;\ SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK ;\ SID_EXTENDEDHELP ;\ SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONT ;\ SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ;\ SID_ATTR_CHAR_STRIKEOUT ;\ SID_ATTR_CHAR_SHADOWED ;\ SID_OBJECT_HELL ;\ SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN ;\ SID_ATTR_FILL_STYLE ;\ SID_ATTR_LINE_STYLE ;\ SID_ATTR_LINE_WIDTH ;\ SID_ATTR_LINE_COLOR ;\ SID_ATTR_LINEEND_STYLE ;\ SID_BACKGROUND_COLOR ;\ SID_FRAME_LINESTYLE ;\ SID_FRAME_LINECOLOR ;\ SID_ATTR_ZOOM ;\ SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN ;\ SID_FRAME_TO_TOP ;\ SID_FRAME_TO_BOTTOM ;\ SID_SBA_ADDRPI ;\ SID_FONTWORK ;\ \ SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM ;\ SID_ATTR_CHAR_COLOR2;\ SID_ATTR_CHAR_COLOR_BACKGROUND ;\ \ FN_NUMBER_BULLETS ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_DOWN ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_UP ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_MOVEUP ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_MOVEDOWN ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_NONUM ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_OFF ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_DOWN ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_UP ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_MOVEUP ;\ FN_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_MOVEDOWN ;\ FN_NUMBER_NEWSTART ;\ FN_INSERT_FIELD ;\ FN_VIEW_FIELDS ;\ FN_VIEW_FIELDNAME ;\ FN_VIEW_GRAPHIC ;\ FN_VIEW_MARKS ;\ FN_VIEW_META_CHARS ;\ FN_INSERT_TABLE ;\ FN_INSERT_FRAME_INTERACT ;\ FN_INSERT_FRAME_INTERACT_NOCOL ;\ FN_FRAME_CHAIN ;\ FN_FRAME_UNCHAIN ;\ FN_INSERT_FRAME ;\ FN_TOOL_ANKER ;\ FN_SET_SUPER_SCRIPT ;\ FN_SET_SUB_SCRIPT ;\ FN_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE ;\ SID_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_BLOCK ;\ FN_FORMAT_FRAME_DLG ;\ FN_FRAME_NOWRAP ;\ FN_FRAME_WRAP ;\ FN_FRAME_WRAPTHRU ;\ FN_FRAME_WRAP_IDEAL ;\ FN_FRAME_WRAP_LEFT ;\ FN_FRAME_WRAP_RIGHT ;\ FN_FRAME_WRAP_CONTOUR ;\ SID_CONTOUR_DLG ;\ FN_FRAME_ALIGN_HORZ_LEFT ;\ FN_FRAME_ALIGN_HORZ_RIGHT ;\ FN_FRAME_ALIGN_HORZ_CENTER ;\ FN_FRAME_ALIGN_VERT_TOP ;\ FN_FRAME_ALIGN_VERT_BOTTOM ;\ FN_FRAME_ALIGN_VERT_CENTER ;\ FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW ;\ FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL ;\ FN_TABLE_DELETE_ROW ;\ FN_TABLE_DELETE_COL ;\ FN_TABLE_SPLIT_CELLS ;\ FN_TABLE_MERGE_CELLS ;\ FN_TABLE_SELECT_ROW ;\ FN_TABLE_SELECT_COL ;\ FN_TABLE_SELECT_ALL ;\ FN_OPTIMIZE_TABLE ;\ FN_TABLE_OPTIMAL_HEIGHT;\ FN_TABLE_BALANCE_ROWS ;\ FN_TABLE_ADJUST_CELLS ;\ FN_TABLE_BALANCE_CELLS ;\ FN_PAGE_STYLE_SET_COLS ;\ FN_FLIP_HORZ_GRAFIC ;\ FN_FLIP_VERT_GRAFIC ;\ FN_SPELLING_DLG ;\ FN_START_TABLE ;\ FN_END_TABLE ;\ FN_FORMULA_CALC ;\ FN_FORMULA_CANCEL ;\ FN_FORMULA_APPLY ;\ SID_NAVIGATOR ;\ FN_PAGEUP ;\ FN_PAGEDOWN ;\ FN_START_OF_DOCUMENT ;\ FN_END_OF_DOCUMENT ;\ FN_SHOW_TWO_PAGES ;\ FN_SHOW_FOUR_PAGES ;\ FN_FORMAT_PAGE_DLG ;\ FN_PRINT_PAGEPREVIEW ;\ FN_FAX ;\ FN_QRY_MERGE ;\ FN_EDIT_FORMULA; \ FN_INSERT_CTRL ;\ FN_INSERT_OBJ_CTRL ;\ FN_INSERT_FIELD_CTRL ;\ SID_SOURCEVIEW;\ FN_TABLE_VERT_NONE;\ FN_TABLE_VERT_CENTER;\ FN_TABLE_VERT_BOTTOM;\ FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX ;\ FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP ;\ FN_TABLE_MODE_VARIABLE ;\ FN_PRINT_LAYOUT ;\ FN_INSERT_HEADER;\ FN_INSERT_FOOTER;\ FN_TABLE_AUTOSUM;\ FN_PREVIEW_PRINT_OPTIONS;\ FN_PREVIEW_ZOOM;\ \ SID_STYLE_APPLY ;\ SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ;\ SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ;\ SID_ATTR_BORDER ;\ SID_PLAYMACRO ;\ SID_CHAR_DLG ;\ SID_PARA_DLG ;\ SID_INSERT_PREVIEW ; \ SID_INSERT_SPINBUTTON ;\ SID_INSERT_HSCROLLBAR ;\ SID_INSERT_VSCROLLBAR ;\ FN_QRY ;\ FN_INSERT_OBJECT_DLG ;\ FN_INSERT_SYMBOL ;\ FN_POSTIT ;\ FN_GROW_FONT_SIZE ;\ FN_SHRINK_FONT_SIZE ;\ FN_THESAURUS_DLG ;\ FN_HYPHENATE_OPT_DLG ;\ FN_GLOSSARY_DLG ;\ SID_INSERT_URLBUTTON ;\ \ FN_INSERT_FLD_DATE ;\ FN_INSERT_FLD_TIME ;\ FN_INSERT_FLD_PGNUMBER;\ FN_INSERT_FLD_PGCOUNT ;\ FN_INSERT_FLD_TOPIC ;\ FN_INSERT_FLD_TITLE ;\ FN_INSERT_FLD_AUTHOR ;\ FN_INSERT_SMA; \ FN_INSERT_FOOTNOTE; \ FN_INSERT_ENDNOTE; \ FN_INSERT_IDX_ENTRY_DLG;\ FN_INSERT_BOOKMARK; \ SID_SEARCH_DLG; \ SID_INSERTDOC; \ SID_INSERT_FLOATINGFRAME;\ FN_SHADOWCURSOR;\ FN_INSERT_CAPTION;\ FN_INSERT_REF_FIELD;\ FN_INSERT_COLUMN_SECTION;\ \ \ }; \ IdCount = { \ 172; \ }; ImageList RID_DEFAULTIMAGELIST_SC { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "sc_out.bmp" ; File [ english ] = "sc_out01.bmp" ; File [ english_us ] = "sc_out01.bmp" ; File [ dutch ] = "sc_out31.bmp" ; File [ french ] = "sc_out33.bmp" ; File [ spanish ] = "sc_out34.bmp" ; File [ italian ] = "sc_out39.bmp" ; File [ swedish ] = "sc_out46.bmp" ; File [ danish ] = "sc_out45.bmp" ; File [ russian ] = "sc_out07.bmp" ; File [ polish ] = "sc_out48.bmp" ; File [ greek ] = "sc_out30.bmp" ; File [ japanese ] = "sc_out81.bmp" ; File [ portuguese ] = "sc_out03.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; IMAGELIST_AND_COUNT }; ImageList RID_DEFAULTIMAGELIST_LC { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "lc_out.bmp" ; File [ english ] = "lc_out01.bmp" ; File [ english_us ] = "lc_out01.bmp" ; File [ dutch ] = "lc_out31.bmp" ; File [ french ] = "lc_out33.bmp" ; File [ spanish ] = "lc_out34.bmp" ; File [ italian ] = "lc_out39.bmp" ; File [ swedish ] = "lc_out46.bmp" ; File [ danish ] = "lc_out45.bmp" ; File [ russian ] = "lc_out07.bmp" ; File [ polish ] = "lc_out48.bmp" ; File [ greek ] = "lc_out30.bmp" ; File [ japanese ] = "lc_out81.bmp" ; File [ portuguese ] = "lc_out03.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; IMAGELIST_AND_COUNT }; // Vorlagen SfxStyleFamilies DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER { StyleFamilyList = { SfxStyleFamilyItem { StyleImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "catpar.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; }; Text = "Absatzvorlagen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Paragraph Styles" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Avsnittsmaler" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modelli di paragrafo" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilos de pargrafo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de pargrafo" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kappaletyylit" ; Text [ danish ] = "Afsnitstypografier" ; Text [ french ] = "Styles de paragraphe" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Styckeformatmallar" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Alinea-opmaakprofielen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos de prrafo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Paragraph Styles" ; StyleFamily = SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA ; FilterList = { < "Automatisch" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alle Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Textvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Kapitelvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Listenvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Verzeichnisvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Vorlagen Sonderbereiche" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML Vorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Bedingte Vorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ ENGLISH ] = { < "Automatisch" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alle Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Textvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Kapitelvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Listenvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Verzeichnisvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Vorlagen Sonderbereiche" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML Vorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Bedingte Vorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ english_us ] = { < "Automatic" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "All Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Applied Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Custom Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Text Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Chapter Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "List Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Index Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Special Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Conditional Styles" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese_brazilian ] = { < "Automatisch" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alle Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Textvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Kapitelvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Listenvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Verzeichnisvorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Vorlagen Sonderbereiche" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML Vorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Bedingte Vorlagen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ swedish ] = { < "Automatiskt" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alla formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvnda formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Anvndardefinierade formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Textformatmallar" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Kapitelformatmallar" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Listformatmallar" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Frteckningsformatmallar" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Formatmallar specialomrde" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML-formatmallar" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Villkorliga formatmallar" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ danish ] = { < "Automatisk" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alle typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvendte typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Brugerdefinerede typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Teksttypografier" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Kapiteltypografier" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Listetypografier" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Indekstypografier" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Typografi sromrder" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML-typografier" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Betingede typografier" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ italian ] = { < "Automatico" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Tutti i modelli" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Modelli usati" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Modelli utente" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Modelli di testo" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Modelli di capitolo" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Modelli di elenchi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Modelli di indice" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Modelli aree speciali" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "Modelli HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Modelli condizionati" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ spanish ] = { < "Automtico" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Todos los estilos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos aplicados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos del usuario" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Estilos de texto" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Estilos de captulos" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Estilos de listas" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Estilos de ndices" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Estilos de reas especiales" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "Estilos HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Estilos condicionados" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ french ] = { < "Automatique" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Tous les styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Styles utiliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Styles personnaliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Styles de texte" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Styles de chapitre" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Styles de liste" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Styles d'index" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Styles pour zones spciales" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "Styles HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Styles conditionnels" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ dutch ] = { < "Automatisch" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alle opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Tekstopmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Opmaakprofielen voor hoofdtukken" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Lijstopmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Indexopmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Opmaakprof. speciale bereiken" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML-opmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Conditionele opmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese ] = { < "Automtico" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Estilos todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos usados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos personalizados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Estilos de texto" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Estilos de captulos" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Estilos de listas" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Estilos de ndices" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Estilos de reas especiais" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "Estilos HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Estilos condicionais" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "Զ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "ȫʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "еʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Style akapitu"; Text[ japanese ] = "i"; FilterList [ russian ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < " HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ polish ] = { < "Automatycznie" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Wszystkie style" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uyte style" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Style uytkownika" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Style tekstu" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Style rozdziau" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Style listy" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Style indeksu" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Style dla specjalnych zada" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "Style HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Warunkowe style" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ japanese ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "ׂĂ̽" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "gp" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "հް`̽" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "͂̽" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "ؽĂ̽" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "ʔ͈͂̽" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML `" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "t" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "q˦"; FilterList [ chinese_traditional ] = { < "۰" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ϥΪ˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "ۭq˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "r˦" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "˦" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "M˦" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "ؿ˦" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "˦Sϰ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML ˦" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "󪺼˦" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ arabic ] = " "; FilterList [ arabic ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < " HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ dutch ] = "Alinea-opmaakprofielen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; FilterList [ dutch ] = { < "Automatisch" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Alle opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Tekstopmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Opmaakprofielen voor hoofdtukken" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Lijstopmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Indexopmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Opmaakprof. speciale bereiken" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML-opmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Conditionele opmaakprofielen" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "Զ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "ȫʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "еʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "ʽ" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "ܶ "; FilterList [ greek ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < " HTML" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; FilterList [ korean ] = { < "ڵ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ȡ." ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "ؽƮ " ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "Ư " ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML " ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < " " ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; Text[ turkish ] = "Paragraf biimi"; FilterList [ turkish ] = { < "Otomatik" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_AUTO ; > ; < "Btn biimler" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Kullanlan biim" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Kullanc biimi" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; < "Metin biimi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT ; > ; < "Blm biimi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER ; > ; < "Liste biimi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_LIST ; > ; < "Dizin biimi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_IDX ; > ; < "zel blm biimi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA ; > ; < "HTML biimi" ; SWSTYLEBIT_HTML ; > ; < "Koullu biim" ; SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL ; > ; }; }; SfxStyleFamilyItem { StyleImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "catabc.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; }; Text = "Zeichenvorlagen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Character Styles" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Tegnmaler" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modelli di carattere" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilo de Caracter" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de caracteres" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Merkkityylit" ; Text [ danish ] = "Tegntypografier" ; Text [ french ] = "Styles de caractre" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Teckenformatmallar" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofielen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos de caracteres" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Character Styles" ; StyleFamily = SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ; FilterList = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ ENGLISH ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ english_us ] = { < "All" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Applied Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Custom Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ italian ] = { < "Tutti" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Modelli usati" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Modelli utente" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ spanish ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos aplicados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos del usuario" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ french ] = { < "Tous les styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Styles utiliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Styles personnaliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese_brazilian ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ swedish ] = { < "Alla" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvnda formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Anvndardefinierade formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ danish ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvendte typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Brugerdefinerede typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos utilizados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos personalizados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַʽ"; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Style znaku"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; FilterList [ russian ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ polish ] = { < "Wszystkie" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uyte style" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Style uytkownika" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ japanese ] = { < "ׂ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "gp" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "հް`̽" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r˦"; FilterList [ chinese_traditional ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ϥΪ˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "ۭq˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ arabic ] = " "; FilterList [ arabic ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofielen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַʽ"; FilterList [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; FilterList [ greek ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ korean ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ȡ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi"; FilterList [ turkish ] = { < "Tm" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uygulanan biim" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Kullanc biimi" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; }; SfxStyleFamilyItem { StyleImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "catfrm.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; }; Text = "Rahmenvorlagen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Frame Styles" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Rammemaler" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modelli di cornice" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilos de Moldura" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de molduras" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kehystyylit" ; Text [ danish ] = "Rammetypografier" ; Text [ french ] = "Styles de cadre" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ramformatmallar" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Kaderopmaakprofielen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos de marcos" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Frame Styles" ; StyleFamily = SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME ; FilterList = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ ENGLISH ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ english_us ] = { < "All" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Applied Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Custom Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ italian ] = { < "Tutti" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Modelli usati" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Modelli utente" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ spanish ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos aplicados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos del usuario" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ french ] = { < "Tous les styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Styles utiliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Styles personnaliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese_brazilian ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ swedish ] = { < "Alla" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvnda formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Anvndardefinierade formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ danish ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvendte typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Brugerdefinerede typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos usados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos personalizados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Style ramek"; Text[ japanese ] = "g"; FilterList [ russian ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ polish ] = { < "Wszystkie" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uyte style" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Style uytkownika" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ japanese ] = { < "ׂ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "gp" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "հް`̽" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ؼ˦"; FilterList [ chinese_traditional ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ϥΪ˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "ۭq˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ arabic ] = " "; FilterList [ arabic ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ dutch ] = "Kaderopmaakprofielen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; FilterList [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; FilterList [ greek ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ korean ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ȡ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ turkish ] = "ereve biimi"; FilterList [ turkish ] = { < "Tm" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uygulanan biim" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Kullanc biimi" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; }; SfxStyleFamilyItem { StyleImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "catpag.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; }; Text = "Seitenvorlagen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Page Styles" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Sidetyper" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modelli di pagina" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilos da Pgina" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de pgina" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Sivutyylit" ; Text [ danish ] = "Sidetypografier" ; Text [ french ] = "Styles de page" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sidformatmallar" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Pagina-opmaakprofielen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos de pgina" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Page Styles" ; StyleFamily = SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE ; FilterList = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ ENGLISH ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ english_us ] = { < "All" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Applied Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Custom Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ italian ] = { < "Tutti" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Modeli usati" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Modelli utente" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ spanish ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos aplicados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos del usuario" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ french ] = { < "Tous les styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Styles utiliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Styles personnaliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese_brazilian ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ swedish ] = { < "Alla" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvnda formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Anvndardefinierade formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ danish ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvendte typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Brugerdefinerede typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos usados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos personalizados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ russian ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ polish ] = { < "Wszystkie" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uyte style" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Style uytkownika" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ japanese ] = { < "ׂ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "gp" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "հް`̽" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_traditional ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ϥΪ˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "ۭq˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Style strony"; Text[ japanese ] = "߰޽"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳʽ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "˦"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; FilterList [ arabic ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ dutch ] = "Pagina-opmaakprofielen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳʽ"; FilterList [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; FilterList [ greek ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ korean ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ȡ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa biimi"; FilterList [ turkish ] = { < "Tm" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uygulanan biim" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Kullanc biimi" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; SfxStyleFamilyItem { StyleImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "catnum.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ; }; Text = "Nummerierungsvorlagen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Number Styles" ; StyleFamily = SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO ; FilterList = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ ENGLISH ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ english_us ] = { < "All" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Applied Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Custom Styles" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ italian ] = { < "Tutti" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Modeli usati" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Modelli utente" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ spanish ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos aplicados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos del usuario" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ french ] = { < "Tous" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Styles utiliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Styles personnaliss" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese_brazilian ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Verwendete Vorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Benutzervorlagen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ swedish ] = { < "Alla" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvnda formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Anvndardefinierade formatmallar" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ danish ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Anvendte typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Brugerdefinerede typografier" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; filterlist [ portuguese ] = { < "Todos" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Estilos usados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Estilos personalizados" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de numerao" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Numbering Styles" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Numerierungsvorlagen" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Numreringsformatmallar" ; Text [ danish ] = "Nummereringstypografier" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modelli di numerazione" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos de numeracin" ; Text [ french ] = "Styles de numrotation" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofielen voor nummering" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ language_user1 ] = { < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ language_user1 ] = "? ? E"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Style numeracji"; Text[ japanese ] = "ԍt"; FilterList [ russian ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ polish ] = { < "Wszystkie" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Uyte style" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Style uytkownika" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ japanese ] = { < "ׂ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "gp" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "հް`̽" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s˦"; FilterList [ chinese_traditional ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ϥΪ˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "ۭq˦" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ arabic ] = " "; FilterList [ arabic ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofielen voor nummering"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; FilterList [ dutch ] = { < "Alle" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Gebruikte opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Eigen opmaakprofielen" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ chinese_simplified ] = { < "ȫ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ʹõʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Զʽ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "ȣű "; FilterList [ greek ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; FilterList [ korean ] = { < "" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "ȡ" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < " " ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; Text[ turkish ] = "Numaralama biimi"; FilterList [ turkish ] = { < "Tm" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ; > ; < "Kullanlan biim" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USED ; > ; < "Kullanc biimi" ; SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ; > ; }; }; }; }; // Default Bitmap fuer Toolbox BITMAP BMP_FEHLT { FILE = "x.bmp" ; }; // Bitmap fuer die NumerierungsVorlagen im Organizer Bitmap BMP_STYLES_FAMILY_NUM { File = "styfamnu.bmp" ; }; String STR_ENV_TITLE { Text = "Briefumschlag" ; Text [ English ] = "Envelop" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Konvolutt" ; Text [ italian ] = "Busta" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Envelope" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Envelope" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kirjekuori" ; Text [ danish ] = "Konvolut" ; Text [ french ] = "Enveloppe" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Kuvert" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Envelop" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Sobre" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Envelope" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ŷ"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Koperta"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "H"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Envelop"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ŷ"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Zarf"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_LAB_TITLE { Text = "Etiketten" ; Text [ English ] = "Labels" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Etiketter" ; Text [ italian ] = "Etichette" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Etiquetas" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Etiquetas" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tarrat" ; Text [ danish ] = "Etiketter" ; Text [ french ] = "tiquettes" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Etiketter" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Etiketten" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Etiquetas" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Labels" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǩ"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Etykiety"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "K"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Etiketten"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǩ"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Etiket"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; // ShortName!!! String STR_HUMAN_SWDOC_NAME { /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Text : Dokument */ Text = "Text" ; Text [ English ] = "Text" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Text" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Text" ; Text [ danish ] = "Tekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Testo" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Texto" ; Text [ french ] = "Texte" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Tekst" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Text" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Texto" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Tekst"; Text[ japanese ] = "÷"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Tekst"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "ؽƮ"; Text[ turkish ] = "Metin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_WRITER_DOCUMENT_FULLTYPE_31 { Text = "%PRODUCTNAME 3.0 Text" ; Text [ English ] = "StarOffice 3.0 Text" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Text (%PRODUCTNAME 3.0)" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 3.0 Text" ; Text [ swedish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 3.0 text" ; Text [ danish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 3.0 tekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Test %PRODUCTNAME 3.0" ; 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Text [ danish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 4.0 tekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Testo %PRODUCTNAME 5.0" ; Text [ spanish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 Texto" ; Text [ french ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 Texte" ; Text [ dutch ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 Tekst" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Texto (%PRODUCTNAME 5.0)" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 ı"; Text[ russian ] = " %PRODUCTNAME 5.0"; Text[ polish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 - Tekst"; Text[ japanese ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 r"; Text[ arabic ] = " %PRODUCTNAME 5.0"; Text[ dutch ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 Tekst"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 ı"; Text[ greek ] = " %PRODUCTNAME 5.0"; Text[ korean ] = "ؽƮ (%PRODUCTNAME 5.0)"; Text[ turkish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 5.0 metni"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_WRITER_DOCUMENT_FULLTYPE { Text = "%PRODUCTNAME 6.0 Text Dokument" ; Text [ English ] = "%PRODUCTNAME 6.0 Text Document" ; }; String STR_CANTOPEN { TEXT = "Kann das Dokument nicht ffnen." ; TEXT [ English ] = "Can't open document." ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Kan ikke pne dokumentet." ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Impossibile aprire il documento" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No posso abrir o documento." ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Impossvel abrir o documento." ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Asiakirjaa ei voi avata." ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Kan ikke bne dokument." ; TEXT [ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir le document." ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Kan inte ppna dokumentet." ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Document kan niet worden geopend." ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "No es posible abrir el documento." ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Cannot open document." ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ĵ"; TEXT[ russian ] = " ."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Nie moe otworzy dokumentu."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "޷ĂJƂł܂"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Lk}ҳoӤC"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " ."; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Document kan niet worden geopend."; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ĵ"; TEXT[ greek ] = " ."; TEXT[ korean ] = " ϴ."; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Belge alamyor."; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_CANTCREATE { TEXT = "Das Dokument konnte nicht erzeugt werden." ; TEXT [ English ] = "Can't create document." ; TEXT[ italian ] = "Impossibile creare un documento"; TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Can't create document."; TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel criar documento."; TEXT[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at oprette dokumentet."; TEXT[ french ] = "Impossible de crer le document."; TEXT[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att skapa dokumentet."; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Het document kon niet worden gemaakt."; TEXT[ spanish ] = "El documento no pudo ser creado."; TEXT[ english_us ] = "Can't create document."; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ĵ"; TEXT[ russian ] = " ."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Dokument nie mg zosta utworzony."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "޷Ă쐬ł܂B"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Lkإ߳oӤ"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " ."; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Het document kon niet worden gemaakt."; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ĵ"; TEXT[ greek ] = " ."; TEXT[ korean ] = " ϴ."; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Belge oluturulamad."; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_DLLNOTFOUND { TEXT = "Filter nicht gefunden." ; TEXT [ English ] = "Filter not found." ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Finner ikke filter." ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Filtro non trovato." ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Filtro no encontrado." ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Filtro no encontrado." ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Suodinta ei lydy." ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Filter blev ikke fundet." ; TEXT [ french ] = "Filtre introuvable." ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Filter hittades ej." ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Filter niet gevonden." ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "No se encontr el filtro." ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Filter not found." ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûҵɸѡ"; TEXT[ russian ] = " ."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Filtru nie znaleziono."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "̨‚܂"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "SzC"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " ."; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Filter niet gevonden."; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûҵɸѡ"; TEXT[ greek ] = " ."; TEXT[ korean ] = "͸ ã ߽ϴ."; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Filtre bulunamad."; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_UNBENANNT { TEXT = "Unbenannt" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Untitled" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Uten tittel" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Senza nome" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem ttulo" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Sem nome" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Nimetn" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Ikke-navngivet" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Sans nom" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Namnls" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Naamloos" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Sin nombre" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Untitled" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "δ"; TEXT[ russian ] = " "; TEXT[ polish ] = "Bez tytuu"; TEXT[ japanese ] = ""; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "RW"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " "; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Naamloos"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "δ"; TEXT[ greek ] = " "; TEXT[ korean ] = " "; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Adsz"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_LOAD_GLOBAL_DOC { TEXT = "Name und Pfad des Globaldokuments" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Name and path of the global document" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Name and Path of Master Document" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name und Pfad des Globaldokuments" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Samlingsdokumentets namn och skvg" ; Text [ danish ] = "Hoveddokumentets navn og sti" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nome e percorso del documento master" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre y ruta del documento maestro" ; Text [ french ] = "Nom et chemin du document matre" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Naam en pad van het master-document" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome e atalho do documento-mestre" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵƺ·"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa i cieka dokumentu gwnego"; Text[ japanese ] = "Ͻ޷Ă̖O߽"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "D󪺦W٩M|"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Naam en pad van het master-document"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵƺ·"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " ̸ "; Text[ turkish ] = "Ana belgenin ad ve veri yolu"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_LOAD_HTML_DOC { TEXT = "Name und Pfad des HTML Dokuments" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Name and path of the html document" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Name and path of the html document" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name und Pfad des HTML Dokuments" ; Text [ swedish ] = "HTML-dokumentets namn och skvg" ; Text [ danish ] = "HTML-dokumentets navn og sti" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nome e percorso del documento HTML " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre y ruta del documento HTML " ; Text [ french ] = "Nom et chemin du document HTML" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Naam en pad van het HTML document" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome e atalho do documento HTML" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "HTML ĵƺ·"; Text[ russian ] = " HTML"; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa i cieka dokumentu HTML"; Text[ japanese ] = "HTML `޷Ă̖O߽"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "HTML W٩M|"; Text[ arabic ] = " HTML"; Text[ dutch ] = "Naam en pad van het HTML document"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "HTML ĵƺ·"; Text[ greek ] = " HTML"; Text[ korean ] = "HTML ̸ "; Text[ turkish ] = "HTML belgesinin ad ve veri yolu"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; InfoBox MSG_ERROR_SEND_MAIL { BUTTONS = WB_OK ; DEFBUTTON = WB_DEF_OK ; MESSAGE = "Fehler beim Versenden der Nachricht." ; MESSAGE [ English ] = "Error while sending mail." ; MESSAGE [ norwegian ] = "Feil ved sending av mail." ; MESSAGE [ italian ] = "Errore durante l'invio del messaggio." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Erro ao enviar correio." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese ] = "Erro ao enviar correio." ; MESSAGE [ finnish ] = "Virhe shkpostia lhetettess." ; MESSAGE [ danish ] = "Fejl ved afsendelse af meddelelsen." ; MESSAGE [ french ] = "Erreur lors de l'envoi du message." ; MESSAGE [ swedish ] = "Fel vid sndning av meddelande." ; MESSAGE [ dutch ] = "Fout bij verzenden van bericht." ; MESSAGE [ spanish ] = "Error al enviar el mensaje." ; MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Error sending mail." ; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "ڼķʼʱ"; MESSAGE[ language_user1 ] = " "; MESSAGE[ russian ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Bd przy wysyaniu wiadomoci."; MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ҰّM̍ۂ̴װ"; MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "bHoqllɵoͿ~C"; MESSAGE[ arabic ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Fout bij verzenden van bericht."; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "ڼķʼʱ"; MESSAGE[ greek ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ korean ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "leti gnderilirken hata olutu."; }; InfoBox MSG_ERROR_PASSWD { BUTTONS = WB_OK ; DEFBUTTON = WB_DEF_OK ; MESSAGE = "Fehlerhaftes Passwort." ; MESSAGE [ English ] = "Password doesn't match." ; MESSAGE [ norwegian ] = "Passord passer ikke." ; MESSAGE [ italian ] = "La password non corrisponde." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A senha no combina." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese ] = "A senha no vlida." ; MESSAGE [ finnish ] = "Salasana ei kelpaa." ; MESSAGE [ danish ] = "Fejagtig adgangskode" ; MESSAGE [ french ] = "Mot de passe incorrect." ; MESSAGE [ swedish ] = "Felaktigt lsenord." ; MESSAGE [ dutch ] = "Wachtwoord niet correct." ; MESSAGE [ spanish ] = "Contrasea no vlida" ; MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Invalid password." ; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ч"; MESSAGE[ russian ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Nieprawidowe haso."; MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "߽ܰނ܂B"; MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "KXLġC"; MESSAGE[ arabic ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Wachtwoord niet correct."; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ч"; MESSAGE[ greek ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ korean ] = "ȿ н"; MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Yanl ifre."; MESSAGE[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; /* * auskommentiert, da die Toolbox z. Zt. nicht aus der Resource * geladen werden kann Window WIN_TOOLBOX { HelpText [English] = ""; HelpText [norwegian] = ""; HelpText [italian] = ""; HelpText [portuguese_brazilian] = ""; HelpText [portuguese] = ""; HelpText [finnish] = ""; HelpText [danish] = ""; HelpText [french] = ""; HelpText [swedish] = ""; HelpText [dutch] = ""; HelpText [spanish] = ""; HelpText [english_us] = ""; HelpText = "Die Objektleiste enthlt, je nach Bedarf, Buttons fr die " "Bearbeitung von Text, Rahmen, Grafik, Tabellen oder " "Numerierungen."; HelpText[English] = "The objectbar contains, depending on your current " "working context, buttons for the editing of text, " "frames, graphics, tables or numberings."; HelpText[norwegian] = "Objektlinjen inneholder, avhengig av din aktuelle arbeidssituasjon, " "knapper for redigering av tekst," " rammer, grafikker, tabeller eller nummereringer."; HelpText[italian] = "La barra dell'oggetto attivo contiene, in base al proprio" "contesto lavorativo, pulsanti per la modifica del testo," "cornici, grafici, tabelle o numerazioni.."; HelpText[portuguese_brazilian] = "A barra de objetos conter , dependendo do contexto de trabalho " "atual, bot es para edio de texto, " "molduras, grficos, tabelas ou numerao."; HelpText[portuguese] = "A barra de objectos conter, dependendo do contexto de trabalho " "actual, botes para edio de texto, " "molduras, grficos, tabelas ou numerao."; HelpText[finnish] = "Toimintorivill on tilanteen mukaan painikkeita, " "joilla muokataan teksti, kehyksi, kuvia, " "taulukoita tai numeronteja."; HelpText[danish] = "Afhngig af din aktuelle arbejdskontekst" " rummer ikonbndet knapper for redigering af tekst, " "tekstruder, grafik, tabeller eller nummereringer."; HelpText[french] = "Selon votre contexte de travail, la barre d'objets " "contient des boutons de modification du texte, des " "cadres, des graphiques, des tables ou des numrotations."; HelpText[swedish] = "Objektlisten innehller, beroende p aktuellt" "arbetsomrde, knappar fr redigering av text," "ramar, bilder, tabeller eller numreringar."; HelpText[dutch] = "Afhankelijk van de huidige werkomgeving bevat de objectbalk " "knoppen voor het bewerken van tekst, kaders, illustraties " "of nummeringen."; HelpText[spanish] = "La barra de objetos contiene, dependiendo del contexto " "de trabajo actual, botones para la edicin de texto, " "marcos, grficos, tablas o numeraciones."; HelpText[english_us] = "The objectbar contains, depending on your current " "working context, buttons for the editing of text, " "frames, graphics, tables or numberings."; OUTPUTSIZE = TRUE; BORDER = TRUE; Size = (28,27); }; */ String RID_BUILDVERSION { TEXT = UPDVER ; }; String STR_FMT_STD { TEXT = "(keins)" ; TEXT [ English ] = "(none)" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "(ingen)" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "(senza)" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(nenhum)" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "(ei mitn)" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "(ingen)" ; TEXT [ french ] = "(aucun(e))" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "(ingen)" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "(geen)" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "(ninguna)" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "(none)" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; TEXT[ russian ] = "()"; TEXT[ polish ] = "(brak)"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "(Ȃ)"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "(L)"; TEXT[ arabic ] = "()"; TEXT[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; TEXT[ greek ] = "()"; TEXT[ korean ] = "()"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "(yok)"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_DOC_STAT { TEXT = "Statistik" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Statistics" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Statistics" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Statistiche" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estatstica" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Estatstica" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Tilasto" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Statistik" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Statistique" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Statistik" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Statistiek" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Estadstica" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Statistics" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͳ"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Statystyka"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "v"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "έp"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Statistiek"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͳ"; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = ""; TEXT[ turkish ] = "statistik"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; // ---------------------------- // Statusleisten-Ueberschriften // ---------------------------- String STR_STATSTR_W4WREAD { Text = "Dokument wird importiert..." ; Text [ English ] = "Importing..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Importerer..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Il documento viene importato..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Importando..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A importar documento..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tuonti..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Importerer dokument..." ; Text [ french ] = "Import du document en cours..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Dokument importeras..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Document wordt gemporteerd..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Importando el documento..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Importing document..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Importowanie dokumentu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "̲߰..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "פJ..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Document wordt gemporteerd..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Belge ie aktarlyor..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_W4WWRITE { Text = "Dokument wird exportiert..." ; Text [ English ] = "Exporting..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Eksporterer..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Il documento viene esportato..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exportando..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A exportar documento..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Vienti..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Eksporterer dokument" ; Text [ french ] = "Export du document en cours..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Dokument exporteras..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Document wordt gexporteerd..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Exportando el documento..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Exporting document..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Eksportowanie dokumentu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "̴߰..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Document wordt gexporteerd..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Belge da aktarlyor..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_SWGREAD { Text = "Dokument wird geladen..." ; Text [ English ] = "Loading..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Laster inn..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Il documento viene caricato..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Carregando..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A carregar documento..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Lataus..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Indlser dokument..." ; Text [ french ] = "Document en cours de chargement..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Dokument laddas..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Document wordt gemaakt..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Cargando el documento..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Loading document..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "װĵ..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "adowanie dokumentu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "̓ǂݍ..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "J..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Document wordt gemaakt..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "װĵ..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " ε ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Belge ykleniyor..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_SWGWRITE { Text = "Dokument wird gespeichert..." ; Text [ English ] = "Saving..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Lagrer..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Il documento viene salvato..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gravando..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A guardar documento..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tallennus..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Gemmer dokument..." ; Text [ french ] = "Enreg. du document en cours..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Dokument sparas..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Document wordt opgeslagen..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Guardando el documento..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Saving document..." ; Text = "Dokument wird gespeichert..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisywanie dokumentu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "̕ۑ..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bxs..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Document wordt opgeslagen..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Belge kaydediliyor..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_REFORMAT { TEXT = "Neuformatierung des Dokumentes..." ; TEXT [ English ] = "Repaginating..." ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Gjr sidenummerering p nyttRepaginating..." ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Riformattazione del documento..." ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Repaginando..." ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Nova formatao do documento..." ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Sivutus..." ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Genformatering af dokumentet..." ; TEXT [ french ] = "Nouveau formatage du document..." ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Omformatering av dokumentet..." ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Bezig met nieuwe opmaak..." ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Reformateado del documento..." ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Repagination..." ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵʽ..."; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; TEXT[ russian ] = " ..."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Ponowne formatowanie dokumentu..."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "޷Ă̐VKݒ..."; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "s@榡..."; TEXT[ arabic ] = " ..."; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Bezig met nieuwe opmaak..."; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵʽ..."; TEXT[ greek ] = " ..."; TEXT[ korean ] = "ٽá..."; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Belge yeniden formatlanyor..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_AUTOFORMAT { TEXT = "Autoformatierung des Dokumentes..." ; TEXT [ English ] = "Autoformatting..." ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Autoformaterer..." ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Formattazione automatica..." ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Formatao automtica..." ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "A formatar documento automaticamente..." ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Automaattimuotoilu..." ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Autoformatering af dokumentet..." ; TEXT [ french ] = "Mise en forme automatique du document..." ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Autoformatering av dokumentet..." ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Bezig met automatisch opmaken..." ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "AutoFormato del documento..." ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Formatting document automatically..." ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵԶʽ..."; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; TEXT[ russian ] = " ..."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Automatycze formatowanie dokumentu..."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "޷Ă̵̫ϯ..."; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ʮ榡..."; TEXT[ arabic ] = " ..."; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Bezig met automatisch opmaken..."; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵԶʽ..."; TEXT[ greek ] = " ..."; TEXT[ korean ] = "ڵ..."; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Otomatik belge formatlama..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_IMPGRF { Text = "Grafik wird importiert..." ; Text [ English ] = "Importing picture..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Importerer bilde..." ; Text [ italian ] = "L'immagine viene importata..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Importando figura..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A importar imagem..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kuvan tuonti..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Importerer grafik..." ; Text [ french ] = "Import de l'image en cours..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Grafik importeras..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Afbeelding wordt gemporteerd..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Importando imagen..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Importing graphics..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Importowanie grafiki..."; Text[ japanese ] = "}̲߰Ē..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bפJϧ..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Afbeelding wordt gemporteerd..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = "׷ ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Grafik ie aktarlyor..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_SEARCH { Text = "Suche..." ; Text [ English ] = "search..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Sker..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Cerca..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "buscar..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A localizar..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Etsint..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Sger..." ; Text [ french ] = "Recherche..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sker..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bezig met zoeken..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Bsqueda..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Search..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѱ..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj..."; Text[ japanese ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "jM..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Bezig met zoeken..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѱ..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "ã..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Ara..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_FORMAT { Text = "Formatiere..." ; Text [ English ] = "Formatting..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Formaterer..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Formattazione..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Formatando..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A formatar..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Muotoilu..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Formaterer..." ; Text [ french ] = "Formatage..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Formaterar..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bezig met opmaken..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Formateando..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Formatting..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Formatuj"; Text[ japanese ] = "ݒ..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "榡..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Bezig met opmaken..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Formatlanyor..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_PRINT { Text = "Drucke..." ; Text [ English ] = "Printing..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Skriver ut..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Stampa..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Imprimindo..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A imprimir..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tulostus..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Udskriver..." ; Text [ french ] = "Impression..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Skriver ut ..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bezig met afdrukken..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Imprimiendo..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Printing..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡ..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Drukuj..."; Text[ japanese ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "CL..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Bezig met afdrukken..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡ..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "μ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Yazdrlyor..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_LAYOUTINIT { Text = "Konvertiere..." ; Text [ English ] = "Converting..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Konverterer..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Converti..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Convertendo..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A converter..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Muunto..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Konverterer..." ; Text [ french ] = "Conversion..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Konverterar..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bezig met converteren..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Convirtiendo..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Converting..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ת..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Konwertuj..."; Text[ japanese ] = "ϊ..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ഫ..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Bezig met converteren..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ת..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "ȯ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Dntrlyor..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_LETTER { Text = "Brief" ; Text [ English ] = "Letter" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Letter" ; Text [ italian ] = "Lettera" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Carta" ; Text [ french ] = "Lettre" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Brief" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Brev" ; Text [ danish ] = "Brev" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Brief" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Carta" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ź"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "List"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "H"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Brief"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ź"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Mektup"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_SPELL { Text = "Rechtschreibprfung..." ; Text [ English ] = "Spelling..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Spellcheck..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Controllo ortografico..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Revisin ortogrfica..." ; Text [ french ] = "Orthographe..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bezig met spellingcontrole..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Rttstavningskontroll..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Stavekontrol..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rechtschreibprfung..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Verificao ortogrfica..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ƴд..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Sprawdzanie pisowni..."; Text[ japanese ] = "͍Z..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "gˬd..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Bezig met spellingcontrole..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ƴд..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " ˻..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Yazm denetimi..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_HYPHEN { Text = "Silbentrennung..." ; Text [ English ] = "Hyphenating..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Hyphenation..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Woordafbreking..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Sillabazione..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Separacin silbica..." ; Text [ french ] = "Coupure de mots..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Avstavning..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Orddeling..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Silbentrennung..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Diviso silbica..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַ..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Dzielenie wyrazw"; Text[ japanese ] = "ʲȰ..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "sr..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Woordafbreking..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַ..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = " ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Heceleme..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_STATSTR_TOX_INSERT { Text = "Verzeichnis wird eingefgt..." ; Text [ English ] = "Inserting Index..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Inserting Index..." ; Text [ italian ] = "L'indice viene inserito..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Insertando directorio..." ; Text [ french ] = "Index en cours d'insertion..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Index wordt ingevoegd..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Frteckning infogas..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Indstter indeks..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verzeichnis wird eingefgt..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserindo ndice..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Wstawianie indeksu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "̑}..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Jؿ..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Index wordt ingevoegd..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Dizin ekleniyor..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_TOX_UPDATE { Text = "Verzeichnis wird aktualisiert..." ; Text [ English ] = "Updating Index..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Updating Index..." ; Text [ italian ] = "L'indice viene aggiornato..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Actualizando directorio..." ; Text [ french ] = "Index en cours d'actualisation..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Index wordt geactualiseerd..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Frteckning uppdateras..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Opdaterer indeks..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verzeichnis wird aktualisiert..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Actualizando ndice..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Aktualizacja indeksu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "̍XV..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "sؿ..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Index wordt geactualiseerd..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = " Ʈ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Dizin gncelleniyor..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_SUMMARY { Text = "Abstrakt wird erstellt..." ; Text [ English ] = "Creating summary..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Creating abstract..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abstrakt wird erstellt..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Utdrag skapas..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Opretter abstract..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Il sunto viene creato..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Creando el extracto..." ; Text [ french ] = "Synthse en cours de cration..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Overzicht wordt gemaakt..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A criar Sumrio..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ժҪ..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ polish ] = "Tworzenie Abstraktu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "v̍쐬..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s@Kn..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Overzicht wordt gemaakt..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ժҪ..."; Text[ greek ] = " abstract..."; Text[ korean ] = " ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "zet oluturuluyor..."; }; String STR_STATSTR_SWGPRTOLENOTIFY { Text = "Objekte Anpassen..." ; Text [ English ] = "Adjust Objects..." ; Text[ english_us ] = "Adapt Objects..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ajustar objectos..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Objecten aanpassen..."; Text[ french ] = "Adapter les objets..."; Text[ spanish ] = "Ajustar objetos..."; Text[ italian ] = "Adatta oggetti..."; Text[ danish ] = "Tilpas objekter..."; Text[ swedish ] = "Anpassa objekt..."; Text[ polish ] = "Dopasuj obiekty..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Adjust Objects..."; Text[ japanese ] = "޼ުĂ̒..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "վ㪫..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Objecten aanpassen..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = "ü ..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Nesneleri uyarla..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; QueryBox MSG_COMCORE_ASKSEARCH { Buttons = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL ; DefButton = WB_DEF_YES ; Message = "Diese Aktion bentigt frs Undo sehr viel Speicher.\nWollen Sie das Undo abschalten?" ; Message [ English ] = "This action needs for undo many memory.\nWould you disable undo?" ; Message [ norwegian ] = "Hvis du vil angre denne handlingen trenger du mye minne.\nVil du sperre angrefunksjonen?" ; Message [ italian ] = "L'annullamento di questa azione occorre molta memoria.\nVolete disattivare la possibilit di annullare?" ; Message [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esta ao requer muita memria para desfazer.\nDeseja desativar a funo desfazer?" ; Message [ portuguese ] = "Para poder anular esta aco necessria muita memria.\nDeseja cancelar esta funo?" ; Message [ finnish ] = "Tmn toiminnon kumoamiseen tarvitaan paljon muistia.\nPoistetaanko kumoamismahdollisuus kytst?" ; Message [ danish ] = "Denne handling krver megen hukommelse til fortryd-funktionen\nVil du sl fortryd-funktionen fra?" ; Message [ french ] = "Cette action ncessite beaucoup de mmoire pour l'annulation (Undo).\nVoulez-vous dsactiver l'annulation ?" ; Message [ swedish ] = "Denna tgrd krver alltfr mycket minne fr ngra-funktionen.\nVill Du stnga av ngra-funktionen?" ; Message [ dutch ] = "Het ongedaan maken van deze bewerking beslaat veel geheugen.\nWilt U \"Ongedaan maken\" opheffen ?" ; Message [ spanish ] = "Esta accin necesita mucha memoria para la operacin de Deshacer.\nDesea desactivar la opcin de deshacer?" ; Message [ english_us ] = "A large amount of memory is required to undo this action.\nDo you want to cancel the undo?" ; Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫܶڴ档\nҪʧ"; Message[ russian ] = " .\n ?"; Message[ polish ] = "Cofnicie tej akcji wymaga duej iloci pamici.\nCzy chcesz przerwa cofnicie?"; Message[ japanese ] = "̍Ƃͤɖ߂߂ɔɑ؂KvłB\nɖ߂Ƃ߂܂?"; Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "_\\ݭnܦhOC\nzn_\\H"; Message[ arabic ] = " .\n ڿ"; Message[ dutch ] = "Het ongedaan maken van deze bewerking beslaat veel geheugen.\nWilt U \"Ongedaan maken\" opheffen ?"; Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫܶڴ档\nҪʧ"; Message[ greek ] = " .\n ;"; Message[ korean ] = " ۵ ϱ ؼ 뷮 ޸𸮰 䱸˴ϴ.\nҸ Ͻðڽϱ?"; Message[ turkish ] = "Bu ilemde geri alma iin byk miktarda bellek gerekiyor.\nGeri alma ilevini kapatmak istiyor musunuz?"; Message[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; Bitmap RID_GRAPHIC_REPLACEBMP { File = "grafikei.bmp" ; }; Bitmap RID_GRAPHIC_ERRORBMP { File = "grafikde.bmp" ; }; String STR_TABLE_DEFNAME { Text = "Tabelle" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Table" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Table" ; Text [ italian ] = "Tabella" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabela" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Tabela" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Taulukko" ; Text [ danish ] = "Tabel" ; Text [ french ] = "Tableau" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Tabell" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Tabel" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Tabla" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Table" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Tabela"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "ǥ"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME { TEXT = "Grafik" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Graphic" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Graphic" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Immagine" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grfico" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Imagem" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Kuva" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Grafik" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Image" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Grafik" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Afbeelding" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Imagen" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Graphic" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Grafika"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "}"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "ϧ"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Afbeelding"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ"; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "׷"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Grafik"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME { TEXT = "Objekt" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Object" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Object" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Oggetto" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Objeto" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Objecto" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Objekti" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Objekt" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Objet" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Objekt" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Object" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Objeto" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Object" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Obiekt"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "޼ު"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Object"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "ü"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Nesne"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_FRAME_DEFNAME { Text = "Rahmen" ; Text [ English ] = "Frames" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Rammer" ; Text [ italian ] = "Cornice" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Molduras" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Moldura" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kehys" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ramme" ; Text [ french ] = "Cadre" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ram" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Kader" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Marco" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Frame" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Ramka"; Text[ japanese ] = "g"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Kader"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "ereve"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_REGION_DEFNAME { Text = "Bereich" ; Text [ English ] = "section" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "section" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sezione" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "seo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Seco" ; Text [ finnish ] = "osa" ; Text [ danish ] = "Omrde" ; Text [ french ] = "Section" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Omrde" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bereik" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Area" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Section" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Obszar"; Text[ japanese ] = "͈"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ϰ"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Bereik"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Blm"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_NUMRULE_DEFNAME { Text = "Nummerierung" ; Text [ English ] = "Numbering" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Numbering" ; Text [ italian ] = "Numerazione" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Numerao" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Numerao" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Numerointi" ; Text [ danish ] = "Nummerering" ; Text [ french ] = "Numrotation" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Numrering" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Nummering" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Numeracin" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Numbering" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Numeracja"; Text[ japanese ] = "ԍt"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Nummering"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "ȣű"; Text[ turkish ] = "Numaralama"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_EMPTYPAGE { Text = "leere Seite" ; Text [ English ] = "empty page" ; Text [ english_us ] = "blank page" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "leere Seite" ; Text [ swedish ] = "tom sida" ; Text [ danish ] = "tom side" ; Text [ italian ] = "Pagina vuota" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Pgina vaca" ; Text [ french ] = "Page vide" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Lege pagina" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "pgina vazia" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "հҳ"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Pusta strona"; Text[ japanese ] = "߰"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ťխ"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Lege pagina"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "հҳ"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Bo sayfa"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; QueryBox MSG_CLPBRD_CLEAR { BUTTONS = WB_YES_NO ; DEFBUTTON = WB_DEF_NO ; MESSAGE = "Sie haben grere Datenmengen in die Zwischenablage gestellt.\nSoll der Inhalt der Zwischenablage anderen Applikationen zur Verfgung gestellt werden?" ; MESSAGE [ English ] = "Shall the Clipboard Content be available for other Applications?" ; MESSAGE [ norwegian ] = "Vil du at Innholdet p Utklippstavlen skal vre tilgjengelig til andre applikasjoner?" ; MESSAGE [ italian ] = "Negli appunti ci sono molti dati.\nRendere il contenuto degli appunti disponibile per altre applicazioni?" ; MESSAGE [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O Contedo do Clipboard deve estar disponvel para outros Aplicativos?" ; MESSAGE [ portuguese ] = "Na rea de transferncia encontram-se grandes quantidades de dados.\nColocar o contedo da rea de transferncia disposio de outras aplicaes?" ; MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "You have a large amount of data saved in the clipboard.\nShould the clipboard contents remain available for other applications?" ; MESSAGE [ finnish ] = "Pitk leikepydn sislln olla muiden sovellusten kytettviss?" ; MESSAGE [ danish ] = "Du har placeret en stor mngde data i udklipsholderen.\nSkal udklipholderens indhold vre tilgngeligt for andre applikationer?" ; MESSAGE [ french ] = "Vous avez dpos un grand nombre de donnes dans le presse-papiers. \nSouhaitez-vous en conserver le contenu pour une utilisation ultrieure sous une autre application ?" ; MESSAGE [ swedish ] = "Du har stora datamngder i urklippet.\nSkall innehllet i urklippet gras tillgngligt fr andra applikationer?" ; MESSAGE [ dutch ] = "U hebt een groot aantal gegevens op het Klembord geplaatst.\nWilt u dat de inhoud van het Klembord beschikbaar blijft voor andere toepassingen?" ; MESSAGE [ spanish ] = "Usted tiene muchos datos en el portapapeles.\nDesea mantener disponible el contenido del portapapeles para otras aplicaciones?" ; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "һϴݸƵ塣\nҪӦóҲܹʹ"; MESSAGE[ language_user1 ] = " "; MESSAGE[ russian ] = " .\n ?"; MESSAGE[ polish ] = "W schowku zostay umieszczone wiksze iloci danych.\nCzy tre tych danych ma zosta udostpniona innym aplikacjom?"; MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "دްނɑʂްۑĂ܂B\nدްނ̓e𑼂̱ع݂Ɏgp܂?"; MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "zwgN@ӸjƽƻsŶKïC\nzQnLε{Ǥ]ϥγoӸơH"; MESSAGE[ arabic ] = " .\n "; MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "U hebt een groot aantal gegevens op het Klembord geplaatst.\nWilt u dat de inhoud van het Klembord beschikbaar blijft voor andere toepassingen?"; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "һϴݸƵ塣\nҪӦóҲܹʹ"; MESSAGE[ greek ] = " .\n ;"; MESSAGE[ korean ] = "Ŭȿ 뷮 Ͱ ֽϴ.\nŬ ٸ α׷ ȿϵ ܵνðڽϱ?"; MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Panoya byk miktarda veri aktardnz.\nPano ieriini baka uygulamalarda kullanmak istiyor musunuz?"; }; QueryBox MSG_SAVE_HTML_QUERY { BUTTONS = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL ; DEFBUTTON = WB_DEF_YES ; MESSAGE = "Die Umwandlung in das HTML-Format \nkann Informationsverlust verursachen. \nMchten Sie das Dokument speichern?" ; MESSAGE [ English ] = "Conversion into HTML \nmay cause information loss. \nWould you like to save the document?" ; Message [ english_us ] = "Conversion into HTML format \nmay cause information loss. \nDo you want to save the document?" ; Message = "Die Umwandlung in das HTML-Format \nkann Informationsverlust verursachen. \nMchten Sie das Dokument speichern?" ; Message [ italian ] = "La conversione nel formato HTML \npu causare perdita di informazioni \nSalvare il documento?" ; Message [ spanish ] = "La transformacin en el formato HTML \npuede causar la prdida de informacin. \nDesea guardar el documento?" ; Message [ french ] = "La conversion au format HTML\npeut engendrer une perte d'informations. \nSouhaitez-vous enregistrer le document ?" ; Message [ dutch ] = "De convertering naar het HTML-formaat \nkan verlies van gegevens veroorzaken. \nWilt u het document opslaan?" ; Message [ swedish ] = "Omvandling till HTML-format \nkan frorsaka informationsfrlust.\nSkall dokumentet sparas?" ; Message [ danish ] = "Konvertering til HTML-format\nkan medfre informationstab.\nVil du gemme dokumentet?" ; Message [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Umwandlung in das HTML-Format \nkann Informationsverlust verursachen. \nMchten Sie das Dokument speichern?" ; Message [ portuguese ] = "A converso para o formato HTML pode \nprovocar perda de informao. \nGuardar o documento?" ; Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "ļת HTML ʽ\nܻʧ\nҪļ?"; Message[ russian ] = " HTML \n . \n ?"; Message[ polish ] = "Konwersja na format HTML \nmoe spowodowa utrat informacji. \nCzy chcesz zapisa dokument?"; Message[ japanese ] = "HTML `ɕϊ\n񂪎”\\܂B\n̕ۑ܂B"; Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "ɮഫ HTML 榡\ni|ް_ƷlC\nznxsoɮסH"; Message[ arabic ] = " HTML \n . \n Ͽ"; Message[ dutch ] = "De convertering naar het HTML-formaat \nkan verlies van gegevens veroorzaken. \nWilt u het document opslaan?"; Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "ļת HTML ʽ\nܻʧ\nҪļ?"; Message[ greek ] = " HTML \n . \n ;"; Message[ korean ] = "HTML ȯ \n ս ˴ϴ. \n Ͻðڽϱ?"; Message[ turkish ] = "HTML formatna \ndnm sonucunda veri kayb olabilir. \nBelgeyi kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?"; Message[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_ABSTRACT_TITLE { Text = "Abstrakt : " ; Text [ English ] = "Summary : " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Abstracto : " ; Text [ english_us ] = "Abstract: " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abstrakt : " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Utdrag: " ; Text [ danish ] = "Abstract : " ; Text [ italian ] = "Sunto: " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Extracto: " ; Text [ french ] = "Synthse : " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Extract : " ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ժҪ "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " : "; Text[ polish ] = "Abstrakt : "; Text[ japanese ] = "v : "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "KnG "; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = "Extract : "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ժҪ "; Text[ greek ] = "Abstract: "; Text[ korean ] = "߻: "; Text[ turkish ] = "zet: "; }; String STR_FDLG_TEMPLATE_BUTTON { Text = "Vorlage" ; Text [ English ] = "Template" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Style" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorlage" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Formatmall" ; Text [ danish ] = "Skabelon" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modello" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Plantilla" ; Text [ french ] = "Style" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Sjabloon" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilo" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Szablon"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "˦"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Sjabloon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Biim"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_FDLG_TEMPLATE_NAME { Text = "Aktuelle Vorlage: " ; Text [ English ] = "Current template: " ; Text [ english_us ] = "Current Style: " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aktuelle Vorlage: " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Aktuell formatmall: " ; Text [ danish ] = "Aktuel skabelon: " ; Text [ italian ] = "Modello corrente: " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Plantilla actual: " ; Text [ french ] = "Style actif : " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Actuele sjabloon " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Modelo actual: " ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǰʽ "; Text[ russian ] = " : "; Text[ polish ] = "Aktualny szablon "; Text[ japanese ] = "݂̽فF "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "e˦G "; Text[ arabic ] = " : "; Text[ dutch ] = "Actuele sjabloon "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǰʽ "; Text[ greek ] = " : "; Text[ korean ] = " : "; Text[ turkish ] = "Yrrlkteki biim: "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PAGEOFFSET { Text = "Seitennummer: " ; Text [ English ] = "Page number: " ; Text [ english_us ] = "Page number: " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seitennummer: " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sidnummer: " ; Text [ danish ] = "Sidetal: " ; Text [ italian ] = "Numero di pagina: " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Nmero de pgina: " ; Text [ french ] = "Numro de page : " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Paginanummer " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Nmero de pgina: " ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ룺 "; Text[ russian ] = " : "; Text[ polish ] = "Numer strony: "; Text[ japanese ] = "߰ޔԍ: "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "XG "; Text[ arabic ] = " : "; Text[ dutch ] = "Paginanummer "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ룺 "; Text[ greek ] = " : "; Text[ korean ] = " ȣ: "; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa numaras: "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PAGEBREAK { Text = "Umbruch vor neuer Seite" ; Text [ English ] = "Break before new page" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Skift fr ny side" ; Text [ italian ] = "Interrompi prima della pagina nuova" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Interromper antes de nova pgina" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Quebra antes de nova pgina" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Vli ennen uutta sivua" ; Text [ danish ] = "Skift fr ny side" ; Text [ french ] = "Saut avant nouvelle page" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Bryt fre ny sida" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Einde voor nieuwe pagina" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Salto antes de pgina nueva" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Break before new page" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һҳ֮ǰҳ"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Podzia przed now stron"; Text[ japanese ] = "V߰ނ̑Oŋ؂"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bs@e"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Einde voor nieuwe pagina"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һҳ֮ǰҳ"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " տ "; Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni sayfa ncesi kesme"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_REDLINE_UNKNOWN_AUTHOR { Text = "unbekannt" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "unknown" ; Text[ english_us ] = "unknown"; Text[ portuguese ] = "desconhecido"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "onbekend"; Text[ french ] = "inconnu"; Text[ spanish ] = "desconocido"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconosciuto"; Text[ danish ] = "unknown"; Text[ swedish ] = "oknd"; Text[ polish ] = "nieznany"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "unknown"; Text[ japanese ] = "s"; Text[ korean ] = "˷ "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "unknown"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; };