/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "optcomp.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "swmodule.hxx" #include "swtypes.hxx" #include "uiitems.hxx" #include "view.hxx" #include "wrtsh.hxx" #include "globals.hrc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::document; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::std; struct CompatibilityItem { OUString m_sName; OUString m_sModule; bool m_bUsePrtMetrics; bool m_bAddSpacing; bool m_bAddSpacingAtPages; bool m_bUseOurTabStops; bool m_bNoExtLeading; bool m_bUseLineSpacing; bool m_bAddTableSpacing; bool m_bUseObjPos; bool m_bUseOurTextWrapping; bool m_bConsiderWrappingStyle; bool m_bExpandWordSpace; bool m_bIsDefault; bool m_bIsUser; CompatibilityItem( const OUString& _rName, const OUString& _rModule, bool _bUsePrtMetrics, bool _bAddSpacing, bool _bAddSpacingAtPages, bool _bUseOurTabStops, bool _bNoExtLeading, bool _bUseLineSpacing, bool _bAddTableSpacing, bool _bUseObjPos, bool _bUseOurTextWrapping, bool _bConsiderWrappingStyle, bool _bExpandWordSpace, bool _bIsDefault, bool _bIsUser ) : m_sName ( _rName ), m_sModule ( _rModule ), m_bUsePrtMetrics ( _bUsePrtMetrics ), m_bAddSpacing ( _bAddSpacing ), m_bAddSpacingAtPages ( _bAddSpacingAtPages ), m_bUseOurTabStops ( _bUseOurTabStops ), m_bNoExtLeading ( _bNoExtLeading ), m_bUseLineSpacing ( _bUseLineSpacing ), m_bAddTableSpacing ( _bAddTableSpacing ), m_bUseObjPos ( _bUseObjPos ), m_bUseOurTextWrapping ( _bUseOurTextWrapping ), m_bConsiderWrappingStyle( _bConsiderWrappingStyle ), m_bExpandWordSpace ( _bExpandWordSpace ), m_bIsDefault ( _bIsDefault ), m_bIsUser ( _bIsUser ) {} }; #include struct SwCompatibilityOptPage_Impl { typedef vector< CompatibilityItem > SwCompatibilityItemList; SwCompatibilityItemList m_aList; }; SwCompatibilityOptPage::SwCompatibilityOptPage(Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet) : SfxTabPage(pParent, "OptCompatPage", "modules/swriter/ui/optcompatpage.ui", &rSet) , m_pWrtShell(NULL) , m_pImpl(new SwCompatibilityOptPage_Impl) , m_nSavedOptions(0) { get(m_pMain, "compatframe"); get(m_pFormattingLB, "format"); get(m_pOptionsLB, "options"); get(m_pDefaultPB, "default"); for (sal_Int32 nId = COPT_USE_PRINTERDEVICE; nId <= COPT_EXPAND_WORDSPACE; ++nId) { const OUString sEntry = m_pFormattingLB->GetEntry(nId); SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_pOptionsLB->SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( sEntry ); if ( pEntry ) { m_pOptionsLB->SetCheckButtonState( pEntry, SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED ); } } m_sUserEntry = m_pFormattingLB->GetEntry(m_pFormattingLB->GetEntryCount()-1); m_pFormattingLB->Clear(); m_pOptionsLB->SetStyle( m_pOptionsLB->GetStyle() | WB_HSCROLL | WB_HIDESELECTION ); m_pOptionsLB->SetHighlightRange(); InitControls( rSet ); // set handler m_pFormattingLB->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SwCompatibilityOptPage, SelectHdl ) ); m_pDefaultPB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwCompatibilityOptPage, UseAsDefaultHdl ) ); } SwCompatibilityOptPage::~SwCompatibilityOptPage() { delete m_pImpl; } sal_uLong convertBools2Ulong_Impl ( bool _bUsePrtMetrics, bool _bAddSpacing, bool _bAddSpacingAtPages, bool _bUseOurTabStops, bool _bNoExtLeading, bool _bUseLineSpacing, bool _bAddTableSpacing, bool _bUseObjPos, bool _bUseOurTextWrapping, bool _bConsiderWrappingStyle, bool _bExpandWordSpace ) { sal_uLong nRet = 0; sal_uLong nSetBit = 1; if ( _bUsePrtMetrics ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bAddSpacing ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bAddSpacingAtPages ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bUseOurTabStops ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bNoExtLeading ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bUseLineSpacing ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bAddTableSpacing ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bUseObjPos ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bUseOurTextWrapping ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bConsiderWrappingStyle ) nRet |= nSetBit; nSetBit = nSetBit << 1; if ( _bExpandWordSpace ) nRet |= nSetBit; return nRet; } void SwCompatibilityOptPage::InitControls( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { // init objectshell and detect document name OUString sDocTitle; const SfxPoolItem* pItem = NULL; SfxObjectShell* pObjShell = NULL; if ( SfxItemState::SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_WRTSHELL, false, &pItem ) ) m_pWrtShell = (SwWrtShell*)( (const SwPtrItem*)pItem )->GetValue(); if ( m_pWrtShell ) { pObjShell = m_pWrtShell->GetView().GetDocShell(); if ( pObjShell ) sDocTitle = pObjShell->GetTitle( SFX_TITLE_TITLE ); } else { m_pMain->Disable(); } const OUString& rText = m_pMain->get_label(); m_pMain->set_label(rText.replaceAll("%DOCNAME", sDocTitle)); // loading file formats Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > aList = m_aConfigItem.GetList(); OUString sName; OUString sModule; bool bUsePrtMetrics = false; bool bAddSpacing = false; bool bAddSpacingAtPages = false; bool bUseOurTabStops = false; bool bNoExtLeading = false; bool bUseLineSpacing = false; bool bAddTableSpacing = false; bool bUseObjPos = false; bool bUseOurTextWrapping = false; bool bConsiderWrappingStyle = false; bool bExpandWordSpace = false; const sal_Int32 nCount = aList.getLength(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rEntry = aList[i]; const sal_Int32 nEntries = rEntry.getLength(); for ( sal_Int32 j = 0; j < nEntries; j++ ) { PropertyValue aValue = rEntry[j]; if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_NAME ) aValue.Value >>= sName; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_MODULE ) aValue.Value >>= sModule; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_USEPRTMETRICS ) aValue.Value >>= bUsePrtMetrics; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_ADDSPACING ) aValue.Value >>= bAddSpacing; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_ADDSPACINGATPAGES ) aValue.Value >>= bAddSpacingAtPages; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_USEOURTABSTOPS ) aValue.Value >>= bUseOurTabStops; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_NOEXTLEADING ) aValue.Value >>= bNoExtLeading; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_USELINESPACING ) aValue.Value >>= bUseLineSpacing; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_ADDTABLESPACING ) aValue.Value >>= bAddTableSpacing; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_USEOBJECTPOSITIONING ) aValue.Value >>= bUseObjPos; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_USEOURTEXTWRAPPING ) aValue.Value >>= bUseOurTextWrapping; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_CONSIDERWRAPPINGSTYLE ) aValue.Value >>= bConsiderWrappingStyle; else if ( aValue.Name == COMPATIBILITY_PROPERTYNAME_EXPANDWORDSPACE ) aValue.Value >>= bExpandWordSpace; } const bool bIsUserEntry = sName == "_user"; const bool bIsDefaultEntry = sName == COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT_NAME; CompatibilityItem aItem( sName, sModule, bUsePrtMetrics, bAddSpacing, bAddSpacingAtPages, bUseOurTabStops, bNoExtLeading, bUseLineSpacing, bAddTableSpacing, bUseObjPos, bUseOurTextWrapping, bConsiderWrappingStyle, bExpandWordSpace, bIsDefaultEntry, bIsUserEntry ); m_pImpl->m_aList.push_back( aItem ); if ( aItem.m_bIsDefault ) continue; OUString sNewEntry; if ( bIsUserEntry ) sNewEntry = m_sUserEntry; else if ( pObjShell && !sName.isEmpty() ) { SfxFilterContainer* pFacCont = pObjShell->GetFactory().GetFilterContainer(); const SfxFilter* pFilter = pFacCont->GetFilter4FilterName( sName ); if ( pFilter ) sNewEntry = pFilter->GetUIName(); } if ( sNewEntry.isEmpty() ) sNewEntry = sName; const sal_Int32 nPos = m_pFormattingLB->InsertEntry( sNewEntry ); sal_uLong nOptions = convertBools2Ulong_Impl( bUsePrtMetrics, bAddSpacing, bAddSpacingAtPages, bUseOurTabStops, bNoExtLeading, bUseLineSpacing, bAddTableSpacing, bUseObjPos, bUseOurTextWrapping, bConsiderWrappingStyle, bExpandWordSpace ); m_pFormattingLB->SetEntryData( nPos, (void*)(sal_IntPtr)nOptions ); } m_pFormattingLB->SetDropDownLineCount( m_pFormattingLB->GetEntryCount() ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwCompatibilityOptPage, SelectHdl) { const sal_Int32 nPos = m_pFormattingLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); sal_uLong nOptions = (sal_uLong)(void*)m_pFormattingLB->GetEntryData( nPos ); SetCurrentOptions( nOptions ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwCompatibilityOptPage, UseAsDefaultHdl) { MessageDialog aQuery(this, "QueryDefaultCompatDialog", "modules/swriter/ui/querydefaultcompatdialog.ui"); if (aQuery.Execute() == RET_YES) { for ( vector< CompatibilityItem >::iterator pItem = m_pImpl->m_aList.begin(); pItem != m_pImpl->m_aList.end(); ++pItem ) { if ( pItem->m_bIsDefault ) { const sal_Int32 nCount = m_pOptionsLB->GetEntryCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { bool bChecked = m_pOptionsLB->IsChecked(static_cast< sal_uLong >( i )); CompatibilityOptions eOption = static_cast< CompatibilityOptions >(i); switch ( eOption ) { case COPT_USE_PRINTERDEVICE : pItem->m_bUsePrtMetrics = bChecked; break; case COPT_ADD_SPACING : pItem->m_bAddSpacing = bChecked; break; case COPT_ADD_SPACING_AT_PAGES : pItem->m_bAddSpacingAtPages = bChecked; break; case COPT_USE_OUR_TABSTOPS : pItem->m_bUseOurTabStops = bChecked; break; case COPT_NO_EXTLEADING : pItem->m_bNoExtLeading = bChecked; break; case COPT_USE_LINESPACING : pItem->m_bUseLineSpacing = bChecked; break; case COPT_ADD_TABLESPACING : pItem->m_bAddTableSpacing = bChecked; break; case COPT_USE_OBJECTPOSITIONING: pItem->m_bUseObjPos = bChecked; break; case COPT_USE_OUR_TEXTWRAPPING: pItem->m_bUseOurTextWrapping = bChecked; break; case COPT_CONSIDER_WRAPPINGSTYLE: pItem->m_bConsiderWrappingStyle = bChecked; break; case COPT_EXPAND_WORDSPACE: pItem->m_bExpandWordSpace = bChecked; break; default: { OSL_FAIL("SwCompatibilityOptPage::UseAsDefaultHdl(): wrong option" ); } } } break; } } WriteOptions(); } return 0; } void SwCompatibilityOptPage::SetCurrentOptions( sal_uLong nOptions ) { const sal_uLong nCount = m_pOptionsLB->GetEntryCount(); OSL_ENSURE( nCount <= 32, "SwCompatibilityOptPage::Reset(): entry overflow" ); for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { bool bChecked = ( ( nOptions & 0x00000001 ) == 0x00000001 ); m_pOptionsLB->CheckEntryPos( i, bChecked ); nOptions = nOptions >> 1; } } sal_uLong SwCompatibilityOptPage::GetDocumentOptions() const { sal_uLong nRet = 0; if ( m_pWrtShell ) { const IDocumentSettingAccess& rIDocumentSettingAccess = *m_pWrtShell->getIDocumentSettingAccess(); nRet = convertBools2Ulong_Impl( !rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::USE_VIRTUAL_DEVICE), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::PARA_SPACE_MAX), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::PARA_SPACE_MAX_AT_PAGES), !rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::TAB_COMPAT), !rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::ADD_EXT_LEADING), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::OLD_LINE_SPACING), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::ADD_PARA_SPACING_TO_TABLE_CELLS), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::USE_FORMER_OBJECT_POS), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::USE_FORMER_TEXT_WRAPPING), rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::CONSIDER_WRAP_ON_OBJECT_POSITION), !rIDocumentSettingAccess.get(IDocumentSettingAccess::DO_NOT_JUSTIFY_LINES_WITH_MANUAL_BREAK) ); } return nRet; } void SwCompatibilityOptPage::WriteOptions() { m_aConfigItem.Clear(); for ( vector< CompatibilityItem >::const_iterator pItem = m_pImpl->m_aList.begin(); pItem != m_pImpl->m_aList.end(); ++pItem ) m_aConfigItem.AppendItem( pItem->m_sName, pItem->m_sModule, pItem->m_bUsePrtMetrics, pItem->m_bAddSpacing, pItem->m_bAddSpacingAtPages, pItem->m_bUseOurTabStops, pItem->m_bNoExtLeading, pItem->m_bUseLineSpacing, pItem->m_bAddTableSpacing, pItem->m_bUseObjPos, pItem->m_bUseOurTextWrapping, pItem->m_bConsiderWrappingStyle, pItem->m_bExpandWordSpace ); } SfxTabPage* SwCompatibilityOptPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* rAttrSet ) { return new SwCompatibilityOptPage( pParent, *rAttrSet ); } bool SwCompatibilityOptPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet* ) { bool bModified = false; if ( m_pWrtShell ) { sal_uLong nSavedOptions = m_nSavedOptions; const sal_uLong nCount = m_pOptionsLB->GetEntryCount(); OSL_ENSURE( nCount <= 32, "SwCompatibilityOptPage::Reset(): entry overflow" ); bool bSetParaSpaceMax = false; for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CompatibilityOptions nOption = static_cast< CompatibilityOptions >(i); bool bChecked = m_pOptionsLB->IsChecked(i); bool bSavedChecked = ( ( nSavedOptions & 0x00000001 ) == 0x00000001 ); if ( bChecked != bSavedChecked ) { if ( COPT_USE_PRINTERDEVICE == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetUseVirDev( !bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( ( COPT_ADD_SPACING == nOption || COPT_ADD_SPACING_AT_PAGES == nOption ) && !bSetParaSpaceMax ) bSetParaSpaceMax = true; else if ( COPT_USE_OUR_TABSTOPS == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetTabCompat( !bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_NO_EXTLEADING == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetAddExtLeading( !bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_USE_LINESPACING == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetUseFormerLineSpacing( bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_ADD_TABLESPACING == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetAddParaSpacingToTableCells( bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_USE_OBJECTPOSITIONING == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetUseFormerObjectPositioning( bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_USE_OUR_TEXTWRAPPING == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetUseFormerTextWrapping( bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_CONSIDER_WRAPPINGSTYLE == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetConsiderWrapOnObjPos( bChecked ); bModified = true; } else if ( COPT_EXPAND_WORDSPACE == nOption ) { m_pWrtShell->SetDoNotJustifyLinesWithManualBreak( !bChecked ); bModified = true; } } nSavedOptions = nSavedOptions >> 1; } if ( bSetParaSpaceMax ) { m_pWrtShell->SetParaSpaceMax( m_pOptionsLB->IsChecked( (sal_uLong)COPT_ADD_SPACING ) ); m_pWrtShell->SetParaSpaceMaxAtPages( m_pOptionsLB->IsChecked( (sal_uLong)COPT_ADD_SPACING_AT_PAGES ) ); bModified = true; } } if ( bModified ) WriteOptions(); return bModified; } void SwCompatibilityOptPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet* ) { m_pOptionsLB->SelectEntryPos( 0 ); sal_uLong nOptions = GetDocumentOptions(); SetCurrentOptions( nOptions ); m_nSavedOptions = nOptions; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */