/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: viewopt.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2001-04-27 17:47:50 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_HTMLMODE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFA_HTMLCFG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SVXIDS_HRC //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SVXENUM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MySVXACORR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_LOCALEDATAWRAPPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WDOCSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWRECT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CRSTATE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef PRODUCT BOOL SwViewOption::bTest9 = FALSE; //DrawingLayerNotLoading #endif USHORT SwViewOption::nPixelTwips = 0; //ein Pixel auf dem Bildschirm #define LINEBREAK_SIZE 12, 8 #define TAB_SIZE 12, 6 #define MIN_BLANKWIDTH 40 #define MIN_BLANKHEIGHT 40 #define MIN_TABWIDTH 120 #define MIN_TABHEIGHT 200 static const char __FAR_DATA aPostItStr[] = " "; /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::IsEqualFlags() *************************************************************************/ BOOL SwViewOption::IsEqualFlags( const SwViewOption &rOpt ) const { return nCoreOptions == rOpt.nCoreOptions && nCore2Options == rOpt.nCore2Options && aSnapSize == rOpt.aSnapSize && nDivisionX == rOpt.GetDivisionX() && nDivisionY == rOpt.GetDivisionY() && nPagePrevRow == rOpt.GetPagePrevRow() && nPagePrevCol == rOpt.GetPagePrevCol() && aRetoucheColor == rOpt.GetRetoucheColor() #ifndef PRODUCT // korrespondieren zu den Angaben in ui/config/cfgvw.src && bTest1 == rOpt.IsTest1() && bTest2 == rOpt.IsTest2() && bTest3 == rOpt.IsTest3() && bTest4 == rOpt.IsTest4() && bTest5 == rOpt.IsTest5() && bTest6 == rOpt.IsTest6() && bTest7 == rOpt.IsTest7() && bTest8 == rOpt.IsTest8() && bTest10 == rOpt.IsTest10() #endif ; } /************************************************************************* * class SwPxlToTwips *************************************************************************/ class SwPxlToTwips { OutputDevice *pOut; Color aLineColor; BOOL bClip; Region aClip; Point aStart; SwRect aRect; public: SwPxlToTwips( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect, const Size &rSize ); ~SwPxlToTwips(); inline const Point &GetStartPoint() const { return aStart; } inline BOOL IsTooSmall() const {return 0 == pOut;} inline const SwRect &GetRect() const { return aRect; } void DrawLine( const Point &rStart, const Point &rEnd ); }; /************************************************************************* * SwPxlToTwips::CTOR *************************************************************************/ SwPxlToTwips::SwPxlToTwips( OutputDevice *pOutDev, const SwRect &rRect, const Size &rSize ) : pOut( pOutDev ) { aRect = pOut->LogicToPixel( rRect.SVRect() ); // Wenn der Tab nicht mehr darstellbar ist, geben wir auf. if( 3 > aRect.Width() ) { pOut = NULL; return; } if( rSize.Height() - 1 > aRect.Height() ) { pOut = NULL; return; } aStart = aRect.Pos(); aStart.X() += (aRect.Width() / 2) - (rSize.Width() / 2); aStart.Y() += (aRect.Height() / 2) - (rSize.Height() / 2); if ( aStart.X() < aRect.Left() ) aStart.X() = aRect.Left(); if ( pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() ) pOut->Push(); bClip = pOut->IsClipRegion(); if ( bClip ) { aClip = pOut->GetClipRegion(); pOut->SetClipRegion(); } aLineColor = pOut->GetLineColor( ); pOut->SetLineColor( Color(COL_BLACK) ); } /************************************************************************* * SwPxlToTwips::DTOR *************************************************************************/ SwPxlToTwips::~SwPxlToTwips() { if( pOut ) { if ( pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() ) pOut->Pop(); else { pOut->SetLineColor( aLineColor ); if( bClip ) pOut->SetClipRegion( aClip ); } } } /************************************************************************* * SwPxlToTwips::DrawLine *************************************************************************/ void SwPxlToTwips::DrawLine( const Point &rStart, const Point &rEnd ) { if( pOut ) { const Point aStart( pOut->PixelToLogic( rStart ) ); const Point aEnd( pOut->PixelToLogic( rEnd ) ); pOut->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::DrawRect() *************************************************************************/ void SwViewOption::DrawRect( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect, long nCol ) const { if ( pOut->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER ) { const Color aCol( nCol ); const Color aOldColor( pOut->GetFillColor() ); pOut->SetFillColor( aCol ); pOut->DrawRect( rRect.SVRect() ); pOut->SetFillColor( aOldColor ); } else DrawRectPrinter( pOut, rRect ); } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::DrawRectPrinter() *************************************************************************/ void SwViewOption::DrawRectPrinter( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect ) const { Color aOldColor(pOut->GetLineColor()); Color aOldFillColor( pOut->GetFillColor() ); pOut->SetLineColor( Color(COL_BLACK) ); pOut->SetFillColor( Color(COL_TRANSPARENT )); pOut->DrawRect( rRect.SVRect() ); pOut->SetFillColor( aOldFillColor ); pOut->SetLineColor( aOldColor ); } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::PaintTab() *************************************************************************/ void SwViewOption::PaintTab( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect ) const { SwPxlToTwips aSave( pOut, rRect, Size( TAB_SIZE ) ); if( aSave.IsTooSmall() ) return; Point aStart( aSave.GetStartPoint() ); const SwRect &rPaintRect = aSave.GetRect(); // horizontale aStart.Y() += 2; aStart.X() += 1; Point aEnd( aStart ); aEnd.X() += 10; if( aEnd.X() >= rPaintRect.Right() ) aEnd.X() = rPaintRect.Right() - 1; long nDiff = aEnd.X() - aStart.X(); aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); // Pfeil aEnd.X() -= 1; aStart.X() = aEnd.X(); aStart.Y() -= 1; aEnd.Y() += 1; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); if( nDiff > 1 && rPaintRect.Height() > 8 ) { aStart.X() -= 1; aStart.Y() -= 1; aEnd.X() = aStart.X(); aEnd.Y() += 1; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); if( nDiff > 2 && rPaintRect.Height() > 12 ) { aStart.X() -= 1; aEnd.X() -= 1; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } } } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::GetLineBreakWidth() *************************************************************************/ USHORT SwViewOption::GetLineBreakWidth( const OutputDevice *pOut ) const { ASSERT( pOut, "no Outdev" ); const Size aSz( LINEBREAK_SIZE ); return USHORT(pOut->PixelToLogic( aSz ).Width()); } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::PaintLineBreak() *************************************************************************/ void SwViewOption::PaintLineBreak( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect ) const { const Size aSz( LINEBREAK_SIZE ); SwPxlToTwips aSave( pOut, rRect, aSz ); if( aSave.IsTooSmall() ) return; Point aStart( aSave.GetStartPoint() ); const SwRect &rPaintRect = aSave.GetRect(); // horizontale aStart.Y() += 4; aStart.X() += 1; Point aEnd( aStart ); aEnd.X() += 8; if( aEnd.X() >= rPaintRect.Right() - 1 ) aEnd.X() = rPaintRect.Right() - 2; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); // Pfeil aStart.Y() -= 1; aStart.X() += 1; aEnd.Y() = aStart.Y() + 2; aEnd.X() = aStart.X(); aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); // Pfeil aStart.Y() -= 1; aStart.X() += 1; aEnd.Y() += 1; aEnd.X() += 1; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); // Pfeil aStart.X() += 1; aEnd.X() += 1; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); // vertikale aStart.Y() -= 2; aStart.X() += 6; if( aStart.X() >= rPaintRect.Right() ) aStart.X() = rPaintRect.Right() - 1; aEnd.X() = aStart.X(); aEnd.Y() = aStart.Y() + 3; aSave.DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::GetPostItsWidth() *************************************************************************/ USHORT SwViewOption::GetPostItsWidth( const OutputDevice *pOut ) const { ASSERT( pOut, "no Outdev" ); return USHORT(pOut->GetTextWidth( String::CreateFromAscii(aPostItStr ))); } /************************************************************************* * SwViewOption::PaintPostIts() *************************************************************************/ void SwViewOption::PaintPostIts( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwRect &rRect, long nCol ) const { if( pOut ) { Color aOldLineColor( pOut->GetLineColor() ); pOut->SetLineColor( Color(COL_GRAY ) ); // Wir ziehen ueberall zwei Pixel ab, damit es schick aussieht USHORT nPix = GetPixelTwips() * 2; if( rRect.Width() <= 2 * nPix || rRect.Height() <= 2 * nPix ) nPix = 0; const Point aTopLeft( rRect.Left() + nPix, rRect.Top() + nPix ); const Point aBotRight( rRect.Right() - nPix, rRect.Bottom() - nPix ); const SwRect aRect( aTopLeft, aBotRight ); DrawRect( pOut, aRect, nCol ); pOut->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* ViewOption::ViewOption() |* |* Letzte Aenderung MA 04. Aug. 93 |* |*************************************************************************/ SwViewOption::SwViewOption() : nZoom( 100 ), nPagePrevRow( 1 ), nPagePrevCol( 2 ), eZoom( 0 ), nTblDest(TBL_DEST_CELL), bReadonly(FALSE), aRetoucheColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ), aShdwCrsrCol( COL_BLUE ), aIdxBackgrndCol( COL_LIGHTGRAY ), nShdwCrsrFillMode( FILL_TAB ), bStarOneSetting(FALSE) { // Initialisierung ist jetzt etwas einfacher // alle Bits auf 0 nCoreOptions = VIEWOPT_1_IDLE | VIEWOPT_1_HARDBLANK | VIEWOPT_1_SOFTHYPH | VIEWOPT_1_TOX | VIEWOPT_1_REF | VIEWOPT_1_FIELD | VIEWOPT_1_FOOTNOTE | VIEWOPT_1_SUBSLINES | VIEWOPT_1_GRAPHIC | VIEWOPT_1_TABLE | VIEWOPT_1_DRAW | VIEWOPT_1_CONTROL | VIEWOPT_1_SUBSTABLE| VIEWOPT_1_PAGEBACK | VIEWOPT_1_SOLIDMARKHDL | VIEWOPT_1_POSTITS; nCore2Options = VIEWOPT_CORE2_BLACKFONT | VIEWOPT_CORE2_HIDDENPARA| VIEWOPT_CORE2_INDEX_BACKGROUND | VIEWOPT_CORE2_SECTION_BOUNDS; nUIOptions = VIEWOPT_2_MODIFIED | VIEWOPT_2_EXECHYPERLINKS; if(MEASURE_METRIC != GetAppLocaleData().getMeasurementSystemEnum()) aSnapSize.Width() = aSnapSize.Height() = 720; // 1/2" else aSnapSize.Width() = aSnapSize.Height() = 567; // 1 cm nDivisionX = nDivisionY = 1; #ifndef PRODUCT // korrespondieren zu den Angaben in ui/config/cfgvw.src bTest1 = bTest2 = bTest3 = bTest4 = bTest5 = bTest6 = bTest7 = bTest8 = bTest10 = FALSE; #endif } SwViewOption::SwViewOption(const SwViewOption& rVOpt) { bReadonly = FALSE; nZoom = rVOpt.nZoom ; aSnapSize = rVOpt.aSnapSize ; nDivisionX = rVOpt.nDivisionX ; nDivisionY = rVOpt.nDivisionY ; nPagePrevRow = rVOpt.nPagePrevRow; nPagePrevCol = rVOpt.nPagePrevCol; eZoom = rVOpt.eZoom ; nTblDest = rVOpt.nTblDest ; nUIOptions = rVOpt.nUIOptions ; nCoreOptions = rVOpt.nCoreOptions ; nCore2Options = rVOpt.nCore2Options ; aRetoucheColor = rVOpt.GetRetoucheColor(); sSymbolFont = rVOpt.sSymbolFont; aShdwCrsrCol = rVOpt.aShdwCrsrCol; aIdxBackgrndCol = rVOpt.aIdxBackgrndCol; nShdwCrsrFillMode = rVOpt.nShdwCrsrFillMode; bStarOneSetting = rVOpt.bStarOneSetting; #ifndef PRODUCT bTest1 = rVOpt.bTest1 ; bTest2 = rVOpt.bTest2 ; bTest3 = rVOpt.bTest3 ; bTest4 = rVOpt.bTest4 ; bTest5 = rVOpt.bTest5 ; bTest6 = rVOpt.bTest6 ; bTest7 = rVOpt.bTest7 ; bTest8 = rVOpt.bTest8 ; bTest10 = rVOpt.bTest10 ; #endif } SwViewOption& SwViewOption::operator=( const SwViewOption &rVOpt ) { nZoom = rVOpt.nZoom ; aSnapSize = rVOpt.aSnapSize ; nDivisionX = rVOpt.nDivisionX ; nDivisionY = rVOpt.nDivisionY ; nPagePrevRow = rVOpt.nPagePrevRow; nPagePrevCol = rVOpt.nPagePrevCol; eZoom = rVOpt.eZoom ; nTblDest = rVOpt.nTblDest ; nUIOptions = rVOpt.nUIOptions ; nCoreOptions = rVOpt.nCoreOptions; nCore2Options = rVOpt.nCore2Options; aRetoucheColor = rVOpt.GetRetoucheColor(); sSymbolFont = rVOpt.sSymbolFont; aShdwCrsrCol = rVOpt.aShdwCrsrCol; aIdxBackgrndCol = rVOpt.aIdxBackgrndCol; nShdwCrsrFillMode = rVOpt.nShdwCrsrFillMode; bStarOneSetting = rVOpt.bStarOneSetting; #ifndef PRODUCT bTest1 = rVOpt.bTest1 ; bTest2 = rVOpt.bTest2 ; bTest3 = rVOpt.bTest3 ; bTest4 = rVOpt.bTest4 ; bTest5 = rVOpt.bTest5 ; bTest6 = rVOpt.bTest6 ; bTest7 = rVOpt.bTest7 ; bTest8 = rVOpt.bTest8 ; bTest10 = rVOpt.bTest10 ; #endif return *this; } SwViewOption::~SwViewOption() { } /************************************************************************* |* |* ViewOption::Init() |* |* Letzte Aenderung MA 04. Aug. 93 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwViewOption::Init( Window *pWin ) { if( !nPixelTwips && pWin ) { nPixelTwips = (USHORT)pWin->PixelToLogic( Size(1,1) ).Height(); } } BOOL SwViewOption::IsAutoCompleteWords() const { const SvxSwAutoFmtFlags& rFlags = OFF_APP()->GetAutoCorrect()->GetSwFlags(); return /*rFlags.bAutoCompleteWords &&*/ rFlags.bAutoCmpltCollectWords; } /*************************************************************************/ /* /*************************************************************************/ AuthorCharAttr::AuthorCharAttr() : nItemId (SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE), nAttr (UNDERLINE_SINGLE), nColor (COL_TRANSPARENT) { } /*-----------------07.01.97 13.50------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT GetHtmlMode(const SwDocShell* pShell) { USHORT nRet = 0; if(!pShell || PTR_CAST(SwWebDocShell, pShell)) { nRet = HTMLMODE_ON; OfaHtmlOptions* pHtmlOpt = OFF_APP()->GetHtmlOptions(); switch ( pHtmlOpt->GetExportMode() ) { case HTML_CFG_MSIE_40: nRet |= HTMLMODE_PARA_BORDER|HTMLMODE_SMALL_CAPS| HTMLMODE_SOME_STYLES| HTMLMODE_FULL_STYLES|HTMLMODE_GRAPH_POS| HTMLMODE_FULL_ABS_POS|HTMLMODE_SOME_ABS_POS; break; case HTML_CFG_NS30: nRet |= HTMLMODE_BLINK|HTMLMODE_FRM_COLUMNS|HTMLMODE_FIRSTLINE; break; case HTML_CFG_NS40: nRet |= HTMLMODE_PARA_BORDER|HTMLMODE_SOME_STYLES| HTMLMODE_FRM_COLUMNS|HTMLMODE_BLINK|HTMLMODE_GRAPH_POS| HTMLMODE_SOME_ABS_POS; break; case HTML_CFG_WRITER: nRet |= HTMLMODE_PARA_BORDER|HTMLMODE_SMALL_CAPS| HTMLMODE_SOME_STYLES| HTMLMODE_FRM_COLUMNS|HTMLMODE_FULL_STYLES| HTMLMODE_BLINK|HTMLMODE_DROPCAPS|HTMLMODE_GRAPH_POS| HTMLMODE_FULL_ABS_POS|HTMLMODE_SOME_ABS_POS; break; case HTML_CFG_HTML32: break; } } return nRet; } /************************************************************************ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.2 2000/11/20 09:07:00 jp should change: use LocaleDataWrapper Revision 2000/09/18 17:14:33 hr initial import Revision 1.57 2000/09/18 16:05:18 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.56 2000/04/11 08:02:24 os UNICODE Revision 1.55 2000/03/03 15:16:59 os StarView remainders removed Revision 1.54 2000/01/19 18:24:09 jp Bug #72118#: change default of view sectionboundaries Revision 1.53 2000/01/13 21:28:44 jp Task #71894#: new Options for SW-AutoComplete Revision 1.52 1999/09/20 10:35:00 os Color changes Revision 1.51 1999/07/28 11:03:20 OS index background in lighter gray Rev 1.50 28 Jul 1999 13:03:20 OS index background in lighter gray Rev 1.49 13 Jul 1999 08:47:52 OS #67584# Scrollbar settings via StarOne Rev 1.48 09 Jun 1999 13:22:34 OS index background Rev 1.47 17 Mar 1999 11:24:10 JP Task #63576#: IsAutoCompleteWords - das Flag von der OffApp erfragen Rev 1.46 15 Mar 1999 09:47:52 MA #63047# neue Defaults Rev 1.45 09 Mar 1999 19:34:34 JP Task #61405#: AutoCompletion von Woertern Rev 1.44 19 Jan 1999 08:47:36 MIB #60957#: Kapitaelchen auch fuer IE4 Rev 1.43 29 Apr 1998 09:27:06 MA BackgroundBrush -> RetoucheColor Rev 1.42 20 Apr 1998 09:10:42 OS IE3 entfaellt Rev 1.41 03 Apr 1998 14:42:22 OS HTMLMODE_SOME/FULL_ABS_POS Rev 1.40 05 Mar 1998 14:34:12 OM Redline-Attribute in Module-Cfg speichern Rev 1.39 23 Feb 1998 12:40:46 OM Redlining-Optionen Rev 1.38 04 Feb 1998 17:53:06 MA chg: Notiz wieder per default an Rev 1.37 09 Jan 1998 17:15:14 AMA Fix #46523#: Colors sollten als long durchgereicht werden... Rev 1.36 28 Nov 1997 15:24:22 MA includes Rev 1.35 24 Nov 1997 17:58:48 MA include Rev 1.34 03 Nov 1997 16:12:36 JP neu: Optionen/-Page/Basic-Schnittst. fuer ShadowCursor Rev 1.33 01 Sep 1997 13:16:58 OS DLL-Umstellung Rev 1.32 08 Aug 1997 17:37:24 OM Headerfile-Umstellung Rev 1.31 05 Aug 1997 14:52:06 OS Option fuer Grafikhintergrund #41663# Rev 1.30 02 Jul 1997 12:46:00 MA inlines Rev 1.29 17 Jun 1997 17:24:06 MIB HTML-Modus-Flgas fuer Netacpe 4.0 Rev 1.28 06 Jun 1997 12:44:24 MA chg: versteckte Absaetze ausblenden Rev 1.27 05 May 1997 10:56:32 AMA Fix #39418#: Tabulatorsymbolgroesse jetzt zoomabhaengig. Rev 1.26 25 Feb 1997 09:11:14 MA chg: Option fuer SolidHdl Rev 1.25 13 Feb 1997 18:57:16 AMA New: JavaScript-Felder werden gruen dargestellt. Rev 1.24 07 Feb 1997 18:25:30 OS HtmlMode auch fuer pDocSh == 0; Flags berichtigt Rev 1.23 05 Feb 1997 13:44:18 OS HTML-Modi erweitert Rev 1.22 27 Jan 1997 16:33:52 OS GetHtmlMode wird mit der DocShell ermittelt Rev 1.21 08 Jan 1997 10:47:10 OS neu: ::GetHtmlMode() Rev 1.20 13 Dec 1996 14:33:32 OS UndoCount wird aus der SfxApp besorgt Rev 1.19 10 Dec 1996 16:58:46 OS TabDist ab sofort in der OFA Rev 1.18 28 Nov 1996 15:20:24 OS neu: Schwarz drucken Rev 1.17 25 Sep 1996 14:56:18 OS Linealabfragen nicht mehr inline Rev 1.16 19 Sep 1996 18:40:54 OS SetUIOptions enthaelt auch nTblDest Rev 1.15 06 Sep 1996 14:32:20 OS UsrPrefs wieder vereinheitlicht Rev 1.14 30 Aug 1996 08:44:04 OS neu: sSymbolFont Rev 1.13 27 Aug 1996 10:11:44 OS IsEqualFlags: Brush vergleichen Rev 1.12 27 Aug 1996 09:44:46 OS operator= *************************************************************************/