/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace osl; using namespace svt; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::view; #define DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE (MM50*5) // 2,5 cm #define DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE (MM50*11) // 5,5 cm #define GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE (MM50*25) //12,5 cm #define DEFAULT_ADDRESS_WIDTH (MM50*15)// 7,5 cm #define DEFAULT_ADDRESS_HEIGHT (MM50*7) // 3,5cm SwMailMergeLayoutPage::SwMailMergeLayoutPage( SwMailMergeWizard* _pParent) : svt::OWizardPage(_pParent, "MMLayoutPage", "modules/swriter/ui/mmlayoutpage.ui") , m_pExampleFrame(0) , m_pExampleWrtShell(0) , m_pAddressBlockFormat(0) , m_bIsGreetingInserted(false) , m_pWizard(_pParent) { get(m_pPosition, "addresspos"); get(m_pGreetingLine, "greetingspos"); get(m_pAlignToBodyCB, "align"); get(m_pLeftFT, "leftft"); get(m_pLeftMF, "left"); get(m_pTopMF, "top"); get(m_pUpPB, "up"); get(m_pDownPB, "down"); get(m_pExampleContainerWIN, "example"); Size aSize(LogicToPixel(Size(124, 159), MAP_APPFONT)); m_pExampleContainerWIN->set_width_request(aSize.Width()); m_pExampleContainerWIN->set_height_request(aSize.Height()); get(m_pZoomLB, "zoom"); const SfxFilter *pSfxFlt = SwIoSystem::GetFilterOfFormat( FILTER_XML, SwDocShell::Factory().GetFilterContainer() ); //save the current document into a temporary file { //temp file needs it's own block //creating with extension is not supported by a static method :-( OUString const sExt( comphelper::string::stripStart(pSfxFlt->GetDefaultExtension(),'*')); utl::TempFile aTempFile( OUString(), true, &sExt ); m_sExampleURL = aTempFile.GetURL(); aTempFile.EnableKillingFile(); } SwView* pView = m_pWizard->GetSwView(); uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aValues(1); beans::PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray(); pValues[0].Name = "FilterName"; pValues[0].Value <<= pSfxFlt->GetFilterName(); uno::Reference< frame::XStorable > xStore( pView->GetDocShell()->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY); xStore->storeToURL( m_sExampleURL, aValues ); Link aLink(LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, PreviewLoadedHdl_Impl)); m_pExampleFrame = new SwOneExampleFrame( *m_pExampleContainerWIN, EX_SHOW_DEFAULT_PAGE, &aLink, &m_sExampleURL ); m_pExampleContainerWIN->Show(false); m_pLeftMF->SetValue(m_pLeftMF->Normalize(DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE), FUNIT_TWIP); m_pTopMF->SetValue(m_pTopMF->Normalize(DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE), FUNIT_TWIP); const LanguageTag& rLang = Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag(); m_pZoomLB->InsertEntry(unicode::formatPercent(50, rLang), 1); m_pZoomLB->InsertEntry(unicode::formatPercent(75, rLang), 2); m_pZoomLB->InsertEntry(unicode::formatPercent(100, rLang), 3); m_pZoomLB->SelectEntryPos(0); //page size m_pZoomLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ZoomHdl_Impl)); Link aFrameHdl = LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ChangeAddressHdl_Impl); m_pLeftMF->SetUpHdl(aFrameHdl); m_pLeftMF->SetDownHdl(aFrameHdl); m_pLeftMF->SetLoseFocusHdl(aFrameHdl); m_pTopMF->SetUpHdl(aFrameHdl); m_pTopMF->SetDownHdl(aFrameHdl); m_pTopMF->SetLoseFocusHdl(aFrameHdl); FieldUnit eFieldUnit = ::GetDfltMetric(false); ::SetFieldUnit( *m_pLeftMF, eFieldUnit ); ::SetFieldUnit( *m_pTopMF, eFieldUnit ); Link aUpDownHdl = LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, GreetingsHdl_Impl ); m_pUpPB->SetClickHdl(aUpDownHdl); m_pDownPB->SetClickHdl(aUpDownHdl); m_pAlignToBodyCB->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, AlignToTextHdl_Impl)); m_pAlignToBodyCB->Check(); } SwMailMergeLayoutPage::~SwMailMergeLayoutPage() { delete m_pExampleFrame; File::remove( m_sExampleURL ); } void SwMailMergeLayoutPage::ActivatePage() { SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem = m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(); bool bGreetingLine = rConfigItem.IsGreetingLine(false) && !rConfigItem.IsGreetingInserted(); bool bAddressBlock = rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock() && !rConfigItem.IsAddressInserted(); m_pPosition->Enable(bAddressBlock); AlignToTextHdl_Impl(m_pAlignToBodyCB); m_pGreetingLine->Enable(bGreetingLine); //check if greeting and/or address frame have to be inserted/removed if(m_pExampleWrtShell) // initially there's nothing to check { if(!rConfigItem.IsGreetingInserted() && m_bIsGreetingInserted != bGreetingLine ) { if( m_bIsGreetingInserted ) { m_pExampleWrtShell->DelFullPara(); m_bIsGreetingInserted = false; } else { InsertGreeting(*m_pExampleWrtShell, m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(), true); m_bIsGreetingInserted = true; } } if(!rConfigItem.IsAddressInserted() && rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock() != ( 0 != m_pAddressBlockFormat )) { if( m_pAddressBlockFormat ) { m_pExampleWrtShell->Push(); m_pExampleWrtShell->GotoFly( m_pAddressBlockFormat->GetName() ); m_pExampleWrtShell->DelRight(); m_pAddressBlockFormat = 0; m_pExampleWrtShell->Pop(false); } else { long nLeft = static_cast< long >(m_pLeftMF->Denormalize(m_pLeftMF->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); long nTop = static_cast< long >(m_pTopMF->Denormalize(m_pTopMF->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); m_pAddressBlockFormat = InsertAddressFrame( *m_pExampleWrtShell, m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(), Point(nLeft, nTop), m_pAlignToBodyCB->IsChecked(), true); } } } } bool SwMailMergeLayoutPage::commitPage( ::svt::WizardTypes::CommitPageReason _eReason ) { //now insert the frame and the greeting SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem = m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(); if(::svt::WizardTypes::eTravelForward == _eReason) { long nLeft = static_cast< long >(m_pLeftMF->Denormalize(m_pLeftMF->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); long nTop = static_cast< long >(m_pTopMF->Denormalize(m_pTopMF->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); InsertAddressAndGreeting( m_pWizard->GetSwView(), rConfigItem, Point(nLeft, nTop), m_pAlignToBodyCB->IsChecked()); } return true; } SwFrmFmt* SwMailMergeLayoutPage::InsertAddressAndGreeting(SwView* pView, SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem, const Point& rAddressPosition, bool bAlignToBody) { SwFrmFmt* pAddressBlockFormat = 0; pView->GetWrtShell().StartUndo(UNDO_INSERT); if(rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock() && !rConfigItem.IsAddressInserted()) { //insert the frame Point aAddressPosition(DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE); if(rAddressPosition.X() > 0 && rAddressPosition.Y() > 0) aAddressPosition = rAddressPosition; pAddressBlockFormat = InsertAddressFrame( pView->GetWrtShell(), rConfigItem, aAddressPosition, bAlignToBody, false); rConfigItem.SetAddressInserted(pAddressBlockFormat->GetName()); } //now the greeting if(rConfigItem.IsGreetingLine(false) && !rConfigItem.IsGreetingInserted()) { InsertGreeting( pView->GetWrtShell(), rConfigItem, false); rConfigItem.SetGreetingInserted(); } pView->GetWrtShell().EndUndo(UNDO_INSERT); return pAddressBlockFormat; } SwFrmFmt* SwMailMergeLayoutPage::InsertAddressFrame( SwWrtShell& rShell, SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem, const Point& rDestination, bool bAlignLeft, bool bExample) { // insert the address block and the greeting line SfxItemSet aSet(rShell.GetAttrPool(), RES_ANCHOR, RES_ANCHOR, RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT, RES_BOX, RES_BOX, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_SURROUND, RES_SURROUND, 0 ); aSet.Put(SwFmtAnchor(FLY_AT_PAGE, 1)); if(bAlignLeft) aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA )); else aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( rDestination.X(), text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME )); aSet.Put(SwFmtVertOrient( rDestination.Y(), text::VertOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME )); aSet.Put(SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, DEFAULT_ADDRESS_WIDTH, DEFAULT_ADDRESS_HEIGHT )); // the example gets a border around the frame, the real document doesn't get one if(!bExample) aSet.Put(SvxBoxItem( RES_BOX )); aSet.Put(SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_NONE )); rShell.NewFlyFrm(aSet, true ); SwFrmFmt* pRet = rShell.GetFlyFrmFmt(); OSL_ENSURE( pRet, "Fly not inserted" ); rShell.UnSelectFrm(); const Sequence< OUString> aBlocks = rConfigItem.GetAddressBlocks(); if(bExample) { rShell.Insert(aBlocks[0]); } else { //the placeholders should be replaced by the appropriate fields SwFldMgr aFldMgr(&rShell); //create a database string source.command.commandtype.column const SwDBData& rData = rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData(); OUString sDBName(rData.sDataSource + OUString(DB_DELIM) + rData.sCommand + OUString(DB_DELIM)); const OUString sDatabaseConditionPrefix(sDBName.replace(DB_DELIM, '.')); sDBName += OUString::number(rData.nCommandType) + OUString(DB_DELIM); // if only the country is in an address line the // paragraph has to be hidden depending on the // IsIncludeCountry()/GetExcludeCountry() settings bool bIncludeCountry = rConfigItem.IsIncludeCountry(); bool bHideEmptyParagraphs = rConfigItem.IsHideEmptyParagraphs(); const OUString rExcludeCountry = rConfigItem.GetExcludeCountry(); bool bSpecialReplacementForCountry = (!bIncludeCountry || !rExcludeCountry.isEmpty()); const ResStringArray& rHeaders = rConfigItem.GetDefaultAddressHeaders(); Sequence< OUString> aAssignment = rConfigItem.GetColumnAssignment( rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData() ); const OUString* pAssignment = aAssignment.getConstArray(); const OUString sCountryColumn( (aAssignment.getLength() > MM_PART_COUNTRY && !aAssignment[MM_PART_COUNTRY].isEmpty()) ? aAssignment[MM_PART_COUNTRY] : rHeaders.GetString(MM_PART_COUNTRY)); OUString sHideParagraphsExpression; SwAddressIterator aIter(aBlocks[0]); while(aIter.HasMore()) { SwMergeAddressItem aItem = aIter.Next(); if(aItem.bIsColumn) { OUString sConvertedColumn = aItem.sText; for(sal_uInt32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < rHeaders.Count() && nColumn < static_cast(aAssignment.getLength()); ++nColumn) { if (rHeaders.GetString(nColumn).equals(aItem.sText) && !pAssignment[nColumn].isEmpty()) { sConvertedColumn = pAssignment[nColumn]; break; } } const OUString sDB(sDBName + sConvertedColumn); if(!sHideParagraphsExpression.isEmpty()) sHideParagraphsExpression += " AND "; sHideParagraphsExpression += "![" + sDatabaseConditionPrefix + sConvertedColumn + "]"; if( bSpecialReplacementForCountry && sCountryColumn == sConvertedColumn ) { // now insert a hidden paragraph field if( !rExcludeCountry.isEmpty() ) { const OUString sExpression("[" + sDatabaseConditionPrefix + sCountryColumn + "]"); SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_CONDTXTFLD, 0, sExpression + " != \"" + rExcludeCountry + "\"", sExpression, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } else { SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, "", "", 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } } else { SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_DBFLD, 0, sDB, aEmptyOUStr, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } } else if(!aItem.bIsReturn) { rShell.Insert(aItem.sText); } else { if(bHideEmptyParagraphs) { SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sHideParagraphsExpression, aEmptyOUStr, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } sHideParagraphsExpression = ""; //now add a new paragraph rShell.SplitNode(); } } if(bHideEmptyParagraphs && !sHideParagraphsExpression.isEmpty()) { SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sHideParagraphsExpression, aEmptyOUStr, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } } return pRet; } void SwMailMergeLayoutPage::InsertGreeting(SwWrtShell& rShell, SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem, bool bExample) { //set the cursor to the desired position - if no text content is here then //new paragraphs are inserted const SwRect& rPageRect = rShell.GetAnyCurRect(RECT_PAGE); const Point aGreetingPos( DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE + rPageRect.Left(), GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE ); const bool bRet = rShell.SetShadowCrsrPos( aGreetingPos, FILL_SPACE ); if(!bRet) { //there's already text at the desired position //go to start of the doc, directly! rShell.SttEndDoc(true); //and go by paragraph until the position is reached long nYPos = rShell.GetCharRect().Top(); while(nYPos < GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE) { if(!rShell.FwdPara()) break; nYPos = rShell.GetCharRect().Top(); } //text needs to be appended while(nYPos < GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE) { if(!rShell.AppendTxtNode()) break; nYPos = rShell.GetCharRect().Top(); } } else { //we may end up inside of a paragraph if the left margin is not at DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE rShell.MovePara(GetfnParaCurr(), GetfnParaStart()); } bool bSplitNode = !rShell.GetText().isEmpty(); sal_Int32 nMoves = rConfigItem.GetGreetingMoves(); if( !bExample && 0 != nMoves ) { if(nMoves < 0) { rShell.MoveParagraph( nMoves ); } else while(nMoves) { bool bMoved = rShell.MoveParagraph( 1 ); if(!bMoved) { //insert a new paragraph before the greeting line rShell.SplitNode(); } --nMoves; } } //now insert the greeting text - if we have any? const bool bIndividual = rConfigItem.IsIndividualGreeting(false); if(bIndividual) { //lock expression fields - prevents hiding of the paragraph to insert into rShell.LockExpFlds(); if(bExample) { for(sal_Int8 eGender = SwMailMergeConfigItem::FEMALE; eGender <= SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL; ++eGender) { Sequence< OUString > aEntries = rConfigItem.GetGreetings((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender); sal_Int32 nCurrent = rConfigItem.GetCurrentGreeting((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender); if( nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < aEntries.getLength()) { // Greeting rShell.Insert(aEntries[nCurrent]); break; } } } else { SwFldMgr aFldMgr(&rShell); //three paragraphs, each with an appropriate hidden paragraph field //are to be inserted //name of the gender column const OUString sGenderColumn = rConfigItem.GetAssignedColumn(MM_PART_GENDER); const OUString sNameColumn = rConfigItem.GetAssignedColumn(MM_PART_LASTNAME); const OUString& rFemaleGenderValue = rConfigItem.GetFemaleGenderValue(); bool bHideEmptyParagraphs = rConfigItem.IsHideEmptyParagraphs(); const SwDBData& rData = rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData(); const OUString sCommonBase(rData.sDataSource + "." + rData.sCommand + "."); const OUString sConditionBase("[" + sCommonBase + sGenderColumn + "]"); const OUString sNameColumnBase("[" + sCommonBase + sNameColumn + "]"); const OUString sDBName(rData.sDataSource + OUString(DB_DELIM) + rData.sCommand + OUString(DB_DELIM) + OUString::number(rData.nCommandType) + OUString(DB_DELIM)); // Female: [database.sGenderColumn] != "rFemaleGenderValue" && [database.NameColumn] // Male: [database.sGenderColumn] == "rFemaleGenderValue" && [database.rGenderColumn] // Neutral: [database.sNameColumn] OSL_ENSURE(!sGenderColumn.isEmpty() && !rFemaleGenderValue.isEmpty(), "gender settings not available - how to form the condition?"); //column used as lastname for(sal_Int8 eGender = SwMailMergeConfigItem::FEMALE; eGender <= SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL; ++eGender) { Sequence< OUString> aEntries = rConfigItem.GetGreetings((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender); sal_Int32 nCurrent = rConfigItem.GetCurrentGreeting((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender); if( nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < aEntries.getLength()) { const OUString sGreeting = aEntries[nCurrent]; OUString sCondition; OUString sHideParagraphsExpression; switch(eGender) { case SwMailMergeConfigItem::FEMALE: sCondition = sConditionBase + " != \"" + rFemaleGenderValue + "\" OR NOT " + sNameColumnBase; sHideParagraphsExpression = "!" + sNameColumnBase; break; case SwMailMergeConfigItem::MALE: sCondition = sConditionBase + " == \"" + rFemaleGenderValue + "\" OR NOT " + sNameColumnBase; break; case SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL: sCondition = sNameColumnBase; break; } if(bHideEmptyParagraphs && !sHideParagraphsExpression.isEmpty()) { OUString sComplete = "(" + sCondition + ") OR (" + sHideParagraphsExpression + ")"; SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sComplete, aEmptyOUStr, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } else { SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sCondition, aEmptyOUStr, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } //now the text has to be inserted const ResStringArray& rHeaders = rConfigItem.GetDefaultAddressHeaders(); Sequence< OUString> aAssignment = rConfigItem.GetColumnAssignment( rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData() ); const OUString* pAssignment = aAssignment.getConstArray(); SwAddressIterator aIter(sGreeting); while(aIter.HasMore()) { SwMergeAddressItem aItem = aIter.Next(); if(aItem.bIsColumn) { OUString sConvertedColumn = aItem.sText; for(sal_uInt32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < rHeaders.Count() && nColumn < static_cast(aAssignment.getLength()); ++nColumn) { if (rHeaders.GetString(nColumn).equals(aItem.sText) && !pAssignment[nColumn].isEmpty()) { sConvertedColumn = pAssignment[nColumn]; break; } } SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_DBFLD, 0, sDBName + sConvertedColumn, aEmptyOUStr, 0, &rShell ); aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData ); } else { rShell.Insert(aItem.sText); } } //now add a new paragraph rShell.SplitNode(); } } } rShell.UnlockExpFlds(); } else { Sequence< OUString> aEntries = rConfigItem.GetGreetings(SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL); sal_Int32 nCurrent = rConfigItem.GetCurrentGreeting(SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL); // Greeting rShell.Insert(( nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < aEntries.getLength() ) ? aEntries[nCurrent] : OUString()); } // now insert a new paragraph here if necessary if(bSplitNode) { rShell.Push(); rShell.SplitNode(); rShell.Pop(false); } //put the cursor to the start of the paragraph rShell.SttPara(); OSL_ENSURE(0 == rShell.GetTableFmt(), "What to do with a table here?"); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, PreviewLoadedHdl_Impl) { m_pExampleContainerWIN->Show(true); Reference< XModel > & xModel = m_pExampleFrame->GetModel(); //now the ViewOptions should be set properly Reference< XViewSettingsSupplier > xSettings(xModel->getCurrentController(), UNO_QUERY); m_xViewProperties = xSettings->getViewSettings(); Reference< XUnoTunnel > xDocTunnel(xModel, UNO_QUERY); SwXTextDocument* pXDoc = reinterpret_cast(xDocTunnel->getSomething(SwXTextDocument::getUnoTunnelId())); SwDocShell* pDocShell = pXDoc->GetDocShell(); m_pExampleWrtShell = pDocShell->GetWrtShell(); OSL_ENSURE(m_pExampleWrtShell, "No SwWrtShell found!"); if(!m_pExampleWrtShell) return 0; SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem = m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(); if(rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock()) { m_pAddressBlockFormat = InsertAddressFrame( *m_pExampleWrtShell, rConfigItem, Point(DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE), m_pAlignToBodyCB->IsChecked(), true); } if(rConfigItem.IsGreetingLine(false)) { InsertGreeting(*m_pExampleWrtShell, rConfigItem, true); m_bIsGreetingInserted = true; } Any aZoom; aZoom <<= (sal_Int16)DocumentZoomType::ENTIRE_PAGE; m_xViewProperties->setPropertyValue(UNO_NAME_ZOOM_TYPE, aZoom); const SwFmtFrmSize& rPageSize = m_pExampleWrtShell->GetPageDesc( m_pExampleWrtShell->GetCurPageDesc()).GetMaster().GetFrmSize(); m_pLeftMF->SetMax(rPageSize.GetWidth() - DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE); m_pTopMF->SetMax(rPageSize.GetHeight() - DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE); return 0; } IMPL_LINK(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ZoomHdl_Impl, ListBox*, pBox) { if(m_pExampleWrtShell) { sal_Int16 eType = DocumentZoomType::BY_VALUE; short nZoom = 50; switch(pBox->GetSelectEntryPos()) { case 0 : eType = DocumentZoomType::ENTIRE_PAGE; break; case 1 : nZoom = 50; break; case 2 : nZoom = 75; break; case 3 : nZoom = 100; break; } Any aZoom; aZoom <<= eType; m_xViewProperties->setPropertyValue(UNO_NAME_ZOOM_TYPE, aZoom); aZoom <<= nZoom; m_xViewProperties->setPropertyValue(UNO_NAME_ZOOM_VALUE, aZoom); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ChangeAddressHdl_Impl) { if(m_pExampleWrtShell && m_pAddressBlockFormat) { long nLeft = static_cast< long >(m_pLeftMF->Denormalize(m_pLeftMF->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); long nTop = static_cast< long >(m_pTopMF->Denormalize(m_pTopMF->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); SfxItemSet aSet(m_pExampleWrtShell->GetAttrPool(), RES_ANCHOR, RES_ANCHOR, RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT, 0 ); if(m_pAlignToBodyCB->IsChecked()) aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA )); else aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( nLeft, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME )); aSet.Put(SwFmtVertOrient( nTop, text::VertOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME )); m_pExampleWrtShell->GetDoc()->SetFlyFrmAttr( *m_pAddressBlockFormat, aSet ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, GreetingsHdl_Impl, PushButton*, pButton) { bool bDown = pButton == m_pDownPB; bool bMoved = m_pExampleWrtShell->MoveParagraph( bDown ? 1 : -1 ); if (bMoved || bDown) m_pWizard->GetConfigItem().MoveGreeting(bDown ? 1 : -1 ); if(!bMoved && bDown) { //insert a new paragraph before the greeting line m_pExampleWrtShell->SplitNode(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, AlignToTextHdl_Impl, CheckBox*, pBox) { bool bCheck = pBox->IsChecked() && pBox->IsEnabled(); m_pLeftFT->Enable(!bCheck); m_pLeftMF->Enable(!bCheck); ChangeAddressHdl_Impl( 0 ); return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */