/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: ascfldlg.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2001-01-19 13:49:49 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "dialog.hrc" #include "helpid.h" #include "ascfldlg.hrc" ModalDialog DLG_ASCII_FILTER { HelpID = HID_ASCII_FILTER ; OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 239 , 84 ) ; Text = "ASCII Filter Optionen" ; Text [ English ] = "ASCII filter options" ; Moveable = TRUE ; GroupBox GB_1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 78 ) ; Text = "Eigenschaften" ; Text [ English ] = "Properties" ; Text[ english_us ] = "Properties"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Propriedades"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Eigenschappen"; Text[ french ] = "Proprits"; Text[ spanish ] = "Propiedades"; Text[ italian ] = "Propriet"; Text[ danish ] = "Egenskaber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Egenskaper"; Text[ polish ] = "Waciwoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Properties"; Text[ japanese ] = "è"; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ݩ"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "zellikler"; }; FixedText FT_CHARSET { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 15 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 53 , 10 ) ; Text = "Z~eichensatz" ; Text [ English ] = "Character Set" ; Text[ english_us ] = "~Font"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Conjunto de caracteres"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tekenset"; Text[ french ] = "~Jeu de caractres"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Caracteres"; Text[ italian ] = "Ti~po di carattere"; Text[ danish ] = "Tegnst"; Text[ swedish ] = "Teckenuppsttning"; Text[ polish ] = "Zbir znakw"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Charset"; Text[ japanese ] = "(~F)"; Text[ korean ] = "۲(~F)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַ(~F)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r(~F)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter kmesi"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; }; ListBox LB_CHARSET { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 14 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 61 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; Sort = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_FONT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 31 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 53 , 10 ) ; Text = "~Grundschrift" ; Text [ English ] = "Standard font" ; Text[ english_us ] = "Default fonts"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Tipo de letra ~padro"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Standaardlettertype"; Text[ french ] = "Police de base"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Fuente estndar"; Text[ italian ] = "Carattere standard"; Text[ danish ] = "Standardskrifttyper"; Text[ swedish ] = "Standardteckensnitt"; Text[ polish ] = "Czcionka podstawowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Standard fonts"; Text[ japanese ] = "̫"; Text[ korean ] = "⺻ ۲"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "׼"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "q{r"; Text[ turkish ] = "Standart yaztipi"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; }; ListBox LB_FONT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 30 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 61 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; Sort = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_LANGUAGE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 47 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 53 , 10 ) ; Text = "~Sprache" ; Text [ English ] = "Language" ; Text[ english_us ] = "Lan~guage"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Lngua"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Taal"; Text[ french ] = "~Langue"; Text[ spanish ] = "Idio~ma"; Text[ italian ] = "Lin~gua"; Text[ danish ] = "Sprog"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sprk"; Text[ polish ] = "Jzyk"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Language"; Text[ japanese ] = "(~G)"; Text[ korean ] = "(~G)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~G)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "y(~G)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "~Dil"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; ListBox LB_LANGUAGE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 46 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 61 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; Sort = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_CRLF { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 63 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 53 , 10 ) ; Text = "~Absatzumbruch" ; Text [ English ] = "Paragraphbreak" ; Text[ english_us ] = "~Paragraph break"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Quebra de pargrafo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Alinea-einde"; Text[ french ] = "Saut de ~paragraphe"; Text[ spanish ] = "Salt~o de prrafo"; Text[ italian ] = "~Interruzione di paragrafo"; Text[ danish ] = "Afsnitsskift"; Text[ swedish ] = "Styckebrytning"; Text[ polish ] = "Podzia akapitu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Paragraphbreak"; Text[ japanese ] = "i؂(~P)"; Text[ korean ] = "ܶ (~P)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~P)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "q(~P)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Paragraf sonu"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; RadioButton RB_CRLF { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 62 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 40 , 12 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Check = TRUE; Text = "~CR & LF" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "CR & LF" ; Text[ english_us ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ russian ] = "CR & LF"; Text[ greek ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ dutch ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ french ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ spanish ] = "CR & LF"; Text[ italian ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ danish ] = "CR og LF"; Text[ swedish ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ polish ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "CR & LF"; Text[ japanese ] = "CR & LF(~C)"; Text[ korean ] = "CR & LF(~C)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "س(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ arabic ] = "CR & LF"; Text[ turkish ] = "~CR & LF"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; RadioButton RB_CR { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 62 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 20 , 12 ) ; // TabStop = TRUE ; Text = "C~R" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "CR" ; Text[ english_us ] = "C~R"; Text[ portuguese ] = "C~R"; Text[ russian ] = "CR"; Text[ greek ] = "C~R"; Text[ dutch ] = "C~R"; Text[ french ] = "C~R"; Text[ spanish ] = "C~R"; Text[ italian ] = "C~R"; Text[ danish ] = "CR"; Text[ swedish ] = "C~R"; Text[ polish ] = "C~R"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "CR"; Text[ japanese ] = "CR(~R)"; Text[ korean ] = "CR(~R)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "س(~R)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "C~R"; Text[ arabic ] = "CR"; Text[ turkish ] = "C~R"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; RadioButton RB_LF { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 146 , 62 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 20 , 12 ) ; // TabStop = TRUE ; Text = "~LF" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "LF" ; Text[ english_us ] = "~LF"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~LF"; Text[ russian ] = "LF"; Text[ greek ] = "~LF"; Text[ dutch ] = "~LF"; Text[ french ] = "~LF"; Text[ spanish ] = "~LF"; Text[ italian ] = "~LF"; Text[ danish ] = "LF"; Text[ swedish ] = "LF"; Text[ polish ] = "~LF"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "LF"; Text[ japanese ] = "LF(~L)"; Text[ korean ] = "LF(~L)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~L)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~LF"; Text[ arabic ] = "LF"; Text[ turkish ] = "~LF"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; OKButton PB_OK { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DefButton = TRUE ; }; CancelButton PB_CANCEL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 23 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; HelpButton PB_HELP { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 43 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; String STR_SYS_CHARSET { Text = "System" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "System" ; Text[ english_us ] = "System"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Sistema"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Systeem"; Text[ french ] = "Systme"; Text[ spanish ] = "Sistema"; Text[ italian ] = "Sistema"; Text[ danish ] = "System"; Text[ swedish ] = "System"; Text[ polish ] = "System"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "System"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "ý"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ϵͳ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "t"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Sistem"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; Text[ english_us ] = "ASCII Filter Options"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Opes de filtro ASCII"; Text[ russian ] = " ASCII"; Text[ greek ] = " ASCII"; Text[ dutch ] = "ASCII filteropties"; Text[ french ] = "Options de filtre ASCII"; Text[ spanish ] = "Opciones de filtro ASCII"; Text[ italian ] = "Opzioni filtro ASCII"; Text[ danish ] = "ASCII filterindstillinger"; Text[ swedish ] = "ASCII filteralternativ"; Text[ polish ] = "Opcje filtra ASCII"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ASCII filter options"; Text[ japanese ] = "ASCIĮ߼"; Text[ korean ] = "ƽŰ ɼ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ASCII ѡ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ASCII Loﶵ"; Text[ arabic ] = " ASCII"; Text[ turkish ] = "ASCII filtre seenekleri"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; };