/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: regionsw.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: mtg $ $Date: 2001-03-07 17:18:52 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UITOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SVTOOLS_URIHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_PASSWORDHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _DRAG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SOT_FORMATS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _PASSWD_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_DOCFILT_HACK_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXREQUEST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDOCFILE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _LINKMGR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SIZEITEM_HXX //autogen #define ITEMID_SIZE 0 #include #endif #ifndef _OFA_HTMLCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _BOOKMRK_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SECTION_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOCARY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOC_HXX #include // fuers SwSectionFmt-Array #endif #ifndef _SW3IO_HXX #include //fuer lcl_ReadSections #endif #ifndef _SW_XMLSECTIONLIST_HXX #include //fuer lcl_ReadSections #endif #ifndef _REGIONSW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _BASESH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WDOCSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WRTSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWUNDO_HXX #include // fuer Undo-Ids #endif #ifndef _COLUMN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FMTFSIZE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BACKGRND_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _HELPID_H #include #endif #ifndef _CMDID_H #include #endif #ifndef _REGIONSW_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _COMCORE_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_XML_SAX_INPUTSOURCE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_XML_SAX_XPARSER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _UTL_STREAM_WRAPPER_HXX_ #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::rtl; #define FILE_NAME_LENGTH 17 SV_IMPL_OP_PTRARR_SORT( SectReprArr, SectReprPtr ) USHORT lcl_GetRegion( const String& rRegionName, SwWrtShell& rWrtShell ); void lcl_ReadSections( SwWrtShell& rSh, SfxMedium& rMedium, ComboBox& rBox ); /* -----------------25.06.99 15:38------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ class SwTestPasswdDlg : public SfxPasswordDialog { public: SwTestPasswdDlg(Window* pParent) : SfxPasswordDialog(pParent) { SetHelpId(HID_DLG_PASSWD_SECTION); } }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: User Data Klasse fuer Bereichsinformationen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SectRepr::SectRepr( USHORT nPos, SwSection& rSect ) : aSection( CONTENT_SECTION, aEmptyStr ), bSelected(FALSE), bIsCondition(rSect.GetCondition().Len() > 0) { aSection = rSect; bContent = aSection.GetLinkFileName().Len() == 0; nArrPos=nPos; SwSectionFmt *pFmt = rSect.GetFmt(); if( pFmt ) { aCol = pFmt->GetCol(); aBrush = pFmt->GetBackground(); aFtnNtAtEnd = pFmt->GetFtnAtTxtEnd(); aEndNtAtEnd = pFmt->GetEndAtTxtEnd(); aBalance.SetValue(pFmt->GetBalancedColumns().GetValue()); } } void SectRepr::SetFile( const String& rFile ) { String sNewFile( INetURLObject::decode( rFile, INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 )); String sOldFileName( aSection.GetLinkFileName() ); String sSub( sOldFileName.GetToken( 2, cTokenSeperator ) ); if( rFile.Len() || sSub.Len() ) { sNewFile += cTokenSeperator; if( rFile.Len() ) // Filter nur mit FileName sNewFile += sOldFileName.GetToken( 1, cTokenSeperator ); sNewFile += cTokenSeperator; sNewFile += sSub; } aSection.SetLinkFileName( sNewFile ); if( rFile.Len() || sSub.Len() ) aSection.SetType( FILE_LINK_SECTION ); else aSection.SetType( CONTENT_SECTION ); } void SectRepr::SetFilter( const String& rFilter ) { String sNewFile; String sOldFileName( aSection.GetLinkFileName() ); String sFile( sOldFileName.GetToken( 0, cTokenSeperator ) ); String sSub( sOldFileName.GetToken( 2, cTokenSeperator ) ); if( sFile.Len() ) (((( sNewFile = sFile ) += cTokenSeperator ) += rFilter ) += cTokenSeperator ) += sSub; else if( sSub.Len() ) (( sNewFile = cTokenSeperator ) += cTokenSeperator ) += sSub; aSection.SetLinkFileName( sNewFile ); if( sNewFile.Len() ) aSection.SetType( FILE_LINK_SECTION ); } void SectRepr::SetSubRegion(const String& rSubRegion) { String sNewFile; String sOldFileName( aSection.GetLinkFileName() ); String sFilter( sOldFileName.GetToken( 1, cTokenSeperator ) ); sOldFileName = sOldFileName.GetToken( 0, cTokenSeperator ); if( rSubRegion.Len() || sOldFileName.Len() ) (((( sNewFile = sOldFileName ) += cTokenSeperator ) += sFilter ) += cTokenSeperator ) += rSubRegion; aSection.SetLinkFileName( sNewFile ); if( rSubRegion.Len() || sOldFileName.Len() ) aSection.SetType( FILE_LINK_SECTION ); else aSection.SetType( CONTENT_SECTION ); } String SectRepr::GetFile() const { String sLinkFile( aSection.GetLinkFileName() ); if( sLinkFile.Len() ) { #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE if( DDE_LINK_SECTION == aSection.GetType() ) { USHORT n = sLinkFile.SearchAndReplace( cTokenSeperator, ' ' ); sLinkFile.SearchAndReplace( cTokenSeperator, ' ', n ); } else #endif sLinkFile = INetURLObject::decode( sLinkFile.GetToken( 0, cTokenSeperator ), INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); } return sLinkFile; } String SectRepr::GetSubRegion() const { String sLinkFile( aSection.GetLinkFileName() ); if( sLinkFile.Len() ) sLinkFile = sLinkFile.GetToken( 2, cTokenSeperator ); return sLinkFile; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Dialog Bearbeiten Bereiche ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- SwEditRegionDlg::SwEditRegionDlg( Window* pParent, SwWrtShell& rWrtSh ) : SfxModalDialog( pParent, SW_RES(MD_EDIT_REGION) ), pAktEntry( 0 ), rSh( rWrtSh ), #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB ( this, SW_RES( CB_DDE ) ) , aDDECommandFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_DDE ) ) , #endif aConditionED ( this, SW_RES( ED_CONDITION ) ), aOK ( this, SW_RES( PB_OK ) ), aOptionsPB ( this, SW_RES( PB_OPTIONS ) ), aDismiss ( this, SW_RES( CB_DISMISS ) ), aHelp ( this, SW_RES( PB_HELP ) ), aNameFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_RNAME ) ), aCurName ( this, SW_RES( ED_RANAME ) ), aProtectCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_PROTECT ) ), aPasswdCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_PASSWD ) ), aHideCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_HIDE ) ), aCondCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_CONDITION ) ), aFileCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FILE ) ), aFilePB ( this, SW_RES( PB_FILE ) ), aFileNameFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_FILE ) ) , aFileNameED ( this, SW_RES( ED_FILE ) ), aSubRegionFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_SUBREG ) ) , aSubRegionED ( this, SW_RES( LB_SUBREG ) ) , aGroupBoxName ( this, SW_RES( GB_EDIT_SECTION ) ), aCancel ( this, SW_RES( PB_CANCEL ) ), aProtHideBM ( SW_RES( BMP_REG_PROT_HIDE ) ), aProtNoHideBM ( SW_RES( BMP_REG_PROT_NOHIDE ) ), aNoProtHideBM ( SW_RES( BMP_REG_NOPROT_HIDE ) ), aNoProtNoHideBM ( SW_RES( BMP_REG_NOPROT_NOHIDE ) ), aExpNode ( SW_RES( BMP_REG_EXPNODE ) ), aCollNode ( SW_RES( BMP_REG_COLLNODE ) ), aGroupBoxOptions ( this, SW_RES( GB_EDIT_OPTIONS ) ), aTree ( this, SW_RES( TLB_SECTION )) { FreeResource(); bWeb = 0 != PTR_CAST( SwWebDocShell, rSh.GetView().GetDocShell() ); bIsPasswd=FALSE; bIsPasswdSet=FALSE; aTree.SetSelectHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, GetFirstEntryHdl)); aTree.SetDeselectHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, DeselectHdl)); aCurName.SetModifyHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, NameEditHdl)); aConditionED.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, ConditionEditHdl)); aOK.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, OkHdl)); aPasswdCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, ChangePasswdHdl)); aHideCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeHideHdl)); aOptionsPB.Show(); aOptionsPB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, OptionsHdl)); aCondCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeCondHdl)); aProtectCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeProtectHdl)); aDismiss.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeDismissHdl)); aFileCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, UseFileHdl )); aFilePB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, FileSearchHdl )); aFileNameED.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, FileNameHdl )); aSubRegionED.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, FileNameHdl )); aTree.SetHelpId(HID_REGION_TREE); aTree.SetSelectionMode( MULTIPLE_SELECTION ); aTree.SetWindowBits(WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT|WB_CLIPCHILDREN|WB_HSCROLL); aTree.SetFont(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetAppFont()); aTree.SetNodeBitmaps( aExpNode,aCollNode ); aTree.SetSpaceBetweenEntries(0); if(bWeb) { aConditionED .Hide(); aPasswdCB .Hide(); aHideCB .Hide(); aCondCB .Hide(); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB .Hide(); aDDECommandFT .Hide(); #endif } #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwEditRegionDlg, DDEHdl )); #endif //Array enthaelt Bitmaps nach den Eigenschaften Hide und Protect aBmpArr[0]= aNoProtNoHideBM; aBmpArr[1]= aProtNoHideBM; aBmpArr[2]= aNoProtHideBM; aBmpArr[3]= aProtHideBM; //Ermitteln der vorhandenen Bereiche pCurrSect = rSh.GetCurrSection(); RecurseList( 0, 0 ); //falls der Cursor nicht in einem Bereich steht, //wird immer der erste selektiert if( !aTree.FirstSelected() && aTree.First() ) aTree.Select( aTree.First() ); aTree.Show(); } /*-----------------18.09.97 08:09------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwEditRegionDlg::SetPassword( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence & rPasswd ) { aNewPasswd = rPasswd; aPasswdCB.Check( 0 != rPasswd.getLength() ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Durchsuchen nach Child-Sections, rekursiv ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwEditRegionDlg::RecurseList( const SwSectionFmt* pFmt, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) { SwSection* pSect; SvLBoxEntry* pSelEntry = 0; if (!pFmt) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry; const SwSectionFmt* pFmt; USHORT nCount=rSh.GetSectionFmtCount(); for ( USHORT n=0; n < nCount; n++ ) { SectionType eTmpType; if( !( pFmt = &rSh.GetSectionFmt(n))->GetParent() && pFmt->IsInNodesArr() && (eTmpType = pFmt->GetSection()->GetType()) != TOX_CONTENT_SECTION && TOX_HEADER_SECTION != eTmpType ) { SectRepr* pSectRepr = new SectRepr( n, *(pSect=pFmt->GetSection()) ); Bitmap aBM=BuildBitmap( pSect->IsProtect(),pSect->IsHidden()); pEntry = aTree.InsertEntry( pSect->GetName(), aBM, aBM ); pEntry->SetUserData(pSectRepr); RecurseList( pFmt, pEntry ); if (pEntry->HasChilds()) aTree.Expand(pEntry); if (pCurrSect==pSect) aTree.Select(pEntry); } } } else { SwSections aTmpArr; SvLBoxEntry* pNEntry; USHORT nCnt = pFmt->GetChildSections(aTmpArr,SORTSECT_POS); if( nCnt ) { for( USHORT n = 0; n < nCnt; ++n ) { SectionType eTmpType; const SwSectionFmt* pFmt = aTmpArr[n]->GetFmt(); if( pFmt->IsInNodesArr() && (eTmpType = pFmt->GetSection()->GetType()) != TOX_CONTENT_SECTION && TOX_HEADER_SECTION != eTmpType ) { pSect=aTmpArr[n]; SectRepr* pSectRepr=new SectRepr( FindArrPos( pSect->GetFmt() ), *pSect ); Bitmap aBM=BuildBitmap( pSect->IsProtect(), pSect->IsHidden()); pNEntry=aTree.InsertEntry( pSect->GetName(),aBM,aBM,pEntry); pNEntry->SetUserData(pSectRepr); RecurseList( aTmpArr[n]->GetFmt(), pNEntry ); if( pNEntry->HasChilds()) aTree.Expand(pNEntry); if (pCurrSect==pSect) pSelEntry = pNEntry; } } } } if(0 != pSelEntry) { aTree.MakeVisible(pSelEntry); aTree.Select(pSelEntry); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT SwEditRegionDlg::FindArrPos(const SwSectionFmt* pFmt ) { USHORT nCount=rSh.GetSectionFmtCount(); for (USHORT i=0;iGetUserData(); pEntry = aTree.Next( pEntry ); } aSectReprArr.DeleteAndDestroy( 0, aSectReprArr.Count() ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Selektierte Eintrag in der TreeListBox wird im Edit-Fenster angezeigt Bei Multiselektion werden einige Controls disabled ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, GetFirstEntryHdl, SvTreeListBox *, pBox ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=pBox->FirstSelected(); aHideCB .Enable(TRUE); aProtectCB .Enable(TRUE); aFileCB .Enable(TRUE); if( 1 < pBox->GetSelectionCount() ) { aHideCB.EnableTriState( TRUE ); aProtectCB.EnableTriState( TRUE ); aCondCB.EnableTriState( TRUE ); aFileCB.EnableTriState( TRUE ); BOOL bHiddenValid = TRUE; BOOL bProtectValid = TRUE; BOOL bIsConditionValid = TRUE; BOOL bConditionValid = TRUE; BOOL bHidden = TRUE; BOOL bProtect = TRUE; String sCondition; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; BOOL bFileValid = TRUE; BOOL bFile = TRUE; SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pBox->FirstSelected(); while( pEntry ) { SectRepr* pRepr=(SectRepr*) pEntry->GetUserData(); if(bFirst) { sCondition = pRepr->GetCondition(); bHidden = pRepr->IsHidden(); bProtect = pRepr->IsProtect(); bFile = pRepr->GetSectionType() != CONTENT_SECTION; } else { String sTemp(pRepr->GetCondition()); if(sCondition != sTemp) bConditionValid = FALSE; bHiddenValid = bHidden == pRepr->IsHidden(); bProtectValid = bProtect == pRepr->IsProtect(); bIsConditionValid = (sTemp.Len() > 0) == (sCondition.Len() > 0); bFileValid = (pRepr->GetSectionType() != CONTENT_SECTION) == bFile; } pEntry = pBox->NextSelected(pEntry); bFirst = FALSE; } aHideCB.SetState( !bHiddenValid ? STATE_DONTKNOW : bHidden ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); aProtectCB.SetState( !bProtectValid ? STATE_DONTKNOW : bProtect ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); aCondCB.SetState(!bIsConditionValid ? STATE_DONTKNOW : sCondition.Len() > 0 ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); aFileCB.SetState(!bFileValid ? STATE_DONTKNOW : bFile ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); if(bConditionValid) aConditionED.SetText(sCondition); else { // aConditionED.SetText(aEmptyStr); aConditionED.Enable(FALSE); } aFilePB.Enable(FALSE); aFileNameFT .Enable(FALSE); aFileNameED .Enable(FALSE); aSubRegionFT.Enable(FALSE); aSubRegionED.Enable(FALSE); aNameFT .Enable(FALSE); aCurName .Enable(FALSE); aOptionsPB .Enable(FALSE); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB .Enable(FALSE); aDDECommandFT .Enable(FALSE); #endif } else if (pEntry ) { aNameFT .Enable(TRUE); aCurName .Enable(TRUE); aOptionsPB .Enable(TRUE); SectRepr* pRepr=(SectRepr*) pEntry->GetUserData(); aConditionED.SetText(pRepr->GetCondition()); aHideCB.Enable(); aHideCB.SetState(pRepr->IsHidden() ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); aCondCB.SetState( 0 != aConditionED.GetText().Len() ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); BOOL bHide = STATE_CHECK == aHideCB.GetState(); aCondCB.Enable(bHide); aConditionED.Enable(STATE_CHECK == aCondCB.GetState() && bHide); aOK.Enable(); aPasswdCB.Enable(); aCurName.SetText(pBox->GetEntryText(pEntry)); aCurName.Enable(); aDismiss.Enable(); String aFile = pRepr->GetFile(); String sSub = pRepr->GetSubRegion(); if(aFile.Len()||sSub.Len()) { aFileCB.Check(TRUE); aFileNameED.SetText(aFile); aSubRegionED.SetText(sSub); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.Check(pRepr->GetSectionType() == DDE_LINK_SECTION ); #endif } else { aFileCB.Check(FALSE); aFileNameED.SetText(aFile); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.Enable(FALSE); aDDECB.Check(FALSE); #endif } UseFileHdl(&aFileCB); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE DDEHdl( &aDDECB ); #endif aProtectCB.SetState(pRepr->IsProtect() ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK); aProtectCB.Enable(); } return 0; } /*-----------------28.06.97 09:19------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, DeselectHdl, SvTreeListBox *, pBox ) { if( !pBox->GetSelectionCount() ) { aHideCB .Enable(FALSE); aProtectCB .Enable(FALSE); aCondCB .Enable(FALSE); aConditionED.Enable(FALSE); aFileCB .Enable(FALSE); aFilePB .Enable(FALSE); aFileNameFT .Enable(FALSE); aFileNameED .Enable(FALSE); aSubRegionFT .Enable(FALSE); aSubRegionED .Enable(FALSE); aNameFT .Enable(FALSE); aCurName .Enable(FALSE); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB .Enable(FALSE); aDDECommandFT .Enable(FALSE); #endif UseFileHdl(&aFileCB); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE DDEHdl( &aDDECB ); #endif } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Im OkHdl werden die veraenderten Einstellungen uebernommen und aufgehobene Bereiche geloescht ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, OkHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG ) { // JP 13.03.96: // temp. Array weil sich waehrend des aendern eines Bereiches die // Position innerhalb des "Core-Arrays" verschieben kann: // - bei gelinkten Bereichen, wenn sie weitere SubBereiche haben oder // neu erhalten. // JP 30.05.97: StartUndo darf natuerlich auch erst nach dem Kopieren // der Formate erfolgen (ClearRedo!) const SwSectionFmts& rDocFmts = rSh.GetDoc()->GetSections(); SwSectionFmts aOrigArray( 0, 5 ); aOrigArray.Insert( &rDocFmts, 0 ); rSh.StartAllAction(); rSh.StartUndo( UNDO_CHGSECTION ); rSh.ResetSelect( 0,FALSE ); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTree.First(); while( pEntry ) { SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr) pEntry->GetUserData(); SwSectionFmt* pFmt = aOrigArray[ pRepr->GetArrPos() ]; USHORT nNewPos = rDocFmts.GetPos( pFmt ); if( USHRT_MAX != nNewPos ) { SfxItemSet* pSet = pFmt->GetAttrSet().Clone( FALSE ); if( pFmt->GetCol() != pRepr->GetCol() ) pSet->Put( pRepr->GetCol() ); if( pFmt->GetBackground(FALSE) != pRepr->GetBackground() ) pSet->Put( pRepr->GetBackground() ); if( pFmt->GetFtnAtTxtEnd(FALSE) != pRepr->GetFtnNtAtEnd() ) pSet->Put( pRepr->GetFtnNtAtEnd() ); if( pFmt->GetEndAtTxtEnd(FALSE) != pRepr->GetEndNtAtEnd() ) pSet->Put( pRepr->GetEndNtAtEnd() ); if( pFmt->GetBalancedColumns() != pRepr->GetBalance() ) pSet->Put( pRepr->GetBalance() ); //the condition depends on the string and the setting of the CheckBox/bIsCondition flag if(!pRepr->IsConditionValid() && pRepr->GetCondition().Len()) pRepr->SetCondition(aEmptyStr); rSh.ChgSection( nNewPos, pRepr->GetSection(), pSet->Count() ? pSet : 0 ); delete pSet; } pEntry = aTree.Next( pEntry ); } for(USHORT i = aSectReprArr.Count(); i; ) { SwSectionFmt* pFmt = aOrigArray[ aSectReprArr[ --i ]->GetArrPos() ]; USHORT nNewPos = rDocFmts.GetPos( pFmt ); if( USHRT_MAX != nNewPos ) rSh.DelSectionFmt( nNewPos ); } rSh.ChgSectionPasswd(aNewPasswd); aOrigArray.Remove( 0, aOrigArray.Count() ); //JP 21.05.97: EndDialog muss vor Ende der EndAction gerufen werden, // sonst kann es ScrollFehler geben. EndDialog(RET_OK); rSh.EndUndo( UNDO_CHGSECTION ); rSh.EndAllAction(); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Toggle protect ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeProtectHdl, TriStateBox *, pBox ) { pBox->EnableTriState( FALSE ); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); while( pEntry ) { SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr) pEntry->GetUserData(); pRepr->SetProtect(STATE_CHECK == pBox->GetState()); Bitmap& aBmp=BuildBitmap(STATE_CHECK == pBox->GetState(), STATE_CHECK == aHideCB.GetState()); aTree.SetExpandedEntryBmp(pEntry,aBmp); aTree.SetCollapsedEntryBmp(pEntry,aBmp); pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Toggle hide ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeHideHdl, TriStateBox *, pBox ) { pBox->EnableTriState( FALSE ); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); while( pEntry ) { SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr) pEntry->GetUserData(); pRepr->SetHidden(STATE_CHECK == pBox->GetState()); Bitmap& aBmp=BuildBitmap(STATE_CHECK == aProtectCB.GetState(), STATE_CHECK == pBox->GetState()); aTree.SetExpandedEntryBmp(pEntry,aBmp); aTree.SetCollapsedEntryBmp(pEntry,aBmp); pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } BOOL bHide = STATE_CHECK == pBox->GetState(); aConditionED.Enable(bHide && STATE_CHECK == aCondCB.GetState()); aCondCB.Enable(bHide); if(!bHide) { aCondCB.SetState(STATE_NOCHECK); ChangeCondHdl(&aCondCB); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeCondHdl, TriStateBox *, pBox ) { pBox->EnableTriState( FALSE ); BOOL bCond = STATE_CHECK == pBox->GetState(); aConditionED.Enable(bCond); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); while( pEntry ) { SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr) pEntry->GetUserData(); pRepr->SetConditionValid(bCond); pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } if(bCond) aConditionED.GrabFocus(); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: selektierten Bereich aufheben ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, ChangeDismissHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTree.FirstSelected(); SvLBoxEntry* pChild; SvLBoxEntry* pParent; //zuerst alle selektierten markieren while(pEntry) { const SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); pSectRepr->SetSelected(); pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } pEntry = aTree.FirstSelected(); // dann loeschen while(pEntry) { const SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); SvLBoxEntry* pRemove = 0; BOOL bRestart = FALSE; if(pSectRepr->IsSelected()) { aSectReprArr.Insert( pSectRepr ); while( (pChild = aTree.FirstChild(pEntry) )!= 0 ) { //durch das Umhaengen muss wieder am Anfang aufgesetzt werden bRestart = TRUE; pParent=aTree.GetParent(pEntry); aTree.GetModel()->Move(pChild, pParent, aTree.GetModel()->GetRelPos(pEntry)); } pRemove = pEntry; } if(bRestart) pEntry = aTree.First(); else pEntry = aTree.Next(pEntry); if(pRemove) aTree.GetModel()->Remove( pRemove ); } if ( (pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected()) == 0 ) { aConditionED. Enable(FALSE); aDismiss. Enable(FALSE); aCurName. Enable(FALSE); aProtectCB. Enable(FALSE); aPasswdCB. Enable(FALSE); aHideCB. Enable(FALSE); aProtectCB. SetState(STATE_NOCHECK); aPasswdCB. Check(FALSE); aHideCB. SetState(STATE_NOCHECK); aFileCB. Check(FALSE); //sonst liegt der Focus auf dem HelpButton aOK.GrabFocus(); UseFileHdl(&aFileCB); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: CheckBox mit Datei verknuepfenï ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, UseFileHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTree.FirstSelected(); pBox->EnableTriState(FALSE); BOOL bMulti = 1 < aTree.GetSelectionCount(); BOOL bFile = pBox->IsChecked(); if(pEntry) { while(pEntry) { const SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); BOOL bContent = pSectRepr->IsContent(); if( pBox->IsChecked() && bContent && rSh.HasSelection() ) { if( RET_NO == QueryBox( this, SW_RES(QB_CONNECT) ).Execute() ) pBox->Check( FALSE ); } if( bFile ) pSectRepr->SetContent(FALSE); else { pSectRepr->SetFile(aEmptyStr); pSectRepr->SetSubRegion(aEmptyStr); pSectRepr->SetFilePasswd(aEmptyStr); } pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } aFileNameFT.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); aFileNameED.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); aFilePB.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); aSubRegionED.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); aSubRegionFT.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECommandFT.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); aDDECB.Enable(bFile && ! bMulti); #endif if( bFile ) { aProtectCB.SetState(STATE_CHECK); aFileNameED.GrabFocus(); } else { #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.Check(FALSE); DDEHdl(&aDDECB); #endif // aFileNameED.SetText(aEmptyStr); aSubRegionED.SetText(aEmptyStr); } } else { pBox->Check(FALSE); pBox->Enable(FALSE); aFilePB.Enable(FALSE); aFileNameED.Enable(FALSE); aFileNameFT.Enable(FALSE); aSubRegionED.Enable(FALSE); aSubRegionFT.Enable(FALSE); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.Check(FALSE); aDDECB.Enable(FALSE); aDDECommandFT.Enable(FALSE); #endif } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Dialog Datei einfuegen rufen ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, FileSearchHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG ) { SfxMedium* pMed; String sFileName, sFilterName, sFilePasswd; if( GetFileFilterNameDlg( *this, sFileName, &sFilePasswd, &sFilterName, &pMed )) { ::lcl_ReadSections( rSh, *pMed, aSubRegionED ); delete pMed; } SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); if(pEntry) { SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); pSectRepr->SetFile( sFileName ); pSectRepr->SetFilter( sFilterName ); pSectRepr->SetFilePasswd( sFilePasswd ); aFileNameED.SetText( pSectRepr->GetFile()); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, OptionsHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTree.FirstSelected(); if(pEntry) { SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); SfxItemSet aSet(rSh.GetView().GetPool(), RES_COL, RES_COL, RES_COLUMNBALANCE, RES_COLUMNBALANCE, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, RES_LR_SPACE, RES_LR_SPACE, RES_FTN_AT_TXTEND, RES_END_AT_TXTEND, 0); aSet.Put( pSectRepr->GetCol() ); aSet.Put( pSectRepr->GetBackground() ); aSet.Put( pSectRepr->GetFtnNtAtEnd() ); aSet.Put( pSectRepr->GetEndNtAtEnd() ); aSet.Put( pSectRepr->GetBalance() ); const SwSectionFmts& rDocFmts = rSh.GetDoc()->GetSections(); SwSectionFmts aOrigArray( 0, 5 ); aOrigArray.Insert( &rDocFmts, 0 ); SwSectionFmt* pFmt = aOrigArray[pSectRepr->GetArrPos()]; long nWidth = rSh.GetSectionWidth(*pFmt); aOrigArray.Remove( 0, aOrigArray.Count() ); if (!nWidth) nWidth = USHRT_MAX; aSet.Put(SwFmtFrmSize(ATT_VAR_SIZE, nWidth)); aSet.Put(SvxSizeItem(SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size(nWidth, nWidth))); SwSectionPropertyTabDialog aTabDlg(this, aSet, rSh); if(RET_OK == aTabDlg.Execute()) { const SfxItemSet* pOutSet = aTabDlg.GetOutputItemSet(); if( pOutSet && pOutSet->Count() ) { const SfxPoolItem *pColItem, *pBrushItem, *pFtnItem, *pEndItem, *pBalanceItem; SfxItemState eColState = pOutSet->GetItemState( RES_COL, FALSE, &pColItem ); SfxItemState eBrushState = pOutSet->GetItemState( RES_BACKGROUND, FALSE, &pBrushItem ); SfxItemState eFtnState = pOutSet->GetItemState( RES_FTN_AT_TXTEND, FALSE, &pFtnItem ); SfxItemState eEndState = pOutSet->GetItemState( RES_END_AT_TXTEND, FALSE, &pEndItem ); SfxItemState eBalanceState = pOutSet->GetItemState( RES_COLUMNBALANCE, FALSE, &pBalanceItem ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == eColState || SFX_ITEM_SET == eBrushState || SFX_ITEM_SET == eFtnState || SFX_ITEM_SET == eEndState || SFX_ITEM_SET == eBalanceState) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTree.FirstSelected(); while( pEntry ) { SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr)pEntry->GetUserData(); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == eColState ) pRepr->GetCol() = *(SwFmtCol*)pColItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == eBrushState ) pRepr->GetBackground() = *(SvxBrushItem*)pBrushItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == eFtnState ) pRepr->GetFtnNtAtEnd() = *(SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd*)pFtnItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == eEndState ) pRepr->GetEndNtAtEnd() = *(SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd*)pEndItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == eBalanceState ) pRepr->GetBalance().SetValue(((SwFmtNoBalancedColumns*)pBalanceItem)->GetValue()); pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } } } } } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Uebernahme des Dateinamen oder des verknuepften Bereichs ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, FileNameHdl, Edit *, pEdit ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); if(pEdit == &aFileNameED) { BOOL bDDe = FALSE; #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE bDDe = aDDECB.IsChecked(); #endif if( bDDe ) { String sLink( pEdit->GetText() ); USHORT nPos = 0; while( STRING_NOTFOUND != (nPos = sLink.SearchAscii( " ", nPos )) ) sLink.Erase( nPos--, 1 ); nPos = sLink.SearchAndReplace( ' ', cTokenSeperator ); sLink.SearchAndReplace( ' ', cTokenSeperator, nPos ); pSectRepr->GetSection().SetLinkFileName( sLink ); pSectRepr->GetSection().SetType( DDE_LINK_SECTION ); } else { String sTmp(pEdit->GetText()); if(sTmp.Len()) sTmp = URIHelper::SmartRelToAbs( sTmp ); pSectRepr->SetFile( sTmp ); pSectRepr->SetFilePasswd( aEmptyStr ); } } else { pSectRepr->SetSubRegion( pEdit->GetText() ); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, DDEHdl, CheckBox*, pBox ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); if(pEntry) { BOOL bFile = aFileCB.IsChecked(); SectReprPtr pSectRepr = (SectRepr*)pEntry->GetUserData(); BOOL bDDE = pBox->IsChecked(); if(bDDE) { aFileNameFT.Hide(); aDDECommandFT.Enable(); aDDECommandFT.Show(); aSubRegionFT.Hide(); aSubRegionED.Hide(); if(FILE_LINK_SECTION == pSectRepr->GetSectionType() ) { pSectRepr->SetFile(aEmptyStr); aFileNameED.SetText(aEmptyStr); pSectRepr->SetFilePasswd( aEmptyStr ); } pSectRepr->SetSectionType( DDE_LINK_SECTION ); } else { aDDECommandFT.Hide(); aFileNameFT.Enable(bFile); aFileNameFT.Show(); aSubRegionED.Show(); aSubRegionFT.Show(); aSubRegionED.Enable(bFile); aSubRegionFT.Enable(bFile); aSubRegionED.Enable(bFile); if(DDE_LINK_SECTION == pSectRepr->GetSectionType() ) { pSectRepr->SetSectionType( FILE_LINK_SECTION ); pSectRepr->SetFile(aEmptyStr); pSectRepr->SetFilePasswd( aEmptyStr ); aFileNameED.SetText(aEmptyStr); } } aFilePB.Enable(bFile && !bDDE); } return 0; } #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, ChangePasswdHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { if (pBox->IsChecked()) { if(!bIsPasswd&&!aNewPasswd.getLength()) { bIsPasswd = FALSE; SwTestPasswdDlg aPasswdDlg(this); aPasswdDlg.ShowExtras(SHOWEXTRAS_CONFIRM); // aPasswdDlg.SetHelpId(HID_DLG_PASSWD_SECTION); if (aPasswdDlg.Execute()) { String sNewPasswd( aPasswdDlg.GetPassword() ); if( aPasswdDlg.GetConfirm() == sNewPasswd ) { bIsPasswd = TRUE; SvPasswordHelper::GetHashPassword( aNewPasswd, sNewPasswd ); } else InfoBox(pBox, SW_RES(REG_WRONG_PASSWD_REPEAT)).Execute(); } } if(!bIsPasswd) pBox->Check(FALSE); } if( !pBox->IsChecked() ) { aNewPasswd.realloc( 0 ); bIsPasswd = FALSE; } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Aktueller Bereichsname wird sofort beim editieren in die TreeListBox eingetragen, mit leerem String kein Ok() ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, NameEditHdl, Edit *, EMPTYARG ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); if (pEntry) { String aName = aCurName.GetText(); Bitmap& aBmp=BuildBitmap(STATE_CHECK == aProtectCB.GetState(), STATE_CHECK == aHideCB.GetState()); aTree.SetEntryText(pEntry,aName); aTree.SetExpandedEntryBmp(pEntry,aBmp); aTree.SetCollapsedEntryBmp(pEntry,aBmp); SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr) pEntry->GetUserData(); pRepr->GetSection().SetName(aName); aOK.Enable(aName.Len() != 0); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwEditRegionDlg, ConditionEditHdl, Edit *, pEdit ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry=aTree.FirstSelected(); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"kein Entry gefunden"); while( pEntry ) { SectReprPtr pRepr = (SectReprPtr)pEntry->GetUserData(); pRepr->SetCondition (pEdit->GetText()); pEntry = aTree.NextSelected(pEntry); } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Bereiche einfuegen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwBaseShell::InsertRegionDialog(SfxRequest& rReq) { SwWrtShell& rSh = GetShell(); const SfxItemSet *pSet = rReq.GetArgs(); SfxItemSet aSet(GetPool(), RES_COL, RES_COL, RES_COLUMNBALANCE, RES_COLUMNBALANCE, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FTN_AT_TXTEND, RES_END_AT_TXTEND, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, 0); if (!pSet || pSet->Count()==0) { SwRect aRect; rSh.CalcBoundRect(aRect, FLY_IN_CNTNT); long nWidth = aRect.Width(); aSet.Put(SwFmtFrmSize(ATT_VAR_SIZE, nWidth)); // Hoehe=Breite fuer konsistentere Vorschau (analog zu Bereich bearbeiten) aSet.Put(SvxSizeItem(SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size(nWidth, nWidth))); SwInsertSectionTabDialog aTabDlg(&GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(),aSet , rSh); aTabDlg.Execute(); } else { const SfxPoolItem *pItem = 0; String aTmpStr = rSh.GetUniqueSectionName(); SwSection aSection(CONTENT_SECTION,aTmpStr); rReq.SetReturnValue(SfxStringItem(FN_INSERT_REGION, aTmpStr)); aSet.Put( *pSet ); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == pSet->GetItemState(SID_ATTR_COLUMNS, FALSE, &pItem)) { SwFmtCol aCol; SwRect aRect; rSh.CalcBoundRect(aRect, FLY_IN_CNTNT); long nWidth = aRect.Width(); USHORT nCol = ((SfxUInt16Item *)pItem)->GetValue(); if(nCol) { aCol.Init( nCol, 0, nWidth ); aSet.Put(aCol); } } else if(SFX_ITEM_SET == pSet->GetItemState(RES_COL, FALSE, &pItem)) { aSet.Put(*pItem); } rSh.InsertSection(aSection, aSet.Count() ? &aSet : 0); } } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SwWrtShell, InsertRegionDialog, SwSection*, pSect ) { if( pSect ) { SfxItemSet aSet(pThis->GetView().GetPool(), RES_COL, RES_COL, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, 0); SwRect aRect; pThis->CalcBoundRect(aRect, FLY_IN_CNTNT); long nWidth = aRect.Width(); aSet.Put(SwFmtFrmSize(ATT_VAR_SIZE, nWidth)); // Hoehe=Breite fuer konsistentere Vorschau (analog zu Bereich bearbeiten) aSet.Put(SvxSizeItem(SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size(nWidth, nWidth))); SwInsertSectionTabDialog aTabDlg(&pThis->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(),aSet , *pThis); aTabDlg.SetSection(*pSect); aTabDlg.Execute(); delete pSect; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Bereich bearbeiten --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwBaseShell::EditRegionDialog(SfxRequest& rReq) { const SfxItemSet* pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); int nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; if(pArgs) pArgs->GetItemState(nSlot, FALSE, &pItem); SwWrtShell& rWrtShell = GetShell(); switch ( nSlot ) { case FN_EDIT_REGION: { Window* pParentWin = &GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(); BOOL bStart = TRUE; const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence & rPWD = rWrtShell.GetSectionPasswd(); if( rPWD.getLength() ) { SwTestPasswdDlg aPasswdDlg( pParentWin ); // aPasswdDlg.SetHelpId(HID_DLG_PASSWD_SECTION); aPasswdDlg.Execute(); ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence aPWD; SvPasswordHelper::GetHashPassword( aPWD, aPasswdDlg.GetPassword() ); bStart = aPWD == rPWD; } if(bStart) { SwEditRegionDlg* pEditRegionDlg = new SwEditRegionDlg( pParentWin, rWrtShell ); pEditRegionDlg->SetPassword( rPWD ); pEditRegionDlg->Execute(); delete pEditRegionDlg; } else InfoBox(pParentWin, SW_RES(REG_WRONG_PASSWORD)).Execute(); } break; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Hilfsfunktion - Bereichsindex ermitteln --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT lcl_GetRegion( const String& rRegionName, SwWrtShell& rWrtShell ) { USHORT nCount = rWrtShell.GetSectionFmtCount(); for(USHORT i=0; i< nCount; i++) { const SwSectionFmt& rFmt = rWrtShell.GetSectionFmt(i); if(rFmt.IsInNodesArr() && rFmt.GetSection()->GetName() == rRegionName) return i; } return USHRT_MAX; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Hilfsfunktion - Bereichsnamen aus dem Medium lesen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void lcl_ReadSections( SwWrtShell& rSh, SfxMedium& rMedium, ComboBox& rBox ) { rBox.Clear(); if( rMedium.IsStorage() ) { SvStorageRef aStor = rMedium.GetStorage(); ULONG nFormat = aStor->GetFormat(); // ist das unser eigenes Format? if( aStor.Is() && ( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_50 == nFormat || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_40 == nFormat || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_30 == nFormat || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERGLOB_50 == nFormat || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERGLOB_40 == nFormat ) ) { // Dann noch die Fileformat-Version vom // Filter abholen. const SfxFilter* pFlt = rMedium.GetFilter(); ASSERT( pFlt && pFlt->GetVersion(), "Kein Filter oder Filter ohne FF-Version" ); if( pFlt && pFlt->GetVersion() ) aStor->SetVersion( (long)pFlt->GetVersion() ); Sw3Io& rIo = *rSh.GetView().GetDocShell()->GetIoSystem(); SvStringsDtor aArr( 10, 10 ); if( !rIo.GetSectionList( &aStor, (SvStrings&)aArr ) && aArr.Count() ) { for( USHORT n = 0; n < aArr.Count(); ++n ) rBox.InsertEntry( *aArr[ n ] ); } } else if ( aStor.Is() && ( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_60 == nFormat || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERGLOB_60 == nFormat ) ) { SvStringsDtor aArr( 10, 10 ); Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceFactory = comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); ASSERT( xServiceFactory.is(), "XMLReader::Read: got no service manager" ); if( !xServiceFactory.is() ) return; xml::sax::InputSource aParserInput; OUString sDocName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "content.xml" ) ); aParserInput.sSystemId = sDocName; SvStorageStreamRef xDocStream = aStor->OpenStream( sDocName, ( STREAM_READ | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE | STREAM_NOCREATE ) ); xDocStream->Seek( 0L ); xDocStream->SetBufferSize( 16*1024 ); aParserInput.aInputStream = new utl::OInputStreamWrapper( *xDocStream ); // get parser Reference< XInterface > xXMLParser = xServiceFactory->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.xml.sax.Parser") ); ASSERT( xXMLParser.is(), "XMLReader::Read: com.sun.star.xml.sax.Parser service missing" ); if( !xXMLParser.is() ) return; // get filter Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > xFilter = new SwXMLSectionList( (SvStrings&)aArr ); // connect parser and filter Reference< xml::sax::XParser > xParser( xXMLParser, UNO_QUERY ); xParser->setDocumentHandler( xFilter ); // parse try { xParser->parseStream( aParserInput ); } catch( xml::sax::SAXParseException& ) { // re throw ? } catch( xml::sax::SAXException& ) { // re throw ? } catch( io::IOException& ) { // re throw ? } if( aArr.Count() ) { for( USHORT n = 0; n < aArr.Count(); ++n ) rBox.InsertEntry( *aArr[ n ] ); } } } } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:16------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwInsertSectionTabDialog::SwInsertSectionTabDialog( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell& rSh) : SfxTabDialog( pParent, SW_RES(DLG_INSERT_SECTION), &rSet ), rWrtSh(rSh), pToInsertSection(0) { String sInsert(ResId(ST_INSERT)); GetOKButton().SetText(sInsert); FreeResource(); AddTabPage(TP_INSERT_SECTION, SwInsertSectionTabPage::Create, 0); AddTabPage(TP_COLUMN, SwColumnPage::Create, 0); AddTabPage(TP_BACKGROUND,SvxBackgroundTabPage::Create, 0); AddTabPage(TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES, SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::Create, 0); OfaHtmlOptions* pHtmlOpt = OFF_APP()->GetHtmlOptions(); long nHtmlMode = pHtmlOpt->GetExportMode(); BOOL bWeb = 0 != PTR_CAST( SwWebDocShell, rSh.GetView().GetDocShell() ); if(bWeb) { RemoveTabPage(TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES); if( HTML_CFG_NS30 != nHtmlMode && HTML_CFG_NS40 != nHtmlMode && HTML_CFG_WRITER != nHtmlMode) RemoveTabPage(TP_COLUMN); } SetCurPageId(TP_INSERT_SECTION); } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:17------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwInsertSectionTabDialog::~SwInsertSectionTabDialog() { delete pToInsertSection; } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:23------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwInsertSectionTabDialog::PageCreated( USHORT nId, SfxTabPage &rPage ) { if(TP_INSERT_SECTION == nId) ((SwInsertSectionTabPage&)rPage).SetWrtShell(rWrtSh); else if( TP_BACKGROUND == nId ) ((SvxBackgroundTabPage&)rPage).ShowSelector(); else if( TP_COLUMN == nId ) { const SwFmtFrmSize& rSize = (const SwFmtFrmSize&)GetInputSetImpl()->Get(RES_FRM_SIZE); ((SwColumnPage&)rPage).SetPageWidth(rSize.GetWidth()); ((SwColumnPage&)rPage).ShowBalance(TRUE); } } /* -----------------21.05.99 13:08------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwInsertSectionTabDialog::SetSection(const SwSection& rSect) { pToInsertSection = new SwSection(CONTENT_SECTION, aEmptyStr); *pToInsertSection = rSect; } /* -----------------21.05.99 13:10------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ short SwInsertSectionTabDialog::Ok() { short nRet = SfxTabDialog::Ok(); DBG_ASSERT(pToInsertSection, "keiner Section?") rWrtSh.InsertSection(*pToInsertSection, GetOutputItemSet()); return nRet; } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:31------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwInsertSectionTabPage::SwInsertSectionTabPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rAttrSet) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES(TP_INSERT_SECTION), rAttrSet ), #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB ( this, SW_RES( CB_DDE ) ) , aDDECommandFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_DDE ) ) , #endif aCurName ( this, SW_RES( ED_RNAME ) ), aHideCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_HIDE ) ), aProtectCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_PROTECT ) ), aCondCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_CONDITION ) ), aFileCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FILE ) ), aFilePB ( this, SW_RES( PB_FILE ) ), aFileNameFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_FILE ) ) , aFileNameED ( this, SW_RES( ED_FILE ) ), aSubRegionFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_SUBREG ) ) , aSubRegionED ( this, SW_RES( LB_SUBREG ) ) , aGroupBoxName ( this, SW_RES( GB_NEW_SECTION ) ), aConditionED ( this, SW_RES( ED_CONDITION ) ), aGroupBoxOptions ( this, SW_RES( GB_NEW_OPTIONS ) ), sSection (SW_RES( STR_REGION_DEFNAME )), pWrtSh(0) { FreeResource(); aProtectCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeProtectHdl)); aHideCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeHideHdl)); aCondCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeCondHdl)); aFileCB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, UseFileHdl )); aFilePB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, FileSearchHdl )); aCurName.SetModifyHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, NameEditHdl)); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwInsertSectionTabPage, DDEHdl )); #endif } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:31------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwInsertSectionTabPage::~SwInsertSectionTabPage() { } /* -----------------21.05.99 12:58------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwInsertSectionTabPage::SetWrtShell(SwWrtShell& rSh) { pWrtSh = &rSh; BOOL bWeb = 0 != PTR_CAST(SwWebDocShell, pWrtSh->GetView().GetDocShell()); if(bWeb) { aHideCB .Hide(); aCondCB .Hide(); aConditionED .Hide(); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB .Hide(); aDDECommandFT .Hide(); #endif } USHORT nCount = pWrtSh->GetSectionFmtCount(); pPasswdSect = (const String*)&pWrtSh->GetSectionPasswd(); FillList(); USHORT nCnt = pWrtSh->GetBookmarkCnt(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCnt; ++i ) { SwBookmark& rBm = pWrtSh->GetBookmark( i ); if( rBm.GetOtherPos() ) aSubRegionED.InsertEntry( rBm.GetName() ); } SwSection* pSect = ((SwInsertSectionTabDialog*)GetTabDialog())->GetSection(); if( pSect ) // etwas vorgegeben ? { aCurName.SetText( rSh.GetUniqueSectionName( &pSect->GetName() )); aProtectCB.Check( 0 != pSect->IsProtect() ); sFileName = pSect->GetLinkFileName(); sFilePasswd = pSect->GetLinkFilePassWd(); aFileCB.Check( 0 != sFileName.Len() ); aFileNameED.SetText( sFileName ); UseFileHdl( &aFileCB ); } else { aCurName.SetText( rSh.GetUniqueSectionName() ); } } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:32------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwInsertSectionTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet) { BOOL bRecording = FALSE;//pRequest && 0 != SfxRequest::GetRecordingMacro(); SwSection aSection(CONTENT_SECTION, aCurName.GetText()); if( aCondCB.IsChecked() ) aSection.SetCondition(aConditionED.GetText()); aSection.SetProtect(aProtectCB.IsChecked()); aSection.SetHidden(aHideCB.IsChecked()); String sFileName = aFileNameED.GetText(); String sSubRegion = aSubRegionED.GetText(); BOOL bDDe = FALSE; if(bRecording) { // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_NAME, aCurName.GetText())); // if(aCondCB.IsChecked()) // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_CONDITION, aConditionED.GetText())); // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_HIDDEN, aHideCB.IsChecked())); // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_PROTECT, aProtectCB.IsChecked())); } #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE bDDe = aDDECB.IsChecked(); #endif if(aFileCB.IsChecked() && (sFileName.Len() || sSubRegion.Len() || bDDe)) { String aLinkFile; if( bDDe ) { aLinkFile = sFileName; USHORT nPos = 0; while( STRING_NOTFOUND != (nPos = aLinkFile.SearchAscii( " ", nPos )) ) aLinkFile.Erase( nPos--, 1 ); nPos = aLinkFile.SearchAndReplace( ' ', cTokenSeperator ); aLinkFile.SearchAndReplace( ' ', cTokenSeperator, nPos ); } else { if(sFileName.Len()) { aLinkFile = URIHelper::SmartRelToAbs( sFileName ); aSection.SetLinkFilePassWd( sFilePasswd ); } aLinkFile += cTokenSeperator; aLinkFile += sFilterName; aLinkFile += cTokenSeperator; aLinkFile += sSubRegion; if(bRecording) { // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_1, // aLinkFile.GetToken(0, cTokenSeperator))); // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_2, // sFilterName)); // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_3, // sSubRegion)); } } aSection.SetLinkFileName(aLinkFile); if(aLinkFile.Len()) { #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aSection.SetType( aDDECB.IsChecked() ? DDE_LINK_SECTION : FILE_LINK_SECTION); #else aSection.SetType( FILE_LINK_SECTION); #endif } } ((SwInsertSectionTabDialog*)GetTabDialog())->SetSection(aSection); return TRUE; } /* -----------------21.05.99 10:32------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwInsertSectionTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { } /* -----------------21.05.99 11:22------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwInsertSectionTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwInsertSectionTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeHideHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { BOOL bHide = pBox->IsChecked(); aCondCB.Enable(bHide); aConditionED.Enable(bHide && aCondCB.IsChecked()); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeCondHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { aConditionED.Enable( pBox->IsChecked() ); if( pBox->IsChecked() ) aConditionED.GrabFocus(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeCondHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwInsertSectionTabPage, ChangeProtectHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { if (pPasswdSect->Len()&&pBox->IsChecked()) { SwTestPasswdDlg aPasswdDlg(this); // aPasswdDlg.SetHelpId(HID_DLG_PASSWD_SECTION); if (aPasswdDlg.Execute()) pBox->Check(aPasswdDlg.GetPassword()==*pPasswdSect); else pBox->Check(FALSE); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwInsertSectionTabPage, NameEditHdl, Edit *, EMPTYARG ) { String aName=aCurName.GetText(); GetTabDialog()->GetOKButton().Enable(aName.Len() && aCurName.GetEntryPos( aName ) == USHRT_MAX); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwInsertSectionTabPage, NameEditHdl, Edit *, EMPTYARG ) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwInsertSectionTabPage, UseFileHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { if( pBox->IsChecked() ) { if( pWrtSh->HasSelection() && RET_NO == QueryBox( this, SW_RES(QB_CONNECT) ).Execute() ) pBox->Check( FALSE ); } BOOL bFile = pBox->IsChecked(); aFileNameFT.Enable(bFile); aFileNameED.Enable(bFile); aFilePB.Enable(bFile); aSubRegionFT.Enable(bFile); aSubRegionED.Enable(bFile); #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECommandFT.Enable(bFile); aDDECB.Enable(bFile); #endif if( bFile ) { // aFileNameED.SetText( aFileName ); aFileNameED.GrabFocus(); aProtectCB.Check( TRUE ); } else { #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE aDDECB.Check(FALSE); DDEHdl(&aDDECB); #endif // aFileNameED.SetText(aEmptyStr); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwInsertSectionTabPage, FileSearchHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG ) { SfxMedium* pMed; if( GetFileFilterNameDlg( *this, sFileName, &sFilePasswd, &sFilterName, &pMed )) { aFileNameED.SetText( INetURLObject::decode( sFileName, INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 )); ::lcl_ReadSections( *pWrtSh, *pMed, aSubRegionED ); delete pMed; // das brauchen wir nicht mehr ! } else sFilterName = sFilePasswd = aEmptyStr; return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef DDE_AVAILABLE IMPL_LINK( SwInsertSectionTabPage, DDEHdl, CheckBox*, pBox ) { BOOL bDDE = pBox->IsChecked(); BOOL bFile = aFileCB.IsChecked(); aFilePB.Enable(!bDDE && bFile); if(bDDE) { aFileNameFT.Hide(); aDDECommandFT.Enable(bDDE); aDDECommandFT.Show(); aSubRegionFT.Hide(); aSubRegionED.Hide(); } else { aDDECommandFT.Hide(); aFileNameFT.Enable(bFile); aFileNameFT.Show(); aSubRegionFT.Show(); aSubRegionED.Show(); aSubRegionED.Enable(bFile); } return 0; } #endif /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Liste der verwendeten Namen fuellen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwInsertSectionTabPage::FillList( const SwSectionFmt* pNewFmt ) { const SwSectionFmt* pFmt; if( !pNewFmt ) { USHORT nCount = pWrtSh->GetSectionFmtCount(); for(USHORT i=0;iGetSectionFmt(i))->GetParent() && pFmt->IsInNodesArr() && (eTmpType = pFmt->GetSection()->GetType()) != TOX_CONTENT_SECTION && TOX_HEADER_SECTION != eTmpType ) { String* pString = new String(pFmt->GetSection()->GetName()); aCurName.InsertEntry(*pString); aSubRegionED.InsertEntry(*pString); FillList( pFmt ); } } } else { SwSections aTmpArr; USHORT nCnt = pNewFmt->GetChildSections(aTmpArr,SORTSECT_POS); if( nCnt ) { SectionType eTmpType; for( USHORT n = 0; n < nCnt; ++n ) if( (pFmt = aTmpArr[n]->GetFmt())->IsInNodesArr()&& (eTmpType = pFmt->GetSection()->GetType()) != TOX_CONTENT_SECTION && TOX_HEADER_SECTION != eTmpType ) { String* pString = new String(pFmt->GetSection()->GetName()); aCurName.InsertEntry(*pString); aSubRegionED.InsertEntry(*pString); FillList( pFmt ); } } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Numerierungsformat Umsetzung: // ListBox - Format - Enum-Wert // 0 - A, B, C, ... - 0 // 1 - a, b, c, ... - 1 // 2 - I, II, III, ... - 2 // 3 - i, ii, iii, ... - 3 // 4 - 1, 2, 3, ... - 4 // 5 - A, .., AA, .., - 9 // 6 - a, .., aa, .., - 10 inline USHORT GetNumPos( USHORT n ) { return SVX_NUM_ARABIC < n ? n - 4 : n; } inline SvxExtNumType GetNumType( USHORT n ) { return (SvxExtNumType)(4 < n ? n + 4 : n ); } SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::SwSectionFtnEndTabPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rAttrSet) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES ), rAttrSet ), aGroupBoxFtn ( this, SW_RES( GB_FTN ) ), aFtnNtAtTextEndCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FTN_AT_TXTEND ) ), aFtnNtNumCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FTN_NUM ) ), aFtnNtNumFmtCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FTN_NUM_FMT ) ), aFtnNumViewBox ( this, SW_RES( LB_FTN_NUMVIEW ), INSERT_NUM_EXTENDED_TYPES), aFtnOffsetLbl ( this, SW_RES( FT_FTN_OFFSET )), aFtnOffsetFld ( this, SW_RES( FLD_FTN_OFFSET )), aFtnPrefixFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_FTN_PREFIX )), aFtnPrefixED ( this, SW_RES( ED_FTN_PREFIX )), aFtnSuffixFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_FTN_SUFFIX )), aFtnSuffixED ( this, SW_RES( ED_FTN_SUFFIX )), aGroupBoxEnd ( this, SW_RES( GB_END ) ), aEndNtAtTextEndCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_END_AT_TXTEND )), aEndNtNumCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_END_NUM )), aEndNtNumFmtCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_END_NUM_FMT ) ), aEndNumViewBox ( this, SW_RES( LB_END_NUMVIEW )), aEndOffsetLbl ( this, SW_RES( FT_END_OFFSET )), aEndOffsetFld ( this, SW_RES( FLD_END_OFFSET )), aEndPrefixFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_END_PREFIX )), aEndPrefixED ( this, SW_RES( ED_END_PREFIX )), aEndSuffixFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_END_SUFFIX )), aEndSuffixED ( this, SW_RES( ED_END_SUFFIX )) { FreeResource(); Link aLk( LINK( this, SwSectionFtnEndTabPage, FootEndHdl)); aFtnNtAtTextEndCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aFtnNtNumCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aEndNtAtTextEndCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aEndNtNumCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aFtnNtNumFmtCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aEndNtNumFmtCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); } SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::~SwSectionFtnEndTabPage() { } BOOL SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { BOOL bRecording = FALSE;//pRequest && 0 != SfxRequest::GetRecordingMacro(); if(bRecording) { // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_NAME, aCurName.GetText())); // if(aCondCB.IsChecked()) // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_CONDITION, aConditionED.GetText())); // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_HIDDEN, aHideCB.IsChecked())); // pRequest->AppendItem(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_REGION_PROTECT, aProtectCB.IsChecked())); } SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd aFtn( aFtnNtAtTextEndCB.IsChecked() ? ( aFtnNtNumCB.IsChecked() ? ( aFtnNtNumFmtCB.IsChecked() ? FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMANDFMT : FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMSEQ ) : FTNEND_ATTXTEND ) : FTNEND_ATPGORDOCEND ); switch( aFtn.GetValue() ) { case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMANDFMT: aFtn.SetNumType( aFtnNumViewBox.GetSelectedNumberingType() ); aFtn.SetPrefix( aFtnPrefixED.GetText() ); aFtn.SetSuffix( aFtnSuffixED.GetText() ); // no break; case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMSEQ: aFtn.SetOffset( aFtnOffsetFld.GetValue()-1 ); // no break; } SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd aEnd( aEndNtAtTextEndCB.IsChecked() ? ( aEndNtNumCB.IsChecked() ? ( aEndNtNumFmtCB.IsChecked() ? FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMANDFMT : FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMSEQ ) : FTNEND_ATTXTEND ) : FTNEND_ATPGORDOCEND ); switch( aEnd.GetValue() ) { case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMANDFMT: aEnd.SetNumType( GetNumType( aEndNumViewBox.GetSelectEntryPos() )); aEnd.SetPrefix( aEndPrefixED.GetText() ); aEnd.SetSuffix( aEndSuffixED.GetText() ); // no break; case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMSEQ: aEnd.SetOffset( aEndOffsetFld.GetValue()-1 ); // no break; } rSet.Put( aFtn ); rSet.Put( aEnd ); return TRUE; } void SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::ResetState( BOOL bFtn, const SwFmtFtnEndAtTxtEnd& rAttr ) { CheckBox *pNtAtTextEndCB, *pNtNumCB, *pNtNumFmtCB; FixedText*pPrefixFT, *pSuffixFT; Edit *pPrefixED, *pSuffixED; SwNumberingTypeListBox *pNumViewBox; FixedText* pOffsetTxt; NumericField *pOffsetFld; if( bFtn ) { pNtAtTextEndCB = &aFtnNtAtTextEndCB; pNtNumCB = &aFtnNtNumCB; pNtNumFmtCB = &aFtnNtNumFmtCB; pPrefixFT = &aFtnPrefixFT; pPrefixED = &aFtnPrefixED; pSuffixFT = &aFtnSuffixFT; pSuffixED = &aFtnSuffixED; pNumViewBox = &aFtnNumViewBox; pOffsetTxt = &aFtnOffsetLbl; pOffsetFld = &aFtnOffsetFld; } else { pNtAtTextEndCB = &aEndNtAtTextEndCB; pNtNumCB = &aEndNtNumCB; pNtNumFmtCB = &aEndNtNumFmtCB; pPrefixFT = &aEndPrefixFT; pPrefixED = &aEndPrefixED; pSuffixFT = &aEndSuffixFT; pSuffixED = &aEndSuffixED; pNumViewBox = &aEndNumViewBox; pOffsetTxt = &aEndOffsetLbl; pOffsetFld = &aEndOffsetFld; } USHORT eState = rAttr.GetValue(); switch( eState ) { // case FTNEND_ATPGORDOCEND: case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMANDFMT: pNtNumFmtCB->SetState( STATE_CHECK ); // no break; case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMSEQ: pNtNumCB->SetState( STATE_CHECK ); // no break; case FTNEND_ATTXTEND: pNtAtTextEndCB->SetState( STATE_CHECK ); // no break; } pNumViewBox->SelectNumberingType( rAttr.GetNumType() ); pOffsetFld->SetValue( rAttr.GetOffset() + 1 ); pPrefixED->SetText( rAttr.GetPrefix() ); pSuffixED->SetText( rAttr.GetSuffix() ); switch( eState ) { case FTNEND_ATPGORDOCEND: pNtNumCB->Enable( FALSE ); // no break; case FTNEND_ATTXTEND: pNtNumFmtCB->Enable( FALSE ); pOffsetFld->Enable( FALSE ); pOffsetTxt->Enable( FALSE ); // no break; case FTNEND_ATTXTEND_OWNNUMSEQ: pNumViewBox->Enable( FALSE ); pPrefixFT->Enable( FALSE ); pPrefixED->Enable( FALSE ); pSuffixFT->Enable( FALSE ); pSuffixED->Enable( FALSE ); // no break; } } void SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { ResetState( TRUE, (const SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd&)rSet.Get( RES_FTN_AT_TXTEND, FALSE )); ResetState( FALSE, (const SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd&)rSet.Get( RES_END_AT_TXTEND, FALSE )); } SfxTabPage* SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwSectionFtnEndTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } IMPL_LINK( SwSectionFtnEndTabPage, FootEndHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { // pBox->EnableTriState( FALSE ); BOOL bFoot = &aFtnNtAtTextEndCB == pBox || &aFtnNtNumCB == pBox || &aFtnNtNumFmtCB == pBox ; CheckBox *pNumBox, *pNumFmtBox, *pEndBox; SwNumberingTypeListBox* pNumViewBox; FixedText* pOffsetTxt; NumericField *pOffsetFld; FixedText*pPrefixFT, *pSuffixFT; Edit *pPrefixED, *pSuffixED; if( bFoot ) { pEndBox = &aFtnNtAtTextEndCB; pNumBox = &aFtnNtNumCB; pNumFmtBox = &aFtnNtNumFmtCB; pNumViewBox = &aFtnNumViewBox; pOffsetTxt = &aFtnOffsetLbl; pOffsetFld = &aFtnOffsetFld; pPrefixFT = &aFtnPrefixFT; pSuffixFT = &aFtnSuffixFT; pPrefixED = &aFtnPrefixED; pSuffixED = &aFtnSuffixED; } else { pEndBox = &aEndNtAtTextEndCB; pNumBox = &aEndNtNumCB; pNumFmtBox = &aEndNtNumFmtCB; pNumViewBox = &aEndNumViewBox; pOffsetTxt = &aEndOffsetLbl; pOffsetFld = &aEndOffsetFld; pPrefixFT = &aEndPrefixFT; pSuffixFT = &aEndSuffixFT; pPrefixED = &aEndPrefixED; pSuffixED = &aEndSuffixED; } BOOL bEnableAtEnd = STATE_CHECK == pEndBox->GetState(); BOOL bEnableNum = bEnableAtEnd && STATE_CHECK == pNumBox->GetState(); BOOL bEnableNumFmt = bEnableNum && STATE_CHECK == pNumFmtBox->GetState(); pNumBox->Enable( bEnableAtEnd ); pOffsetTxt->Enable( bEnableNum ); pOffsetFld->Enable( bEnableNum ); pNumFmtBox->Enable( bEnableNum ); pNumViewBox->Enable( bEnableNumFmt ); pPrefixED->Enable( bEnableNumFmt ); pSuffixED->Enable( bEnableNumFmt ); pPrefixFT->Enable( bEnableNumFmt ); pSuffixFT->Enable( bEnableNumFmt ); return 0; } /* -----------------21.05.99 13:59------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwSectionPropertyTabDialog::SwSectionPropertyTabDialog( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell& rSh) : SfxTabDialog(pParent, SW_RES(DLG_SECTION_PROPERTIES), &rSet) { FreeResource(); AddTabPage(TP_COLUMN, SwColumnPage::Create, 0); AddTabPage(TP_BACKGROUND,SvxBackgroundTabPage::Create, 0); AddTabPage(TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES, SwSectionFtnEndTabPage::Create, 0); OfaHtmlOptions* pHtmlOpt = OFF_APP()->GetHtmlOptions(); long nHtmlMode = pHtmlOpt->GetExportMode(); BOOL bWeb = 0 != PTR_CAST( SwWebDocShell, rSh.GetView().GetDocShell() ); if(bWeb) { RemoveTabPage(TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES); if( HTML_CFG_NS30 != nHtmlMode && HTML_CFG_NS40 != nHtmlMode && HTML_CFG_WRITER != nHtmlMode) RemoveTabPage(TP_COLUMN); } } /* -----------------21.05.99 13:59------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwSectionPropertyTabDialog::~SwSectionPropertyTabDialog() { } /* -----------------21.05.99 13:59------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwSectionPropertyTabDialog::PageCreated( USHORT nId, SfxTabPage &rPage ) { if( TP_BACKGROUND == nId ) ((SvxBackgroundTabPage&)rPage).ShowSelector(); else if( TP_COLUMN == nId ) ((SwColumnPage&)rPage).ShowBalance(TRUE); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.6 2001/03/02 14:38:53 jp password change: use sequence instead of string Revision 1.5 2001/03/02 14:07:11 os extended numbering types available Revision 1.4 2001/02/23 15:05:32 os Issue #413#: use unquoted URLs Revision 1.3 2001/02/16 09:31:07 mtg Added XML support for Section Lists Revision 1.2 2000/10/20 13:40:42 jp use correct INetURL-Decode enum Revision 2000/09/18 17:14:34 hr initial import Revision 1.176 2000/09/18 16:05:21 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.175 2000/08/17 14:03:56 jp UI with decode URL Revision 1.174 2000/08/14 13:22:59 os #77401# additional flag for 'Condition' Revision 1.173 2000/08/01 16:55:55 jp Bug #72901#: FillItemSet - ask the right control Revision 1.172 2000/07/26 16:28:28 jp Bug #77158#: InsertRegionDialog - take complete Itemset Revision 1.171 2000/07/21 13:26:56 os #77029# column dialog works again Revision 1.170 2000/07/10 10:01:23 os #76625# column item conversion Revision 1.169 2000/07/03 08:08:35 os #72742# resource warnings corrected Revision 1.168 2000/06/26 13:10:14 os INetURLObject::SmartRelToAbs removed Revision 1.167 2000/06/20 14:49:49 os #70060# less occurences of columns in HTML Revision 1.166 2000/06/13 11:06:54 os include is back Revision 1.165 2000/06/07 13:19:48 os include removed Revision 1.164 2000/05/26 07:21:29 os old SW Basic API Slots removed Revision 1.163 2000/04/13 08:01:20 os UNICODE Revision 1.162 2000/03/03 15:16:59 os StarView remainders removed Revision 1.161 2000/02/25 13:46:57 jp Bug #73596#: wrong name for regions Revision 1.160 2000/02/11 14:44:46 hr #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool ) Revision 1.159 2000/01/31 10:14:11 os #72343# Background/Footnote/Endnote attributes - not from parent Revision 1.158 2000/01/04 15:35:39 os #71411# balanced columns Revision 1.157 1999/12/01 09:09:42 os #70321# dont show index sections Revision 1.156 1999/11/17 14:58:57 os no foot/endnotes in html Revision 1.155 1999/11/08 19:35:39 jp little bugfixes for Foot-/Endnote attributes Revision 1.154 1999/11/08 18:07:13 jp numberformat for Foot-/Endnotes at sectionend Revision 1.153 1999/11/03 13:49:46 jp SwFmtFtn-/-EndAtTxtEnd: change to EnumItem Revision 1.152 1999/10/21 17:47:51 jp have to change - SearchFile with SfxIniManager, dont use SwFinder for this Revision 1.151 1999/10/21 12:45:50 os CHG: SfxPasswordDialog Revision 1.150 1999/09/15 09:58:34 os footnotes and endnotes in sections Revision 1.149 1999/07/30 11:32:26 OS TOXBase in sections Rev 1.148 30 Jul 1999 13:32:26 OS TOXBase in sections Rev 1.147 28 Jul 1999 13:03:48 OS TOXBase in sections Rev 1.146 13 Jul 1999 12:56:00 OS default section names are indexed Rev 1.145 08 Jul 1999 09:04:24 OS #67441# WB_HSCROLL Rev 1.144 25 Jun 1999 15:45:18 OS #67229# HelpId for PasswordDialog in foramt/sections Rev 1.143 07 Jun 1999 13:51:30 OS #65686# Multiselektion beim Aufheben richtig behandeln Rev 1.142 27 May 1999 12:54:44 OS Einf?gen/Bearbeiten von Spalten ueberarbeitet Rev 1.141 21 May 1999 15:25:04 OS #66310# Bereiche mit Hintergrund, TabDialog fuers Einfuegen Rev 1.140 19 Mar 1999 13:34:24 OS #63701# unbenutztes Break-Attribut aus den Sections entfernt Rev 1.139 05 Mar 1999 20:09:32 JP Bug #62914#: Handling des Dialoges verbessert Rev 1.138 03 Mar 1999 18:21:44 JP Bug #57749#: Spalten nur setzen wenn sie im OutputSet des Dialoges vorhanden sind Rev 1.137 05 Feb 1999 12:54:18 OS #61096# nach dem letzten aufheben kommt der Fokus auf OK Rev 1.136 28 Jan 1999 18:12:22 JP Task #57749#: Undo von Bereichs-Attributen (Spalten, Hintergr...) Rev 1.135 27 Jan 1999 15:48:50 AMA Fix #57749#: Der Spaltendialog bekommt ein Gedaechtnis Rev 1.134 30 Nov 1998 14:55:40 OS #59995# richtige Abwahl verknuepfter Bereiche, auch in Mehrfachselektion Rev 1.133 17 Nov 1998 22:18:22 JP Task #59398#: ClipboardFormatId Umstellungen Rev 1.132 12 Nov 1998 15:06:48 JP Bug #54342#: auch bei GlobalDocs das Filepasswort an die Section uebertragen Rev 1.131 28 Oct 1998 18:07:28 JP Bug #54342#: File-Passwort von der Section merken und vom Medium besorgen Rev 1.130 13 Oct 1998 12:47:28 OM #57749# UI fuer spaltige Bereiche -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/