/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "PostItMgr.hxx" #include <postithelper.hxx> #include <SidebarWin.hxx> #include <AnnotationWin.hxx> #include <frmsidebarwincontainer.hxx> #include <accmap.hxx> #include <SidebarWindowsConsts.hxx> #include <AnchorOverlayObject.hxx> #include <ShadowOverlayObject.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/scrbar.hxx> #include <vcl/outdev.hxx> #include <viewopt.hxx> #include <view.hxx> #include <docsh.hxx> #include <wrtsh.hxx> #include <doc.hxx> #include <fldbas.hxx> #include <fmtfld.hxx> #include <docufld.hxx> #include <edtwin.hxx> #include <txtfld.hxx> #include <ndtxt.hxx> #include <redline.hxx> #include <docary.hxx> #include <SwRewriter.hxx> #include <tools/color.hxx> #include <swmodule.hxx> #include <annotation.hrc> #include "cmdid.h" #include <sfx2/request.hxx> #include <sfx2/event.hxx> #include <svl/srchitem.hxx> #include <svl/languageoptions.hxx> #include <svtools/langtab.hxx> #include <svl/smplhint.hxx> #include <svx/svdview.hxx> #include <editeng/eeitem.hxx> #include <editeng/langitem.hxx> #include <editeng/outliner.hxx> #include <i18npool/mslangid.hxx> #include <i18npool/lang.h> #include "swevent.hxx" #include "switerator.hxx" // distance between Anchor Y and initial note position #define POSTIT_INITIAL_ANCHOR_DISTANCE 20 //distance between two postits #define POSTIT_SPACE_BETWEEN 8 #define POSTIT_MINIMUMSIZE_WITH_META 60 #define POSTIT_SCROLL_SIDEBAR_HEIGHT 20 // if we layout more often we stop, this should never happen #define MAX_LOOP_COUNT 50 using namespace sw::sidebarwindows; bool comp_pos(const SwSidebarItem* a, const SwSidebarItem* b) { // sort by anchor position return a->GetAnchorPosition() < b->GetAnchorPosition(); } SwPostItMgr::SwPostItMgr(SwView* pView) : mpView(pView) , mpWrtShell(mpView->GetDocShell()->GetWrtShell()) , mpEditWin(&mpView->GetEditWin()) , mnEventId(0) , mbWaitingForCalcRects(false) , mpActivePostIt(0) , mbLayout(false) , mbLayoutHeight(0) , mbLayouting(false) , mbReadOnly(mpView->GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly()) , mbDeleteNote(true) , mpAnswer(0) , mbIsShowAnchor( false ) , mpFrmSidebarWinContainer( 0 ) { if(!mpView->GetDrawView() ) mpView->GetWrtShell().MakeDrawView(); SwNoteProps aProps; mbIsShowAnchor = aProps.IsShowAnchor(); //make sure we get the colour yellow always, even if not the first one of comments or redlining SW_MOD()->GetRedlineAuthor(); // collect all PostIts and redline comments that exist after loading the document // don't check for existance for any of them, don't focus them AddPostIts(false,false); /* this code can be used once we want redline comments in the Sidebar AddRedlineComments(false,false); */ // we want to receive stuff like SFX_HINT_DOCCHANGED StartListening(*mpView->GetDocShell()); if (!mvPostItFlds.empty()) { mbWaitingForCalcRects = true; mnEventId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, SwPostItMgr, CalcHdl), 0 ); } } SwPostItMgr::~SwPostItMgr() { if ( mnEventId ) Application::RemoveUserEvent( mnEventId ); // forget about all our Sidebar windows RemoveSidebarWin(); EndListening( *mpView->GetDocShell() ); for(std::vector<SwPostItPageItem*>::iterator i = mPages.begin(); i!= mPages.end() ; ++i) delete (*i); mPages.clear(); delete mpFrmSidebarWinContainer; mpFrmSidebarWinContainer = 0; } void SwPostItMgr::CheckForRemovedPostIts() { bool bRemoved = false; for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end(); ) { std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator it = i++; if ( !(*it)->UseElement() ) { SwSidebarItem* p = (*it); mvPostItFlds.remove(*it); if (GetActiveSidebarWin() == p->pPostIt) SetActiveSidebarWin(0); if (p->pPostIt) delete p->pPostIt; delete p; bRemoved = true; } } if ( bRemoved ) { // make sure that no deleted items remain in page lists // todo: only remove deleted ones?! if ( mvPostItFlds.empty() ) { PreparePageContainer(); PrepareView(); } else // if postits are their make sure that page lists are not empty // otherwise sudden paints can cause pain (in BorderOverPageBorder) CalcRects(); } } void SwPostItMgr::InsertItem(SfxBroadcaster* pItem, bool bCheckExistance, bool bFocus) { if (bCheckExistance) { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetBroadCaster() == pItem ) return; } } mbLayout = bFocus; if (pItem->ISA(SwFmtFld)) mvPostItFlds.push_back(new SwAnnotationItem(static_cast<SwFmtFld*>(pItem), true, bFocus) ); OSL_ENSURE(pItem->ISA(SwFmtFld),"Mgr::InsertItem: seems like new stuff was added"); StartListening(*pItem); } void SwPostItMgr::RemoveItem( SfxBroadcaster* pBroadcast ) { EndListening(*pBroadcast); for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetBroadCaster() == pBroadcast ) { SwSidebarItem* p = (*i); if (GetActiveSidebarWin() == p->pPostIt) SetActiveSidebarWin(0); mvPostItFlds.remove(*i); delete p->pPostIt; delete p; break; } } mbLayout = true; PrepareView(); } void SwPostItMgr::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if ( rHint.IsA(TYPE(SfxEventHint) ) ) { sal_uInt32 nId = ((SfxEventHint&)rHint).GetEventId(); if ( nId == SW_EVENT_LAYOUT_FINISHED ) { if ( !mbWaitingForCalcRects && !mvPostItFlds.empty()) { mbWaitingForCalcRects = true; mnEventId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, SwPostItMgr, CalcHdl), 0 ); } } } else if ( rHint.IsA(TYPE(SfxSimpleHint) ) ) { sal_uInt32 nId = ((SfxSimpleHint&)rHint).GetId(); switch ( nId ) { case SFX_HINT_MODECHANGED: { if ( mbReadOnly != !!(mpView->GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly()) ) { mbReadOnly = !mbReadOnly; SetReadOnlyState(); mbLayout = true; } break; } case SFX_HINT_DOCCHANGED: { if ( mpView->GetDocShell() == &rBC ) { if ( !mbWaitingForCalcRects && !mvPostItFlds.empty()) { mbWaitingForCalcRects = true; mnEventId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, SwPostItMgr, CalcHdl), 0 ); } } break; } case SFX_HINT_USER04: { // if we are in a SplitNode/Cut operation, do not delete note and then add again, as this will flicker mbDeleteNote = !mbDeleteNote; break; } case SFX_HINT_DYING: { if ( mpView->GetDocShell() != &rBC ) { // field to be removed is the broadcaster OSL_FAIL("Notification for removed SwFmtFld was not sent!"); RemoveItem(&rBC); } break; } } } else if ( rHint.IsA(TYPE(SwFmtFldHint) ) ) { const SwFmtFldHint& rFmtHint = static_cast<const SwFmtFldHint&>(rHint); SwFmtFld* pFld = const_cast <SwFmtFld*>( rFmtHint.GetField() ); switch ( rFmtHint.Which() ) { case SWFMTFLD_INSERTED : { if (!pFld) { AddPostIts(true); break; } // get field to be inserted from hint if ( pFld->IsFldInDoc() ) { bool bEmpty = !HasNotes(); InsertItem( pFld, true, false ); if (bEmpty && !mvPostItFlds.empty()) PrepareView(true); } else { OSL_FAIL("Inserted field not in document!" ); } break; } case SWFMTFLD_REMOVED: { if (mbDeleteNote) { if (!pFld) { CheckForRemovedPostIts(); break; } RemoveItem(pFld); } break; } case SWFMTFLD_FOCUS: { if (rFmtHint.GetView()== mpView) Focus(rBC); break; } case SWFMTFLD_CHANGED: { SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = dynamic_cast<SwFmtFld*>(&rBC); for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( pFmtFld == (*i)->GetBroadCaster() ) { if ((*i)->pPostIt) { (*i)->pPostIt->SetPostItText(); mbLayout = true; } break; } } break; } case SWFMTFLD_LANGUAGE: { SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = dynamic_cast<SwFmtFld*>(&rBC); for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( pFmtFld == (*i)->GetBroadCaster() ) { if ((*i)->pPostIt) { sal_uInt16 nScriptType = SvtLanguageOptions::GetScriptTypeOfLanguage( (*i)->GetFmtFld()->GetFld()->GetLanguage() ); sal_uInt16 nLangWhichId = 0; switch (nScriptType) { case SCRIPTTYPE_LATIN : nLangWhichId = EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE ; break; case SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN : nLangWhichId = EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK; break; case SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX : nLangWhichId = EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CTL; break; } (*i)->pPostIt->SetLanguage( SvxLanguageItem((*i)->GetFmtFld()->GetFld()->GetLanguage(), nLangWhichId) ); } break; } } break; } } } } void SwPostItMgr::Focus(SfxBroadcaster& rBC) { if (!mpWrtShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPostIts()) { SfxRequest aRequest(mpView->GetViewFrame(),FN_VIEW_NOTES); mpView->ExecViewOptions(aRequest); } for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { // field to get the focus is the broadcaster if ( &rBC == (*i)->GetBroadCaster() ) { if ((*i)->pPostIt) { (*i)->pPostIt->GrabFocus(); MakeVisible((*i)->pPostIt); } else { // when the layout algorithm starts, this postit is created and receives focus (*i)->bFocus = true; } } } } bool SwPostItMgr::CalcRects() { if ( mnEventId ) { // if CalcRects() was forced and an event is still pending: remove it // it is superfluous and also may cause reentrance problems if triggered while layouting Application::RemoveUserEvent( mnEventId ); mnEventId = 0; } bool bChange = false; bool bRepair = false; PreparePageContainer(); if ( !mvPostItFlds.empty() ) { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { SwSidebarItem* pItem = (*i); if ( !pItem->UseElement() ) { OSL_FAIL("PostIt is not in doc or other wrong use"); bRepair = true; continue; } //save old rect and visible state SwRect aOldRect(pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPosition); SwPostItHelper::SwLayoutStatus eOldStatus = pItem->mLayoutStatus; std::vector< SwLayoutInfo > aInfo; { SwPosition aPosition = pItem->GetAnchorPosition(); pItem->mLayoutStatus = SwPostItHelper::getLayoutInfos( aInfo, aPosition ); } if( !aInfo.empty() ) { pItem->maLayoutInfo = aInfo[0]; } bChange = bChange || ( pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPosition != aOldRect ) || ( eOldStatus != pItem->mLayoutStatus ); } // show notes in right order in navigator //prevent Anchors during layout to overlap, e.g. when moving a frame Sort(SORT_POS); // sort the items into the right page vector, so layout can be done by page for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { SwSidebarItem* pItem = (*i); if( SwPostItHelper::INVISIBLE == pItem->mLayoutStatus ) { if (pItem->pPostIt) pItem->pPostIt->HideNote(); continue; } if( SwPostItHelper::HIDDEN == pItem->mLayoutStatus ) { if (!mpWrtShell->GetViewOptions()->IsShowHiddenChar()) { if (pItem->pPostIt) pItem->pPostIt->HideNote(); continue; } } const unsigned long aPageNum = pItem->maLayoutInfo.mnPageNumber; if (aPageNum > mPages.size()) { const unsigned long nNumberOfPages = mPages.size(); for (unsigned int j=0; j<aPageNum - nNumberOfPages; ++j) mPages.push_back( new SwPostItPageItem()); } mPages[aPageNum-1]->mList->push_back(pItem); mPages[aPageNum-1]->mPageRect = pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPageFrame; mPages[aPageNum-1]->eSidebarPosition = pItem->maLayoutInfo.meSidebarPosition; } if (!bChange && mpWrtShell->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::BROWSE_MODE)) { long nLayoutHeight = SwPostItHelper::getLayoutHeight( mpWrtShell->GetLayout() ); if( nLayoutHeight > mbLayoutHeight ) { if (mPages[0]->bScrollbar || HasScrollbars()) bChange = true; } else if( nLayoutHeight < mbLayoutHeight ) { if (mPages[0]->bScrollbar || !BorderOverPageBorder(1)) bChange = true; } } } if ( bRepair ) CheckForRemovedPostIts(); mbLayoutHeight = SwPostItHelper::getLayoutHeight( mpWrtShell->GetLayout() ); mbWaitingForCalcRects = false; return bChange; } bool SwPostItMgr::HasScrollbars() const { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::const_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ((*i)->bShow && (*i)->pPostIt && (*i)->pPostIt->HasScrollbar()) return true; } return false; } void SwPostItMgr::PreparePageContainer() { // we do not just delete the SwPostItPageItem, so offset/scrollbar is not lost long lPageSize = mpWrtShell->GetNumPages(); long lContainerSize = mPages.size(); if (lContainerSize < lPageSize) { for (int i=0; i<lPageSize - lContainerSize;i++) mPages.push_back( new SwPostItPageItem()); } else if (lContainerSize > lPageSize) { for (int i=mPages.size()-1; i >= lPageSize;--i) { delete mPages[i]; mPages.pop_back(); } } // only clear the list, DO NOT delete the objects itself for(std::vector<SwPostItPageItem*>::iterator i = mPages.begin(); i!= mPages.end() ; ++i) { (*i)->mList->clear(); if (mvPostItFlds.empty()) (*i)->bScrollbar = false; } } void SwPostItMgr::LayoutPostIts() { if ( !mvPostItFlds.empty() && !mbWaitingForCalcRects ) { mbLayouting = true; //loop over all pages and do the layout // - create SwPostIt if neccessary // - place SwPostIts on their initial position // - calculate neccessary height for all PostIts together bool bUpdate = false; for (unsigned long n=0;n<mPages.size();n++) { // only layout if there are notes on this page if (mPages[n]->mList->size()>0) { std::list<SwSidebarWin*> aVisiblePostItList; unsigned long lNeededHeight = 0; long mlPageBorder = 0; long mlPageEnd = 0; for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mPages[n]->mList->begin(); i!= mPages[n]->mList->end(); ++i) { SwSidebarItem* pItem = (*i); SwSidebarWin* pPostIt = pItem->pPostIt; if (mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ) { // x value for notes positioning mlPageBorder = mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point( mPages[n]->mPageRect.Left(), 0)).X() - GetSidebarWidth(true);// - GetSidebarBorderWidth(true); //bending point mlPageEnd = mpWrtShell->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::BROWSE_MODE) ? pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPagePrtArea.Left() : mPages[n]->mPageRect.Left() + 350; } else if (mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT ) { // x value for notes positioning mlPageBorder = mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point(mPages[n]->mPageRect.Right(), 0)).X() + GetSidebarBorderWidth(true); //bending point mlPageEnd = mpWrtShell->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::BROWSE_MODE) ? pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPagePrtArea.Right() : mPages[n]->mPageRect.Right() - 350; } if (pItem->bShow) { long Y = mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point(0,pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPosition.Bottom())).Y(); long aPostItHeight = 0; if (!pPostIt) { pPostIt = (*i)->GetSidebarWindow( mpView->GetEditWin(), WB_DIALOGCONTROL, *this, 0 ); pPostIt->InitControls(); pPostIt->SetReadonly(mbReadOnly); pItem->pPostIt = pPostIt; if (mpAnswer) { if (pPostIt->CalcFollow()) //do we really have another note in front of this one static_cast<sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin*>(pPostIt)->InitAnswer(mpAnswer); delete mpAnswer; mpAnswer = 0; } } pPostIt->SetChangeTracking( pItem->mLayoutStatus, GetColorAnchor(pItem->maLayoutInfo.mRedlineAuthor)); pPostIt->SetSidebarPosition(mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition); pPostIt->SetFollow(pPostIt->CalcFollow()); aPostItHeight = ( pPostIt->GetPostItTextHeight() < pPostIt->GetMinimumSizeWithoutMeta() ? pPostIt->GetMinimumSizeWithoutMeta() : pPostIt->GetPostItTextHeight() ) + pPostIt->GetMetaHeight(); pPostIt->SetPosSizePixelRect( mlPageBorder , Y - GetInitialAnchorDistance(), GetNoteWidth() , aPostItHeight, pItem->maLayoutInfo.mPosition, mlPageEnd ); pPostIt->ChangeSidebarItem( *pItem ); if (pItem->bFocus) { mbLayout = true; pPostIt->GrabFocus(); pItem->bFocus = false; } // only the visible postits are used for the final layout aVisiblePostItList.push_back(pPostIt); lNeededHeight += pPostIt->IsFollow() ? aPostItHeight : aPostItHeight+GetSpaceBetween(); } else // we don't want to see it { if (pPostIt) pPostIt->HideNote(); } } if ((!aVisiblePostItList.empty()) && ShowNotes()) { bool bOldScrollbar = mPages[n]->bScrollbar; if (ShowNotes()) mPages[n]->bScrollbar = LayoutByPage(aVisiblePostItList, mPages[n]->mPageRect.SVRect(), lNeededHeight); else mPages[n]->bScrollbar = false; if (!mPages[n]->bScrollbar) { mPages[n]->lOffset = 0; } else { //when we changed our zoom level, the offset value can be to big, so lets check for the largest possible zoom value long aAvailableHeight = mpEditWin->LogicToPixel(Size(0,mPages[n]->mPageRect.Height())).Height() - 2 * GetSidebarScrollerHeight(); long lOffset = -1 * GetScrollSize() * (aVisiblePostItList.size() - aAvailableHeight / GetScrollSize()); if (mPages[n]->lOffset < lOffset) mPages[n]->lOffset = lOffset; } bUpdate = (bOldScrollbar != mPages[n]->bScrollbar) || bUpdate; const long aSidebarheight = mPages[n]->bScrollbar ? mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height() : 0; /* TODO - enlarge all notes till GetNextBorder(), as we resized to average value before */ //lets hide the ones which overlap the page for(SwSidebarWin_iterator i = aVisiblePostItList.begin(); i!= aVisiblePostItList.end() ; ++i) { if (mPages[n]->lOffset != 0) (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(mPages[n]->lOffset); bool bBottom = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,(*i)->VirtualPos().Y()+(*i)->VirtualSize().Height())).Y() <= (mPages[n]->mPageRect.Bottom()-aSidebarheight); bool bTop = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,(*i)->VirtualPos().Y())).Y() >= (mPages[n]->mPageRect.Top()+aSidebarheight); if ( bBottom && bTop ) { (*i)->ShowNote(); } else { if (mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,(*i)->VirtualPos().Y())).Y() < (mPages[n]->mPageRect.Top()+aSidebarheight)) { if ( mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ) (*i)->ShowAnchorOnly(Point( mPages[n]->mPageRect.Left(), mPages[n]->mPageRect.Top())); else if ( mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT ) (*i)->ShowAnchorOnly(Point( mPages[n]->mPageRect.Right(), mPages[n]->mPageRect.Top())); } else { if ( mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ) (*i)->ShowAnchorOnly(Point(mPages[n]->mPageRect.Left(), mPages[n]->mPageRect.Bottom())); else if ( mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT ) (*i)->ShowAnchorOnly(Point(mPages[n]->mPageRect.Right(), mPages[n]->mPageRect.Bottom())); } OSL_ENSURE(mPages[n]->bScrollbar,"SwPostItMgr::LayoutByPage(): note overlaps, but bScrollbar is not true"); } } } else { for(SwSidebarWin_iterator i = aVisiblePostItList.begin(); i!= aVisiblePostItList.end() ; ++i) (*i)->SetPosAndSize(); bool bOldScrollbar = mPages[n]->bScrollbar; mPages[n]->bScrollbar = false; bUpdate = (bOldScrollbar != mPages[n]->bScrollbar) || bUpdate; } aVisiblePostItList.clear(); } else { bUpdate = true; mPages[n]->bScrollbar = false; } } if (!ShowNotes()) { // we do not want to see the notes anymore -> Options-Writer-View-Notes bool bRepair = false; for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { SwSidebarItem* pItem = (*i); if ( !pItem->UseElement() ) { OSL_FAIL("PostIt is not in doc!"); bRepair = true; continue; } if ((*i)->pPostIt) { (*i)->pPostIt->HideNote(); if ((*i)->pPostIt->HasChildPathFocus()) { SetActiveSidebarWin(0); (*i)->pPostIt->GrabFocusToDocument(); } } } if ( bRepair ) CheckForRemovedPostIts(); } // notes scrollbar is otherwise not drawn correctly for some cases // scrollbar area is enough if (bUpdate) mpEditWin->Invalidate(); mbLayouting = false; } } bool SwPostItMgr::BorderOverPageBorder(unsigned long aPage) const { if ( mPages[aPage-1]->mList->empty() ) { OSL_FAIL("Notes SidePane painted but no rects and page lists calculated!"); return false; } SwSidebarItem_iterator aItem = mPages[aPage-1]->mList->end(); --aItem; OSL_ENSURE ((*aItem)->pPostIt,"BorderOverPageBorder: NULL postIt, should never happen"); if ((*aItem)->pPostIt) { const long aSidebarheight = mPages[aPage-1]->bScrollbar ? mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height() : 0; const long aEndValue = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,(*aItem)->pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y()+(*aItem)->pPostIt->GetSizePixel().Height())).Y(); return aEndValue <= mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Bottom()-aSidebarheight; } else return false; } void SwPostItMgr::Scroll(const long lScroll,const unsigned long aPage) { OSL_ENSURE((lScroll % GetScrollSize() )==0,"SwPostItMgr::Scroll: scrolling by wrong value"); // do not scroll more than neccessary up or down if ( ((mPages[aPage-1]->lOffset == 0) && (lScroll>0)) || ( BorderOverPageBorder(aPage) && (lScroll<0)) ) return; const bool bOldUp = ArrowEnabled(KEY_PAGEUP,aPage); const bool bOldDown = ArrowEnabled(KEY_PAGEDOWN,aPage); const long aSidebarheight = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height(); for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mPages[aPage-1]->mList->begin(); i!= mPages[aPage-1]->mList->end(); ++i) { SwSidebarWin* pPostIt = (*i)->pPostIt; // if this is an answer, we should take the normal position and not the real, slightly moved position pPostIt->SetVirtualPosSize(pPostIt->GetPosPixel(),pPostIt->GetSizePixel()); pPostIt->TranslateTopPosition(lScroll); if ((*i)->bShow) { bool bBottom = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,pPostIt->VirtualPos().Y()+pPostIt->VirtualSize().Height())).Y() <= (mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Bottom()-aSidebarheight); bool bTop = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,pPostIt->VirtualPos().Y())).Y() >= (mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Top()+aSidebarheight); if ( bBottom && bTop) { pPostIt->ShowNote(); } else { if ( mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,pPostIt->VirtualPos().Y())).Y() < (mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Top()+aSidebarheight)) { if (mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT) pPostIt->ShowAnchorOnly(Point(mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Left(),mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Top())); else if (mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT) pPostIt->ShowAnchorOnly(Point(mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Right(),mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Top())); } else { if (mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT) pPostIt->ShowAnchorOnly(Point(mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Left(),mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Bottom())); else if (mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT) pPostIt->ShowAnchorOnly(Point(mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Right(),mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Bottom())); } } } } mPages[aPage-1]->lOffset += lScroll; if ( (bOldUp != ArrowEnabled(KEY_PAGEUP,aPage)) ||(bOldDown != ArrowEnabled(KEY_PAGEDOWN,aPage)) ) { mpEditWin->Invalidate(GetBottomScrollRect(aPage)); mpEditWin->Invalidate(GetTopScrollRect(aPage)); } } void SwPostItMgr::AutoScroll(const SwSidebarWin* pPostIt,const unsigned long aPage ) { // otherwise all notes are visible if (mPages[aPage-1]->bScrollbar) { const long aSidebarheight = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height(); const bool bBottom = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y()+pPostIt->GetSizePixel().Height())).Y() <= (mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Bottom()-aSidebarheight); const bool bTop = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Point(0,pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y())).Y() >= (mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Top()+aSidebarheight); if ( !(bBottom && bTop)) { const long aDiff = bBottom ? mpEditWin->LogicToPixel(Point(0,mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Top() + aSidebarheight)).Y() - pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y() : mpEditWin->LogicToPixel(Point(0,mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect.Bottom() - aSidebarheight)).Y() - (pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y()+pPostIt->GetSizePixel().Height()); // this just adds the missing value to get the next a* GetScrollSize() after aDiff // e.g aDiff= 61 POSTIT_SCOLL=50 --> lScroll = 100 const long lScroll = bBottom ? (aDiff + ( GetScrollSize() - (aDiff % GetScrollSize()))) : (aDiff - (GetScrollSize() + (aDiff % GetScrollSize()))); Scroll(lScroll, aPage); } } } void SwPostItMgr::MakeVisible(const SwSidebarWin* pPostIt,long aPage ) { if (aPage == -1) { // we dont know the page yet, lets find it ourselves for (unsigned long n=0;n<mPages.size();n++) { if (mPages[n]->mList->size()>0) { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mPages[n]->mList->begin(); i!= mPages[n]->mList->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->pPostIt==pPostIt) { aPage = n+1; break; } } } } } if (aPage!=-1) AutoScroll(pPostIt,aPage); Rectangle aNoteRect (Point(pPostIt->GetPosPixel().X(),pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y()-5),pPostIt->GetSizePixel()); if (!aNoteRect.IsEmpty()) mpWrtShell->MakeVisible(SwRect(mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(aNoteRect))); } bool SwPostItMgr::ArrowEnabled(sal_uInt16 aDirection,unsigned long aPage) const { switch (aDirection) { case KEY_PAGEUP: { return (mPages[aPage-1]->lOffset != 0); } case KEY_PAGEDOWN: { return (!BorderOverPageBorder(aPage)); } default: return false; } } Color SwPostItMgr::GetArrowColor(sal_uInt16 aDirection,unsigned long aPage) const { if (ArrowEnabled(aDirection,aPage)) { if (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode()) return Color(COL_WHITE); else return COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_ARROW_ENABLED; } else { return COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_ARROW_DISABLED; } } bool SwPostItMgr::LayoutByPage(std::list<SwSidebarWin*> &aVisiblePostItList,const Rectangle aBorder, long lNeededHeight) { /*** General layout idea:***/ // - if we have space left, we always move the current one up, // otherwise the next one down // - first all notes are resized // - then the real layout starts /*************************************************************/ //rBorder is the page rect const Rectangle rBorder = mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( aBorder); long lTopBorder = rBorder.Top() + 5; long lBottomBorder = rBorder.Bottom() - 5; const long lVisibleHeight = lBottomBorder - lTopBorder; //rBorder.GetHeight() ; long lSpaceUsed = 0; long lTranslatePos = 0; int loop = 0; bool bScrollbars = false; // do all neccessary resizings if (lVisibleHeight < lNeededHeight) { // ok, now we have to really resize and adding scrollbars const long lAverageHeight = (lVisibleHeight - aVisiblePostItList.size()*GetSpaceBetween()) / aVisiblePostItList.size(); if (lAverageHeight<GetMinimumSizeWithMeta()) { bScrollbars = true; lTopBorder += GetSidebarScrollerHeight() + 10; lBottomBorder -= (GetSidebarScrollerHeight() + 10); for(SwSidebarWin_iterator i = aVisiblePostItList.begin(); i!= aVisiblePostItList.end() ; ++i) (*i)->SetSize(Size((*i)->VirtualSize().getWidth(),(*i)->GetMinimumSizeWithMeta())); } else { for(SwSidebarWin_iterator i = aVisiblePostItList.begin(); i!= aVisiblePostItList.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->VirtualSize().getHeight() > lAverageHeight) (*i)->SetSize(Size((*i)->VirtualSize().getWidth(),lAverageHeight)); } } } //start the real layout so nothing overlaps anymore if (aVisiblePostItList.size()>1) { bool bDone = false; // if no window is moved anymore we are finished while (!bDone) { loop++; bDone = true; lSpaceUsed = lTopBorder + GetSpaceBetween(); for(SwSidebarWin_iterator i = aVisiblePostItList.begin(); i!= aVisiblePostItList.end() ; ++i) { SwSidebarWin_iterator aNextPostIt = i; ++aNextPostIt; if (aNextPostIt !=aVisiblePostItList.end()) { lTranslatePos = ( (*i)->VirtualPos().Y() + (*i)->VirtualSize().Height()) - (*aNextPostIt)->VirtualPos().Y(); if (lTranslatePos > 0) // note windows overlaps the next one { // we are not done yet, loop at least once more bDone = false; // if there is space left, move the current note up // it could also happen that there is no space left for the first note due to a scrollbar // then we also jump into, so we move the current one up and the next one down if ( (lSpaceUsed <= (*i)->VirtualPos().Y()) || (i==aVisiblePostItList.begin())) { // we have space left, so let's move the current one up if ( ((*i)->VirtualPos().Y()- lTranslatePos - GetSpaceBetween()) > lTopBorder) { if ((*aNextPostIt)->IsFollow()) (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(-1*(lTranslatePos+ANCHORLINE_WIDTH)); else (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(-1*(lTranslatePos+GetSpaceBetween())); } else { long lMoveUp = (*i)->VirtualPos().Y() - lTopBorder; (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(-1* lMoveUp); if ((*aNextPostIt)->IsFollow()) (*aNextPostIt)->TranslateTopPosition( (lTranslatePos+ANCHORLINE_WIDTH) - lMoveUp); else (*aNextPostIt)->TranslateTopPosition( (lTranslatePos+GetSpaceBetween()) - lMoveUp); } } else { // no space left, left move the next one down if ((*aNextPostIt)->IsFollow()) (*aNextPostIt)->TranslateTopPosition(lTranslatePos+ANCHORLINE_WIDTH); else (*aNextPostIt)->TranslateTopPosition(lTranslatePos+GetSpaceBetween()); } } else { // the first one could overlap the topborder instead of a second note if (i==aVisiblePostItList.begin()) { long lMoveDown = lTopBorder - (*i)->VirtualPos().Y(); if (lMoveDown>0) { bDone = false; (*i)->TranslateTopPosition( lMoveDown); } } } if (aNextPostIt !=aVisiblePostItList.end() && (*aNextPostIt)->IsFollow()) lSpaceUsed += (*i)->VirtualSize().Height() + ANCHORLINE_WIDTH; else lSpaceUsed += (*i)->VirtualSize().Height() + GetSpaceBetween(); } else { //(*i) is the last visible item SwSidebarWin_iterator aPrevPostIt = i; --aPrevPostIt; lTranslatePos = ( (*aPrevPostIt)->VirtualPos().Y() + (*aPrevPostIt)->VirtualSize().Height() ) - (*i)->VirtualPos().Y(); if (lTranslatePos > 0) { bDone = false; if ( ((*i)->VirtualPos().Y()+ (*i)->VirtualSize().Height()+lTranslatePos) < lBottomBorder) { if ( (*i)->IsFollow() ) (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(lTranslatePos+ANCHORLINE_WIDTH); else (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(lTranslatePos+GetSpaceBetween()); } else { (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(lBottomBorder - ((*i)->VirtualPos().Y()+ (*i)->VirtualSize().Height()) ); } } else { // note does not overlap, but we might be over the lower border // only do this if there are no scrollbars, otherwise notes are supposed to overlap the border if (!bScrollbars && ((*i)->VirtualPos().Y()+ (*i)->VirtualSize().Height() > lBottomBorder) ) { bDone = false; (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(lBottomBorder - ((*i)->VirtualPos().Y()+ (*i)->VirtualSize().Height())); } } } } // security check so we don't loop forever if (loop>MAX_LOOP_COUNT) { OSL_FAIL("PostItMgr::Layout(): We are looping forever"); break; } } } else { // only one left, make sure it is not hidden at the top or bottom SwSidebarWin_iterator i = aVisiblePostItList.begin(); lTranslatePos = lTopBorder - (*i)->VirtualPos().Y(); if (lTranslatePos>0) { (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(lTranslatePos+GetSpaceBetween()); } lTranslatePos = lBottomBorder - ((*i)->VirtualPos().Y()+ (*i)->VirtualSize().Height()); if (lTranslatePos<0) { (*i)->TranslateTopPosition(lTranslatePos); } } return bScrollbars; } void SwPostItMgr::AddPostIts(bool bCheckExistance, bool bFocus) { bool bEmpty = mvPostItFlds.empty(); SwFieldType* pType = mpView->GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->GetFldType(RES_POSTITFLD, aEmptyStr,false); SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *pType ); SwFmtFld* pSwFmtFld = aIter.First(); while(pSwFmtFld) { if ( pSwFmtFld->GetTxtFld()) { if ( pSwFmtFld->IsFldInDoc() ) InsertItem(pSwFmtFld,bCheckExistance,bFocus); } pSwFmtFld = aIter.Next(); } // if we just added the first one we have to update the view for centering if (bEmpty && !mvPostItFlds.empty()) PrepareView(true); } void SwPostItMgr::RemoveSidebarWin() { if (!mvPostItFlds.empty()) { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { EndListening( *((*i)->GetBroadCaster()) ); if ((*i)->pPostIt) delete (*i)->pPostIt; delete (*i); } mvPostItFlds.clear(); } // all postits removed, no items should be left in pages PreparePageContainer(); } // copy to new vector, otherwise RemoveItem would operate and delete stuff on mvPostItFlds as well // RemoveItem will clean up the core field and visible postit if neccessary // we cannot just delete everything as before, as postits could move into change tracking void SwPostItMgr::Delete(String aAuthor) { mpWrtShell->StartAllAction(); if ( HasActiveSidebarWin() && (GetActiveSidebarWin()->GetAuthor()==aAuthor) ) { SetActiveSidebarWin(0); } SwRewriter aRewriter; String aUndoString = SW_RES(STR_DELETE_AUTHOR_NOTES); aUndoString += aAuthor; aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg1, aUndoString); mpWrtShell->StartUndo( UNDO_DELETE, &aRewriter ); std::vector<SwFmtFld*> aTmp; aTmp.reserve( mvPostItFlds.size() ); for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator pPostIt = mvPostItFlds.begin(); pPostIt!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++pPostIt) { if ((*pPostIt)->GetFmtFld() && ((*pPostIt)->pPostIt->GetAuthor() == aAuthor) ) aTmp.push_back( (*pPostIt)->GetFmtFld() ); } for(std::vector<SwFmtFld*>::iterator i = aTmp.begin(); i!= aTmp.end() ; ++i) { mpWrtShell->GotoField( *(*i) ); mpWrtShell->DelRight(); } mpWrtShell->EndUndo(); PrepareView(); mpWrtShell->EndAllAction(); mbLayout = true; CalcRects(); LayoutPostIts(); } void SwPostItMgr::Delete() { mpWrtShell->StartAllAction(); SetActiveSidebarWin(0); SwRewriter aRewriter; aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg1, SW_RES(STR_DELETE_ALL_NOTES) ); mpWrtShell->StartUndo( UNDO_DELETE, &aRewriter ); std::vector<SwFmtFld*> aTmp; aTmp.reserve( mvPostItFlds.size() ); for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator pPostIt = mvPostItFlds.begin(); pPostIt!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++pPostIt) { if ((*pPostIt)->GetFmtFld()) aTmp.push_back( (*pPostIt)->GetFmtFld() ); } for(std::vector<SwFmtFld*>::iterator i = aTmp.begin(); i!= aTmp.end() ; ++i) { mpWrtShell->GotoField( *(*i) ); mpWrtShell->DelRight(); } mpWrtShell->EndUndo(); PrepareView(); mpWrtShell->EndAllAction(); mbLayout = true; CalcRects(); LayoutPostIts(); } void SwPostItMgr::Hide( const String& rAuthor ) { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->pPostIt && ((*i)->pPostIt->GetAuthor() == rAuthor) ) { (*i)->bShow = false; (*i)->pPostIt->HideNote(); } } LayoutPostIts(); } void SwPostItMgr::Hide() { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { (*i)->bShow = false; (*i)->pPostIt->HideNote(); } } void SwPostItMgr::Show() { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { (*i)->bShow = true; } LayoutPostIts(); } void SwPostItMgr::Sort(const short aType) { if (mvPostItFlds.size()>1 ) { switch (aType) { case SORT_POS: mvPostItFlds.sort(comp_pos); break; } } } SwSidebarWin* SwPostItMgr::GetSidebarWin( const SfxBroadcaster* pBroadcaster) const { for(const_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetBroadCaster() == pBroadcaster) return (*i)->pPostIt; } return NULL; } sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* SwPostItMgr::GetAnnotationWin(const SwPostItField* pFld) const { for(const_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetFmtFld() && ((*i)->GetFmtFld()->GetFld() == pFld)) return dynamic_cast<sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin*>((*i)->pPostIt); } return NULL; } SwSidebarWin* SwPostItMgr::GetNextPostIt( sal_uInt16 aDirection, SwSidebarWin* aPostIt ) { if (mvPostItFlds.size()>1) { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { if ( (*i)->pPostIt ==aPostIt) { SwSidebarItem_iterator iNextPostIt = i; if (aDirection==KEY_PAGEUP) { if ( iNextPostIt==mvPostItFlds.begin() ) { return NULL; } --iNextPostIt; } else { ++iNextPostIt; if ( iNextPostIt==mvPostItFlds.end() ) { return NULL; } } // lets quit, we are back at the beginng if ( (*iNextPostIt)->pPostIt==aPostIt) return NULL; return (*iNextPostIt)->pPostIt; } } return NULL; } else return NULL; } long SwPostItMgr::GetNextBorder() { for (unsigned long n=0;n<mPages.size();n++) { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator b = mPages[n]->mList->begin(); b!= mPages[n]->mList->end(); ++b) { if ((*b)->pPostIt == mpActivePostIt) { SwSidebarItem_iterator aNext = b; ++aNext; bool bFollow = (aNext == mPages[n]->mList->end()) ? false : (*aNext)->pPostIt->IsFollow(); if ( mPages[n]->bScrollbar || bFollow ) { return -1; } else { //if this is the last item, return the bottom border otherwise the next item if (aNext == mPages[n]->mList->end()) return mpEditWin->LogicToPixel(Point(0,mPages[n]->mPageRect.Bottom())).Y() - GetSpaceBetween(); else return (*aNext)->pPostIt->GetPosPixel().Y() - GetSpaceBetween(); } } } } OSL_FAIL("SwPostItMgr::GetNextBorder(): We have to find a next border here"); return -1; } void SwPostItMgr::SetShadowState(const SwPostItField* pFld,bool bCursor) { if (pFld) { if (pFld !=mShadowState.mpShadowFld) { if (mShadowState.mpShadowFld) { // reset old one if still alive // TODO: does not work properly if mouse and cursor was set sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pOldPostIt = GetAnnotationWin(mShadowState.mpShadowFld); if (pOldPostIt && pOldPostIt->Shadow() && (pOldPostIt->Shadow()->GetShadowState() != SS_EDIT)) pOldPostIt->SetViewState(VS_NORMAL); } //set new one, if it is not currently edited sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pNewPostIt = GetAnnotationWin(pFld); if (pNewPostIt && pNewPostIt->Shadow() && (pNewPostIt->Shadow()->GetShadowState() != SS_EDIT)) { pNewPostIt->SetViewState(VS_VIEW); //remember our new field mShadowState.mpShadowFld = pFld; mShadowState.bCursor = false; mShadowState.bMouse = false; } } if (bCursor) mShadowState.bCursor = true; else mShadowState.bMouse = true; } else { if (mShadowState.mpShadowFld) { if (bCursor) mShadowState.bCursor = false; else mShadowState.bMouse = false; if (!mShadowState.bCursor && !mShadowState.bMouse) { // reset old one if still alive sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pOldPostIt = GetAnnotationWin(mShadowState.mpShadowFld); if (pOldPostIt && pOldPostIt->Shadow() && (pOldPostIt->Shadow()->GetShadowState() != SS_EDIT)) { pOldPostIt->SetViewState(VS_NORMAL); mShadowState.mpShadowFld = 0; } } } } } void SwPostItMgr::PrepareView(bool bIgnoreCount) { if (!HasNotes() || bIgnoreCount) { mpWrtShell->StartAllAction(); SwRootFrm* pLayout = mpWrtShell->GetLayout(); if ( pLayout ) SwPostItHelper::setSidebarChanged( pLayout, mpWrtShell->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get( IDocumentSettingAccess::BROWSE_MODE ) ); mpWrtShell->EndAllAction(); } } bool SwPostItMgr::ShowScrollbar(const unsigned long aPage) const { if (mPages.size() > aPage-1) return (mPages[aPage-1]->bScrollbar && !mbWaitingForCalcRects); else return false; } bool SwPostItMgr::IsHit(const Point &aPointPixel) { if (HasNotes() && ShowNotes()) { const Point aPoint = mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(aPointPixel); const SwRootFrm* pLayout = mpWrtShell->GetLayout(); SwRect aPageFrm; const unsigned long nPageNum = SwPostItHelper::getPageInfo( aPageFrm, pLayout, aPoint ); if( nPageNum ) { Rectangle aRect; OSL_ENSURE(mPages.size()>nPageNum-1,"SwPostitMgr:: page container size wrong"); aRect = mPages[nPageNum-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ? Rectangle(Point(aPageFrm.Left()-GetSidebarWidth()-GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageFrm.Top()),Size(GetSidebarWidth(),aPageFrm.Height())) : Rectangle( Point(aPageFrm.Right()+GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageFrm.Top()) , Size(GetSidebarWidth(),aPageFrm.Height())); if (aRect.IsInside(aPoint)) { // we hit the note's sidebar // lets now test for the arrow area if (mPages[nPageNum-1]->bScrollbar) return ScrollbarHit(nPageNum,aPoint); else return false; } } } return false; } Rectangle SwPostItMgr::GetBottomScrollRect(const unsigned long aPage) const { SwRect aPageRect = mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect; Point aPointBottom = mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ? Point(aPageRect.Left() - GetSidebarWidth() - GetSidebarBorderWidth() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Bottom()- mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2+GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()) : Point(aPageRect.Right() + GetSidebarBorderWidth() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Bottom()- mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2+GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()); Size aSize(GetSidebarWidth() - mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(4,0)).Width(), mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()) ; return Rectangle(aPointBottom,aSize); } Rectangle SwPostItMgr::GetTopScrollRect(const unsigned long aPage) const { SwRect aPageRect = mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect; Point aPointTop = mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ? Point(aPageRect.Left() - GetSidebarWidth() -GetSidebarBorderWidth()+ mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Top() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2)).Height()) : Point(aPageRect.Right() + GetSidebarBorderWidth() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Top() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2)).Height()); Size aSize(GetSidebarWidth() - mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(4,0)).Width(), mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()) ; return Rectangle(aPointTop,aSize); } //IMPORTANT: if you change the rects here, also change SwPageFrm::PaintNotesSidebar() bool SwPostItMgr::ScrollbarHit(const unsigned long aPage,const Point &aPoint) { SwRect aPageRect = mPages[aPage-1]->mPageRect; Point aPointBottom = mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ? Point(aPageRect.Left() - GetSidebarWidth()-GetSidebarBorderWidth() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Bottom()- mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2+GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()) : Point(aPageRect.Right() + GetSidebarBorderWidth()+ mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Bottom()- mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2+GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()); Point aPointTop = mPages[aPage-1]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ? Point(aPageRect.Left() - GetSidebarWidth()-GetSidebarBorderWidth()+ mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Top() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2)).Height()) : Point(aPageRect.Right()+GetSidebarBorderWidth()+ mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Top() + mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2)).Height()); Rectangle aRectBottom(GetBottomScrollRect(aPage)); Rectangle aRectTop(GetTopScrollRect(aPage)); if (aRectBottom.IsInside(aPoint)) { if (aPoint.X() < long((aPointBottom.X() + GetSidebarWidth()/3))) Scroll( GetScrollSize(),aPage); else Scroll( -1*GetScrollSize(), aPage); return true; } else if (aRectTop.IsInside(aPoint)) { if (aPoint.X() < long((aPointTop.X() + GetSidebarWidth()/3*2))) Scroll(GetScrollSize(), aPage); else Scroll(-1*GetScrollSize(), aPage); return true; } return false; } void SwPostItMgr::CorrectPositions() { if ( mbWaitingForCalcRects || mbLayouting || mvPostItFlds.empty() ) return; // find first valid note SwSidebarWin *pFirstPostIt = 0; for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) { pFirstPostIt = (*i)->pPostIt; if (pFirstPostIt) break; } //if we have not found a valid note, forget about it and leave if (!pFirstPostIt) return; // yeah, I know, if this is a left page it could be wrong, but finding the page and the note is probably not even faster than just doing it // check, if anchor overlay object exists. const long aAnchorX = pFirstPostIt->Anchor() ? mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point((long)(pFirstPostIt->Anchor()->GetSixthPosition().getX()),0)).X() : 0; const long aAnchorY = pFirstPostIt->Anchor() ? mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point(0,(long)(pFirstPostIt->Anchor()->GetSixthPosition().getY()))).Y() + 1 : 0; if (Point(aAnchorX,aAnchorY) != pFirstPostIt->GetPosPixel()) { long aAnchorPosX = 0; long aAnchorPosY = 0; for (unsigned long n=0;n<mPages.size();n++) { for(SwSidebarItem_iterator i = mPages[n]->mList->begin(); i!= mPages[n]->mList->end(); ++i) { // check, if anchor overlay object exists. if ( (*i)->bShow && (*i)->pPostIt && (*i)->pPostIt->Anchor() ) { aAnchorPosX = mPages[n]->eSidebarPosition == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_LEFT ? mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point((long)((*i)->pPostIt->Anchor()->GetSeventhPosition().getX()),0)).X() : mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point((long)((*i)->pPostIt->Anchor()->GetSixthPosition().getX()),0)).X(); aAnchorPosY = mpEditWin->LogicToPixel( Point(0,(long)((*i)->pPostIt->Anchor()->GetSixthPosition().getY()))).Y() + 1; (*i)->pPostIt->SetPosPixel(Point(aAnchorPosX,aAnchorPosY)); } } } } } bool SwPostItMgr::ShowNotes() const { // we only want to see notes if Options - Writer - View - Notes is ticked return mpWrtShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPostIts(); } bool SwPostItMgr::HasNotes() const { return !mvPostItFlds.empty(); } unsigned long SwPostItMgr::GetSidebarWidth(bool bPx) const { unsigned long aWidth = (unsigned long)(mpWrtShell->GetViewOptions()->GetZoom() * 1.8); if (bPx) return aWidth; else return mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size( aWidth ,0)).Width(); } unsigned long SwPostItMgr::GetSidebarBorderWidth(bool bPx) const { if (bPx) return 2; else return mpEditWin->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(); } unsigned long SwPostItMgr::GetNoteWidth() { return GetSidebarWidth(true); } Color SwPostItMgr::GetColorDark(sal_uInt16 aAuthorIndex) { if (!Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode()) { static const Color aArrayNormal[] = { COL_AUTHOR1_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR2_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR3_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR4_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR5_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR6_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR7_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR8_NORMAL, COL_AUTHOR9_NORMAL }; return Color( aArrayNormal[ aAuthorIndex % (sizeof( aArrayNormal )/ sizeof( aArrayNormal[0] ))]); } else return Color(COL_WHITE); } Color SwPostItMgr::GetColorLight(sal_uInt16 aAuthorIndex) { if (!Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode()) { static const Color aArrayLight[] = { COL_AUTHOR1_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR2_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR3_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR4_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR5_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR6_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR7_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR8_LIGHT, COL_AUTHOR9_LIGHT }; return Color( aArrayLight[ aAuthorIndex % (sizeof( aArrayLight )/ sizeof( aArrayLight[0] ))]); } else return Color(COL_WHITE); } Color SwPostItMgr::GetColorAnchor(sal_uInt16 aAuthorIndex) { if (!Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode()) { static const Color aArrayAnchor[] = { COL_AUTHOR1_DARK, COL_AUTHOR2_DARK, COL_AUTHOR3_DARK, COL_AUTHOR4_DARK, COL_AUTHOR5_DARK, COL_AUTHOR6_DARK, COL_AUTHOR7_DARK, COL_AUTHOR8_DARK, COL_AUTHOR9_DARK }; return Color( aArrayAnchor[ aAuthorIndex % (sizeof( aArrayAnchor ) / sizeof( aArrayAnchor[0] ))]); } else return Color(COL_WHITE); } void SwPostItMgr::SetActiveSidebarWin( SwSidebarWin* p) { if ( p != mpActivePostIt ) { // we need the temp variable so we can set mpActivePostIt before we call DeactivatePostIt // therefore we get a new layout in DOCCHANGED when switching from postit to document, // otherwise, GetActivePostIt() would still hold our old postit SwSidebarWin* pActive = mpActivePostIt; mpActivePostIt = p; if (pActive) { pActive->DeactivatePostIt(); mShadowState.mpShadowFld = 0; } if (mpActivePostIt) { mpActivePostIt->GotoPos(); mpView->AttrChangedNotify(0); mpActivePostIt->ActivatePostIt(); } } } IMPL_LINK( SwPostItMgr, CalcHdl, void*, /* pVoid*/ ) { mnEventId = 0; if ( mbLayouting ) { OSL_FAIL("Reentrance problem in Layout Manager!"); mbWaitingForCalcRects = false; return 0; } // do not change order, even if it would seem so in the first place, we need the calcrects always if (CalcRects() || mbLayout) { mbLayout = false; LayoutPostIts(); } return 0; } void SwPostItMgr::Rescale() { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) if ( (*i)->pPostIt ) (*i)->pPostIt->Rescale(); } sal_Int32 SwPostItMgr::GetInitialAnchorDistance() const { const Fraction& f( mpEditWin->GetMapMode().GetScaleY() ); return POSTIT_INITIAL_ANCHOR_DISTANCE * f.GetNumerator() / f.GetDenominator(); } sal_Int32 SwPostItMgr::GetSpaceBetween() const { const Fraction& f( mpEditWin->GetMapMode().GetScaleY() ); return ( POSTIT_SPACE_BETWEEN ) * f.GetNumerator() / f.GetDenominator(); } sal_Int32 SwPostItMgr::GetScrollSize() const { const Fraction& f( mpEditWin->GetMapMode().GetScaleY() ); return ( POSTIT_SPACE_BETWEEN + POSTIT_MINIMUMSIZE_WITH_META ) * f.GetNumerator() / f.GetDenominator(); } sal_Int32 SwPostItMgr::GetMinimumSizeWithMeta() const { const Fraction& f( mpEditWin->GetMapMode().GetScaleY() ); return POSTIT_MINIMUMSIZE_WITH_META * f.GetNumerator() / f.GetDenominator(); } sal_Int32 SwPostItMgr::GetSidebarScrollerHeight() const { const Fraction& f( mpEditWin->GetMapMode().GetScaleY() ); return POSTIT_SCROLL_SIDEBAR_HEIGHT * f.GetNumerator() / f.GetDenominator(); } void SwPostItMgr::SetSpellChecking() { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) if ( (*i)->pPostIt ) (*i)->pPostIt->SetSpellChecking(); } void SwPostItMgr::SetReadOnlyState() { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) if ( (*i)->pPostIt ) (*i)->pPostIt->SetReadonly( mbReadOnly ); } void SwPostItMgr::CheckMetaText() { for(std::list<SwSidebarItem*>::iterator i = mvPostItFlds.begin(); i!= mvPostItFlds.end() ; ++i) if ( (*i)->pPostIt ) (*i)->pPostIt->CheckMetaText(); } sal_uInt16 SwPostItMgr::Replace(SvxSearchItem* pItem) { SwSidebarWin* pWin = GetActiveSidebarWin(); sal_uInt16 aResult = pWin->GetOutlinerView()->StartSearchAndReplace( *pItem ); if (!aResult) SetActiveSidebarWin(0); return aResult; } sal_uInt16 SwPostItMgr::FinishSearchReplace(const ::com::sun::star::util::SearchOptions& rSearchOptions, bool bSrchForward) { SwSidebarWin* pWin = GetActiveSidebarWin(); SvxSearchItem aItem(SID_SEARCH_ITEM ); aItem.SetSearchOptions(rSearchOptions); aItem.SetBackward(!bSrchForward); sal_uInt16 aResult = pWin->GetOutlinerView()->StartSearchAndReplace( aItem ); if (!aResult) SetActiveSidebarWin(0); return aResult; } sal_uInt16 SwPostItMgr::SearchReplace(const SwFmtFld &pFld, const ::com::sun::star::util::SearchOptions& rSearchOptions, bool bSrchForward) { sal_uInt16 aResult = 0; SwSidebarWin* pWin = GetSidebarWin(&pFld); if (pWin) { ESelection aOldSelection = pWin->GetOutlinerView()->GetSelection(); if (bSrchForward) pWin->GetOutlinerView()->SetSelection(ESelection(0,0,0,0)); else pWin->GetOutlinerView()->SetSelection(ESelection(0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF)); SvxSearchItem aItem(SID_SEARCH_ITEM ); aItem.SetSearchOptions(rSearchOptions); aItem.SetBackward(!bSrchForward); aResult = pWin->GetOutlinerView()->StartSearchAndReplace( aItem ); if (!aResult) pWin->GetOutlinerView()->SetSelection(aOldSelection); else { SetActiveSidebarWin(pWin); MakeVisible(pWin); } } return aResult; } void SwPostItMgr::AssureStdModeAtShell() { // deselect any drawing or frame and leave editing mode SdrView* pSdrView = mpWrtShell->GetDrawView(); if ( pSdrView && pSdrView->IsTextEdit() ) { sal_Bool bLockView = mpWrtShell->IsViewLocked(); mpWrtShell->LockView( sal_True ); mpWrtShell->EndTextEdit(); mpWrtShell->LockView( bLockView ); } if( mpWrtShell->IsSelFrmMode() || mpWrtShell->IsObjSelected()) { mpWrtShell->UnSelectFrm(); mpWrtShell->LeaveSelFrmMode(); mpWrtShell->GetView().LeaveDrawCreate(); mpWrtShell->EnterStdMode(); mpWrtShell->DrawSelChanged(); mpView->StopShellTimer(); } } bool SwPostItMgr::HasActiveSidebarWin() const { return mpActivePostIt != 0; } bool SwPostItMgr::HasActiveAnnotationWin() const { return HasActiveSidebarWin() && dynamic_cast<sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin*>(mpActivePostIt) != 0; } void SwPostItMgr::GrabFocusOnActiveSidebarWin() { if ( HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { mpActivePostIt->GrabFocus(); } } void SwPostItMgr::UpdateDataOnActiveSidebarWin() { if ( HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { mpActivePostIt->UpdateData(); } } void SwPostItMgr::DeleteActiveSidebarWin() { if ( HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { mpActivePostIt->Delete(); } } void SwPostItMgr::HideActiveSidebarWin() { if ( HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { mpActivePostIt->Hide(); } } void SwPostItMgr::ToggleInsModeOnActiveSidebarWin() { if ( HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { mpActivePostIt->ToggleInsMode(); } } void SwPostItMgr::ConnectSidebarWinToFrm( const SwFrm& rFrm, const SwFmtFld& rFmtFld, SwSidebarWin& rSidebarWin ) { if ( mpFrmSidebarWinContainer == 0 ) { mpFrmSidebarWinContainer = new SwFrmSidebarWinContainer(); } const bool bInserted = mpFrmSidebarWinContainer->insert( rFrm, rFmtFld, rSidebarWin ); if ( bInserted && mpWrtShell->GetAccessibleMap() ) { mpWrtShell->GetAccessibleMap()->InvalidatePosOrSize( 0, 0, &rSidebarWin, SwRect() ); } } void SwPostItMgr::DisconnectSidebarWinFromFrm( const SwFrm& rFrm, SwSidebarWin& rSidebarWin ) { if ( mpFrmSidebarWinContainer != 0 ) { const bool bRemoved = mpFrmSidebarWinContainer->remove( rFrm, rSidebarWin ); if ( bRemoved && mpWrtShell->GetAccessibleMap() ) { mpWrtShell->GetAccessibleMap()->Dispose( 0, 0, &rSidebarWin ); } } } bool SwPostItMgr::HasFrmConnectedSidebarWins( const SwFrm& rFrm ) { bool bRet( false ); if ( mpFrmSidebarWinContainer != 0 ) { bRet = !mpFrmSidebarWinContainer->empty( rFrm ); } return bRet; } Window* SwPostItMgr::GetSidebarWinForFrmByIndex( const SwFrm& rFrm, const sal_Int32 nIndex ) { Window* pSidebarWin( 0 ); if ( mpFrmSidebarWinContainer != 0 ) { pSidebarWin = mpFrmSidebarWinContainer->get( rFrm, nIndex ); } return pSidebarWin; } void SwPostItMgr::GetAllSidebarWinForFrm( const SwFrm& rFrm, std::vector< Window* >* pChildren ) { if ( mpFrmSidebarWinContainer != 0 ) { mpFrmSidebarWinContainer->getAll( rFrm, pChildren ); } } void SwNoteProps::Commit() {} void SwNoteProps::Notify( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& ) {} /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */