/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include //#ifndef _SVDVMARK_HXX //autogen //#include //#endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _VIEW_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #ifndef _DOCSH_HXX #include #endif #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; // no include "dbgoutsw.hxx" here!!!!!! extern BOOL bNoInterrupt; extern BOOL bFrmDrag; extern BOOL bDDTimerStarted; BOOL bExecuteDrag = FALSE; void SwEditWin::StartDDTimer() { aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SwEditWin, DDHandler)); aTimer.SetTimeout(480); aTimer.Start(); bDDTimerStarted = TRUE; } void SwEditWin::StopDDTimer(SwWrtShell *pSh, const Point &rPt) { aTimer.Stop(); bDDTimerStarted = FALSE; if(!pSh->IsSelFrmMode()) (pSh->*pSh->fnSetCrsr)(&rPt,FALSE); aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SwEditWin, TimerHandler)); } void SwEditWin::StartDrag( sal_Int8 /*nAction*/, const Point& rPosPixel ) { SwWrtShell &rSh = rView.GetWrtShell(); if( rSh.GetDrawView() ) { CommandEvent aDragEvent( rPosPixel, COMMAND_STARTDRAG, TRUE ); if( rSh.GetDrawView()->Command( aDragEvent, this ) ) { rView.GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll(FALSE); return; // Event von der SdrView ausgewertet } } if ( !pApplyTempl && !rSh.IsDrawCreate() && !IsDrawAction()) { BOOL bStart = FALSE, bDelSelect = FALSE; SdrObject *pObj = NULL; Point aDocPos( PixelToLogic( rPosPixel ) ); if ( !rSh.IsInSelect() && rSh.ChgCurrPam( aDocPos, TRUE, TRUE)) //Wir sind nicht beim Selektieren und stehen auf einer //Selektion bStart = TRUE; else if ( !bFrmDrag && rSh.IsSelFrmMode() && rSh.IsInsideSelectedObj( aDocPos ) ) { //Wir sind nicht am internen Draggen und stehen auf //einem Objekt (Rahmen, Zeichenobjekt) bStart = TRUE; } else if( !bFrmDrag && rView.GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly() && OBJCNT_NONE != rSh.GetObjCntType( aDocPos, pObj )) { rSh.LockPaint(); if( rSh.SelectObj( aDocPos, 0, pObj )) bStart = bDelSelect = TRUE; else rSh.UnlockPaint(); } else { SwContentAtPos aSwContentAtPos( SwContentAtPos::SW_INETATTR ); bStart = rSh.GetContentAtPos( aDocPos, aSwContentAtPos, FALSE ); } if ( bStart && !bIsInDrag ) { bMBPressed = FALSE; ReleaseMouse(); bFrmDrag = FALSE; bExecuteDrag = TRUE; SwEditWin::nDDStartPosY = aDocPos.Y(); SwEditWin::nDDStartPosX = aDocPos.X(); aMovePos = aDocPos; StartExecuteDrag(); if( bDelSelect ) { rSh.UnSelectFrm(); rSh.UnlockPaint(); } } } } void SwEditWin::StartExecuteDrag() { if( !bExecuteDrag || bIsInDrag ) return; bIsInDrag = TRUE; SwTransferable* pTransfer = new SwTransferable( rView.GetWrtShell() ); uno::Reference< datatransfer::XTransferable > xRef( pTransfer ); pTransfer->StartDrag( this, aMovePos ); } void SwEditWin::DragFinished() { DropCleanup(); aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK(this,SwEditWin, TimerHandler) ); bIsInDrag = FALSE; } void SwEditWin::DropCleanup() { SwWrtShell &rSh = rView.GetWrtShell(); // Stati zuruecksetzen bNoInterrupt = FALSE; if ( bOldIdleSet ) { ((SwViewOption*)rSh.GetViewOptions())->SetIdle( bOldIdle ); bOldIdleSet = FALSE; } if ( pUserMarker ) CleanupDropUserMarker(); else rSh.UnSetVisCrsr(); } void SwEditWin::CleanupDropUserMarker() { if ( pUserMarker ) { delete pUserMarker; pUserMarker = 0; pUserMarkerObj = 0; } } //Messehack (MA,MBA) void lcl_SelectShellForDrop( SwView &rView ) { if ( !rView.GetCurShell() ) rView.SelectShell(); } sal_Int8 SwEditWin::ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) { ::lcl_SelectShellForDrop( GetView() ); DropCleanup(); sal_Int8 nRet = DND_ACTION_NONE; //Ein Drop auf eine offene OutlinerView geht uns nichts an (siehe auch QueryDrop) SwWrtShell &rSh = rView.GetWrtShell(); const Point aDocPt( PixelToLogic( rEvt.maPosPixel )); SdrObject *pObj = 0; OutlinerView* pOLV; rSh.GetObjCntType( aDocPt, pObj ); if( pObj && 0 != ( pOLV = rSh.GetDrawView()->GetTextEditOutlinerView() )) { Rectangle aRect( pOLV->GetOutputArea() ); aRect.Union( pObj->GetLogicRect() ); const Point aPos = pOLV->GetWindow()->PixelToLogic(rEvt.maPosPixel); if ( aRect.IsInside(aPos) ) { rSh.StartAllAction(); //!! sal_Int8 nRet = DND_ACTION_NONE/*pOLV->ExecuteDrop( rEvt )*/; rSh.EndAllAction(); return nRet; } } // dvo 2002-05-27, #99027#: There's a special treatment for file lists with a single // element, that depends on the actual content of the // Transferable to be accessible. Since the transferable // may only be accessed after the drop has been accepted // (according to KA due to Java D&D), we'll have to // reevaluate the drop action once more _with_ the // Transferable. USHORT nEventAction; sal_Int8 nUserOpt = rEvt.mbDefault ? EXCHG_IN_ACTION_DEFAULT : rEvt.mnAction; m_nDropAction = SotExchange::GetExchangeAction( GetDataFlavorExVector(), m_nDropDestination, rEvt.mnAction, //!! rEvt.GetSourceOptions(), nUserOpt, m_nDropFormat, nEventAction, 0, &rEvt.maDropEvent.Transferable ); TransferableDataHelper aData( rEvt.maDropEvent.Transferable ); nRet = rEvt.mnAction; if( !SwTransferable::PasteData( aData, rSh, m_nDropAction, m_nDropFormat, m_nDropDestination, FALSE, rEvt.mbDefault, &aDocPt, nRet)) //!! nRet = SFX_APP()->ExecuteDrop( rEvt ); nRet = DND_ACTION_NONE; else if ( SW_MOD()->pDragDrop ) //Bei internem D&D nicht mehr aufraeumen! SW_MOD()->pDragDrop->SetCleanUp( FALSE ); return nRet; } USHORT SwEditWin::GetDropDestination( const Point& rPixPnt, SdrObject ** ppObj ) { SwWrtShell &rSh = rView.GetWrtShell(); const Point aDocPt( PixelToLogic( rPixPnt ) ); if( rSh.ChgCurrPam( aDocPt ) || rSh.IsOverReadOnlyPos( aDocPt ) ) return 0; SdrObject *pObj = NULL; const ObjCntType eType = rSh.GetObjCntType( aDocPt, pObj ); //Drop auf OutlinerView (TextEdit im Drawing) soll diese selbst entscheiden! if( pObj ) { OutlinerView* pOLV = rSh.GetDrawView()->GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if ( pOLV ) { Rectangle aRect( pOLV->GetOutputArea() ); aRect.Union( pObj->GetLogicRect() ); const Point aPos = pOLV->GetWindow()->PixelToLogic( rPixPnt ); if( aRect.IsInside( aPos ) ) return 0; } } //Auf was wollen wir denn gerade droppen? USHORT nDropDestination = 0; //Sonst etwas aus der DrawingEngine getroffen? if( OBJCNT_NONE != eType ) { switch ( eType ) { case OBJCNT_GRF: { BOOL bLink, bIMap = 0 != rSh.GetFmtFromObj( aDocPt )->GetURL().GetMap(); String aDummy; rSh.GetGrfAtPos( aDocPt, aDummy, bLink ); if ( bLink && bIMap ) nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_LNKD_GRAPH_W_IMAP; else if ( bLink ) nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_LNKD_GRAPHOBJ; else if ( bIMap ) nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_GRAPH_W_IMAP; else nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_GRAPHOBJ; } break; case OBJCNT_FLY: if( rSh.GetView().GetDocShell()->ISA(SwWebDocShell) ) nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_TEXTFRAME_WEB; else nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_TEXTFRAME; break; case OBJCNT_OLE: nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_OLEOBJ; break; case OBJCNT_CONTROL: /* no Action avail */ case OBJCNT_SIMPLE: nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_DRAWOBJ; break; case OBJCNT_URLBUTTON: nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_URLBUTTON; break; case OBJCNT_GROUPOBJ: nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_DOC_GROUPOBJ; break; default: ASSERT( !this, "new ObjectType?" ); } } if ( !nDropDestination ) { if( rSh.GetView().GetDocShell()->ISA(SwWebDocShell) ) nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_SWDOC_FREE_AREA_WEB; else nDropDestination = EXCHG_DEST_SWDOC_FREE_AREA; } if( ppObj ) *ppObj = pObj; return nDropDestination; } sal_Int8 SwEditWin::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ) { if( rEvt.mbLeaving ) { DropCleanup(); return rEvt.mnAction; } if( rView.GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly() ) return DND_ACTION_NONE; SwWrtShell &rSh = rView.GetWrtShell(); Point aPixPt( rEvt.maPosPixel ); // If the cursor is near the inner boundary // we attempt to scroll towards the desired direction. Point aPoint; Rectangle aWin(aPoint,GetOutputSizePixel()); const int nMargin = 10; aWin.Left() += nMargin; aWin.Top() += nMargin; aWin.Right() -= nMargin; aWin.Bottom() -= nMargin; if(!aWin.IsInside(aPixPt)) { static ULONG last_tick = 0; ULONG current_tick = Time::GetSystemTicks(); if((current_tick-last_tick) > 500) { last_tick = current_tick; if(!bOldIdleSet) { bOldIdle = rSh.GetViewOptions()->IsIdle(); ((SwViewOption *)rSh.GetViewOptions())->SetIdle(FALSE); bOldIdleSet = TRUE; } CleanupDropUserMarker(); if(aPixPt.X() > aWin.Right()) aPixPt.X() += nMargin; if(aPixPt.X() < aWin.Left()) aPixPt.X() -= nMargin; if(aPixPt.Y() > aWin.Bottom()) aPixPt.Y() += nMargin; if(aPixPt.Y() < aWin.Top()) aPixPt.Y() -= nMargin; Point aDocPt(PixelToLogic(aPixPt)); SwRect rect(aDocPt,Size(1,1)); rSh.MakeVisible(rect); } } if(bOldIdleSet) { ((SwViewOption *)rSh.GetViewOptions())->SetIdle( bOldIdle ); bOldIdleSet = FALSE; } SdrObject *pObj = NULL; m_nDropDestination = GetDropDestination( aPixPt, &pObj ); if( !m_nDropDestination ) return DND_ACTION_NONE; USHORT nEventAction; sal_Int8 nUserOpt = rEvt.mbDefault ? EXCHG_IN_ACTION_DEFAULT : rEvt.mnAction; m_nDropAction = SotExchange::GetExchangeAction( GetDataFlavorExVector(), m_nDropDestination, rEvt.mnAction, //!! rEvt.GetSourceOptions(), nUserOpt, m_nDropFormat, nEventAction ); if( EXCHG_INOUT_ACTION_NONE != m_nDropAction ) { const Point aDocPt( PixelToLogic( aPixPt ) ); //Bei den default Aktionen wollen wir noch ein bischen mitreden. SwModule *pMod = SW_MOD(); if( pMod->pDragDrop ) { BOOL bCleanup = FALSE; //Zeichenobjekte in Kopf-/Fusszeilen sind nicht erlaubt SwWrtShell *pSrcSh = pMod->pDragDrop->GetShell(); if( (pSrcSh->GetSelFrmType() == FRMTYPE_DRAWOBJ) && pSrcSh->IsSelContainsControl() && (rSh.GetFrmType( &aDocPt, FALSE ) & (FRMTYPE_HEADER|FRMTYPE_FOOTER)) ) { bCleanup = TRUE; } // keine positionsgeschuetzten Objecte verschieben! else if( DND_ACTION_MOVE == rEvt.mnAction && pSrcSh->IsSelObjProtected( FLYPROTECT_POS ) ) { bCleanup = TRUE; } else if( rEvt.mbDefault ) { // JP 13.08.98: internes Drag&Drop: bei gleichem Doc ein Move // ansonten ein Copy - Task 54974 nEventAction = pSrcSh->GetDoc() == rSh.GetDoc() ? DND_ACTION_MOVE : DND_ACTION_COPY; } if ( bCleanup ) { CleanupDropUserMarker(); rSh.UnSetVisCrsr(); return DND_ACTION_NONE; } } else { //D&D von ausserhalb des SW soll per default ein Copy sein. if( EXCHG_IN_ACTION_DEFAULT == nEventAction && DND_ACTION_MOVE == rEvt.mnAction ) nEventAction = DND_ACTION_COPY; if( (SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SBA_FIELDDATAEXCHANGE == m_nDropFormat && EXCHG_IN_ACTION_LINK == m_nDropAction) || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SBA_CTRLDATAEXCHANGE == m_nDropFormat ) { SdrMarkView* pMView = PTR_CAST( SdrMarkView, rSh.GetDrawView() ); if( pMView && !pMView->IsDesignMode() ) return DND_ACTION_NONE; } } if ( EXCHG_IN_ACTION_DEFAULT != nEventAction ) nUserOpt = (sal_Int8)nEventAction; // show DropCursor or UserMarker ? if( EXCHG_DEST_SWDOC_FREE_AREA_WEB == m_nDropDestination || EXCHG_DEST_SWDOC_FREE_AREA == m_nDropDestination ) { CleanupDropUserMarker(); SwContentAtPos aCont( SwContentAtPos::SW_CONTENT_CHECK ); if(rSh.GetContentAtPos(aDocPt, aCont)) rSh.SwCrsrShell::SetVisCrsr( aDocPt ); } else { rSh.UnSetVisCrsr(); if ( pUserMarkerObj != pObj ) { CleanupDropUserMarker(); pUserMarkerObj = pObj; if(pUserMarkerObj) { pUserMarker = new SdrDropMarkerOverlay( *rSh.GetDrawView(), *pUserMarkerObj ); } } } return nUserOpt; } CleanupDropUserMarker(); rSh.UnSetVisCrsr(); //!! return SFX_APP()->AcceptDrop( rEvt ); return DND_ACTION_NONE; } IMPL_LINK( SwEditWin, DDHandler, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) { bDDTimerStarted = FALSE; aTimer.Stop(); aTimer.SetTimeout(240); bMBPressed = FALSE; ReleaseMouse(); bFrmDrag = FALSE; if ( rView.GetViewFrame() ) { bExecuteDrag = TRUE; StartExecuteDrag(); } return 0; }