/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USER_DATA_VERSION_1 "1" #define USER_DATA_VERSION USER_DATA_VERSION_1 SwFieldDBPage::SwFieldDBPage(vcl::Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet) : SwFieldPage(pParent, "FieldDbPage", "modules/swriter/ui/flddbpage.ui", rCoreSet) , m_nOldFormat(0) , m_nOldSubType(0) { get(m_pTypeLB, "type"); m_pTypeLB->SetStyle(m_pTypeLB->GetStyle() | WB_SORT); get(m_pDatabaseTLB, "select"); get(m_pCondition, "condgroup"); get(m_pConditionED, "condition"); get(m_pValue, "recgroup"); get(m_pValueED, "recnumber"); get(m_pFormat, "formatframe"); get(m_pAddDBPB, "browse"); get(m_pDBFormatRB, "fromdatabasecb"); get(m_pNewFormatRB, "userdefinedcb"); get(m_pNumFormatLB, "numformat"); get(m_pFormatLB, "format"); m_pFormatLB->SetStyle(m_pFormatLB->GetStyle() | WB_SORT); long nHeight = m_pTypeLB->GetTextHeight() * 14; m_pTypeLB->set_height_request(nHeight); m_pDatabaseTLB->set_height_request(nHeight); long nWidth = m_pTypeLB->LogicToPixel(Size(FIELD_COLUMN_WIDTH, 0), MapMode(MAP_APPFONT)).Width(); m_pTypeLB->set_width_request(nWidth); m_pDatabaseTLB->set_width_request(nWidth*2); m_aOldNumSelectHdl = m_pNumFormatLB->GetSelectHdl(); m_pNumFormatLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, NumSelectHdl)); m_pDatabaseTLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, TreeSelectHdl)); m_pDatabaseTLB->SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, InsertHdl)); m_pValueED->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, ModifyHdl)); m_pAddDBPB->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, AddDBHdl)); } SwFieldDBPage::~SwFieldDBPage() { disposeOnce(); } void SwFieldDBPage::dispose() { m_pTypeLB.clear(); m_pDatabaseTLB.clear(); m_pAddDBPB.clear(); m_pCondition.clear(); m_pConditionED.clear(); m_pValue.clear(); m_pValueED.clear(); m_pDBFormatRB.clear(); m_pNewFormatRB.clear(); m_pNumFormatLB.clear(); m_pFormatLB.clear(); m_pFormat.clear(); SwFieldPage::dispose(); } // initialise TabPage void SwFieldDBPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet*) { Init(); // Allgemeine initialisierung m_pTypeLB->SetUpdateMode(false); const sal_Int32 nOldPos = m_pTypeLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); m_sOldDBName = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetDBName(m_sOldTableName, m_sOldColumnName); m_pTypeLB->Clear(); if (!IsFieldEdit()) { // initialise TypeListBox const SwFieldGroupRgn& rRg = SwFieldMgr::GetGroupRange(IsFieldDlgHtmlMode(), GetGroup()); for(sal_uInt16 i = rRg.nStart; i < rRg.nEnd; ++i) { const sal_uInt16 nTypeId = SwFieldMgr::GetTypeId(i); const sal_Int32 nPos = m_pTypeLB->InsertEntry(SwFieldMgr::GetTypeStr(i)); m_pTypeLB->SetEntryData(nPos, reinterpret_cast(nTypeId)); } } else { const sal_uInt16 nTypeId = GetCurField()->GetTypeId(); const sal_Int32 nPos = m_pTypeLB->InsertEntry( SwFieldMgr::GetTypeStr(SwFieldMgr::GetPos(nTypeId))); m_pTypeLB->SetEntryData(nPos, reinterpret_cast(nTypeId)); } // select old Pos if (GetTypeSel() != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) m_pTypeLB->SelectEntryPos(GetTypeSel()); m_pFormatLB->Clear(); const sal_uInt16 nSize = GetFieldMgr().GetFormatCount(TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD, false, IsFieldDlgHtmlMode()); for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; ++i ) { const sal_Int32 nEntryPos = m_pFormatLB->InsertEntry(GetFieldMgr().GetFormatStr(TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD, i)); const sal_uInt16 nFormatId = GetFieldMgr().GetFormatId( TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD, i ); m_pFormatLB->SetEntryData( nEntryPos, reinterpret_cast(nFormatId) ); if( SVX_NUM_ARABIC == nFormatId ) m_pFormatLB->SelectEntryPos( nEntryPos ); } if (!IsFieldEdit()) { if (nOldPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) m_pTypeLB->SelectEntryPos(nOldPos); if (!m_sOldDBName.isEmpty()) { m_pDatabaseTLB->Select(m_sOldDBName, m_sOldTableName, m_sOldColumnName); } else { SwWrtShell *pSh = GetWrtShell(); if(!pSh) pSh = ::GetActiveWrtShell(); if(pSh) { SwDBData aTmp(pSh->GetDBData()); m_pDatabaseTLB->Select(aTmp.sDataSource, aTmp.sCommand, aEmptyOUStr); } } } if( !IsRefresh() ) { OUString sUserData = GetUserData(); if (sUserData.getToken(0, ';').equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(USER_DATA_VERSION_1)) { const sal_uInt16 nVal = (sal_uInt16)sUserData.getToken(1, ';').toInt32(); if(nVal != USHRT_MAX) { for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < m_pTypeLB->GetEntryCount(); ++i) if(nVal == (sal_uInt16)reinterpret_cast(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryData(i))) { m_pTypeLB->SelectEntryPos(i); break; } } } } TypeHdl(0); m_pTypeLB->SetUpdateMode(true); m_pTypeLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, TypeHdl)); m_pTypeLB->SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFieldDBPage, InsertHdl)); if (IsFieldEdit()) { m_pConditionED->SaveValue(); m_pValueED->SaveValue(); m_sOldDBName = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetDBName(m_sOldTableName, m_sOldColumnName); m_nOldFormat = GetCurField()->GetFormat(); m_nOldSubType = GetCurField()->GetSubType(); } } bool SwFieldDBPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet* ) { OUString sTableName; OUString sColumnName; SwDBData aData; sal_Bool bIsTable; aData.sDataSource = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetDBName(sTableName, sColumnName, &bIsTable); aData.sCommand = sTableName; aData.nCommandType = bIsTable ? 0 : 1; SwWrtShell *pSh = GetWrtShell(); if(!pSh) pSh = ::GetActiveWrtShell(); if (aData.sDataSource.isEmpty()) aData = pSh->GetDBData(); if(!aData.sDataSource.isEmpty()) // without database no new field command { const sal_uInt16 nTypeId = (sal_uInt16)reinterpret_cast(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryData(GetTypeSel())); sal_uLong nFormat = 0; sal_uInt16 nSubType = 0; OUString sDBName = aData.sDataSource + OUString(DB_DELIM) + aData.sCommand + OUString(DB_DELIM) + OUString::number(aData.nCommandType) + OUString(DB_DELIM); if (!sColumnName.isEmpty()) { sDBName += sColumnName + OUString(DB_DELIM); } OUString aName = sDBName + m_pConditionED->GetText(); switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_DBFLD: nFormat = m_pNumFormatLB->GetFormat(); if (m_pNewFormatRB->IsEnabled() && m_pNewFormatRB->IsChecked()) nSubType = nsSwExtendedSubType::SUB_OWN_FMT; aName = sDBName; break; case TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD: nFormat = reinterpret_cast(m_pFormatLB->GetEntryData( m_pFormatLB->GetSelectEntryPos() )); break; } const OUString aVal(m_pValueED->GetText()); OUString sTempTableName; OUString sTempColumnName; OUString sTempDBName = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetDBName(sTempTableName, sTempColumnName); bool bDBListBoxChanged = m_sOldDBName != sTempDBName || m_sOldTableName != sTempTableName || m_sOldColumnName != sTempColumnName; if (!IsFieldEdit() || m_pConditionED->IsValueChangedFromSaved() || m_pValueED->GetSavedValue() != aVal || bDBListBoxChanged || m_nOldFormat != nFormat || m_nOldSubType != nSubType) { InsertField( nTypeId, nSubType, aName, aVal, nFormat); } } return false; } VclPtr SwFieldDBPage::Create( vcl::Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* rAttrSet ) { return VclPtr::Create( pParent, *rAttrSet ); } sal_uInt16 SwFieldDBPage::GetGroup() { return GRP_DB; } IMPL_LINK( SwFieldDBPage, TypeHdl, ListBox *, pBox ) { // save old ListBoxPos const sal_Int32 nOld = GetTypeSel(); // current ListBoxPos SetTypeSel(m_pTypeLB->GetSelectEntryPos()); if(GetTypeSel() == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { SetTypeSel(0); m_pTypeLB->SelectEntryPos(0); } if (nOld != GetTypeSel()) { SwWrtShell *pSh = GetWrtShell(); if(!pSh) pSh = ::GetActiveWrtShell(); bool bCond = false, bSetNo = false, bFormat = false, bDBFormat = false; const sal_uInt16 nTypeId = (sal_uInt16)reinterpret_cast(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryData(GetTypeSel())); m_pDatabaseTLB->ShowColumns(nTypeId == TYP_DBFLD); if (IsFieldEdit()) { SwDBData aData; OUString sColumnName; if (nTypeId == TYP_DBFLD) { aData = static_cast(GetCurField())->GetDBData(); sColumnName = static_cast(GetCurField()->GetTyp())->GetColumnName(); } else { aData = static_cast(GetCurField())->GetDBData(pSh->GetDoc()); } m_pDatabaseTLB->Select(aData.sDataSource, aData.sCommand, sColumnName); } switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_DBFLD: bFormat = true; bDBFormat = true; m_pNumFormatLB->Show(); m_pFormatLB->Hide(); if (pBox) // type was changed by user m_pDBFormatRB->Check(); if (IsFieldEdit()) { if (GetCurField()->GetFormat() != 0 && GetCurField()->GetFormat() != SAL_MAX_UINT32) m_pNumFormatLB->SetDefFormat(GetCurField()->GetFormat()); if (GetCurField()->GetSubType() & nsSwExtendedSubType::SUB_OWN_FMT) m_pNewFormatRB->Check(); else m_pDBFormatRB->Check(); } break; case TYP_DBNUMSETFLD: bSetNo = true; // no break! case TYP_DBNEXTSETFLD: bCond = true; if (IsFieldEdit()) { m_pConditionED->SetText(GetCurField()->GetPar1()); m_pValueED->SetText(GetCurField()->GetPar2()); } break; case TYP_DBNAMEFLD: break; case TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD: bFormat = true; m_pNewFormatRB->Check(); m_pNumFormatLB->Hide(); m_pFormatLB->Show(); if( IsFieldEdit() ) { for( sal_Int32 nI = m_pFormatLB->GetEntryCount(); nI; ) if( GetCurField()->GetFormat() == reinterpret_cast( m_pFormatLB->GetEntryData( --nI ))) { m_pFormatLB->SelectEntryPos( nI ); break; } } break; } m_pCondition->Enable(bCond); m_pValue->Enable(bSetNo); if (nTypeId != TYP_DBFLD) { m_pDBFormatRB->Enable(bDBFormat); m_pNewFormatRB->Enable(bDBFormat || bFormat); m_pNumFormatLB->Enable(bDBFormat); m_pFormatLB->Enable(bFormat); } m_pFormat->Enable(bDBFormat || bFormat); if (!IsFieldEdit()) { m_pValueED->SetText(aEmptyOUStr); if (bCond) m_pConditionED->SetText("TRUE"); else m_pConditionED->SetText(aEmptyOUStr); } CheckInsert(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SwFieldDBPage, NumSelectHdl, NumFormatListBox *, pLB ) { m_pNewFormatRB->Check(); m_aOldNumSelectHdl.Call(pLB); return 0; } void SwFieldDBPage::CheckInsert() { bool bInsert = true; const sal_uInt16 nTypeId = (sal_uInt16)reinterpret_cast(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryData(GetTypeSel())); SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetCurEntry(); if (pEntry) { pEntry = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetParent(pEntry); if (nTypeId == TYP_DBFLD && pEntry) pEntry = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetParent(pEntry); bInsert &= pEntry != 0; } else bInsert = false; if (nTypeId == TYP_DBNUMSETFLD) { bool bHasValue = !m_pValueED->GetText().isEmpty(); bInsert &= bHasValue; } EnableInsert(bInsert); } IMPL_LINK( SwFieldDBPage, TreeSelectHdl, SvTreeListBox *, pBox ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = pBox->GetCurEntry(); if (pEntry) { const sal_uInt16 nTypeId = (sal_uInt16)reinterpret_cast(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryData(GetTypeSel())); pEntry = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetParent(pEntry); if (nTypeId == TYP_DBFLD && pEntry) pEntry = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetParent(pEntry); CheckInsert(); if (nTypeId == TYP_DBFLD) { bool bNumFormat = false; if (pEntry != 0) { OUString sTableName; OUString sColumnName; sal_Bool bIsTable; OUString sDBName = m_pDatabaseTLB->GetDBName(sTableName, sColumnName, &bIsTable); bNumFormat = GetFieldMgr().IsDBNumeric(sDBName, sTableName, bIsTable, sColumnName); if (!IsFieldEdit()) m_pDBFormatRB->Check(); } m_pDBFormatRB->Enable(bNumFormat); m_pNewFormatRB->Enable(bNumFormat); m_pNumFormatLB->Enable(bNumFormat); m_pFormat->Enable(bNumFormat); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFieldDBPage, AddDBHdl) { OUString sNewDB = SwDBManager::LoadAndRegisterDataSource(); if(!sNewDB.isEmpty()) { m_pDatabaseTLB->AddDataSource(sNewDB); } return 0; } // Modify IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFieldDBPage, ModifyHdl) { CheckInsert(); return 0; } void SwFieldDBPage::FillUserData() { const sal_Int32 nEntryPos = m_pTypeLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); const sal_uInt16 nTypeSel = ( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == nEntryPos ) ? USHRT_MAX : (sal_uInt16)reinterpret_cast(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryData( nEntryPos )); SetUserData(USER_DATA_VERSION ";" + OUString::number( nTypeSel )); } void SwFieldDBPage::ActivateMailMergeAddress() { sal_uLong nData = TYP_DBFLD; m_pTypeLB->SelectEntryPos(m_pTypeLB->GetEntryPos( reinterpret_cast( nData ) )); m_pTypeLB->GetSelectHdl().Call(m_pTypeLB); const SwDBData& rData = SW_MOD()->GetDBConfig()->GetAddressSource(); m_pDatabaseTLB->Select(rData.sDataSource, rData.sCommand, aEmptyOUStr); } void SwFieldDBPage::SetWrtShell(SwWrtShell& rSh) { m_pDatabaseTLB->SetWrtShell(rSh); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */