/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: flddok.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-01-31 18:34:48 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef SW_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SW_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FLDDAT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _DOCUFLD_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _FLDBAS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CHPFLD_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FLDTDLG_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _FLDUI_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _FLDDOK_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WRTSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ZFORMAT_HXX #include #endif #define USER_DATA_VERSION_1 "1" #define USER_DATA_VERSION USER_DATA_VERSION_1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFldDokPage::SwFldDokPage(Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) : SwFldPage( pWindow, SW_RES( TP_FLD_DOK ), rCoreSet ), aTypeFT (this, SW_RES(FT_DOKTYPE)), aTypeLB (this, SW_RES(LB_DOKTYPE)), aSelectionFT (this, SW_RES(FT_DOKSELECTION)), aSelectionLB (this, SW_RES(LB_DOKSELECTION)), aValueFT (this, SW_RES(FT_DOKVALUE)), aValueED (this, SW_RES(ED_DOKVALUE)), aLevelED (this, SW_RES(ED_DOKLEVEL)), aDateOffsetED (this, SW_RES(ED_DOKDATEOFF)), aFormatFT (this, SW_RES(FT_DOKFORMAT)), aFormatLB (this, SW_RES(LB_DOKFORMAT)), aNumFormatLB (this, SW_RES(LB_DOKNUMFORMAT)), aFixedCB (this, SW_RES(CB_DOKFIXEDCONTENT)), sDateOffset (SW_RES(STR_DOKDATEOFF)), sTimeOffset (SW_RES(STR_DOKTIMEOFF)), aRootOpened (SW_RES(BMP_DOKROOT_OPENED)), aRootClosed (SW_RES(BMP_DOKROOT_CLOSED)) { FreeResource(); aSelectionLB.SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, InsertHdl)); aFormatLB.SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, InsertHdl)); aNumFormatLB.SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, NumFormatHdl)); aLevelED.SetMax(MAXLEVEL); aDateOffsetED.SetMin(LONG_MIN); aDateOffsetED.SetMax(LONG_MAX); //enable 'active' language selection aNumFormatLB.SetShowLanguageControl(TRUE); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ __EXPORT SwFldDokPage::~SwFldDokPage() { } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void __EXPORT SwFldDokPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet) { SavePos(&aTypeLB); Init(); // Allgemeine initialisierung // TypeListBox initialisieren const SwFldGroupRgn& rRg = GetFldMgr().GetGroupRange(IsFldDlgHtmlMode(), GetGroup()); aTypeLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aTypeLB.Clear(); USHORT nPos, nTypeId; BOOL bPage = FALSE; if (!IsFldEdit()) { // Typ-Listbox fuellen for(short i = rRg.nStart; i < rRg.nEnd; ++i) { nTypeId = GetFldMgr().GetTypeId(i); switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_PREVPAGEFLD: case TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD: case TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD: if (!bPage) { nPos = aTypeLB.InsertEntry(SW_RESSTR(FMT_REF_PAGE)); aTypeLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)USHRT_MAX); bPage = TRUE; } break; default: nPos = aTypeLB.InsertEntry(GetFldMgr().GetTypeStr(i)); aTypeLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)nTypeId); break; } } } else { const SwField* pCurField = GetCurField(); nTypeId = pCurField->GetTypeId(); if (nTypeId == TYP_FIXDATEFLD) nTypeId = TYP_DATEFLD; if (nTypeId == TYP_FIXTIMEFLD) nTypeId = TYP_TIMEFLD; nPos = aTypeLB.InsertEntry(GetFldMgr().GetTypeStr(GetFldMgr().GetPos(nTypeId))); aTypeLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)nTypeId); aNumFormatLB.SetAutomaticLanguage(pCurField->IsAutomaticLanguage()); SwWrtShell *pSh = GetWrtShell(); if(!pSh) pSh = ::GetActiveWrtShell(); if(pSh) { const SvNumberformat* pFormat = pSh->GetNumberFormatter()->GetEntry(pCurField->GetFormat()); if(pFormat) aNumFormatLB.SetLanguage(pFormat->GetLanguage()); } } // alte Pos selektieren RestorePos(&aTypeLB); aTypeLB.SetUpdateMode(TRUE); aTypeLB.SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, InsertHdl)); aTypeLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, TypeHdl)); aFormatLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, FormatHdl)); if( !IsRefresh() ) { String sUserData = GetUserData(); if( sUserData.GetToken(0, ';').EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(USER_DATA_VERSION_1 )) { String sVal = sUserData.GetToken(1, ';'); USHORT nVal = sVal.ToInt32(); if(nVal != USHRT_MAX) { for(USHORT i = 0; i < aTypeLB.GetEntryCount(); i++) if(nVal == (USHORT)(ULONG)aTypeLB.GetEntryData(i)) { aTypeLB.SelectEntryPos(i); break; } } } } TypeHdl(0); if (IsFldEdit()) { nOldSel = aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); nOldFormat = GetCurField()->GetFormat(); aFixedCB.SaveValue(); aValueED.SaveValue(); aLevelED.SaveValue(); aDateOffsetED.SaveValue(); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwFldDokPage, TypeHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG ) { // Alte ListBoxPos sichern const USHORT nOld = GetTypeSel(); // Aktuelle ListBoxPos SetTypeSel(aTypeLB.GetSelectEntryPos()); if(GetTypeSel() == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { SetTypeSel(0); aTypeLB.SelectEntryPos(0); } USHORT nCount; if (nOld != GetTypeSel()) { USHORT nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aTypeLB.GetEntryData(GetTypeSel()); // Auswahl-Listbox fuellen aSelectionLB.Clear(); if (nTypeId != USHRT_MAX) { SvStringsDtor aLst; GetFldMgr().GetSubTypes(nTypeId, aLst); if (nTypeId != TYP_AUTHORFLD) nCount = aLst.Count(); else nCount = GetFldMgr().GetFormatCount(nTypeId, FALSE, IsFldDlgHtmlMode()); USHORT nPos; for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { if (!IsFldEdit()) { if (nTypeId != TYP_AUTHORFLD) nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(*aLst[i]); else nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(GetFldMgr().GetFormatStr(nTypeId, i)); aSelectionLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)i); } else { BOOL bInsert = FALSE; switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_DATEFLD: case TYP_TIMEFLD: nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(*aLst[i]); aSelectionLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)i); if (((SwDateTimeField*)GetCurField())->IsFixed() && !i) aSelectionLB.SelectEntryPos(nPos); if (!((SwDateTimeField*)GetCurField())->IsFixed() && i) aSelectionLB.SelectEntryPos(nPos); break; case TYP_EXTUSERFLD: case TYP_DOCSTATFLD: nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(*aLst[i]); aSelectionLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)i); if (GetCurField()->GetSubType() == i) aSelectionLB.SelectEntryPos(nPos); break; case TYP_AUTHORFLD: { String sFmt(GetFldMgr().GetFormatStr(nTypeId, i)); nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(sFmt); aSelectionLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)i); aSelectionLB.SelectEntry(GetFldMgr().GetFormatStr(nTypeId, GetCurField()->GetFormat())); break; } default: if (*aLst[i] == GetCurField()->GetPar1()) bInsert = TRUE; break; } if (bInsert) { nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(*aLst[i]); aSelectionLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)i); break; } } } aSelectionLB.SetSelectHdl(Link()); } else { AddSubType(TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD); AddSubType(TYP_PREVPAGEFLD); AddSubType(TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD); nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aSelectionLB.GetEntryData(0); nCount = 3; aSelectionLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFldDokPage, SubTypeHdl)); } BOOL bEnable = nCount != 0; if (bEnable && !aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryCount()) aSelectionLB.SelectEntryPos(0); aSelectionLB.Enable( bEnable ); aSelectionFT.Enable( bEnable ); // Format-Listbox fuellen USHORT nSize = FillFormatLB(nTypeId); BOOL bValue = FALSE, bLevel = FALSE, bNumFmt = FALSE, bOffset = FALSE; BOOL bFormat = nSize != 0; BOOL bOneArea = FALSE; BOOL bFixed = FALSE; USHORT nFmtType = 0; switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_DATEFLD: bFormat = bNumFmt = bOneArea = bOffset = TRUE; nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_DATE; aValueFT.SetText(sDateOffset); aDateOffsetED.SetFirst(-31); // Ein Monat aDateOffsetED.SetLast(31); if (IsFldEdit()) aDateOffsetED.SetValue( ((SwDateTimeField*)GetCurField())->GetOffset() / 24 / 60); break; case TYP_TIMEFLD: bFormat = bNumFmt = bOneArea = bOffset = TRUE; nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_TIME; aValueFT.SetText(sTimeOffset); aDateOffsetED.SetFirst(-1440); // Ein Tag aDateOffsetED.SetLast(1440); if (IsFldEdit()) aDateOffsetED.SetValue( ((SwDateTimeField*)GetCurField())->GetOffset() ); break; case TYP_PREVPAGEFLD: case TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD: if (IsFldEdit()) { USHORT nTmp = (USHORT)(ULONG)aFormatLB.GetEntryData( aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryPos() ); String sOldTxt(aValueFT.GetText()); if(SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL != nTmp) { short nOff = GetCurField()->GetPar2().ToInt32(); if( TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD == nTypeId && 1 != nOff ) aValueED.SetText( String::CreateFromInt32(nOff - 1) ); else if( TYP_PREVPAGEFLD == nTypeId && -1 != nOff ) aValueED.SetText( String::CreateFromInt32(nOff + 1) ); else aValueED.SetText(aEmptyStr); } else aValueED.SetText(((SwPageNumberField*)GetCurField())->GetUserString()); } bValue = TRUE; break; case TYP_CHAPTERFLD: aValueFT.SetText(SW_RESSTR(STR_LEVEL)); if (IsFldEdit()) aLevelED.SetText(String::CreateFromInt32(((SwChapterField*)GetCurField())->GetLevel() + 1)); bLevel = TRUE; break; case TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD: aValueFT.SetText( SW_RESSTR( STR_OFFSET )); if (IsFldEdit()) aValueED.SetText(GetCurField()->GetPar2()); bValue = TRUE; break; case TYP_EXTUSERFLD: case TYP_AUTHORFLD: case TYP_FILENAMEFLD: bFixed = TRUE; break; default: break; } if (bNumFmt) { if (IsFldEdit()) { aNumFormatLB.SetDefFormat(GetCurField()->GetFormat()); if (aNumFormatLB.GetFormatType() == (NUMBERFORMAT_DATE|NUMBERFORMAT_TIME)) { // Format-Typ immer einstellen, da sonst bei kombinierten Datum/Zeitformaten // beide Formate gleichzeitig angezeigt werden wuerden aNumFormatLB.SetFormatType(0); aNumFormatLB.SetFormatType(nFmtType); // Nochmal richtiges Format einstellen aNumFormatLB.SetDefFormat(GetCurField()->GetFormat()); } } else aNumFormatLB.SetFormatType(nFmtType); aNumFormatLB.SetOneArea(bOneArea); } aFormatLB.Show(!bNumFmt); aNumFormatLB.Show(bNumFmt); Size aSz(aFormatLB.GetSizePixel()); if (bValue | bLevel | bOffset) aSz.Height() = aFormatLB.LogicToPixel(Size(1, 137), MAP_APPFONT).Height(); else aSz.Height() = aFormatLB.LogicToPixel(Size(1, 152), MAP_APPFONT).Height(); aValueFT.Show(bValue | bLevel | bOffset); aValueED.Show(bValue); aLevelED.Show(bLevel); aDateOffsetED.Show(bOffset); aFixedCB.Show(!bValue && !bLevel && !bOffset); aFormatLB.SetSizePixel(aSz); aNumFormatLB.SetSizePixel(aSz); aFormatLB.Enable(bFormat); aFormatFT.Enable(bFormat); aFixedCB.Enable(bFixed); if (IsFldEdit()) aFixedCB.Check(((GetCurField()->GetFormat() & AF_FIXED) != 0) & bFixed); if (aNumFormatLB.GetSelectEntryPos() == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) aNumFormatLB.SelectEntryPos(0); aValueFT.Enable(bValue | bLevel | bOffset); aValueED.Enable(bValue); } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwFldDokPage::AddSubType(USHORT nTypeId) { USHORT nPos = aSelectionLB.InsertEntry(SwFieldType::GetTypeStr(nTypeId)); aSelectionLB.SetEntryData(nPos, (void*)nTypeId); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwFldDokPage, SubTypeHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG ) { USHORT nPos = aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(nPos == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nPos = 0; USHORT nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aSelectionLB.GetEntryData(nPos); FillFormatLB(nTypeId); USHORT nTextRes = 0; switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_CHAPTERFLD: nTextRes = STR_LEVEL; break; case TYP_PREVPAGEFLD: case TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD: nTextRes = SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL == (USHORT)(ULONG)aFormatLB.GetEntryData( aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryPos() ) ? STR_VALUE : STR_OFFSET; break; case TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD: nTextRes = STR_OFFSET; break; } if( nTextRes ) aValueFT.SetText( SW_RESSTR( nTextRes )); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT SwFldDokPage::FillFormatLB(USHORT nTypeId) { // Format-Listbox fuellen aFormatLB.Clear(); if (nTypeId == TYP_AUTHORFLD) return aFormatLB.GetEntryCount(); USHORT nSize = GetFldMgr().GetFormatCount(nTypeId, FALSE, IsFldDlgHtmlMode()); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; ++i ) { USHORT nPos = aFormatLB.InsertEntry(GetFldMgr().GetFormatStr(nTypeId, i)); USHORT nFmtId = GetFldMgr().GetFormatId( nTypeId, i ); aFormatLB.SetEntryData( nPos, (void*)nFmtId ); if (IsFldEdit() && nFmtId == (GetCurField()->GetFormat() & ~AF_FIXED)) aFormatLB.SelectEntryPos( nPos ); } if( nSize && !aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryCount() ) { aFormatLB.SelectEntry( SW_RESSTR(FMT_NUM_PAGEDESC) ); if( !aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryCount() ) { aFormatLB.SelectEntry( SW_RESSTR(FMT_NUM_ARABIC) ); if( !aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryCount() ) aFormatLB.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); } } FormatHdl(); return nSize; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwFldDokPage, FormatHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG ) { USHORT nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aTypeLB.GetEntryData(GetTypeSel()); if (nTypeId == USHRT_MAX) { USHORT nPos = aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(nPos == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nPos = 0; nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aSelectionLB.GetEntryData(nPos); } if (nTypeId == TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD || nTypeId == TYP_PREVPAGEFLD) { // Prev/Next - PageNumFelder Sonderbehandlung: USHORT nTmp = (USHORT)(ULONG)aFormatLB.GetEntryData( aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryPos() ); String sOldTxt( aValueFT.GetText() ); String sNewTxt( SW_RES( SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL == nTmp ? STR_VALUE : STR_OFFSET )); if( sOldTxt != sNewTxt ) aValueFT.SetText( sNewTxt ); if (sOldTxt != aValueFT.GetText()) aValueED.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL __EXPORT SwFldDokPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet) { BOOL bPage = FALSE; USHORT nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aTypeLB.GetEntryData(GetTypeSel()); if (nTypeId == USHRT_MAX) { USHORT nPos = aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(nPos == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nPos = 0; nTypeId = (USHORT)(ULONG)aSelectionLB.GetEntryData(nPos); bPage = TRUE; } String aVal(aValueED.GetText()); ULONG nFormat = 0; USHORT nSubType = 0; if (aFormatLB.IsEnabled()) { USHORT nPos = aFormatLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nFormat = (USHORT)(ULONG)aFormatLB.GetEntryData(nPos); } if (aSelectionLB.IsEnabled()) { USHORT nPos = aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nSubType = (USHORT)(ULONG)aSelectionLB.GetEntryData(nPos); } switch (nTypeId) { case TYP_AUTHORFLD: nFormat = nSubType; nSubType = 0; // kein break! case TYP_EXTUSERFLD: nFormat |= aFixedCB.IsChecked() ? AF_FIXED : 0; break; case TYP_FILENAMEFLD: nFormat |= aFixedCB.IsChecked() ? FF_FIXED : 0; break; case TYP_DATEFLD: case TYP_TIMEFLD: { nFormat = aNumFormatLB.GetFormat(); long nVal = aDateOffsetED.GetValue(); if (nTypeId == TYP_DATEFLD) aVal = String::CreateFromInt32(nVal * 60 * 24); else aVal = String::CreateFromInt32(nVal); break; } case TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD: case TYP_PREVPAGEFLD: case TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD: case TYP_GETREFPAGEFLD: { if( SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL != nFormat && (TYP_PREVPAGEFLD == nTypeId || TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD == nTypeId)) { short nVal = aValueED.GetText().ToInt32(); aVal = String::CreateFromInt32(nVal); } break; } case TYP_CHAPTERFLD: aVal = aLevelED.GetText(); break; default: break; } if (!IsFldEdit() || nOldSel != aSelectionLB.GetSelectEntryPos() || nOldFormat != nFormat || aFixedCB.GetState() != aFixedCB.GetSavedValue() || aValueED.GetText() != aValueED.GetSavedValue() || aLevelED.GetText() != aLevelED.GetSavedValue() || aDateOffsetED.GetText() != aDateOffsetED.GetSavedValue()) { InsertFld( nTypeId, nSubType, aEmptyStr, aVal, nFormat, ' ', aNumFormatLB.IsAutomaticLanguage() ); } return FALSE; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* __EXPORT SwFldDokPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return ( new SwFldDokPage( pParent, rAttrSet ) ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT SwFldDokPage::GetGroup() { return GRP_DOC; } /* -----------------12.01.99 10:09------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwFldDokPage::FillUserData() { String sData( String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( USER_DATA_VERSION ))); sData += ';'; USHORT nTypeSel = aTypeLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == nTypeSel ) nTypeSel = USHRT_MAX; else nTypeSel = (ULONG)aTypeLB.GetEntryData( nTypeSel ); sData += String::CreateFromInt32( nTypeSel ); SetUserData(sData); }