/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: hidfunc.h,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:40 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define HID_EXIT 1017 #define HID_NEW_WINDOW 1701 #define HID_ARRANGE_CASCADE_WIN 1703 #define HID_ARRANGE_HORZ_WIN 1704 #define HID_ARRANGE_VERT_WIN 1705 #define HID_ARRANGE_ALL_WIN 1702 #define HID_SHOW_HELP_INDEX 1802 #define HID_NEW_FILE 1005 #define HID_NEW_FILE_DEFAULT 1024 #define HID_CLOSE_FILE 1001 #define HID_DOC_MGR_DLG 1032 #define HID_CONFIG_TOOLBOX 1629 #define HID_CONFIG_MENU 1630 #define HID_CONFIG_KEY 1631 #define HID_TEMPLATE_PI 1657 #define HID_ADDR_PI 1658 #define HID_AUTO_FORMAT 1651 #define HID_NAVIGATION_PI 1656 #define HID_NAVIGATION_PI_GOTO_PAGE 1659 #define HID_HELP_PI 1655 #define HID_FORMAT_DROPCAPS 1454 #define HID_CONFIG_VIEWOPTIONS 1635 #define HID_CONFIG_COLORS 1636 #define HID_TOOLBOX 1213 #define HID_RIBBON 1210 #define HID_RULER 1211 #define HID_VLINEAL 1216 #define HID_VSCROLLBAR 1217 #define HID_HSCROLLBAR 1218 #define HID_SAVE_FILE 1013 #define HID_SAVE_ALL 1023 #define HID_SAVE_FILE_AS 1012 #define HID_OPEN_LASTVERSION 1009 #define HID_STATUSBAR 1212 #define HID_ABOUT_DLG 1806 #define HID_SEND_MAIL 1022 #define HID_OPEN_FILE 1007 #define HID_INSERT_FILE 1309 #define HID_DOCSTAT_DLG 1020 #define HID_LOAD_TEMPLATE_DLG 1021 #define HID_ESCAPE 1941 #define HID_PLAY_MACRO_DLG 1624 #define HID_RECORD_MACRO_DLG 1622 #define HID_ASSIGN_LOCAL_MACRO_DLG 1632 #define HID_COMPILE_MACRO 1633 #define HID_CREATE_DOCUMENT 1019 #define HID_PAGEUP 1937 #define HID_PAGEDOWN 1938 #define HID_SET_LEFT_PARA 1418 #define HID_SET_RIGHT_PARA 1419 #define HID_SET_CENTER_PARA 1420 #define HID_SET_JUSTIFY_PARA 1421 #define HID_SET_ADJUST 1428 #define HID_FORMAT_RESET 1469 #define HID_INDENT_TO_TABSTOP 1417 #define HID_UNINDENT_TO_TABSTOP 1431 #define HID_SET_BOLD 1405 #define HID_SET_ITALIC 1406 #define HID_SET_UNDERLINE 1409 #define HID_SET_STRIKEOUT 1410 #define HID_SET_OUTLINE 1408 #define HID_SET_SHADOW 1407 #define HID_SET_SUPER_SCRIPT 1411 #define HID_SET_SUB_SCRIPT 1412 #define HID_SET_COLOR 1413 #define HID_SET_CASEMAP 1414 #define HID_SET_LANGUAGE 1415 #define HID_SET_KERNING 1416 #define HID_SET_FONT 1401 #define HID_SET_FONT_SIZE 1402 #define HID_GROW_FONT_SIZE 1403 #define HID_SHRINK_FONT_SIZE 1404 #define HID_SET_LINE_SPACE_1 1422 #define HID_SET_LINE_SPACE_15 1423 #define HID_SET_LINE_SPACE_2 1424 #define HID_SET_PROP_LINE_SPACE 1540 #define HID_SET_ABS_LINE_SPACE 1541 #define HID_INSERT_SYMBOL 1328 #define HID_INSERT_OBJECT_DLG 1322 #define HID_EDIT_OBJECT 1110 #define HID_EDIT_LINK_DLG 1109 #define HID_EDIT_FILE_INFO_DLG 1107 #define HID_EDIT_IDX_ENTRY_DLG 1123 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_DOWN 1130 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_MOVEUP 1134 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_MOVEDOWN 1135 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_UP 1131 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_PREV 1132 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_NEXT 1133 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_MOVEDOWN 1142 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_MOVEUP 1141 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_UP 1140 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_OUTLINE_DOWN 1139 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_NONUM 1136 #define HID_NUM_NUMBERING_ON 1144 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_ON 1138 #define HID_NUM_BULLET_OFF 1137 #define HID_INSERT_IDX_ENTRY_DLG 1335 #define HID_POSTIT 1329 #define HID_INSERT_CAPTION 1310 #define HID_INSERT_IDX 1336 #define HID_INSERT_USERIDX 1337 #define HID_INSERT_CNTNTIDX 1338 #define HID_INSERT_IDX_ENTRY 1340 #define HID_INSERT_USERIDX_ENTRY 1341 #define HID_INSERT_CNTNTIDX_ENTRY 1342 #define HID_INSERT_FRAME 1334 #define HID_INSERT_FRAME_INTERACT 1333 #define HID_INSERT_SOFT_HYPHEN 1350 #define HID_INSERT_HARD_SPACE 1351 #define HID_FORMAT_FRAME_DLG 1456 #define HID_FRAME_TO_TOP 1470 #define HID_FRAME_TO_BOTTOM 1471 #define HID_FRAME_NOWRAP 1472 #define HID_FRAME_WRAP 1473 #define HID_FRAME_WRAPTHRU 1474 #define HID_FRAME_ALIGN_HORZ_LEFT 1475 #define HID_FRAME_ALIGN_HORZ_RIGHT 1476 #define HID_FRAME_ALIGN_HORZ_CENTER 1477 #define HID_FRAME_ALIGN_VERT_TOP 1478 #define HID_FRAME_ALIGN_VERT_BOTTOM 1479 #define HID_FRAME_ALIGN_VERT_CENTER 1480 #define HID_EDIT_FIELD 1104 #define HID_SET_FIELD_VALUE 1112 #define HID_INSERT_FIELD 1308 #define HID_INSERT_MERGEFIELD_DLG 1320 #define HID_EXECUTE_MACROFIELD 1127 #define HID_UPDATE_FIELDS 1126 #define HID_UPDATE_INPUTFIELDS 1143 #define HID_CALC_TABLE 1129 #define HID_INSERT_BREAK_DLG 1304 #define HID_INSERT_BOOKMARK 1302 #define HID_DELETE_BOOKMARK 1301 #define HID_INSERT_GRAFIC 1315 #define HID_FORMAT_TABLE_DLG 1460 #define HID_INSERT_TABLE 1330 #define HID_INSERT_COLS 1332 #define HID_PAGE_STYLE_SET_COLS 1538 #define HID_CONVERT_TEXT_TABLE 1500 #define HID_TABLE_INSERT_ROW 1501 #define HID_TABLE_INSERT_COL 1502 #define HID_TABLE_DELETE_ROW 1503 #define HID_TABLE_DELETE_COL 1504 #define HID_TABLE_SPLIT_CELLS 1505 #define HID_TABLE_MERGE_CELLS 1506 #define HID_TABLE_SET_ROW_HEIGHT 1507 #define HID_TABLE_SET_COL_WIDTH 1508 #define HID_TABLE_SET_ULSPACE 1509 #define HID_TABLE_SET_GRID 1510 #define HID_TABLE_SET_SHADOW 1511 #define HID_FORMAT_CHAR_DLG 1441 #define HID_FORMAT_PAGE_DLG 1452 #define HID_CHANGE_PAGENUM 1634 #define HID_FORMAT_PARA_DLG 1443 #define HID_FORMAT_TAB_DLG 1445 #define HID_FORMAT_BORDER_DLG 1447 #define HID_FORMAT_BORDER 1439 #define HID_FORMAT_SHADOW 1438 #define HID_FORMAT_BACKGROUND 1448 #define HID_FORMAT_BACKGROUND_DLG 1450 #define HID_SET_FRM_SIZE 1481 #define HID_SET_FRM_POSITION 1482 #define HID_SET_FRM_ANCHOR 1483 #define HID_SET_FRM_WRAP 1484 #define HID_SET_FRM_DIST 1485 #define HID_SET_FRM_OPTIONS 1486 #define HID_SET_FRM_MACRO 1494 #define HID_SET_FRM_COLUMNS 1495 #define HID_SET_FRM_COLUMN_WIDTH 1496 #define HID_SET_GRF_MIRROR 1488 #define HID_SET_TABLE_WIDTH 1489 #define HID_SET_TABLE_ALIGN 1490 #define HID_TABLE_SET_READ_ONLY_CELLS 1517 #define HID_TABLE_UNSET_READ_ONLY_CELLS 1519 #define HID_NEW_STYLE_BY_EXAMPLE 1462 #define HID_UPDATE_STYLES_DIRECT 1497 #define HID_UPDATE_STYLE_BY_EXAMPLE 1463 #define HID_STYLE_SHEET_FRAME_DLG 1464 #define HID_STYLE_SHEET_DOC_DLG 1465 #define HID_SET_STANDARD_FONTS 1442 #define HID_COPY 1102 #define HID_PASTE 1113 #define HID_PASTESPECIAL 1114 #define HID_CUT 1103 #define HID_FLIP_HORZ_GRAFIC 1425 #define HID_FLIP_VERT_GRAFIC 1426 #define HID_FORMAT_GRAFIC_DLG 1458 #define HID_VIEW_BOUNDS 1214 #define HID_VIEW_FIELDS 1215 #define HID_VIEW_META_CHARS 1224 #define HID_VIEW_MARKS 1225 #define HID_VIEW_FIELDNAME 1226 #define HID_VIEW_TABLEGRID 1227 #define HID_SEARCH 1117 #define HID_REPEAT_SEARCH 1150 #define HID_REPLACE 1118 #define HID_GOTO 1111 #define HID_SETUP_PRINTER_DLG 1015 #define HID_PRINT_FILE 1010 #define HID_PRINT_FILE_DEFAULT 1025 #define HID_FAX 1028 #define HID_PRINT_FILE_OPTIONS 1011 #define HID_THESAURUS_DLG 1604 #define HID_SPELLING_DLG 1601 #define HID_HYPHENATE_OPT_DLG 1607 #define HID_MERGE_FILE_DLG 1004 #define HID_SELECT_DATABASE 1030 #define HID_DOC_INFO_DLG 1031 #define HID_MERGE_FILE 1003 #define HID_MERGE_RECORD 1327 #define HID_INSERT_RECORD 1326 #define HID_NUMBERING_OUTLINE_DLG 1612 #define HID_NUMBER_BULLETS 1121 #define HID_ZOOM 1231 #define HID_SORTING 1613 #define HID_SORTING_DLG 1614 #define HID_CALCULATE 1615 #define HID_REFRESH_VIEW 1201 #define HID_CHAR_LEFT 1901 #define HID_CHAR_RIGHT 1902 #define HID_LINE_UP 1903 #define HID_LINE_DOWN 1904 #define HID_START_OF_LINE 1905 #define HID_END_OF_LINE 1906 #define HID_START_OF_DOCUMENT 1907 #define HID_END_OF_DOCUMENT 1908 #define HID_SELECT_WORD 1943 #define HID_SELECT_ALL 1119 #define HID_START_OF_NEXT_PAGE 1909 #define HID_END_OF_NEXT_PAGE 1910 #define HID_START_OF_PREV_PAGE 1911 #define HID_END_OF_PREV_PAGE 1912 #define HID_START_OF_PAGE 1913 #define HID_END_OF_PAGE 1914 #define HID_NEXT_WORD 1921 #define HID_START_OF_PARA 1919 #define HID_END_OF_PARA 1920 #define HID_PREV_WORD 1922 #define HID_NEXT_SENT 1923 #define HID_PREV_SENT 1924 #define HID_SET_INS_MODE 1936 #define HID_SET_ADD_MODE 1939 #define HID_SET_EXT_MODE 1940 #define HID_START_TABLE 1947 #define HID_END_TABLE 1948 #define HID_NEXT_TABLE 1949 #define HID_PREV_TABLE 1950 #define HID_TABLE_SELECT_ALL 1515 #define HID_TABLE_SELECT_COL 1514 #define HID_TABLE_SELECT_ROW 1513 #define HID_START_OF_COLUMN 1917 #define HID_END_OF_COLUMN 1918 #define HID_START_OF_NEXT_COLUMN 1951 #define HID_END_OF_NEXT_COLUMN 1952 #define HID_START_OF_PREV_COLUMN 1953 #define HID_END_OF_PREV_COLUMN 1954 #define HID_FOOTNOTE_TO_ANCHOR 1955 #define HID_NEXT_FOOTNOTE 1956 #define HID_PREV_FOOTNOTE 1957 #define HID_CNTNT_TO_NEXT_FRAME 1958 #define HID_FRAME_TO_ANCHOR 1959 #define HID_TO_HEADER 1960 #define HID_TO_FOOTER 1961 #define HID_IDX_MARK_TO_IDX 1962 #define HID_DELETE 1925 #define HID_BACKSPACE 1926 #define HID_DELETE_SENT 1927 #define HID_DELETE_BACK_SENT 1928 #define HID_DELETE_WORD 1929 #define HID_DELETE_BACK_WORD 1930 #define HID_DELETE_LINE 1931 #define HID_DELETE_BACK_LINE 1932 #define HID_DELETE_PARA 1933 #define HID_DELETE_BACK_PARA 1934 #define HID_DELETE_WHOLE_LINE 1935 #define HID_INSERT_BREAK 1303 #define HID_INSERT_PAGEBREAK 1323 #define HID_INSERT_LINEBREAK 1318 #define HID_INSERT_COLUMN_BREAK 1305 #define HID_INSERT_FOOTNOTE 1311 #define HID_INSERT_FOOTNOTE_DLG 1312 #define HID_FORMAT_FOOTNOTE_DLG 1468 #define HID_UNDO 1120 #define HID_REDO 1116 #define HID_REPEAT 1122 #define HID_REPAGINATE 1161 #define HID_SHOW_UPDATE_HELP 1805 #define HID_SHOW_KEYBOARD_HELP 1803 #define HID_SHOW_HELP_MANUAL 1804 #define HID_GLOSSARY_DLG 1620 #define HID_EXPAND_GLOSSARY 1628 #define HID_INSERT_GLOSSARY 1640 #define HID_AUTO_CORRECT_DLG 1650 #define HID_AUTO_CORRECT 1649 #define HID_CONFIG_DLG 1627 #define HID_INSERT_STRING 1331 #define HID_SET_CHAR_STYLE 1491 #define HID_SET_PARA_STYLE 1492 #define HID_SET_PAGE_STYLE 1493 #define HID_SET_LRMARGIN 1429 #define HID_SET_ULMARGIN 1430 #define HID_SET_HYPHEN_ZONE 1432 #define HID_SET_PAGE_BREAK 1433 #define HID_FORMAT_PAGE 1451 #define HID_SET_KEEP_TOGETHER 1434 #define HID_SET_WIDOW 1436 #define HID_SET_ORPHAN 1437 #define HID_BUFFER_UPDATE 1124 #define HID_FORMAT_TAB 1444 #define HID_IS_END_OF_PARA 2000 #define HID_IS_END_OF_WORD 2000 #define HID_IS_END_OF_DOC 2000 #define HID_IS_START_OF_PARA 2000 #define HID_IS_START_OF_WORD 2000 #define HID_IS_START_OF_DOC 2000 #define HID_EDIT_FORMULA 1128 #define HID_ENVELOP 2050 #define HID_LABEL 2051 #define HID_AGENDA_WIZZARD 1663 #define HID_MEMO_WIZZARD 1662 #define HID_FAX_WIZZARD 1661 #define HID_LETTER_WIZZARD 1660 #define HID_LAUNCH_REGISTRY 1002