/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: swdtflvr.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.15 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 10:03:09 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SWDTFLVR_HXX #define _SWDTFLVR_HXX #ifndef _TRANSFER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GRAPH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _LNKBASE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_EMBED_XEMBEDDEDOBJECT_HPP_ #include #endif class Graphic; class ImageMap; class INetBookmark; class INetImage; class SwDoc; class SwDocFac; class SwNode; class SwTextBlocks; class SwWrtShell; class Reader; class SvxClipboardFmtItem; class ViewShell; class SwView_Impl; enum TransferBufferType { TRNSFR_NONE = 0x0000, TRNSFR_DOCUMENT = 0x0001, TRNSFR_DOCUMENT_WORD = 0x0002, TRNSFR_GRAPHIC = 0x0004, TRNSFR_TABELLE = 0x0008, TRNSFR_DDELINK = 0x0010, TRNSFR_OLE = 0x0020, TRNSFR_INETFLD = 0x0040, TRNSFR_DRAWING = 0x0081 //Drawing ist auch intern! }; #define DATA_FLAVOR ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor class SwTransferable : public TransferableHelper { friend class SwView_Impl; SfxObjectShellRef aDocShellRef; TransferableDataHelper aOleData; TransferableObjectDescriptor aObjDesc; ::sfx2::SvBaseLinkRef refDdeLink; SwWrtShell *pWrtShell; /* #96392# Added pCreatorView to distinguish SwFrameShell from SwWrtShell. */ const ViewShell *pCreatorView; SwDocFac *pClpDocFac; Graphic *pClpGraphic, *pClpBitmap, *pOrigGrf; INetBookmark *pBkmk; // URL und Beschreibung! ImageMap *pImageMap; INetImage *pTargetURL; TransferBufferType eBufferType; BOOL bOldIdle :1; //D&D Idle flag from the viewsettings BOOL bCleanUp :1; //D&D cleanup after Drop (not by internal Drop) // helper methods for the copy com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject > FindOLEObj() const; void DeleteSelection(); // helper methods for the paste static void SetSelInShell( SwWrtShell& , BOOL , const Point* ); static BOOL _CheckForURLOrLNKFile( TransferableDataHelper& rData, String& rFileName, String* pTitle = 0 ); static int _TestAllowedFormat( const TransferableDataHelper& rData, ULONG nFormat, USHORT nDestination ); static int _PasteFileContent( TransferableDataHelper&, SwWrtShell& rSh, ULONG nFmt, BOOL bMsg ); static int _PasteOLE( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, ULONG nFmt, BYTE nActionFlags, BOOL bMsg ); static int _PasteTargetURL( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, USHORT nAction, const Point* pPt, BOOL bInsertGRF ); static int _PasteDDE( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rWrtShell, FASTBOOL bReReadGrf, BOOL bMsg ); static int _PasteSdrFormat( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, USHORT nAction, const Point* pPt, BYTE nActionFlags ); static int _PasteGrf( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, ULONG nFmt, USHORT nAction, const Point* pPt, BYTE nActionFlags, BOOL bMsg ); static int _PasteImageMap( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh ); static int _PasteAsHyperlink( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, ULONG nFmt ); static int _PasteFileName( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, ULONG nFmt, USHORT nAction, const Point* pPt, BYTE nActionFlags, BOOL bMsg ); static int _PasteDBData( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, ULONG nFmt, BOOL bLink, const Point* pDragPt, BOOL bMsg ); static int _PasteFileList( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, BOOL bLink, const Point* pPt, BOOL bMsg ); int PrivateDrop( SwWrtShell& rSh, const Point& rDragPt, BOOL bMove, BOOL bIsXSelection ); int PrivatePaste( SwWrtShell& rShell ); void SetDataForDragAndDrop( const Point& rSttPos ); // not available SwTransferable(); SwTransferable( const SwTransferable& ); SwTransferable& operator=( const SwTransferable& ); protected: virtual void AddSupportedFormats(); virtual sal_Bool GetData( const DATA_FLAVOR& rFlavor ); virtual sal_Bool WriteObject( SotStorageStreamRef& rxOStm, void* pUserObject, sal_uInt32 nUserObjectId, const DATA_FLAVOR& rFlavor ); virtual void DragFinished( sal_Int8 nDropAction ); virtual void ObjectReleased(); public: SwTransferable( SwWrtShell& ); virtual ~SwTransferable(); static USHORT GetSotDestination( const SwWrtShell& rSh, const Point* = 0 ); // set properties on the document, like PageMargin, VisArea. // And set real Size static void InitOle( SfxObjectShell* pDoc, SwDoc& rDoc ); // copy - methods and helper methods for the copy int Cut(); int Copy( BOOL bIsCut = FALSE ); int CalculateAndCopy(); // special for Calculator int CopyGlossary( SwTextBlocks& rGlossary, const String& rStr ); // remove the DDE-Link format promise void RemoveDDELinkFormat( const Window& rWin ); // paste - methods and helper methods for the paste static BOOL IsPaste( const SwWrtShell&, const TransferableDataHelper& ); static int Paste( SwWrtShell&, TransferableDataHelper& ); static int PasteData( TransferableDataHelper& rData, SwWrtShell& rSh, USHORT nAction, ULONG nFormat, USHORT nDestination, BOOL bIsPasteFmt, sal_Bool bIsDefault, const Point* pDDPos = 0, sal_Int8 nDropAction = 0, BOOL bPasteSelection = FALSE ); static BOOL IsPasteSpecial( const SwWrtShell& rWrtShell, const TransferableDataHelper& ); static int PasteSpecial( SwWrtShell& rSh, TransferableDataHelper&, ULONG& rFormatUsed ); static int PasteFormat( SwWrtShell& rSh, TransferableDataHelper& rData, ULONG nFormat ); static void FillClipFmtItem( const SwWrtShell& rSh, const TransferableDataHelper& rData, SvxClipboardFmtItem & rToFill ); // Interfaces for Drag & Drop void StartDrag( Window* pWin, const Point& rPos ); SwWrtShell* GetShell() { return pWrtShell; } void SetCleanUp( BOOL bFlag ) { bCleanUp = bFlag; } // Interfaces for Selection /* #96392# Added pCreator to distinguish SwFrameShell from SwWrtShell. */ static void CreateSelection( SwWrtShell & rSh, const ViewShell * pCreator = NULL ); static void ClearSelection( SwWrtShell& rSh, const ViewShell * pCreator = NULL ); // the related SwView is being closed and the SwTransferable is invalid now void Invalidate() {pWrtShell = 0;} static const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& getUnoTunnelId(); virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ); }; #endif