/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: usrpref.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 10:13:31 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _USRPREF_HXX #define _USRPREF_HXX #ifndef _UTL_CONFIGITEM_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _FLDUPDE_HXX #include #endif #include "viewopt.hxx" #ifndef _VCL_FLDUNIT_HXX #include #endif /* -----------------------------28.09.00 09:45-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwMasterUsrPref; class SwContentViewConfig : public utl::ConfigItem { SwMasterUsrPref& rParent; BOOL bWeb; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence GetPropertyNames(); public: SwContentViewConfig(BOOL bWeb, SwMasterUsrPref& rParent); ~SwContentViewConfig(); virtual void Commit(); void Load(); void SetModified(){ConfigItem::SetModified();} }; /* -----------------------------28.09.00 09:45-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwLayoutViewConfig : public utl::ConfigItem { SwMasterUsrPref& rParent; BOOL bWeb; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence GetPropertyNames(); public: SwLayoutViewConfig(BOOL bWeb, SwMasterUsrPref& rParent); ~SwLayoutViewConfig(); virtual void Commit(); void Load(); void SetModified(){ConfigItem::SetModified();} }; /* -----------------------------19.01.01 13:06-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwGridConfig : public utl::ConfigItem { SwMasterUsrPref& rParent; BOOL bWeb; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence GetPropertyNames(); public: SwGridConfig(BOOL bWeb, SwMasterUsrPref& rParent); ~SwGridConfig(); virtual void Commit(); void Load(); void SetModified(){ConfigItem::SetModified();} }; /* -----------------------------19.01.01 13:06-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwCursorConfig : public utl::ConfigItem { SwMasterUsrPref& rParent; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence GetPropertyNames(); public: SwCursorConfig(SwMasterUsrPref& rParent); ~SwCursorConfig(); virtual void Commit(); void Load(); void SetModified(){ConfigItem::SetModified();} }; /* -----------------------------28.09.00 09:45-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwWebColorConfig : public utl::ConfigItem { SwMasterUsrPref& rParent; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence aPropNames; public: SwWebColorConfig(SwMasterUsrPref& rParent); ~SwWebColorConfig(); virtual void Commit(); void Load(); void SetModified(){ConfigItem::SetModified();} }; /* -----------------------------28.09.00 09:45-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwMasterUsrPref : public SwViewOption { friend class SwContentViewConfig; friend class SwLayoutViewConfig; friend class SwGridConfig; friend class SwCursorConfig; friend class SwWebColorConfig; SwContentViewConfig aContentConfig; SwLayoutViewConfig aLayoutConfig; SwGridConfig aGridConfig; SwCursorConfig aCursorConfig; SwWebColorConfig* pWebColorConfig; sal_Int32 nFldUpdateFlags; //udpate of fields and charts sal_Int32 nLinkUpdateMode; FieldUnit eUserMetric; FieldUnit eHScrollMetric; sal_Bool bIsHScrollMetricSet; FieldUnit eVScrollMetric; sal_Bool bIsVScrollMetricSet; sal_Int32 nDefTab; //default tab stop distance public: SwMasterUsrPref(BOOL bWeb); ~SwMasterUsrPref(); void SetUsrPref(const SwViewOption &rCopy); void Commit() { aContentConfig.Commit(); aLayoutConfig.Commit(); aGridConfig.Commit(); aCursorConfig.Commit(); if(pWebColorConfig) pWebColorConfig->Commit(); } void SetModified() { aContentConfig.SetModified(); aLayoutConfig.SetModified(); aGridConfig.SetModified(); aCursorConfig.SetModified(); if(pWebColorConfig) pWebColorConfig->SetModified(); } void SetUpdateLinkMode(sal_Int32 nSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { nLinkUpdateMode = nSet; if(!bNoModify) aContentConfig.SetModified(); } sal_Int32 GetUpdateLinkMode() const {return nLinkUpdateMode; } void SetUpdateFields(BOOL bSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { if(bSet && nFldUpdateFlags == AUTOUPD_OFF) { nFldUpdateFlags = AUTOUPD_FIELD_ONLY; if(!bNoModify) aContentConfig.SetModified(); } else if(!bSet) { nFldUpdateFlags = AUTOUPD_OFF; if(!bNoModify) aContentConfig.SetModified(); } }; sal_Bool IsUpdateFields()const {return nFldUpdateFlags != AUTOUPD_OFF; } sal_Int32 GetFldUpdateFlags()const {return nFldUpdateFlags;} void SetFldUpdateFlags(sal_Int32 nSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { nFldUpdateFlags = nSet; if(!bNoModify) aContentConfig.SetModified(); } void SetUpdateCharts(BOOL bSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { if(bSet) { nFldUpdateFlags = AUTOUPD_FIELD_AND_CHARTS; if(!bNoModify) aContentConfig.SetModified(); } else if(nFldUpdateFlags == AUTOUPD_FIELD_AND_CHARTS) { nFldUpdateFlags = AUTOUPD_FIELD_ONLY; if(!bNoModify) aContentConfig.SetModified(); } }; sal_Bool IsUpdateCharts()const {return nFldUpdateFlags == AUTOUPD_FIELD_AND_CHARTS; } FieldUnit GetMetric() const { return eUserMetric;} void SetMetric(FieldUnit eSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { eUserMetric = eSet; if(!bNoModify) aLayoutConfig.SetModified(); } sal_Bool IsHScrollMetric()const {return bIsHScrollMetricSet;} FieldUnit GetHScrollMetric() const { return bIsHScrollMetricSet ? eHScrollMetric : eUserMetric;} void SetHScrollMetric(FieldUnit eSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { eHScrollMetric = eSet; bIsHScrollMetricSet = sal_True; if(!bNoModify) aLayoutConfig.SetModified(); } sal_Bool IsVScrollMetric()const {return bIsVScrollMetricSet;} FieldUnit GetVScrollMetric() const { return bIsVScrollMetricSet ? eVScrollMetric : eUserMetric;} void SetVScrollMetric(FieldUnit eSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False) { eVScrollMetric = eSet; bIsVScrollMetricSet = sal_True; if(!bNoModify) aLayoutConfig.SetModified(); } sal_Int32 GetDefTab() const { return nDefTab;} void SetDefTab( sal_Int32 nSet, sal_Bool bNoModify = sal_False ) { nDefTab = nSet; if(!bNoModify) aLayoutConfig.SetModified(); } }; #endif