/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include "view.hxx" #include "basesh.hxx" #include "wrtsh.hxx" #include "cmdid.h" #include "bookmark.hxx" #include "IMark.hxx" #include "globals.hrc" const OUString BookmarkCombo::aForbiddenChars("/\\@:*?\";,.#"); IMPL_LINK( SwInsertBookmarkDlg, ModifyHdl, BookmarkCombo *, pBox ) { sal_Bool bSelEntries = pBox->GetSelectEntryCount() != 0; // if a string has been pasted from the clipboard then // there may be illegal characters in the box if(!bSelEntries) { OUString sTmp = pBox->GetText(); sal_uInt16 nLen = sTmp.getLength(); OUString sMsg; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < BookmarkCombo::aForbiddenChars.getLength(); i++) { sal_uInt16 nTmpLen = sTmp.getLength(); sTmp = comphelper::string::remove(sTmp, BookmarkCombo::aForbiddenChars[i]); if(sTmp.getLength() != nTmpLen) sMsg += OUString(BookmarkCombo::aForbiddenChars[i]); } if(sTmp.getLength() != nLen) { pBox->SetText(sTmp); OUString sWarning(sRemoveWarning); sWarning += sMsg; InfoBox(this, sWarning).Execute(); } } m_pOkBtn->Enable(!bSelEntries); // new text mark m_pDeleteBtn->Enable(bSelEntries); // deletable? return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: callback to delete a text mark -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwInsertBookmarkDlg, DeleteHdl) { // remove text marks from the ComboBox for (sal_uInt16 i = m_pBookmarkBox->GetSelectEntryCount(); i; i-- ) m_pBookmarkBox->RemoveEntryAt(m_pBookmarkBox->GetSelectEntryPos(i - 1)); m_pBookmarkBox->SetText(aEmptyOUStr); m_pDeleteBtn->Enable(sal_False); // no further entries there m_pOkBtn->Enable(); // the OK handler deletes return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: callback for OKButton. Inserts a new text mark to the current position. Deleted text marks are also deleted in the model. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwInsertBookmarkDlg::Apply() { //at first remove deleted bookmarks to prevent multiple bookmarks with the same //name for (sal_uInt16 nCount = m_pBookmarkBox->GetRemovedCount(); nCount > 0; nCount--) { OUString sRemoved = m_pBookmarkBox->GetRemovedEntry( nCount -1 ).GetName(); IDocumentMarkAccess* const pMarkAccess = rSh.getIDocumentMarkAccess(); pMarkAccess->deleteMark( pMarkAccess->findMark(sRemoved) ); SfxRequest aReq( rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame(), FN_DELETE_BOOKMARK ); aReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( FN_DELETE_BOOKMARK, sRemoved ) ); aReq.Done(); } // insert text mark SwBoxEntry aTmpEntry(m_pBookmarkBox->GetText(), 0 ); if (!m_pBookmarkBox->GetText().isEmpty() && (m_pBookmarkBox->GetSwEntryPos(aTmpEntry) == COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)) { OUString sEntry(comphelper::string::remove(m_pBookmarkBox->GetText(), m_pBookmarkBox->GetMultiSelectionSeparator())); rSh.SetBookmark( KeyCode(), sEntry, aEmptyOUStr ); rReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( FN_INSERT_BOOKMARK, sEntry ) ); rReq.Done(); } if ( !rReq.IsDone() ) rReq.Ignore(); } SwInsertBookmarkDlg::SwInsertBookmarkDlg( Window *pParent, SwWrtShell &rS, SfxRequest& rRequest ) : SvxStandardDialog(pParent, "InsertBookmarkDialog", "modules/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui"), rSh( rS ), rReq( rRequest ) { get(m_pBookmarkBox, "bookmarks"); get(m_pOkBtn, "ok"); get(m_pDeleteBtn, "delete"); m_pBookmarkBox->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SwInsertBookmarkDlg, ModifyHdl)); m_pBookmarkBox->EnableMultiSelection(sal_True); m_pBookmarkBox->EnableAutocomplete( sal_True, sal_True ); m_pDeleteBtn->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwInsertBookmarkDlg, DeleteHdl)); // fill Combobox with existing bookmarks IDocumentMarkAccess* const pMarkAccess = rSh.getIDocumentMarkAccess(); sal_uInt16 nId = 0; for( IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t ppBookmark = pMarkAccess->getBookmarksBegin(); ppBookmark != pMarkAccess->getBookmarksEnd(); ++ppBookmark) { if(IDocumentMarkAccess::BOOKMARK == IDocumentMarkAccess::GetType(**ppBookmark)) { m_pBookmarkBox->InsertSwEntry( SwBoxEntry(ppBookmark->get()->GetName(), nId++)); } } sRemoveWarning = OUString(SW_RES(STR_REMOVE_WARNING)); } SwInsertBookmarkDlg::~SwInsertBookmarkDlg() { } BookmarkCombo::BookmarkCombo(Window* pWin, WinBits nStyle) : SwComboBox(pWin, nStyle) { } sal_uInt16 BookmarkCombo::GetFirstSelEntryPos() const { return GetSelEntryPos(0); } sal_uInt16 BookmarkCombo::GetNextSelEntryPos(sal_uInt16 nPos) const { return GetSelEntryPos(nPos + 1); } sal_uInt16 BookmarkCombo::GetSelEntryPos(sal_uInt16 nPos) const { sal_Unicode cSep = GetMultiSelectionSeparator(); sal_uInt16 nCnt = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(GetText(), cSep); for (; nPos < nCnt; nPos++) { OUString sEntry(comphelper::string::strip(GetText().getToken(nPos, cSep), ' ')); if (GetEntryPos(sEntry) != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) return nPos; } return COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; } sal_uInt16 BookmarkCombo::GetSelectEntryCount() const { sal_uInt16 nCnt = 0; sal_uInt16 nPos = GetFirstSelEntryPos(); while (nPos != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { nPos = GetNextSelEntryPos(nPos); nCnt++; } return nCnt; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: position inside of the listbox (the ComboBox) -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 BookmarkCombo::GetSelectEntryPos( sal_uInt16 nSelIndex ) const { sal_uInt16 nCnt = 0; sal_uInt16 nPos = GetFirstSelEntryPos(); while (nPos != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { if (nSelIndex == nCnt) { sal_Unicode cSep = GetMultiSelectionSeparator(); OUString sEntry(comphelper::string::strip(GetText().getToken(nPos, cSep), ' ')); return GetEntryPos(sEntry); } nPos = GetNextSelEntryPos(nPos); nCnt++; } return COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; } long BookmarkCombo::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { long nHandled = 0; if( EVENT_KEYINPUT == rNEvt.GetType() && rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetCharCode() ) { OUString sKey( rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetCharCode() ); if(-1 != aForbiddenChars.indexOf(sKey)) nHandled = 1; } if(!nHandled) nHandled = SwComboBox::PreNotify( rNEvt ); return nHandled; } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT Window* SAL_CALL makeBookmarkCombo(Window* pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &) { return new BookmarkCombo(pParent, 0); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */