/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: glossary.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.34 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-07-03 16:11:23 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "misc.hrc" #include "glossary.hrc" #include "cmdid.h" #include "helpid.h" // #define DLG_GLOSSARY 256 ModalDialog DLG_GLOSSARY { HelpID = FN_GLOSSARY_DLG ; OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 375 , 164 ) ; Text = "AutoText" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "AutoText" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "AutoTekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Testo automatico" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoTexto" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "AutoTexto" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Automaattinen teksti" ; Text [ danish ] = "AutoTekst" ; Text [ french ] = "AutoTexte" ; Text [ swedish ] = "AutoText" ; Text [ dutch ] = "AutoTekst" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Texto automtico" ; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoText" ; Moveable = TRUE ; CheckBox CB_INSERT_TIP { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 12 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 12 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text = "~Rest des Namens bei der Eingabe als Tipp anzeigen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Show the rest of the name as tip while typing" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Display remainder of name as suggestion while typing" ; Text [ italian ] = "Visualizza il resto del nome nella digitazione come suggerimento" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Muestra el resto del nombre mientras se escribe como una sugerencia" ; Text [ french ] = "Lors de la saisie, afficher le nom complet sous forme d'~infobulle" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Rest van de naam bij invoer als tip weergeven" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Visa resten av namnet som tips vid inmatningen" ; Text [ danish ] = "Vis resten af navnet som tip under skrivning" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exibir o ~resto do nome como sugesto durante a digitao" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Mostrar ~resto do nome como sugesto durante a digitao" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动显示输入文提示(~D)"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "~Wywietl pozosta cz nazwy w trakcie pisania"; Text[ japanese ] = "入力中にテキストブロック名をヒント表示する(~D)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動完成顯示(~D)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " ~ "; Text[ korean ] = "입력 시 남은 이름을 제안 이름으로 표시(~D)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Giri srasnda adn geri kalann neri olarak grntle"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Mostra la resta del nom com a suggerncia durant l'entrada"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Ehdota nime kirjoitettaessa"; Text[ thai ] = "แ~สดงผลชื่อส่วนที่เหลือเป็นคำแนะนำขณะพิมพ์"; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazovat zbytek názvu jako návrh při psaní"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הצגת המשך השם תוך כדי הדפסה, כהצעה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~टइपिंग के समय के सुझाव के अनुसार बचा हुआ नाम को दिखाता है ।"; Text[ slovak ] = "Zo~brazovať zvyšok názvu ako návrh pri písaní"; }; FixedText FT_NAME { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 31 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 40 , 8 ) ; Text = "~Name" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Name" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Navn" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Nome" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nome" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Nome" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Nimi" ; Text [ danish ] = "Navn" ; Text [ french ] = "Nom" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam" ; Text [ spanish ] = "N~ombre" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Name" ; Left = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "名称(~N)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa"; Text[ japanese ] = "ブロック名(~N)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "名稱(~N)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "이름(~N)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Ad"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Nom"; Text[ thai ] = "~ชื่อ"; Text[ czech ] = "Název"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שם‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~नाम"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Názov"; }; Edit ED_NAME { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 29 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 85 , 12 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Left = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_SHORTNAME { Disable = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 143 , 31 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 57 , 8 ) ; Text = "~Krzel" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Shortcut" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "+++~Shortcut" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sigla" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Atalho" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Abreviatura" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Pikavalinta" ; Text [ danish ] = "Genvej" ; Text [ french ] = "~Raccourci" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Frkortning" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Afkorting" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Abrev." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Shortcut" ; Right = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "缩写(~S)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Inicjay"; Text[ japanese ] = "ショートカットキー(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "縮寫(~S)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "바로 가기(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Ksa yol"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Drecera"; Text[ thai ] = "~ทางลัด"; Text[ czech ] = "Zkratka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שם מקוצר‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सरल विधि"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Skratka"; }; Edit ED_SHORTNAME { Disable = TRUE ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 203 , 29 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 21 , 12 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Left = TRUE ; }; Control LB_BIB { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 44 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 212 , 84 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; // Sort = TRUE ; // CurPos = 0 ; String ST_READONLY { Text = "schreibgeschtzt" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "readonly" ; Text[ english_us ] = "read-only"; Text[ portuguese ] = "s leitura"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Alleen-lezen"; Text[ french ] = "en lecture seule"; Text[ spanish ] = "solo lectura"; Text[ italian ] = "di sola lettura"; Text[ danish ] = "skrivebeskyttet"; Text[ swedish ] = "skrivskyddad"; Text[ polish ] = "tylko do odczytu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "somente leitura"; Text[ japanese ] = "書き込み保護"; Text[ korean ] = "읽기 전용"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "防改写"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "唯讀"; Text[ turkish ] = "okuma amal"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "noms lectura"; Text[ finnish ] = "Vain luku"; Text[ thai ] = "อ่านอย่างเดียว"; Text[ czech ] = "pouze ke čtení"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קריאה בלבד‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "केवल पढ़ने केलिए"; Text[ slovak ] = "len na čítanie"; }; }; FixedLine FL_RELATIVE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 134 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 221 , 8 ) ; Text= "Verknpfungen relativ speichern"; Text[ italian ] = "Salvare i collegamenti in modo relativo"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvar vnculos relativos a"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar ligaes em modo relativo"; Text[ danish ] = "Gem kder relativt"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrement relatif des liens"; Text[ swedish ] = "Spara lnkar relativt"; Text[ dutch ] = "Koppelingen relatief opslaan"; Text[ spanish ] = "Guardar vnculos relativamente"; Text[ english_us ] = "Save links relative to"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘相对的链接"; Text = "Verknpfungen relativ speichern" ; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存相對的捷徑"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz cza wzgldne"; Text[ japanese ] = "リンクの相対保存"; Text[ korean ] = "링크를 다음 기준으로 저장"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "ilikili balantlar sakla"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Desa els enllaos relativament"; Text[ finnish ] = "Linkkien tallennussuhde"; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกการเชื่อมโยงสัมพัทธ์กับ"; Text[ czech ] = "Uložit odkazy na relativně k"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירת קישורים בהתיחסות ל ‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "के सम्बन्धित लिंक को संचित करो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Uložiť odkazy relatívne k"; }; CheckBox CB_FILE_REL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 14 , 145 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 12 ) ; Text = "Im ~Dateisystem" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "on ~filesystem" ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ english_us ] = "~File system" ; Text [ italian ] = "Al file system" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Sistema de archivos" ; Text [ french ] = "Dans le systme de ~fichiers" ; Text [ dutch ] = "In b~estandsysteem" ; Text [ swedish ] = "I ~filsystemet" ; Text [ danish ] = "i ~filsystemet" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Sistema de arquivos" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~No sistema de ficheiros" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在文件系统内(~F)"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Sys~tem plikw"; Text[ japanese ] = "ファイルシステム内(~F)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "檔案系統(~F)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "파일 시스템(~F)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Dosya sistemi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Sistema de ~fitxers"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Tiedostojrjestelm"; Text[ thai ] = "ระบะแ~ฟ้ม"; Text[ czech ] = "Souborovému systému"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מערכת הקבצים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~फाइल सिस्टम"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Súborovému systému"; }; CheckBox CB_NET_REL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 109 , 145 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 12 ) ; Text = "Im ~Internet" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "on int~ernet" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Inte~rnet" ; Text [ italian ] = "In ~Internet" ; Text [ spanish ] = "En I~nternet" ; Text [ french ] = "Sur ~Internet" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Op het interne~t" ; Text [ swedish ] = "P ~Internet" ; Text [ danish ] = "p ~Internettet" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Internet" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Na ~Internet" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在国际互联网内(~R)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Int~ernet"; Text[ japanese ] = "インターネット内(~R)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Inte~rnet"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " Internet"; Text[ korean ] = "인터넷(~R)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Internet"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Inte~rnet"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Internet"; Text[ thai ] = "อินเทอ~ร์เน็ต"; Text[ czech ] = "Internetu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אינטרנט‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "इन्टरने~ट्"; Text[ slovak ] = "Inte~rnetu"; }; Window WIN_EXAMPLE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 231 , 14 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 124 ) ; }; Window WIN_EXAMPLE_DUMMY { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 231 , 14 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 124 ) ; Border = TRUE; }; CheckBox CB_SHOW_EXAMPLE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 231 , 145 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 12 ) ; Text = "~Vorschau anzeigen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Show ~preview" ; Text[ english_us ] = "Sho~w preview"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Mostrar Previsualizar"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld weergeven"; Text[ french ] = "Afficher l'aperu"; Text[ spanish ] = "Mostrar pre~visualizacin"; Text[ italian ] = "Mostra anteprima"; Text[ danish ] = "Vis eksempel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Visa frhandsvisning"; Text[ polish ] = "Pok~a podgld"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Mostrar visualizao"; Text[ japanese ] = "プレビューの表示(~W)"; Text[ korean ] = "미리 보기 표시(~W)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示预览(~W)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "採用預覽(~W)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "nizlemeyi grntle"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Mostra pre~visualitzaci"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt ~esikatselu"; Text[ thai ] = "แสด~งตัวอย่าง"; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit náhled"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תצוגה מקדימה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "पूर्वदृश्य ~दिखाओ"; Text[ slovak ] = "Zo~braziť náhľad"; }; OKButton PB_INSERT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 319 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? ~Einfgen : ~Einfgen */ Text = "~Einfgen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Insert" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Insert" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Inserisci" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Inserir" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Inserir" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Lis" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Indst" ; Text [ french ] = "Insrer" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Infog~a" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Invoegen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Insertar" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Insert" ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fgt den aktuellen Textblock ein und schliet das Dialogfeld : Fgt den aktuellen Textblock ein und schliet das Dialogfeld */ TabStop = TRUE ; DefButton = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入(~I)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "W~staw"; Text[ japanese ] = "挿入(~I)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "W~staw"; Text[ japanese ] = "挿入(~I)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入(~I)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入(~I)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "삽입(~I)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Ekle"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Insereix"; Text[ thai ] = "แ~ทรก"; Text[ czech ] = "Vložit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הוספה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~जोड़ो"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Vložiť"; }; CancelButton PB_CLOSE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 319 , 23 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? ~Schlieen : ~Schlieen */ Text = "~Schlieen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Close" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Lukk" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Chiudi" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Fechar" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Fechar" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Sulje" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Luk" ; Text [ french ] = "Fermer" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Stng" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Sluiten" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Cerrar" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Close" ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "关闭(~C)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Zamknij"; Text[ japanese ] = "閉じる(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "關閉(~C)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "닫기(~C)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Kapat"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Tanca"; Text[ thai ] = "~ปิด"; Text[ czech ] = "Zavřít"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סגירה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~बन्द करो"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Zavrieť"; }; HelpButton PB_HELP { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 319 , 43 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; }; MenuButton PB_EDIT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 319 , 60 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "AutoTe~xt" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "AutoTe~xt" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "AutoTekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Testo auto." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoTe~xto" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "AutoTe~xto" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Autom. ~teksti" ; Text [ danish ] = "AutoTekst" ; Text [ french ] = "~AutoTexte" ; Text [ swedish ] = "AutoTe~xt" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~AutoTekst" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Texto automtico" ; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoTe~xt" ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动图文集(~X)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Autote~kst"; Text[ japanese ] = "入力支援(~X)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動圖文集(~X)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 텍스트(~X)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik me~tin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "AutoTe~xt"; Text[ thai ] = "ข้อ~ความอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Automatický text"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טקסט מקובץ‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्व~चालित टेक्स्ट्"; Text[ slovak ] = "Autom. te~xt"; }; PushButton PB_BIB { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 319 , 77 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "~Bereiche..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Groups..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Grupper..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Categorie..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Categorias..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Categorias..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Luokat..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Omrder..." ; Text [ french ] = "Cat~gories..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Omrden..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Bereiken..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~reas..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "C~ategories..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分类(~A)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Kateg~orie..."; Text[ japanese ] = "グループ(~A)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "分類(~A)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "범주(~A)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "K~ategoriler..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "C~ategories..."; Text[ thai ] = "ป~ระเภท..."; Text[ czech ] = "Kategorie..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קטגוריות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~वर्ग..."; Text[ slovak ] = "K~ategórie..."; }; PushButton PB_PATH { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 319 , 94 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "~Pfad..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Path..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Atalho..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Path..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Caminho..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sk~vg..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Sti..." ; Text [ italian ] = "~Percorso..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Ruta..." ; Text [ french ] = "~Chemin..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Pad..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "路径(~P)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "~cieka..."; Text[ japanese ] = "パス(~P)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "路徑(~P)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "경로(~P)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Veri yolu..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Cam..."; Text[ finnish ] = "~Polku..."; Text[ thai ] = "เ~ส้นทาง..."; Text[ czech ] = "Cesta..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "~Pfad..."; Text[ hindi ] = "~मार्ग..."; Text[ slovak ] = "~Cesta..."; }; String ST_READONLY_PATH { Text = "Fr die Verzeichnisse fr 'AutoText' sind sind keine Schreibrechte vorhanden. Mchten Sie den Pfaddialog aufrufen?" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "The directories of 'AutoText' don't have write access. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?" ; Text[ english_us ] = "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Os directrios de 'AutoTexto' so s de leitura. Abrir a caixa de dilogo dos atalhos?"; Text[ russian ] = " 'AutoText' . ?"; Text[ greek ] = " ' '. ;"; Text[ dutch ] = "Voor de directory's van 'AutoTekst' bestaan geen schrijfrechten. Wilt u het dialoogvenster voor het definiren van het pad oproepen?"; Text[ french ] = "Aucun droit d'criture n'existe pour les rpertoires 'AutoText'. Voulez-vous appeler la bote de dialogue des chemins ?"; Text[ spanish ] = "No existen derechos de escritura para los directorios de 'Texto automtico'. Desea abrir el dilogo de rutas?"; Text[ italian ] = "La cartella 'AutoText' di sola lettura. Volete richiamare il dialogo del percorso?"; Text[ danish ] = "Der findes ingen skriverettigheder til 'AutoTekst'-bibliotekerne. Vil du bne stidialogen?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Det saknas skrivrttigheter fr katalogerna fr 'AutoText'. Vill du ppna skvgsdialogen?"; Text[ polish ] = "Katalogi \"Autotekst\" s tylko do odczytu. Czy wywoa okno dialogowe ustawiania cieki?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Os diretrios de 'AutoTexto' so somente de leitura. Deseja abrir a caixa de dilogo dos caminhos?"; Text[ japanese ] = "「入力支援」のディレクトリは書き込み保護されていません。パス設定のダイアログボックスを呼び出しますか。"; Text[ korean ] = "'AutoText' 디렉토리는 읽기 전용입니다. 경로 설정 대화 상자를 호출하시겠습니까?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "\"自动图文集\"的目录不可以改写。要打开路径对话栏?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "目錄是唯讀的。要打開一個路徑對話方?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik metin klavuzlar sadece okuma amal. Yol ayarlar diyalounu balatmak ister misiniz?"; Text[ arabic ] = " ' '. ѿ"; Text[ catalan ] = "No existeixen drets d'escriptura pels directoris 'AutoText'. Voleu obrir el quadre de camins?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattisen tekstin hakemistot ovat vain luku -hakemistoja. Haluatko avata hakemistopolun mritysvalintaikkunan?"; Text[ thai ] = "ไดเร็กทอรี่ 'ข้อความอัตโนมัติ' แบบอ่านอย่างเดียว คุณต้องการเรียกการกำหนดเส้นทางไดอะล็อกหรือไม่?"; Text[ czech ] = "Adresáře s automatickým textem jsou pouze pro čtení. Přejete si zobrazit dialog pro výběr cest?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Für die Verzeichnisse für 'AutoText' sind sind keine Schreibrechte vorhanden. Möchten Sie den Pfaddialog aufrufen?"; Text[ hindi ] = "'स्वचालित टेक्स्ट्' डैरक्टरियाँ केवल-पढ़ने केलिए है । आप मार्ग निर्धारण का डयलॉग को बुलाना चाहते है?"; Text[ slovak ] = "Adresáre s automatickým textom sú len na čítanie. Prajete si zobraziťdialóg na výber ciest?"; }; Menu MNU_EDIT { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_DEFINE ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_DEFINE ; Text = "~Neu" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~New" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~New" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Nuovo" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Novo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Novo" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Uusi" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Ny(t)" ; Text [ french ] = "~Nouveau" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Ny" ; Text [ dutch ] = "N~ieuw" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Nuevo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~New" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建(~N)"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ polish ] = "~Nowy"; Text[ japanese ] = "新規作成(~N)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "開啟新檔(~N)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "새로 만들기(~N)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Yeni"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Nou"; Text[ thai ] = "ใ~หม่"; Text[ czech ] = "Nový"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חדש‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~नया"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Nový"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_DEFINE_TEXT ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_DEFINE_TEXT ; Text = "Neu (nur ~Text)" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "New (only ~text)" ; Text [ english_us ] = "New (text only)" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Novo (somente texto)" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ny (bara ~text)" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ny (kun tekst)" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nuovo (solo ~testo)" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Nuevo (slo ~texto)" ; Text [ french ] = "Nouveau (t~exte seulement)" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Nieuw (alleen ~tekst)" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Novo (s ~texto)" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建(只是文字)"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )"; Text[ polish ] = "Nowy (tylko tekst)"; Text[ japanese ] = "新規作成(テキストのみ)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "開啟新檔(純文字)"; Text[ arabic ] = " ( )"; Text[ greek ] = " ( ~)"; Text[ korean ] = "새로 (텍스트 만)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni (yalnzca metin)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Nou (noms ~text)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Uusi (vain teksti)"; Text[ thai ] = "ใหม่ (ข้อความอย่างเดียว)"; Text[ czech ] = "Nový (pouze text)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Neu (nur ~Text)"; Text[ hindi ] = "नया (केवल टेक्स्ट्)"; Text[ slovak ] = "Nový (iba text)"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD; HelpID = HID_MD_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD; Text = "~Kopieren"; Text [English] = "Copy"; Text[ english_us ] = "~Copy"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Copiar"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Kopiren"; Text[ french ] = "Co~pier"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Copiar"; Text[ italian ] = "~Copia"; Text[ danish ] = "K~opier"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kopiera"; Text[ polish ] = "~Kopiuj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Copiar"; Text[ japanese ] = "コピー(~C)"; Text[ korean ] = "복사(~C)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "复制(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "複製(~C)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Kopyala"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Copia"; Text[ finnish ] = "K~opioi"; Text[ thai ] = "~คัดลอก"; Text[ czech ] = "Kopírovat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮העתקה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~प्रतिलिपि"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Kopírovať"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_REPLACE ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_REPLACE ; Text = "~Ersetzen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Replace" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Erstatte" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Sostituisci" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Substituir" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Substituir" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Korvaa" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Erstat" ; Text [ french ] = "R~emplacer" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Erstt" ; Text [ dutch ] = "V~ervangen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Ree~mplazar" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Replace" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "替换"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Zamie"; Text[ japanese ] = "置換"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "代替"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "바꾸기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Deitir"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Ree~mplaa"; Text[ thai ] = "แทนที่"; Text[ czech ] = "Nahradit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮החלפה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "प्रतिस्थापन"; Text[ slovak ] = "Nahradiť"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_REPLACE_TEXT; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_REPLACE; Text = "E~rsetzen (nur Text)" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Replace (text only)" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Rep~lace (text only)" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Substituir (somente ~texto)" ; Text [ swedish ] = "E~rstt (bara text)" ; Text [ danish ] = "E~rstat (kun tekst)" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sostituisci (solo testo)" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Reemplazar (slo texto)" ; Text [ french ] = "~Remplacer (texte seulement)" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Vervangen (alleen tekst)" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Substituir(s texto)" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "替换(仅文字)(~L)"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamie (ty~lko tekst)"; Text[ japanese ] = "置換(テキストのみ)(~L)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "代替(純文字)(~L)"; Text[ arabic ] = " ( )"; Text[ greek ] = " ( )"; Text[ korean ] = "바꾸기 (텍스트만)(~L)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yerdeitir (sadece metin)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Reemplaa (noms text)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kor~vaa (vain teksti)"; Text[ thai ] = "แท~นที่ (ข้อความอย่างเดียว)"; Text[ czech ] = "Nahradit (pouze text)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "E~rsetzen (nur Text)"; Text[ hindi ] = "प्रतिस्थाप~न (केवल टेक्स्ट्)"; Text[ slovak ] = "Na~hradiť (len text)"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_RENAME ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_RENAME ; Text = "~Umbenennen..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Ren~ame..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam wijzigen..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Rename..." ; Text [ italian ] = "~Rinomina..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Cambiar nombre..." ; Text [ french ] = "~Renommer..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Byt namn..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Omdb" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Renomear..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Mudar nome..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重命名..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Zmie nazw..."; Text[ japanese ] = "名前の変更..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重新命名..."; Text[ arabic ] = "... "; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "이름 바꾸기..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Yeniden adlandr..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Reanomena..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Nime uudelleen..."; Text[ thai ] = "เปลี่ยนชื่อ..."; Text[ czech ] = "Přejmenovat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "~Umbenennen..."; Text[ hindi ] = "पुनः नाम दो..."; Text[ slovak ] = "Premenovať"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_DELETE ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_DELETE ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? ~Lschen : ~Lschen */ Text = "~Lschen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Delete" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Slett" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Elimina" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Excluir" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "E~liminar" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Poista" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Slet" ; Text [ french ] = "~Supprimer" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Radera" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Verwijderen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Borrar" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Delete" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除(~D)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Usu"; Text[ japanese ] = "削除(~D)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除(~D)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "삭제(~D)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Sil"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Suprimeix"; Text[ thai ] = "~ลบ"; Text[ czech ] = "Smazat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מחיקה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~मिटाओ"; Text[ slovak ] = "Z~mazať"; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_EDIT ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_EDIT ; Text = "~Bearbeiten" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Edit" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Rediger" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Modifica" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Editar" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "E~ditar" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Muokkaa" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Rediger" ; Text [ french ] = "~dition" ; Text [ swedish ] = "R~edigera" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Be~werken" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Editar" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Edit" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编辑(~E)"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ polish ] = "~Edytuj"; Text[ japanese ] = "編集(~E)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "編輯(~E)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "편집(~E)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dzenle"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Edita"; Text[ thai ] = "แ~ก้ไข"; Text[ czech ] = "Upravit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עריכה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~संपादन"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Upraviť"; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_MACRO ; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_MACRO ; Text = "~Makro..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Macro..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Makro..." ; Text [ danish ] = "~Makro..." ; Text [ french ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Makro..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Macro..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Macro..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "宏(~M)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Makro..."; Text[ japanese ] = "マクロ(~M)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "巨集(~M)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "~..."; Text[ korean ] = "매크로(~M)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Makro..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Macro..."; Text[ thai ] = "~มาโคร..."; Text[ czech ] = "Makro..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הפעלת מאקרו...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~मॉक्रो..."; Text[ slovak ] = "~Makro..."; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FN_GL_IMPORT; HelpID = HID_MD_GLOS_IMPORT ; Text = "~Importieren..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Import..." ; Text[ english_us ] = "~Import..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Importar..."; Text[ russian ] = "~..."; Text[ greek ] = "~..."; Text[ dutch ] = "~Importeren..."; Text[ french ] = "~Importer..."; Text[ spanish ] = "~Importar..."; Text[ italian ] = "Importa..."; Text[ danish ] = "~Importer..."; Text[ swedish ] = "~Importera..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Importuj..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Importar..."; Text[ japanese ] = "インポート(~I)..."; Text[ korean ] = "가져오기(~I)..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "输入(~I)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "匯入(~I)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~e aktar..."; Text[ catalan ] = "~Importa..."; Text[ finnish ] = "~Tuo..."; Text[ thai ] = "~นำเข้า..."; Text[ czech ] = "Importovat..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "~Importieren..."; Text[ hindi ] = "~आयात..."; Text[ slovak ] = "~Importovať..."; }; }; }; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动图文集"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Autotekst"; Text[ japanese ] = "入力支援"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動圖文集"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 텍스트"; Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik metin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "AutoText"; Text[ thai ] = "ข้อความอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Automatický text"; Text[ hebrew ] = "AutoText"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्वचालित टेक्स्ट्"; Text[ slovak ] = "Automatický text"; }; InfoBox MSG_DOUBLE_SHORTNAME { /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Krzel wird bereits verwendet. Bitte einen anderen Namen vergeben! : Krzel wird bereits verwendet. Bitte einen anderen Namen vergeben! */ MESSAGE = "Krzel wird bereits verwendet. Bitte einen anderen Namen vergeben!" ; MESSAGE [ ENGLISH ] = "Short name already in use. Please choose annother name!" ; MESSAGE [ norwegian ] = "Kort navn er i bruk. Vennligst velg et annet navn!" ; MESSAGE [ italian ] = "La sigla gi in uso. Scegliere un altro nome." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O nome do atalho j existe. Por favor escolha outro nome." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese ] = "Abreviatura j existe. Por favor escolha outro nome!" ; MESSAGE [ finnish ] = "Pikavalinnan nimi on jo kytss. Valitse jokin muu nimi." ; MESSAGE [ danish ] = "Denne genvej eksisterer allerede. Vlg venligst et andet navn!" ; MESSAGE [ french ] = "Abrviation dj utilise. Choisissez un autre nom !" ; MESSAGE [ swedish ] = "Kortkommandonamnet anvnds redan. Vlj ett annat namn!" ; MESSAGE [ dutch ] = "Deze afkorting bestaat al. Probeer een andere naam!" ; MESSAGE [ spanish ] = "Esta abreviatura ya est en uso. Elija otro nombre por favor!" ; MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name." ; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经存在这个缩写。请输入另外一个缩写名称!"; MESSAGE[ russian ] = " . ."; MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Te inicjay ju zostay uyte. Wybierz inn nazw!"; MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "このショートカットはすでに使用されています。別の名前を選択してください。"; MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經使用了這個縮寫。請您輸入一個不同的名稱﹗"; MESSAGE[ arabic ] = " . !"; MESSAGE[ greek ] = " . !"; MESSAGE[ korean ] = "바로 가기 이름이 이미 사용중입니다. 다른 이름을 선택하십시오"; MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Bu ksayol ad kullanlmaktadr. Baka bir ad sein!"; MESSAGE[ language_user1 ] = " "; MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "La drecera del nom ja existeix. Si us plau, escolliu un altre nom."; MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ชื่อทางลัดมีอยู่แล้ว กรุณาเลือกชื่ออื่น"; MESSAGE[ czech ] = "Název zkratky již existuje. Prosím zvolte jiný."; MESSAGE[ hebrew ] = "Kürzel wird bereits verwendet. Bitte einen anderen Namen vergeben"; MESSAGE[ hindi ] = "सरल विधि नाम पहिले से ही अस्तित्व में है । कृपया दूसरा नाम चुनिए ।"; MESSAGE[ slovak ] = "Názov skratky už existuje. Prosím vyberte iný."; }; QueryBox MSG_QUERY_DELETE { BUTTONS = WB_YES_NO ; DEFBUTTON = WB_DEF_NO ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Soll der AutoText gelscht werden? : Soll der AutoText gelscht werden? */ MESSAGE = "Soll der AutoText gelscht werden?" ; MESSAGE [ English ] = "Delete AutoText?" ; MESSAGE [ norwegian ] = "Slette AutoTekst?" ; MESSAGE [ italian ] = "Elimina inserimento testo automatico?." ; MESSAGE [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir AutoTexto?" ; MESSAGE [ portuguese ] = "Deseja apagar o AutoTexto?" ; MESSAGE [ finnish ] = "Poistetaanko automaattinen teksti?" ; MESSAGE [ danish ] = "Skal denne AutoTekst slettes?" ; MESSAGE [ french ] = "Supprimer l'AutoTexte ?" ; MESSAGE [ swedish ] = "Skall AutoText raderas?" ; MESSAGE [ dutch ] = "AutoTekst wissen?" ; MESSAGE [ spanish ] = "Desea borrar el Texto automtico?" ; MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Delete AutoText?" ; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要删除自动图文集?"; MESSAGE[ russian ] = " ?"; MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Czy usun Autotekst?"; MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "入力支援を削除しますか?"; MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "要刪除自動圖文集?"; MESSAGE[ arabic ] = " "; MESSAGE[ greek ] = " ;"; MESSAGE[ korean ] = "자동 텍스트를 삭제하시겠습니까?"; MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Otomatik metin silinsin mi?"; MESSAGE[ language_user1 ] = " "; MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "Voleu eliminar l'AutoText?"; MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ลบข้อความอัตโนมัติหรือไม่?"; MESSAGE[ czech ] = "Odstranit automatický text?"; MESSAGE[ hebrew ] = "Soll der AutoText gelöscht werden?"; MESSAGE[ hindi ] = "स्वचालित टेक्स्ट् को मिटाना है?"; MESSAGE[ slovak ] = "Odstrániť automatický text?"; }; String STR_QUERY_DELETE_GROUP1 { TEXT = "Soll der Bereich " ; TEXT [ English ] = "Delete Group " ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Delete the category " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Wilt u het bereik" ; Text [ italian ] = "Cancellare la categoria " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Borrar la categora" ; Text [ french ] = "Supprimer la catgorie " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ska kategorin " ; Text [ danish ] = "Skal omrdet " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Deseja eliminar " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir a categoria" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要删除这个区域 "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Czy ta kategoria "; Text[ japanese ] = "グループ "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要刪除這個區域 "; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "영역을"; Text[ turkish ] = "Kategori silinsin mi?"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix la categoria "; Text[ finnish ] = "Poistetaan luokka "; Text[ thai ] = "ลบประเภท "; Text[ czech ] = "Smazat kategorii "; Text[ hebrew ] = "Soll der Bereich"; Text[ hindi ] = "वर्ग को मिटाना है "; Text[ slovak ] = "Zmazať kategóriu "; }; String STR_QUERY_DELETE_GROUP2 { /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? gelscht werden? : gelscht werden? */ TEXT = " gelscht werden?" ; TEXT [ English ] = "?" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "?" ; Text [ dutch ] = "wissen?" ; Text [ italian ] = "?" ; Text [ spanish ] = "?" ; Text [ french ] = "?" ; Text [ swedish ] = "raderas?" ; Text [ danish ] = "slettes?" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "a seco?" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "?" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "?"; Text[ russian ] = "?"; Text[ polish ] = "ma zosta usunity?"; Text[ japanese ] = " を削除しますか?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "?"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " ;"; Text[ korean ] = " 삭제하겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "silinsin mi?"; Text[ catalan ] = "?"; Text[ finnish ] = "?"; Text[ thai ] = "?"; Text[ czech ] = "?"; Text[ hebrew ] = " gelöscht werden?"; Text[ hindi ] = "?"; Text[ slovak ] = "?"; }; String STR_GLOSSARY { Text = "Textbaustein : " ; Text [ English ] = "Textblock : " ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Textblock : " ; Text [ italian ] = "Modulo di testo: " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoTexto: " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Mdulo de texto : " ; Text [ french ] = "AutoTexte : " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Tekstbouwsteen:" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Mdulo de texto : " ; Text [ danish ] = "Tekstelement : " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Textblock : " ; Text [ finnish ] = "Automaattinen teksti : " ; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoText : " ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动图文集条目: "; Text[ russian ] = " : "; Text[ polish ] = "Autotekst: "; Text[ japanese ] = "テキストブロック: "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動圖文集條目:"; Text[ arabic ] = " : "; Text[ greek ] = " : "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 텍스트 : "; Text[ turkish ] = "Metin esi: "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Mdul de text : "; Text[ thai ] = "ข้อความอัตโนมัติ : "; Text[ czech ] = "Automatický text: "; Text[ hebrew ] = "Textbaustein :"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्वचालित टेक्स्ट् : "; Text[ slovak ] = "Automatický text: "; }; ModalDialog DLG_RENAME_GLOS { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 287 , 47 ) ; Text = "Textbaustein umbenennen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Rename textblock" ; Moveable = TRUE ; HelpID = HID_RENAME_GLOSSARY ; OKButton BT_OKNEW { Disable = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 231 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; DefButton = TRUE ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; CancelButton BT_CANCEL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 231 , 23 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_ON { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 8 ) ; Text = "Na~me" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Name" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Naa~m" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Na~me" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nome" ; Text [ spanish ] = "N~ombre" ; Text [ french ] = "Nom" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Na~mn" ; Text [ danish ] = "Navn" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No~me" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "No~me" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "名称(~M)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa"; Text[ japanese ] = "名前(~M)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "名稱(~M)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "이름(~M)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ad"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "No~m"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Nimi"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่~อ"; Text[ czech ] = "Název"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Na~me"; Text[ hindi ] = "ना~म"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Názov"; }; Edit ED_ON { ReadOnly = TRUE ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 44 , 12 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 100 , 12 ) ; Left = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_OS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 147 , 14 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 52 , 8 ) ; Text = "K~rzel" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Shortcut" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Short~cut" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sigla" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Abrev." ; Text [ french ] = "Ab~r." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Afko~rting" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Frkortning" ; Text [ danish ] = "Genvej" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Atalho" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Iniciais" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "缩写(~C)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Ini~cjay"; Text[ japanese ] = "ショートカット(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "縮寫(~C)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "바로 가기(~C)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ksayol"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Dre~cera"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Pikavalinta"; Text[ thai ] = "ทาง~ลัด"; Text[ czech ] = "Zkratka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Kü~rzel"; Text[ hindi ] = "स~रल विधि"; Text[ slovak ] = "S~kratka"; }; Edit ED_OS { ReadOnly = TRUE ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 12 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 21 , 12 ) ; Left = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_NN { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 29 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 8 ) ; Text = "~Neu" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~New" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Nieuw" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~New" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Nuovo" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Nuevo" ; Text [ french ] = "Nou~veau" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Nytt" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ny" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Novo" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Novo" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建(~N)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Nowy"; Text[ japanese ] = "新規(~N)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "開啟新檔(~N)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "새로 만들기(~N)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Yeni"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Nou"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Uusi"; Text[ thai ] = "ใ~หม่"; Text[ czech ] = "Nový"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חדש‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~नया"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Nový"; }; Edit ED_NN { TabStop = TRUE ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 44 , 27 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 100 , 12 ) ; Left = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_NS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 147 , 29 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 52 , 8 ) ; Text = "~Krzel" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Shortcut" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Shortcut" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sigla" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Abreviatura" ; Text [ french ] = "~Abr." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Afkorting" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Fr~kortning" ; Text [ danish ] = "Erstat" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Atalho" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "S~ubstituir" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "缩写(~S)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Inicjay"; Text[ japanese ] = "ショートカット(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "縮寫(~S)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "바로 가기(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ksaltma"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Drecera"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Pikavalinta"; Text[ thai ] = "~ทางลัด"; Text[ czech ] = "Zkratka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "~Kürzel"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सरल विधि"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Skratka"; }; Edit ED_NS { TabStop = TRUE ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 27 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 21 , 12 ) ; Left = TRUE ; }; FixedLine FL_NN { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 219 , 8 ) ; }; Text [ dutch ] = "Naam tekstbouwsteen wijzigen" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Rename AutoText" ; Text [ italian ] = "Rinomina modulo di testo" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Cambiar nombre al mdulo de texto" ; Text [ french ] = "Renommer l'AutoTexte" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Byt namn p textblock" ; Text [ danish ] = "Omdb tekstelement" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Renomear AutoTexto" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Mudar nome do mdulo de texto" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重命名自动图文集条目"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Zmie nazw Autotekstu"; Text[ japanese ] = "テキストブロックの名前の変更"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重新命名自動圖文集條目"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 텍스트 이름 바꾸기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik Metin esini yeniden adlandr"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Cambia en nom al mdul de text"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nime automaattinen teksti uudelleen"; Text[ thai ] = "เปลี่ยนชื่อข้อความอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Přejmenovat automatický text"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Textbaustein umbenennen"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्वचालित टेक्स्ट् को पुनः नाम दो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Premenovať automatický text"; }; String STR_SAVE_GLOSSARY { Text= "Textbaustein speichern"; Text[ italian ] = "Salva modulo di testo"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvar AutoTexto"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar mdulo de texto"; Text[ danish ] = "Gem tekstelementer"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer l'AutoTexte"; Text[ swedish ] = "Spara textblock"; Text[ dutch ] = "Tekstbouwsteen opslaan"; Text[ spanish ] = "Guardar mdulo de texto"; Text[ english_us ] = "Save AutoText"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘自动图文集条目"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz Autotekst"; Text[ japanese ] = "テキストブロックの保存"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存自動圖文集條目"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text [ English ] = "Save textblock" ; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 텍스트 저장"; Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik Metin esini sakla"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Desa el mdul de text"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna automaattinen teksti"; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกข้อความอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Uložit automatický text"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Textbaustein speichern"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्वचालित टेक्स्ट् को संचित करो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Uložiť automatický text"; }; InfoBox MSG_NO_GLOSSARIES { MESSAGE = "Diese Datei enthlt keine Textbausteine." ; MESSAGE [ ENGLISH ] = "There are no textblocks in this file." ; MESSAGE[ english_us ] = "There is no AutoText in this file."; MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Este ficheiro no contm mdulos de texto."; MESSAGE[ russian ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ greek ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Dit bestand bevat geen tekstbouwstenen"; MESSAGE[ french ] = "Ce fichier ne contient aucun AutoTexte."; MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Este archivo no contiene mdulos de texto."; MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Questo documento non contiene testi automatici."; MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Denne fil indeholder ingen tekstelementer."; MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Den hr filen innehller inga textblock."; MESSAGE[ polish ] = "W pliku tym nie ma adnych wpisw Autotekstu."; MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Este arquivo no contm AutoTexto."; MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "このファイルにはテキストブロックがありません。"; MESSAGE[ korean ] = "이 파일에는 자동 텍스트가 없습니다."; MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个文件内不包含自动图文集条目。"; MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "在這個檔案內不存在自動圖文集條目。"; MESSAGE[ arabic ] = " ."; MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Bu dosya otomatik metin bileenleri iermiyor."; MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "Aquest fitxer no cont mduls de text."; MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tiedostossa ei ole automaattista teksti."; MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ไม่มีข้อความอัตโนมัติในแฟ้มนี้"; MESSAGE[ czech ] = "V tomto souboru není žádný automatický text."; MESSAGE[ hebrew ] = "Diese Datei enthält keine Textbausteine."; MESSAGE[ hindi ] = "इस फाइल में कोई स्वचालित टेक्स्ट् नहीं है ।"; MESSAGE[ slovak ] = "V tomto súbore nie je žiadny automatický text."; };