/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: tabledlg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.4 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2000-11-09 15:49:34 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _LIST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BORDER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BACKGRND_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_HTMLMODE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_KEEPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BRKITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ULSPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTORNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTPDSC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTTSPLT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFA_HTMLCFG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_HTMLMODE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOCSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WRTSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UITOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FRMATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABLEDLG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABLEPG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABLEMGR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAGEDESC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UIITEMS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _POOLFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CMDID_H #include #endif #ifndef _TABLEDLG_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _TABLE_HRC #include #endif #include #ifdef DEBUG_TBLDLG void DbgTblRep(SwTableRep* pRep) { DBG_ERROR(String(pRep->GetColCount())) DBG_ERROR(String(pRep->GetAllColCount())) SwTwips nSum = 0; for(USHORT i = 0; i < pRep->GetAllColCount(); i++) { String sMsg(i); sMsg += pRep->GetColumns()[i].bVisible ? " v " : " h "; sMsg += pRep->GetColumns()[i].nWidth; nSum +=pRep->GetColumns()[i].nWidth; DBG_ERROR(sMsg) } String sMsg("Spaltensumme: "); sMsg += nSum; sMsg += " Tblbreite: "; sMsg += pRep->GetWidth(); DBG_ERROR(sMsg) sMsg = "Gesamt/Links/Rechts: "; sMsg += pRep->GetSpace(); sMsg += '/'; sMsg += pRep->GetLeftSpace(); sMsg += '/'; sMsg += pRep->GetRightSpace(); DBG_ERROR(sMsg) sMsg = "Align: "; sMsg += pRep->GetAlign(); DBG_ERROR(sMsg) }; void DbgTColumn(TColumn* pTColumn, USHORT nCount) { for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { String sMsg(i); sMsg += pTColumn[i].bVisible ? " v " : " h "; sMsg += pTColumn[i].nWidth; DBG_ERROR(sMsg) } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TBLDLG #define DEBUG_TBLDLG_TABLEREP(pRep) DbgTblRep(pRep) #define DEBUG_TBLDLG_TCOLUMN(pTColumn, nCount) DbgTColumn(pTColumn, nCount) #else #define DEBUG_TBLDLG_TABLEREP #define DEBUG_TBLDLG_TCOLUMN #endif SwFormatTablePage::SwFormatTablePage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES( TP_FORMAT_TABLE ), rSet ), aNameFT(this, SW_RES( FT_NAME )), aNameED(this, SW_RES( ED_NAME )), aWidthFT(this, SW_RES( FT_WIDTH )), aWidthMF(this, SW_RES( ED_WIDTH )), aRelWidthCB(this, SW_RES( CB_REL_WIDTH )), aLeftFT(this, SW_RES( FT_LEFT_DIST )), aLeftMF(this, SW_RES( ED_LEFT_DIST )), aRightFT(this, SW_RES( FT_RIGHT_DIST )), aRightMF(this, SW_RES( ED_RIGHT_DIST )), aTopFT (this, SW_RES( FT_TOP_DIST )), aTopMF(this, SW_RES( ED_TOP_DIST )), aBottomFT(this, SW_RES( FT_BOTTOM_DIST )), aBottomMF(this, SW_RES( ED_BOTTOM_DIST )), aDistGB(this, SW_RES( GB_DIST )), aOptionsGB(this, SW_RES( GB_OPTIONS )), aFullBtn(this, SW_RES( RB_FULL )), aFreeBtn(this, SW_RES( RB_FREE )), aLeftBtn(this, SW_RES( RB_LEFT )), aFromLeftBtn(this, SW_RES( RB_FROM_LEFT )), aRightBtn(this, SW_RES( RB_RIGHT )), aCenterBtn(this, SW_RES( RB_CENTER )), aPosFrm(this, SW_RES( GB_POS )), pTblData(0), nSaveWidth(0), nMinTableWidth(MINLAY), bModified(FALSE), bFull(0) { FreeResource(); SetExchangeSupport(); Init(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwFormatTablePage::Init() { aLeftMF.MetricField::SetMin(-999999); aRightMF.MetricField::SetMin(-999999); // handler Link aLk = LINK( this, SwFormatTablePage, AutoClickHdl ); aFullBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aFreeBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aLeftBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aFromLeftBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aRightBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aCenterBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK( this, SwFormatTablePage, UpHdl ); aTopMF.SetUpHdl( aLk ); aBottomMF.SetUpHdl( aLk ); aRightMF.SetUpHdl( aLk ); aLeftMF.SetUpHdl( aLk ); aWidthMF.SetUpHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK( this, SwFormatTablePage, DownHdl ); aTopMF.SetDownHdl( aLk ); aBottomMF.SetDownHdl( aLk ); aRightMF.SetDownHdl( aLk ); aLeftMF.SetDownHdl( aLk ); aWidthMF.SetDownHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK( this, SwFormatTablePage, LoseFocusHdl ); aTopMF.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk ); aBottomMF.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk ); aRightMF.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk ); aLeftMF.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk ); aWidthMF.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk ); aRightMF.SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SwFormatTablePage, RightModifyHdl)); aRelWidthCB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SwFormatTablePage, RelWidthClickHdl )); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwFormatTablePage, RelWidthClickHdl, CheckBox *, pBtn ) { DBG_ASSERT(pTblData, "Tabellendaten nicht da?") BOOL bIsChecked = pBtn->IsChecked(); long nLeft = aLeftMF.Denormalize(aLeftMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP )); long nRight = aRightMF.Denormalize(aRightMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP )); aWidthMF.ShowPercent(bIsChecked); aLeftMF.ShowPercent(bIsChecked); aRightMF.ShowPercent(bIsChecked); if (bIsChecked) { aWidthMF.SetRefValue(pTblData->GetSpace()); aLeftMF.SetRefValue(pTblData->GetSpace()); aRightMF.SetRefValue(pTblData->GetSpace()); aLeftMF.MetricField::SetMin(0); // wird vom Percentfield ueberschrieben aRightMF.MetricField::SetMin(0);// -""- aLeftMF.SetValue(aLeftMF.Normalize( nLeft ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aRightMF.SetValue(aRightMF.Normalize( nRight ), FUNIT_TWIP ); } else ModifyHdl(&aLeftMF); // Werte wieder korrigieren if(aFreeBtn.IsChecked()) { BOOL bEnable = !pBtn->IsChecked(); aRightMF.Enable(bEnable); aRightFT.Enable(bEnable); } bModified = TRUE; return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwFormatTablePage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { BOOL bRestore = TRUE, bLeftEnable = FALSE, bRightEnable= FALSE, bWidthEnable= FALSE, bOthers = TRUE; if( (RadioButton *) pBox == &aFullBtn ) { aLeftMF.SetValue(0); aRightMF.SetValue(0); nSaveWidth = aWidthMF.Denormalize(aWidthMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP )); aWidthMF.SetValue(aWidthMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aLeftMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); bFull = TRUE; bRestore = FALSE; } else if( (RadioButton *) pBox == &aLeftBtn ) { bRightEnable = bWidthEnable = TRUE; aLeftMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); aLeftMF.SetValue(0); } else if( (RadioButton *) pBox == &aFromLeftBtn ) { bLeftEnable = bWidthEnable = TRUE; aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); aRightMF.SetValue(0); } else if( (RadioButton *) pBox == &aRightBtn ) { bLeftEnable = bWidthEnable = TRUE; aRightMF.SetValue(0); aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } else if( ( RadioButton * ) pBox == &aCenterBtn ) { bLeftEnable = bWidthEnable = TRUE; aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } else if( ( RadioButton * ) pBox == &aFreeBtn ) { RightModifyHdl(&aRightMF); bLeftEnable = TRUE; bWidthEnable = TRUE; bOthers = FALSE; } aLeftMF.Enable(bLeftEnable); aLeftFT.Enable(bLeftEnable); aWidthMF.Enable(bWidthEnable); aWidthFT.Enable(bWidthEnable); if ( bOthers ) { aRightMF.Enable(bRightEnable); aRightFT.Enable(bRightEnable); aRelWidthCB.Enable(bWidthEnable); } if(bFull && bRestore) { // nachdem auf autom. geschaltet wurde, wurde die Breite gemerkt, // um sie beim Zurueckschalten restaurieren zu koennen bFull = FALSE; aWidthMF.SetValue(aWidthMF.Normalize( nSaveWidth ), FUNIT_TWIP ); } ModifyHdl(&aWidthMF); bModified = TRUE; return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwFormatTablePage, RightModifyHdl, MetricField *, pFld ) { if(aFreeBtn.IsChecked()) { BOOL bEnable = aRightMF.GetValue() == 0; // aWidthMF.Enable(bEnable); aRelWidthCB.Enable(bEnable); // aWidthFT.Enable(bEnable); if ( !bEnable ) { aRelWidthCB.Check(FALSE); RelWidthClickHdl(&aRelWidthCB); } bEnable = aRelWidthCB.IsChecked(); aRightMF.Enable(!bEnable); aRightFT.Enable(!bEnable); } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwFormatTablePage, UpHdl, MetricField *, pEdit ) { ModifyHdl( pEdit ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwFormatTablePage, UpHdl, MetricField *, pEdit ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwFormatTablePage, DownHdl, MetricField *, pEdit ) { ModifyHdl( pEdit ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwFormatTablePage, DownHdl, MetricField *, pEdit ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwFormatTablePage, LoseFocusHdl, MetricField *, pEdit ) { ModifyHdl( pEdit ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwFormatTablePage, LoseFocusHdl, MetricField *, pEdit ) void SwFormatTablePage::ModifyHdl( Edit* pEdit ) { SwTwips nCurWidth = aWidthMF.Denormalize( aWidthMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP )); SwTwips nPrevWidth = nCurWidth; SwTwips nRight = aRightMF.Denormalize( aRightMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP )); SwTwips nLeft = aLeftMF.Denormalize( aLeftMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP )); SwTwips nDiff; if( pEdit == &aWidthMF ) { if( nCurWidth < MINLAY ) nCurWidth = MINLAY; nDiff = nRight + nLeft + nCurWidth - pTblData->GetSpace() ; //rechtsbuendig nur linken Rand veraendern if(aRightBtn.IsChecked()) nLeft -= nDiff; //linksbuendig nur rechten Rand veraendern else if(aLeftBtn.IsChecked()) nRight -= nDiff; //linker Rand und Breite erlaubt - erst rechts - dann links else if(aFromLeftBtn.IsChecked()) { if( nRight >= nDiff ) nRight -= nDiff; else { nDiff -= nRight; nRight = 0; if(nLeft >= nDiff) nLeft -= nDiff; else { nRight += nLeft - nDiff; nLeft = 0; nCurWidth = pTblData->GetSpace(); } } } //zentriert beide Seiten gleichmaessig veraendern else if(aCenterBtn.IsChecked()) { if((nLeft != nRight)) { nDiff += nLeft + nRight; nLeft = nDiff/2; nRight = nDiff/2; } else { nLeft -= nDiff/2; nRight -= nDiff/2; } } //freie Ausrichtung: beide Raender verkleinern else if(aFreeBtn.IsChecked()) { nLeft -= nDiff/2; nRight -= nDiff/2; } } if( pEdit == &aRightMF ) { if( nRight + nLeft > pTblData->GetSpace() - MINLAY ) nRight = pTblData->GetSpace() -nLeft - MINLAY; nCurWidth = pTblData->GetSpace() - nLeft - nRight; } if( pEdit == &aLeftMF ) { if(!aFromLeftBtn.IsChecked()) { BOOL bCenter = aCenterBtn.IsChecked(); if( bCenter ) nRight = nLeft; if(nRight + nLeft > pTblData->GetSpace() - MINLAY ) { nLeft = bCenter ? (pTblData->GetSpace() - MINLAY) /2 : (pTblData->GetSpace() - MINLAY) - nRight; nRight = bCenter ? (pTblData->GetSpace() - MINLAY) /2 : nRight; } nCurWidth = pTblData->GetSpace() - nLeft - nRight; } else { //hier wird bei Aenderung an der linken Seite zuerst der //rechte Rand veraendert, dann die Breite nDiff = nRight + nLeft + nCurWidth - pTblData->GetSpace() ; nRight -= nDiff; nCurWidth = pTblData->GetSpace() - nLeft - nRight; } } if (nCurWidth != nPrevWidth ) aWidthMF.SetValue( aWidthMF.Normalize( nCurWidth ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aRightMF.SetValue( aRightMF.Normalize( nRight ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aLeftMF.SetValue( aLeftMF.Normalize( nLeft ), FUNIT_TWIP ); bModified = TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwFormatTablePage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwFormatTablePage( pParent, rAttrSet ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwFormatTablePage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) { // Testen, ob eins der Control noch den Focus hat if(aWidthMF.HasFocus()) ModifyHdl(&aWidthMF); else if(aLeftMF.HasFocus()) ModifyHdl(&aLeftMF); else if(aRightMF.HasFocus()) ModifyHdl(&aRightMF); else if(aTopMF.HasFocus()) ModifyHdl(&aTopMF); else if(aBottomMF.HasFocus()) ModifyHdl(&aBottomMF); if(bModified) { if( aBottomMF.GetText() != aBottomMF.GetSavedValue() || aTopMF.GetText() != aTopMF.GetSavedValue() ) { SvxULSpaceItem aULSpace(RES_UL_SPACE); aULSpace.SetUpper( (USHORT) aTopMF.Denormalize( aTopMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP ))); aULSpace.SetLower( (USHORT) aBottomMF.Denormalize( aBottomMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP ))); rCoreSet.Put(aULSpace); } } if(aNameED.GetText() != aNameED.GetSavedValue()) { rCoreSet.Put(SfxStringItem( FN_PARAM_TABLE_NAME, aNameED.GetText())); bModified = TRUE; } return bModified; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwFormatTablePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = GetItemSet(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; BOOL bHtmlMode = FALSE; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE,&pItem ) && ((const SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON) { aNameED .Disable(); aTopFT .Hide(); aTopMF .Hide(); aBottomFT.Hide(); aBottomMF.Hide(); aFreeBtn.Enable(FALSE); bHtmlMode = TRUE; } FieldUnit aMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(bHtmlMode); SetMetric( aWidthMF, aMetric ); SetMetric( aRightMF, aMetric ); SetMetric( aLeftMF, aMetric ); SetMetric( aTopMF, aMetric ); SetMetric( aBottomMF, aMetric ); //Name if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_TABLE_NAME, FALSE, &pItem )) { aNameED.SetText(((const SfxStringItem*)pItem)->GetValue()); aNameED.SaveValue(); } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_TABLE_REP, FALSE, &pItem )) { pTblData = (SwTableRep*)((const SwPtrItem*) pItem)->GetValue(); nMinTableWidth = pTblData->GetColCount() * MINLAY; if(pTblData->GetWidthPercent()) { aRelWidthCB.Check(TRUE); RelWidthClickHdl(&aRelWidthCB); aWidthMF.SetValue(pTblData->GetWidthPercent(), FUNIT_CUSTOM); aWidthMF.SaveValue(); nSaveWidth = aWidthMF.GetValue(FUNIT_CUSTOM); } else { aWidthMF.SetValue(aWidthMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetWidth()), FUNIT_TWIP); aWidthMF.SaveValue(); nSaveWidth = pTblData->GetWidth(); nMinTableWidth = std::min(nSaveWidth, nMinTableWidth); } aWidthMF.SetRefValue(pTblData->GetSpace()); aWidthMF.SetLast(aWidthMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() )); aLeftMF.SetLast(aLeftMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() )); aRightMF.SetLast(aRightMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() )); aLeftMF.SetValue(aLeftMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetLeftSpace()), FUNIT_TWIP); aRightMF.SetValue(aRightMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetRightSpace()), FUNIT_TWIP); aLeftMF.SaveValue(); aRightMF.SaveValue(); nOldAlign = pTblData->GetAlign(); BOOL bSetRight = FALSE, bRightEnable = FALSE, bSetLeft = FALSE, bLeftEnable = FALSE; switch( nOldAlign ) { case HORI_NONE: aFreeBtn.Check(); if(aRelWidthCB.IsChecked()) bSetRight = TRUE; break; case HORI_FULL: { bSetRight = bSetLeft = TRUE; aFullBtn.Check(); aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); aLeftMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); aWidthMF.Enable(FALSE); aRelWidthCB.Enable(FALSE); aWidthFT.Enable(FALSE); } break; case HORI_LEFT: { bSetLeft = TRUE; aLeftBtn.Check(); aLeftMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } break; case HORI_LEFT_AND_WIDTH : { bSetRight = TRUE; aFromLeftBtn.Check(); aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } break; case HORI_RIGHT: { bSetRight = TRUE; aRightBtn.Check(); aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } break; case HORI_CENTER: { bSetRight = TRUE; aCenterBtn.Check(); aRightMF.SetText( aEmptyStr ); } break; } if ( bSetRight ) { aRightMF.Enable(bRightEnable); aRightFT.Enable(bRightEnable); } if ( bSetLeft ) { aLeftMF.Enable(bLeftEnable); aLeftFT.Enable(bLeftEnable); } } //Raender if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_UL_SPACE, FALSE,&pItem )) { aTopMF.SetValue(aTopMF.Normalize( ((const SvxULSpaceItem*)pItem)->GetUpper()), FUNIT_TWIP); aBottomMF.SetValue(aBottomMF.Normalize( ((const SvxULSpaceItem*)pItem)->GetLower()), FUNIT_TWIP); aTopMF.SaveValue(); aBottomMF.SaveValue(); } aWidthMF.SetMax( 2*aWidthMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aRightMF.SetMax( aRightMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aLeftMF.SetMax( aLeftMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() ), FUNIT_TWIP ); aWidthMF.SetMin( aWidthMF.Normalize( nMinTableWidth ), FUNIT_TWIP ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwFormatTablePage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { DBG_ASSERT(pTblData, "Tabellendaten nicht da?") if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_TABLE_REP )) { SwTwips nCurWidth = HORI_FULL != pTblData->GetAlign() ? pTblData->GetWidth() : pTblData->GetSpace(); if(pTblData->GetWidthPercent() == 0 && nCurWidth != aWidthMF.Denormalize(aWidthMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP ))) { aWidthMF.SetValue(aWidthMF.Normalize( nCurWidth), FUNIT_TWIP); aWidthMF.SaveValue(); nSaveWidth = nCurWidth; aLeftMF.SetValue(aLeftMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetLeftSpace()), FUNIT_TWIP); aLeftMF.SaveValue(); aRightMF.SetValue(aRightMF.Normalize( pTblData->GetRightSpace()), FUNIT_TWIP); aRightMF.SaveValue(); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int SwFormatTablePage::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* pSet ) { // os: VCL sorgt nicht dafuer, dass das aktive Control im // dialog bei OK den focus verliert aNameED.GrabFocus(); // Test des Tabellennamens auf Leerzeichen String sTblName = aNameED.GetText(); if(sTblName.Search(' ') != STRING_NOTFOUND) { InfoBox(this, SW_RES(MSG_WRONG_TABLENAME)).Execute(); aNameED.GrabFocus(); return KEEP_PAGE; } if(pSet) { FillItemSet(*pSet); if(bModified) { SwTwips lLeft = aLeftMF.Denormalize( aLeftMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP )); SwTwips lRight = aRightMF.Denormalize( aRightMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP )); if( aLeftMF.GetText() != aLeftMF.GetSavedValue() || aRightMF.GetText() != aRightMF.GetSavedValue() ) { pTblData->SetWidthChanged(); pTblData->SetLeftSpace( lLeft); pTblData->SetRightSpace( lRight); } SwTwips lWidth; if (aRelWidthCB.IsChecked() && aRelWidthCB.IsEnabled()) { lWidth = pTblData->GetSpace() - lRight - lLeft; USHORT nPercentWidth = (USHORT)aWidthMF.GetValue(FUNIT_CUSTOM); if(pTblData->GetWidthPercent() != nPercentWidth) { pTblData->SetWidthPercent(nPercentWidth); pTblData->SetWidthChanged(); } } else { pTblData->SetWidthPercent(0); lWidth = aWidthMF.Denormalize(aWidthMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP )); } pTblData->SetWidth(lWidth); SwTwips nColSum = 0; for(USHORT i = 0; i < pTblData->GetColCount(); i++) { nColSum += pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth; } if(nColSum != pTblData->GetWidth()) { SwTwips nMinWidth = std::min((long)MINLAY, (long) (pTblData->GetWidth() / pTblData->GetColCount() - 1)); SwTwips nDiff = nColSum - pTblData->GetWidth(); while ( Abs(nDiff) > pTblData->GetColCount() + 1 ) { SwTwips nSub = nDiff / pTblData->GetColCount(); for( i = 0; i < pTblData->GetColCount(); i++) { if(pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth - nMinWidth > nSub) { pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth -= nSub; nDiff -= nSub; } else { nDiff -= pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth - nMinWidth; pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth = nMinWidth; } } } } int nAlign = 0; if(aRightBtn.IsChecked()) nAlign = HORI_RIGHT; else if(aLeftBtn.IsChecked()) nAlign = HORI_LEFT; else if(aFromLeftBtn.IsChecked()) nAlign = HORI_LEFT_AND_WIDTH; else if(aCenterBtn.IsChecked()) nAlign = HORI_CENTER; else if(aFreeBtn.IsChecked()) nAlign = HORI_NONE; else if(aFullBtn.IsChecked()) { nAlign = HORI_FULL; lWidth = lAutoWidth; } if(nAlign != pTblData->GetAlign()) { pTblData->SetWidthChanged(); pTblData->SetAlign(nAlign); } // if( HORI_CENTER && lWidth != (SwTwips)aWidthMF.GetSavedValue()) if(pTblData->GetWidth() != lWidth ) { pTblData->SetWidthChanged(); pTblData->SetWidth( nAlign == HORI_FULL ? pTblData->GetSpace() : lWidth ); } if(pTblData->HasWidthChanged()) pSet->Put(SwPtrItem(FN_TABLE_REP, pTblData)); } DEBUG_TBLDLG_TABLEREP(pTblData); } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beschreibung: Seite Spaltenkonfiguration ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableColumnPage::SwTableColumnPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES( TP_TABLE_COLUMN ), rSet ), aModifyTableCB(this, SW_RES(CB_MOD_TBL)), aProportionalCB(this, SW_RES(CB_PROP)), aInverseCB(this, SW_RES(CB_INV)), aSpaceFT(this, SW_RES(FT_SPACE)), aSpaceED(this, SW_RES(ED_SPACE)), aFT1(this, SW_RES(COL_FT_1)), aMF1(this, SW_RES(COL_MF_1)), aFT2(this, SW_RES(COL_FT_2)), aMF2(this, SW_RES(COL_MF_2)), aFT3(this, SW_RES(COL_FT_3)), aMF3(this, SW_RES(COL_MF_3)), aFT4(this, SW_RES(COL_FT_4)), aMF4(this, SW_RES(COL_MF_4)), aFT5(this, SW_RES(COL_FT_5)), aMF5(this, SW_RES(COL_MF_5)), aFT6(this, SW_RES(COL_FT_6)), aMF6(this, SW_RES(COL_MF_6)), aColGB(this, SW_RES(COL_GB_LAYOUT)), aUpBtn(this, SW_RES(COL_BTN_UP)), aDownBtn(this, SW_RES(COL_BTN_DOWN)), nNoOfCols( 0 ), nNoOfVisibleCols( 0 ), nMinWidth( MINLAY ), bModified(FALSE), bModifyTbl(FALSE), bPercentMode(FALSE), nTableWidth(0) { FreeResource(); SetExchangeSupport(); pFieldArr[0] = &aMF1; pFieldArr[1] = &aMF2; pFieldArr[2] = &aMF3; pFieldArr[3] = &aMF4; pFieldArr[4] = &aMF5; pFieldArr[5] = &aMF6; pTextArr[0] = &aFT1; pTextArr[1] = &aFT2; pTextArr[2] = &aFT3; pTextArr[3] = &aFT4; pTextArr[4] = &aFT5; pTextArr[5] = &aFT6; aInverseCB.Hide(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; Init((SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE,&pItem ) && ((const SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON)); }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beschreibung: Seite Spaltenkonfiguration ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableColumnPage::~SwTableColumnPage() { }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwTableColumnPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwTableColumnPage( pParent, rAttrSet ); }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableColumnPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = GetItemSet(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_TABLE_REP, FALSE, &pItem )) { pTblData = (SwTableRep*)((const SwPtrItem*) pItem)->GetValue(); nNoOfVisibleCols = pTblData->GetColCount(); nNoOfCols = pTblData->GetAllColCount(); nTableWidth = pTblData->GetAlign() != HORI_FULL && pTblData->GetAlign() != HORI_LEFT_AND_WIDTH? pTblData->GetWidth() : pTblData->GetSpace(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nNoOfCols; i++ ) { if( pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth < nMinWidth ) nMinWidth = pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth; } long nMinTwips = pFieldArr[0]->Normalize( nMinWidth ); long nMaxTwips = pFieldArr[0]->Normalize( nTableWidth ); for( i = 0; (i < MET_FIELDS) && (i < nNoOfVisibleCols); i++ ) { pFieldArr[i]->SetValue( pFieldArr[i]->Normalize( GetVisibleWidth(i) ), FUNIT_TWIP ); pFieldArr[i]->SetMin( nMinTwips , FUNIT_TWIP ); pFieldArr[i]->SetMax( nMaxTwips , FUNIT_TWIP ); pFieldArr[i]->Enable(); pTextArr[i]->Enable(); } if( nNoOfVisibleCols > MET_FIELDS ) aUpBtn.Enable(); i = nNoOfVisibleCols; while( i < MET_FIELDS ) { pFieldArr[i]->SetText( aEmptyStr ); pTextArr[i]->Hide(); i++; } } ActivatePage(rSet); }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableColumnPage::Init(BOOL bWeb) { FieldUnit aMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(bWeb); Link aLkUp = LINK( this, SwTableColumnPage, UpHdl ); Link aLkDown = LINK( this, SwTableColumnPage, DownHdl ); Link aLkLF = LINK( this, SwTableColumnPage, LoseFocusHdl ); for( USHORT i = 0; i < MET_FIELDS; i++ ) { aValueTbl[i] = i; SetMetric(*pFieldArr[i], aMetric); pFieldArr[i]->SetUpHdl( aLkUp ); pFieldArr[i]->SetDownHdl( aLkDown ); pFieldArr[i]->SetLoseFocusHdl( aLkLF ); } SetMetric(aSpaceED, aMetric); Link aLk = LINK( this, SwTableColumnPage, AutoClickHdl ); aUpBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aDownBtn.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK( this, SwTableColumnPage, ModeHdl ); aModifyTableCB .SetClickHdl( aLk ); aProportionalCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aInverseCB .SetClickHdl( aLk ); }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwTableColumnPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, pBox ) { //Anzeigefenster verschieben if(pBox == (CheckBox *)&aDownBtn) { if(aValueTbl[0] > 0) { for( USHORT i=0; i < MET_FIELDS; i++ ) aValueTbl[i] -= 1; } } if(pBox == (CheckBox *)&aUpBtn) { if( aValueTbl[ MET_FIELDS -1 ] < nNoOfVisibleCols -1 ) { for(USHORT i=0;i < MET_FIELDS;i++) aValueTbl[i] += 1; } } for( USHORT i = 0; (i < nNoOfVisibleCols ) && ( i < MET_FIELDS); i++ ) { String sEntry('~'); sEntry += String::CreateFromInt32( aValueTbl[i] + 1 ); pTextArr[i]->SetText( sEntry ); } aDownBtn.Enable(aValueTbl[0] > 0); aUpBtn.Enable(aValueTbl[ MET_FIELDS -1 ] < nNoOfVisibleCols -1 ); UpdateCols(0); return 0; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwTableColumnPage, UpHdl, PercentField *, pEdit ) { bModified = TRUE; ModifyHdl( pEdit ); return 0; }; IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwTableColumnPage, UpHdl, PercentField *, pEdit ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwTableColumnPage, DownHdl, PercentField *, pEdit ) { bModified = TRUE; ModifyHdl( pEdit ); return 0; }; IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwTableColumnPage, DownHdl, PercentField *, pEdit ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwTableColumnPage, LoseFocusHdl, PercentField *, pEdit ) { if(pEdit->IsModified()) { bModified = TRUE; ModifyHdl( pEdit ); } return 0; }; IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwTableColumnPage, LoseFocusHdl, PercentField *, pEdit ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwTableColumnPage, ModeHdl, CheckBox*, pBox ) { BOOL bCheck = pBox->IsChecked(); if(pBox == &aProportionalCB) { if(bCheck) aModifyTableCB.Check(); aModifyTableCB.Enable(!bCheck && bModifyTbl); aInverseCB.Enable(!bCheck); } else if(pBox == &aInverseCB) { if(bCheck) aModifyTableCB.Check(FALSE); aModifyTableCB.Enable(!bCheck && bModifyTbl); aProportionalCB.Enable(!bCheck); } else aInverseCB.Enable(!bCheck); return 0; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwTableColumnPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { for( USHORT i = 0; i < MET_FIELDS; i++ ) { if(pFieldArr[i]->HasFocus()) { LoseFocusHdl(pFieldArr[i]); break; } } if(bModified) { pTblData->SetColsChanged(); } return bModified; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableColumnPage::ModifyHdl( PercentField* pEdit ) { USHORT nAktPos; for( USHORT i = 0; i < MET_FIELDS; i++) if(pEdit == pFieldArr[i]) break; SetVisibleWidth(aValueTbl[i], pEdit->Denormalize( pEdit->GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP ) )); nAktPos = aValueTbl[i]; UpdateCols( nAktPos ); }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableColumnPage::UpdateCols( USHORT nAktPos ) { SwTwips nSum = 0; for(USHORT i = 0; i < nNoOfCols; i++ ) { nSum += (pTblData->GetColumns())[i].nWidth; } SwTwips nDiff = nSum - nTableWidth; BOOL bModifyTbl = aModifyTableCB.IsChecked(); BOOL bProp = aProportionalCB.IsChecked(); BOOL bInverse = aInverseCB .IsChecked(); if(!bModifyTbl && !bProp &&!bInverse) { // Tabellenbreite bleibt, Differenz wird mit der/den // naechsten Zellen ausgeglichen while( nDiff ) { if( ++nAktPos == nNoOfVisibleCols) nAktPos = 0; if( nDiff < 0 ) { SetVisibleWidth(nAktPos, GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) -nDiff); nDiff = 0; } else if( GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) >= nDiff + nMinWidth ) { SetVisibleWidth(nAktPos, GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) -nDiff); nDiff = 0; } if( nDiff > 0 && GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) > nMinWidth ) { if( nDiff >= (GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) - nMinWidth) ) { nDiff -= (GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) - nMinWidth); SetVisibleWidth(nAktPos, nMinWidth); } else { nDiff = 0; SetVisibleWidth(nAktPos, GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) -nDiff); } DBG_ASSERT(nDiff >= 0, "nDiff < 0 kann hier nicht sein!") } } } else if(bModifyTbl && !bProp &&!bInverse) { // Differenz wird ueber die Tabellenbreite ausgeglichen, // andere Spalten bleiben unveraendert DBG_ASSERT(nDiff <= pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth, "Maximum falsch eingestellt" ) SwTwips nActSpace = pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth; if(nDiff > nActSpace) { nTableWidth = pTblData->GetSpace(); SetVisibleWidth(nAktPos, GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) - nDiff + nActSpace ); } else { nTableWidth += nDiff; } } else if(bModifyTbl & bProp) { // Alle Spalten werden proportional mitveraendert, die Tabellenbreite wird // entsprechend angepasst DBG_ASSERT(nDiff * nNoOfVisibleCols <= pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth, "Maximum falsch eingestellt" ) long nAdd = nDiff; if(nDiff * nNoOfVisibleCols > pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth) { nAdd = (pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth) / nNoOfVisibleCols; SetVisibleWidth(nAktPos, GetVisibleWidth(nAktPos) - nDiff + nAdd ); nDiff = nAdd; } if(nAdd) for(USHORT i = 0; i < nNoOfVisibleCols; i++ ) { if(i == nAktPos) continue; SwTwips nVisWidth; if((nVisWidth = GetVisibleWidth(i)) + nDiff < MINLAY) { nAdd += nVisWidth - MINLAY; SetVisibleWidth(i, MINLAY); } else { SetVisibleWidth(i, nVisWidth + nDiff); nAdd += nDiff; } } nTableWidth += nAdd; } else { // Die Differenz wird gleichmaessig auf alle anderen Spalten aufgeteilt // die Tabellenbreite bleibt konstant /* SwTwips nDiffn = nDiff/(nNoOfVisibleCols - 1); if(nDiff < 0 && (nNoOfVisibleCols - 1) * nDiffn != nDiff) nDiffn-- ; USHORT nStart = nAktPos++; if(nAktPos == nNoOfVisibleCols) nStart = 0; for(USHORT i = 0; i < nNoOfVisibleCols; i++ ) { if((nVisWidth = GetVisibleWidth(i)) + nDiff < MINLAY) { nAdd += nVisWidth - MINLAY; SetVisibleWidth(i, MINLAY); } } */ } DEBUG_TBLDLG_TABLEREP(pTblData); if(!bPercentMode) aSpaceED.SetValue(aSpaceED.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth) , FUNIT_TWIP); for( i = 0; ( i < nNoOfVisibleCols ) && ( i < MET_FIELDS ); i++) { pFieldArr[i]->SetValue(pFieldArr[i]->Normalize( GetVisibleWidth(aValueTbl[i]) ), FUNIT_TWIP); pFieldArr[i]->ClearModifyFlag(); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableColumnPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { bPercentMode = pTblData->GetWidthPercent() != 0; for( USHORT i = 0; (i < MET_FIELDS) && (i < nNoOfVisibleCols); i++ ) { pFieldArr[i]->SetRefValue(pTblData->GetWidth()); pFieldArr[i]->ShowPercent( bPercentMode ); } USHORT nTblAlign = pTblData->GetAlign(); if((HORI_FULL != nTblAlign && nTableWidth != pTblData->GetWidth()) || (HORI_FULL == nTblAlign && nTableWidth != pTblData->GetSpace())) { nTableWidth = HORI_FULL == nTblAlign ? pTblData->GetSpace() : pTblData->GetWidth(); UpdateCols(0); } bModifyTbl = TRUE; if(pTblData->GetWidthPercent() || HORI_FULL == nTblAlign || pTblData->IsLineSelected() ) bModifyTbl = FALSE; if(bPercentMode) { aInverseCB .Enable(FALSE); aModifyTableCB .Check(FALSE); aProportionalCB .Check(FALSE); aInverseCB .Check(FALSE); } else if( !bModifyTbl ) { aProportionalCB.Check(FALSE); aModifyTableCB.Check(FALSE); } aSpaceFT.Enable(!bPercentMode); aSpaceED.Enable(!bPercentMode); aModifyTableCB.Enable( !bPercentMode && bModifyTbl ); aProportionalCB.Enable(!bPercentMode && bModifyTbl ); /* if(pTblData->IsLineSelected() && pTblData->IsComplex()) { }*/ aSpaceED.SetValue(aSpaceED.Normalize( pTblData->GetSpace() - nTableWidth) , FUNIT_TWIP); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int SwTableColumnPage::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* pSet ) { if(pSet) { FillItemSet(*pSet); if(HORI_FULL != pTblData->GetAlign() && pTblData->GetWidth() != nTableWidth) { pTblData->SetWidth(nTableWidth); SwTwips nDiff = pTblData->GetSpace() - pTblData->GetWidth() - pTblData->GetLeftSpace() - pTblData->GetRightSpace(); switch( pTblData->GetAlign() ) { case HORI_RIGHT: pTblData->SetLeftSpace(pTblData->GetLeftSpace() + nDiff); break; case HORI_LEFT: pTblData->SetRightSpace(pTblData->GetRightSpace() + nDiff); break; case HORI_NONE: { SwTwips nDiff2 = nDiff/2; if( nDiff > 0 || (-nDiff2 < pTblData->GetRightSpace() && - nDiff2 < pTblData->GetLeftSpace())) { pTblData->SetRightSpace(pTblData->GetRightSpace() + nDiff2); pTblData->SetLeftSpace(pTblData->GetLeftSpace() + nDiff2); } else { if(pTblData->GetRightSpace() > pTblData->GetLeftSpace()) { pTblData->SetLeftSpace(0); pTblData->SetRightSpace(pTblData->GetSpace() - pTblData->GetWidth()); } else { pTblData->SetRightSpace(0); pTblData->SetLeftSpace(pTblData->GetSpace() - pTblData->GetWidth()); } } } break; case HORI_CENTER: pTblData->SetRightSpace(pTblData->GetRightSpace() + nDiff/2); pTblData->SetLeftSpace(pTblData->GetLeftSpace() + nDiff/2); break; case HORI_LEFT_AND_WIDTH : if(nDiff > pTblData->GetRightSpace()) { pTblData->SetLeftSpace(pTblData->GetSpace() - pTblData->GetWidth()); } pTblData->SetRightSpace( pTblData->GetSpace() - pTblData->GetWidth() - pTblData->GetLeftSpace()); break; } pTblData->SetWidthChanged(); } DEBUG_TBLDLG_TABLEREP(pTblData); pSet->Put(SwPtrItem( FN_TABLE_REP, pTblData )); } return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTwips SwTableColumnPage::GetVisibleWidth(USHORT nPos) { USHORT i=0; while( nPos ) { if(pTblData->GetColumns()[i].bVisible && nPos) nPos--; i++; } SwTwips nReturn = pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth; DBG_ASSERT(i < nNoOfCols, "Array index out of range") while(!pTblData->GetColumns()[i].bVisible && (i + 1) < nNoOfCols) nReturn += pTblData->GetColumns()[++i].nWidth; // return (*ppTableColumns)[i].nWidth; return nReturn; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableColumnPage::SetVisibleWidth(USHORT nPos, SwTwips nNewWidth) { USHORT i=0; while( nPos ) { if(pTblData->GetColumns()[i].bVisible && nPos) nPos--; i++; } DBG_ASSERT(i < nNoOfCols, "Array index out of range") pTblData->GetColumns()[i].nWidth = nNewWidth; while(!pTblData->GetColumns()[i].bVisible && (i + 1) < nNoOfCols) pTblData->GetColumns()[++i].nWidth = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableTabDlg::SwTableTabDlg(Window* pParent, SfxItemPool& , const SfxItemSet* pItemSet, SwWrtShell* pSh ) : SfxTabDialog(pParent, SW_RES(DLG_FORMAT_TABLE), pItemSet,0), pShell(pSh) { FreeResource(); nHtmlMode = ::GetHtmlMode(pSh->GetView().GetDocShell()); AddTabPage(TP_FORMAT_TABLE, &SwFormatTablePage::Create, 0 ); AddTabPage(TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW, &SwTextFlowPage::Create, 0 ); AddTabPage(TP_TABLE_COLUMN, &SwTableColumnPage::Create, 0 ); AddTabPage(TP_BACKGROUND, SvxBackgroundTabPage::Create, 0); AddTabPage(TP_BORDER, SvxBorderTabPage::Create, 0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableTabDlg::PageCreated(USHORT nId, SfxTabPage& rPage) { if( TP_BACKGROUND == nId ) { //ShowTblControl() zuerst rufen, wegen HTMLMode ((SvxBackgroundTabPage&)rPage).ShowTblControl(); if(!( nHtmlMode & HTMLMODE_ON ) || nHtmlMode & HTMLMODE_SOME_STYLES) ((SvxBackgroundTabPage&)rPage).ShowSelector(); } else if(TP_BORDER == nId) { ((SvxBorderTabPage&)rPage).SetSWMode(SW_BORDER_MODE_TABLE); } else if(TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW == nId) { ((SwTextFlowPage&)rPage).SetShell(pShell); const USHORT eType = pShell->GetFrmType(0,TRUE); if( !(FRMTYPE_BODY & eType) ) ((SwTextFlowPage&)rPage).DisablePageBreak(); } } /*-----------------20.08.96 09.43------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableRep::SwTableRep( const SwTabCols& rTabCol, BOOL bCplx ) : nTblWidth(0), nSpace(0), nLeftSpace(0), nRightSpace(0), nAlign(0), nWidthPercent(0), bLineSelected(FALSE), bComplex(bCplx), bWidthChanged(FALSE), bColsChanged(FALSE) { nAllCols = nColCount = rTabCol.Count(); pTColumns = new TColumn[ nColCount + 1 ]; SwTwips nStart = 0, nEnd; for( USHORT i = 0; i < nAllCols; ++i ) { nEnd = rTabCol[ i ] - rTabCol.GetLeft(); pTColumns[ i ].nWidth = nEnd - nStart; pTColumns[ i ].bVisible = !rTabCol.IsHidden(i); if(!pTColumns[ i ].bVisible) nColCount --; nStart = nEnd; } pTColumns[ nAllCols ].nWidth = rTabCol.GetRight() - rTabCol.GetLeft() - nStart; pTColumns[ nAllCols ].bVisible = TRUE; nColCount++; nAllCols++; } /*-----------------20.08.96 09.43------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableRep::~SwTableRep() { delete pTColumns; } /*-----------------20.08.96 13.33------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwTableRep::FillTabCols( SwTabCols& rTabCols ) const { USHORT nOldLeft = rTabCols.GetLeft(); USHORT nOldRight = rTabCols.GetRight(); BOOL bSingleLine = FALSE; for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rTabCols.Count(); ++i ) if(!pTColumns[i].bVisible) { bSingleLine = TRUE; break; } DEBUG_TBLDLG_TCOLUMN(pTColumns, nAllCols); SwTwips nPos = 0; SwTwips nLeft = GetLeftSpace(); rTabCols.SetLeft((USHORT)nLeft); if(bSingleLine) { // die unsichtbaren Trenner werden aus den alten TabCols genommen // die sichtbaren kommen aus pTColumns TColumn* pOldTColumns = new TColumn[nAllCols + 1]; SwTwips nStart = 0, nEnd; for(USHORT i = 0; i < nAllCols - 1; i++) { nEnd = rTabCols[i] - rTabCols.GetLeft(); pOldTColumns[i].nWidth = nEnd - nStart; pOldTColumns[i].bVisible = !rTabCols.IsHidden(i); nStart = nEnd; } pOldTColumns[nAllCols - 1].nWidth = rTabCols.GetRight() - rTabCols.GetLeft() - nStart; pOldTColumns[nAllCols - 1].bVisible = TRUE; DEBUG_TBLDLG_TCOLUMN(pOldTColumns, nAllCols); USHORT nOldPos = 0; USHORT nNewPos = 0; SwTwips nOld = 0; SwTwips nNew = 0; BOOL bOld = FALSE; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; i = 0; while ( i < nAllCols -1 ) { while((bFirst || bOld ) && nOldPos < nAllCols ) { nOld += pOldTColumns[nOldPos].nWidth; nOldPos++; if(!pOldTColumns[nOldPos - 1].bVisible) break; } while((bFirst || !bOld ) && nNewPos < nAllCols ) { nNew += pTColumns[nNewPos].nWidth; nNewPos++; if(pOldTColumns[nNewPos - 1].bVisible) break; } bFirst = FALSE; // sie muessen sortiert eingefuegt werden bOld = nOld < nNew; nPos = USHORT(bOld ? nOld : nNew); rTabCols[i] = nPos + nLeft; rTabCols.SetHidden( i, bOld ); i++; } rTabCols.SetRight(nLeft + nTblWidth); delete pOldTColumns; } else { for ( i = 0; i < nAllCols - 1; ++i ) { nPos += pTColumns[i].nWidth; rTabCols[i] = nPos + rTabCols.GetLeft(); rTabCols.SetHidden( i, !pTColumns[i].bVisible ); rTabCols.SetRight(nLeft + pTColumns[nAllCols - 1].nWidth + nPos); } } // Rundungsfehler abfangen if(Abs((long)nOldLeft - (long)rTabCols.GetLeft()) < 3) rTabCols.SetLeft(nOldLeft); if(Abs((long)nOldRight - (long)rTabCols.GetRight()) < 3) rTabCols.SetRight(nOldRight); if(rTabCols.GetRight() > rTabCols.GetRightMax()) rTabCols.SetRight(rTabCols.GetRightMax()); return bSingleLine; } /*-----------------12.12.96 12.22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTextFlowPage::SwTextFlowPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES( TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW ), rSet ), aFlowGB (this, SW_RES(GB_FLOW )), aPgBrkCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PAGEBREAK )), aPgBrkRB (this, SW_RES(RB_BREAKPAGE )), aColBrkRB (this, SW_RES(RB_BREAKCOLUMN )), aPgBrkBeforeRB (this, SW_RES(RB_PAGEBREAKBEFORE)), aPgBrkAfterRB (this, SW_RES(RB_PAGEBREAKAFTER )), aPageCollCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PAGECOLL )), aPageCollLB (this, SW_RES(LB_PAGECOLL )), aPageNoFT (this, SW_RES(FT_PAGENUM )), aPageNoNF (this, SW_RES(NF_PAGENUM )), aKeepCB (this, SW_RES(CB_KEEP )), aSplitCB (this, SW_RES(CB_SPLIT )), aHeadLineCB (this, SW_RES(CB_HEADLINE )), aVertOrientGB (this, SW_RES(GB_VERT_ORIENT )), aTopRB (this, SW_RES(RB_VERT_TOP )), aCenterRB (this, SW_RES(RB_VERT_CENTER )), aBottomRB (this, SW_RES(RB_VERT_BOTTOM )), pShell(0), bPageBreak(TRUE), bHtmlMode(FALSE) { FreeResource(); aPgBrkCB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakHdl_Impl)); aPgBrkBeforeRB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakPosHdl_Impl ) ); aPgBrkAfterRB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakPosHdl_Impl ) ); aPageCollCB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwTextFlowPage, ApplyCollClickHdl_Impl ) ); aColBrkRB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakTypeHdl_Impl ) ); aPgBrkRB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakTypeHdl_Impl ) ); #ifndef SW_FILEFORMAT_40 const SfxPoolItem *pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE,&pItem ) && ((const SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON) #endif { aKeepCB.Hide(); aSplitCB.Hide(); } } /*-----------------12.12.96 12.22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTextFlowPage::~SwTextFlowPage() { } /*-----------------12.12.96 12.22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwTextFlowPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwTextFlowPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } /*-----------------12.12.96 12.22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwTextFlowPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { BOOL bModified = FALSE; //Ueberschrift wiederholen if(aHeadLineCB.IsChecked() != aHeadLineCB.GetSavedValue()) { bModified |= 0 != rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_TABLE_HEADLINE, aHeadLineCB.IsChecked())); } if(aKeepCB.IsChecked() != aKeepCB.GetSavedValue()) bModified |= 0 != rSet.Put( SvxFmtKeepItem( aKeepCB.IsChecked())); if(aSplitCB.IsChecked() != aSplitCB.GetSavedValue()) bModified |= 0 != rSet.Put( SwFmtLayoutSplit( !aSplitCB.IsChecked())); const SvxFmtBreakItem* pBreak = (const SvxFmtBreakItem*)GetOldItem( rSet, RES_BREAK ); const SwFmtPageDesc* pDesc = (const SwFmtPageDesc*) GetOldItem( rSet, RES_PAGEDESC ); BOOL bState = aPageCollCB.IsChecked(); //Wenn Seitenvorlage, dann kein Break BOOL bPageItemPut = FALSE; if ( bState != aPageCollCB.GetSavedValue() || ( bState && aPageCollLB.GetSelectEntryPos() != aPageCollLB.GetSavedValue() ) || aPageNoNF.IsEnabled() && aPageNoNF.IsValueModified()) { String sPage; if ( bState ) { sPage = aPageCollLB.GetSelectEntry(); } USHORT nPgNum = aPageNoNF.GetValue(); if ( !pDesc || !pDesc->GetPageDesc() || ( pDesc->GetPageDesc() && ((pDesc->GetPageDesc()->GetName() != sPage) || aPageNoNF.GetSavedValue() != (String)nPgNum))) { SwFmtPageDesc aFmt( pShell->FindPageDescByName( sPage, TRUE ) ); aFmt.SetNumOffset(bState ? nPgNum : 0); bModified |= 0 != rSet.Put( aFmt ); bPageItemPut = bState; } } BOOL bIsChecked = aPgBrkCB.IsChecked(); if ( !bPageItemPut && ( bState != aPageCollCB.GetSavedValue() || bIsChecked != aPgBrkCB.GetSavedValue() || aPgBrkBeforeRB.IsChecked() != aPgBrkBeforeRB.GetSavedValue() || aPgBrkRB.IsChecked() != aPgBrkRB.GetSavedValue() )) { SvxFmtBreakItem aBreak( (const SvxFmtBreakItem&)GetItemSet().Get( RES_BREAK ) ); if(bIsChecked) { BOOL bBefore = aPgBrkBeforeRB.IsChecked(); if ( aPgBrkRB.IsChecked() ) { if ( bBefore ) aBreak.SetValue( SVX_BREAK_PAGE_BEFORE ); else aBreak.SetValue( SVX_BREAK_PAGE_AFTER ); } else { if ( bBefore ) aBreak.SetValue( SVX_BREAK_COLUMN_BEFORE ); else aBreak.SetValue( SVX_BREAK_COLUMN_AFTER ); } } else { aBreak.SetValue( SVX_BREAK_NONE ); } if ( !pBreak || !( *(const SvxFmtBreakItem*)pBreak == aBreak ) ) { bModified |= 0 != rSet.Put( aBreak ); } } USHORT nOrient = USHRT_MAX; if(aTopRB.IsChecked() && !aTopRB.GetSavedValue()) nOrient = VERT_NONE; else if( aCenterRB.IsChecked() && !aCenterRB.GetSavedValue() ) nOrient = VERT_CENTER; else if( aBottomRB.IsChecked() && !aBottomRB.GetSavedValue() ) nOrient = VERT_BOTTOM; if(nOrient != USHRT_MAX) bModified |= 0 != rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN, nOrient)); return bModified; } /*-----------------12.12.96 12.22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTextFlowPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; OfaHtmlOptions* pHtmlOpt = OFF_APP()->GetHtmlOptions(); BOOL bFlowAllowed = !bHtmlMode || pHtmlOpt->IsPrintLayoutExtension(); if(bFlowAllowed) { // Einfuegen der vorhandenen Seitenvorlagen in die Listbox const USHORT nCount = pShell->GetPageDescCnt(); for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { const SwPageDesc &rPageDesc = pShell->GetPageDesc(i); aPageCollLB.InsertEntry(rPageDesc.GetName()); } for(i = RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN; i <= RES_POOLPAGE_REGISTER; ++i) { String aFmtName; GetDocPoolNm( i, aFmtName ); if( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == aPageCollLB.GetEntryPos( aFmtName )) aPageCollLB.InsertEntry( aFmtName ); } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_KEEP, FALSE, &pItem )) { aKeepCB.Check( ((const SvxFmtKeepItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); aKeepCB.SaveValue(); } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_LAYOUT_SPLIT, FALSE, &pItem )) { aSplitCB.Check( !((const SwFmtLayoutSplit*)pItem)->GetValue() ); aSplitCB.SaveValue(); } if(bPageBreak) { if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_PAGEDESC, FALSE, &pItem )) { String sPageDesc; const SwPageDesc* pDesc = ((const SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetPageDesc(); aPageNoNF.SetValue(((const SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetNumOffset()); if(pDesc) sPageDesc = pDesc->GetName(); if ( sPageDesc.Len() && aPageCollLB.GetEntryPos( sPageDesc ) != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { aPageCollLB.SelectEntry( sPageDesc ); aPageCollCB.Check(); aPgBrkCB.Enable(); aPgBrkRB.Enable(); aColBrkRB.Enable(); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Enable(); aPgBrkAfterRB.Enable(); aPageCollCB.Enable(); aPgBrkCB.Check(); aPgBrkCB.Check( TRUE ); aColBrkRB.Check( FALSE ); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Check( TRUE ); aPgBrkAfterRB.Check( FALSE ); } else { aPageCollLB.SetNoSelection(); aPageCollCB.Check(FALSE); } } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BREAK, FALSE, &pItem )) { const SvxFmtBreakItem* pPageBreak = (const SvxFmtBreakItem*)pItem; SvxBreak eBreak = (SvxBreak)pPageBreak->GetValue(); if ( eBreak != SVX_BREAK_NONE ) { aPgBrkCB.Check(); aPageCollCB.Enable(FALSE); aPageCollLB.Enable(FALSE); aPageNoNF.Enable(FALSE); } switch ( eBreak ) { case SVX_BREAK_PAGE_BEFORE: aPgBrkRB.Check( TRUE ); aColBrkRB.Check( FALSE ); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Check( TRUE ); aPgBrkAfterRB.Check( FALSE ); break; case SVX_BREAK_PAGE_AFTER: aPgBrkRB.Check( TRUE ); aColBrkRB.Check( FALSE ); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Check( FALSE ); aPgBrkAfterRB.Check( TRUE ); break; case SVX_BREAK_COLUMN_BEFORE: aPgBrkRB.Check( FALSE ); aColBrkRB.Check( TRUE ); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Check( TRUE ); aPgBrkAfterRB.Check( FALSE ); break; case SVX_BREAK_COLUMN_AFTER: aPgBrkRB.Check( FALSE ); aColBrkRB.Check( TRUE ); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Check( FALSE ); aPgBrkAfterRB.Check( TRUE ); break; } } if ( aPgBrkBeforeRB.IsChecked() ) PageBreakPosHdl_Impl( &aPgBrkBeforeRB ); else if ( aPgBrkAfterRB.IsChecked() ) PageBreakPosHdl_Impl( &aPgBrkAfterRB ); PageBreakHdl_Impl( &aPgBrkCB ); } } else { aPgBrkRB.Enable(FALSE); aColBrkRB.Enable(FALSE); aPgBrkBeforeRB.Enable(FALSE); aPgBrkAfterRB.Enable(FALSE); aKeepCB .Enable(FALSE); aSplitCB.Enable(FALSE); aPgBrkCB.Enable(FALSE); aPageCollCB.Enable(FALSE); aPageCollLB.Enable(FALSE); } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_TABLE_HEADLINE, FALSE, &pItem )) { aHeadLineCB.Check( ((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); aHeadLineCB.SaveValue(); } if ( rSet.GetItemState(FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN) > SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE ) { USHORT nVert = ((const SfxUInt16Item&)rSet.Get(FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN)).GetValue(); switch(nVert) { case VERT_NONE: aTopRB.Check(); break; case VERT_CENTER: aCenterRB.Check(); break; case VERT_BOTTOM: aBottomRB.Check(); break; } } aPageCollCB.SaveValue(); aPageCollLB.SaveValue(); aPgBrkCB.SaveValue(); aPgBrkRB.SaveValue(); aColBrkRB.SaveValue(); aPgBrkBeforeRB.SaveValue(); aPgBrkAfterRB.SaveValue(); aPageNoNF.SaveValue(); aTopRB.SaveValue(); aCenterRB.SaveValue(); aBottomRB.SaveValue(); } /*-----------------16.04.98 14:48------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTextFlowPage::SetShell(SwWrtShell* pSh) { pShell = pSh; bHtmlMode = 0 != (::GetHtmlMode(pShell->GetView().GetDocShell()) & HTMLMODE_ON); if(bHtmlMode) { aPageNoNF.Enable(FALSE); aPageNoFT.Enable(FALSE); } } /*-----------------12.12.96 16.18------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakHdl_Impl, CheckBox*, EMPTYARG ) { if( aPgBrkCB.IsChecked() ) { aPgBrkRB. Enable(); aColBrkRB. Enable(); aPgBrkBeforeRB. Enable(); aPgBrkAfterRB. Enable(); if ( aPgBrkRB.IsChecked() && aPgBrkBeforeRB.IsChecked() ) { aPageCollCB.Enable(); BOOL bEnable = aPageCollCB.IsChecked() && aPageCollLB.GetEntryCount(); aPageCollLB.Enable(bEnable); if(!bHtmlMode) aPageNoNF.Enable(bEnable); } } else { aPageCollCB.Check( FALSE ); aPageCollCB.Enable(FALSE); aPageCollLB.Enable(FALSE); aPageNoNF.Enable(FALSE); aPgBrkRB. Enable(FALSE); aColBrkRB. Enable(FALSE); aPgBrkBeforeRB. Enable(FALSE); aPgBrkAfterRB. Enable(FALSE); } return 0; } /*-----------------12.12.96 16.18------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwTextFlowPage, ApplyCollClickHdl_Impl, CheckBox*, EMPTYARG ) { BOOL bEnable = FALSE; if ( aPageCollCB.IsChecked() && aPageCollLB.GetEntryCount() ) { bEnable = TRUE; aPageCollLB.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); } else { aPageCollLB.SetNoSelection(); } aPageCollLB.Enable(bEnable); if(!bHtmlMode) aPageNoNF.Enable(bEnable); return 0; } /*-----------------12.12.96 16.18------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakPosHdl_Impl, RadioButton*, pBtn ) { if ( aPgBrkCB.IsChecked() ) { if ( pBtn == &aPgBrkBeforeRB ) { aPageCollCB.Enable(); BOOL bEnable = aPageCollCB.IsChecked() && aPageCollLB.GetEntryCount(); aPageCollLB.Enable(bEnable); if(!bHtmlMode) aPageNoNF.Enable(bEnable); } else if ( pBtn == &aPgBrkAfterRB ) { aPageCollCB .Check( FALSE ); aPageCollCB .Enable(FALSE); aPageCollLB .Enable(FALSE); aPageNoNF .Enable(FALSE); } } return 0; } /*-----------------12.12.96 16.18------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwTextFlowPage, PageBreakTypeHdl_Impl, RadioButton*, pBtn ) { if ( pBtn == &aColBrkRB || aPgBrkAfterRB.IsChecked() ) { aPageCollCB .Check(FALSE); aPageCollCB .Enable(FALSE); aPageCollLB .Enable(FALSE); aPageNoNF .Enable(FALSE); } else if ( aPgBrkBeforeRB.IsChecked() ) PageBreakPosHdl_Impl( &aPgBrkBeforeRB ); return 0; } /*-----------------30.05.97 07:37------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTextFlowPage::DisablePageBreak() { bPageBreak = FALSE; aPgBrkCB .Disable(); aPgBrkRB .Disable(); aColBrkRB .Disable(); aPgBrkBeforeRB .Disable(); aPgBrkAfterRB .Disable(); aPageCollCB .Disable(); aPageCollLB .Disable(); aPageNoFT .Disable(); aPageNoNF .Disable(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.3 2000/11/09 15:22:28 hr #65293#: std::min()/max() Revision 1.2 2000/11/07 12:48:38 hjs use min/max from stl Revision 2000/09/18 17:14:48 hr initial import Revision 1.169 2000/09/18 16:06:09 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.168 2000/08/24 15:21:38 os tables with negative LRSpace Revision 1.167 2000/07/27 21:16:28 jp opt: get template names direct from the doc and don't load it from the resource Revision 1.166 2000/06/16 09:51:28 os #73123# disable manual table alignment in HTML Revision 1.165 2000/05/26 07:21:33 os old SW Basic API Slots removed Revision 1.164 2000/05/23 19:31:24 jp Bugfixes for Unicode Revision 1.163 2000/04/19 11:22:11 os UNICODE Revision 1.162 1999/08/23 07:48:32 OS #61218# correct handling of left_and_width oriented tables Rev 1.161 23 Aug 1999 09:48:32 OS #61218# correct handling of left_and_width oriented tables Rev 1.160 28 May 1999 10:28:32 OS #54824# HoriOrientation_LEFT_AND_WIDTH fuer von links ausgerichtete Tabellen Rev 1.159 08 Feb 1999 14:56:32 OS #61545# Break-Attribut nur noch bei fehlendem oder leeren PageDesc mitschicken Rev 1.158 08 Feb 1999 10:23:22 JP Task #61467#/#61014#: neu FindPageDescByName Rev 1.157 04 Jan 1999 14:15:00 OS #60366# Umbruch-Buttons in HTML-Docs ebenfalls disablen Rev 1.156 27 Nov 1998 14:56:48 AMA Fix #59951#59825#: Unterscheiden zwischen Rahmen-,Seiten- und Bereichsspalten Rev 1.155 27 Nov 1998 14:02:44 MH add: header Rev 1.154 08 Sep 1998 17:04:00 OS #56134# Metric fuer Text und HTML getrennt Rev 1.153 29 May 1998 19:08:00 JP SS vom SwTableReq geaendert Rev 1.152 28 Apr 1998 09:10:12 OS Background: ShowSelector mit HTML-Beruecksichtigung #49862# Rev 1.151 21 Apr 1998 08:44:36 OS TableNameEdit verschoben Rev 1.150 17 Apr 1998 16:30:50 OS Printing extensions fuer HTML Rev 1.149 16 Apr 1998 15:57:28 OS Printing extensions fuer HTML Rev 1.148 02 Mar 1998 09:15:52 OS Minimalbreite spaltenabhaengig, Fokushilfe fuer Edit#47641##47658# Rev 1.147 29 Nov 1997 14:28:10 MA includes Rev 1.146 24 Nov 1997 15:52:22 MA includes Rev 1.145 19 Nov 1997 16:54:54 OS Hintergrund: zuerst ShowTblCtrl rufen #45654# Rev 1.144 03 Nov 1997 13:56:50 MA precomp entfernt Rev 1.143 30 Oct 1997 11:19:20 AMA Chg: Kein AutoFlag mehr an Break bzw. PageDesc-Attributen Rev 1.142 30 Sep 1997 16:51:36 TJ include Rev 1.141 25 Aug 1997 14:26:28 OS Leerzeichen im Tabellennamen vor dem Verlassen der Page ueberpruefen #42643# Rev 1.140 15 Aug 1997 12:18:20 OS chartar/frmatr/txtatr aufgeteilt Rev 1.139 11 Aug 1997 10:12:42 OS paraitem/frmitems/textitem aufgeteilt Rev 1.138 03 Jul 1997 12:53:40 OS SwSwMode jetzt mit BYTE #41255# Rev 1.137 18 Jun 1997 17:27:42 OS Breite im TableRep nie auf IVALID_TWIP setzen #40808# Rev 1.136 11 Jun 1997 10:54:40 OS Behandlung relativer Tabellen berichtigt; restore nach automatisch funktioniert jetzt #40590# Rev 1.135 03 Jun 1997 16:39:58 MA chg: neue Tabellenfeatures hiden Rev 1.134 30 May 1997 08:44:50 OS kein Umbruch ausserbalb des Bodies #40306# Rev 1.133 14 Apr 1997 19:15:58 MA eigendes Headerfile fuer die Pages Rev 1.132 11 Apr 1997 15:55:26 MA chg: kein Keep und split fuer Web Rev 1.131 11 Apr 1997 13:36:26 MA split richtig Rev 1.130 11 Apr 1997 13:07:08 MA new: Layout-Split Rev 1.129 10 Apr 1997 18:26:48 MA Keep besser (?), Keep fuer Tables Rev 1.128 13 Mar 1997 11:37:52 OS enable/disble fuer manuell/zentriert berichtigt Rev 1.127 10 Mar 1997 16:20:48 OS Right an den TabCols darf niemals groesser als RightMax sein Rev 1.126 20 Feb 1997 17:49:36 OS Abstand oben/unten nicht im HTML Rev 1.125 13 Feb 1997 13:49:44 OS Tabellen im HTML auch manuell Rev 1.124 12 Feb 1997 14:28:38 OS wird der Umbruch abgeschaltet, muss auch der Offeset auf NULL gesetzt werden Rev 1.123 10 Feb 1997 16:36:02 OS autom. Ausrichtung: rechter Rand darf nicht eingestellt werden Rev 1.122 05 Feb 1997 10:04:22 OS keine Leerzeichen und Punkte im Tabellennamen; FillItemSet aus DeactivatePage aufrufen Rev 1.121 03 Feb 1997 12:12:44 OS Im HtmlMode kein Name und keine manuelle Ausrichtung Rev 1.120 30 Jan 1997 15:33:00 OS ...PARA_PAGENUM ueberfluessig Rev 1.119 22 Jan 1997 11:38:16 MA Umstellung Put Rev 1.118 08 Jan 1997 11:57:30 OS Umbruch-CheckBox nicht setzen fuer SVX_BREAK_NONE Rev 1.117 20 Dec 1996 12:13:48 OS vertikale Ausrichtung jetzt mit FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN Rev 1.116 19 Dec 1996 12:00:42 OS V-Alignment auswerten Rev 1.115 18 Dec 1996 14:58:40 OS Vorbereitung BoxAlign Rev 1.114 16 Dec 1996 16:23:22 OS versteckte Trenner an der alten Position wieder einsortieren Rev 1.113 13 Dec 1996 15:48:38 HJS header name Rev 1.112 13 Dec 1996 08:34:14 OS vorlaeufig vollstaendig Rev 1.111 12 Dec 1996 16:58:12 OS Textfluss fuer Tabelle Rev 1.110 10 Dec 1996 18:23:32 OS FillTabCols: rechten Rand aus der Summe der Spalten und dem linken Rand ermitteln #34303# Rev 1.109 04 Dec 1996 16:04:44 OS rechter Rand darf auch wieder fuer die manuelle Einstellung benutzt werden Rev 1.108 02 Dec 1996 10:35:24 OS erst SetRefValue, dann ShowPercent Rev 1.107 30 Nov 1996 11:24:18 OS Rel. Breite: Raender werden mitgesetzt Rev 1.106 11 Nov 1996 11:20:32 MA ResMgr Rev 1.105 05 Nov 1996 07:01:28 OS bModified auf TRUE setzen Rev 1.104 04 Nov 1996 12:00:10 OS kein Handler fuer HeadlineRepeat Rev 1.103 16 Oct 1996 16:25:22 OS letzte Probleme mit autom. Breite behoben Rev 1.102 14 Oct 1996 14:01:40 OS keine Breitenaenderung in der Spalten-Page fuer automatische Ausrichtung Rev 1.101 14 Oct 1996 13:52:48 OS bei automatischer Ausrichtung muss TableSpace statt TableWidth benutzt werden ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/