/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <svx/svdview.hxx> #include <svx/svdotext.hxx> #include <svl/whiter.hxx> #include <svx/fontwork.hxx> #include <sfx2/request.hxx> #include <sfx2/bindings.hxx> #include <sfx2/objface.hxx> #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx> #include <svx/extrusionbar.hxx> #include <svx/fontworkbar.hxx> #include <uitool.hxx> #include <dcontact.hxx> #include <textboxhelper.hxx> #include <wview.hxx> #include <swmodule.hxx> #include <svx/svdoashp.hxx> #include <svx/xfillit0.hxx> #include <vcl/EnumContext.hxx> #include <svx/svdoole2.hxx> #include <sfx2/opengrf.hxx> #include <svx/svdograf.hxx> #include <svx/svdundo.hxx> #include <svx/xbtmpit.hxx> #include <svx/sdasitm.hxx> #include <osl/diagnose.h> #include <swundo.hxx> #include <wrtsh.hxx> #include <cmdid.h> #include <strings.hrc> #include <drwbassh.hxx> #include <drawsh.hxx> #define ShellClass_SwDrawShell #include <sfx2/msg.hxx> #include <swslots.hxx> using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(SwDrawShell, SwDrawBaseShell) void SwDrawShell::InitInterface_Impl() { GetStaticInterface()->RegisterPopupMenu(u"draw"_ustr); GetStaticInterface()->RegisterObjectBar(SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT, SfxVisibilityFlags::Invisible, ToolbarId::Draw_Toolbox_Sw); GetStaticInterface()->RegisterChildWindow(SvxFontWorkChildWindow::GetChildWindowId()); } // #i123922# check as the name implies SdrObject* SwDrawShell::IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected() { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView* pSdrView = rSh.GetDrawView(); if(!pSdrView) { return nullptr; } if(1 != pSdrView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount()) { return nullptr; } SdrObject* pPickObj = pSdrView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if(!pPickObj) { return nullptr; } if(!pPickObj->IsClosedObj()) { return nullptr; } if(dynamic_cast< SdrOle2Obj* >(pPickObj)) { return nullptr; } return pPickObj; } // #i123922# insert given graphic data dependent of the object type in focus void SwDrawShell::InsertPictureFromFile(SdrObject& rObject) { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView* pSdrView = rSh.GetDrawView(); if(!pSdrView) return; SvxOpenGraphicDialog aDlg(SwResId(STR_INSERT_GRAPHIC), GetView().GetFrameWeld()); if (ERRCODE_NONE != aDlg.Execute()) return; Graphic aGraphic; ErrCode nError = aDlg.GetGraphic(aGraphic); if(ERRCODE_NONE != nError) return; const bool bAsLink(aDlg.IsAsLink()); SdrObject* pResult = &rObject; rSh.StartUndo(SwUndoId::PASTE_CLIPBOARD); if (SdrGrafObj* pSdrGrafObj = dynamic_cast<SdrGrafObj*>(&rObject)) { rtl::Reference<SdrGrafObj> pNewGrafObj = SdrObject::Clone(*pSdrGrafObj, pSdrGrafObj->getSdrModelFromSdrObject()); pNewGrafObj->SetGraphic(aGraphic); // #i123922# for handling MasterObject and virtual ones correctly, SW // wants us to call ReplaceObject at the page, but that also // triggers the same assertion (I tried it), so stay at the view method pSdrView->ReplaceObjectAtView(&rObject, *pSdrView->GetSdrPageView(), pNewGrafObj.get()); // set in all cases - the Clone() will have copied an existing link (!) pNewGrafObj->SetGraphicLink( bAsLink ? aDlg.GetPath() : OUString()); pResult = pNewGrafObj.get(); } else // if(rObject.IsClosedObj() && !dynamic_cast< SdrOle2Obj* >(&rObject)) { pSdrView->AddUndo(std::make_unique<SdrUndoAttrObj>(rObject)); SfxItemSetFixed<XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XATTR_FILLBITMAP> aSet(pSdrView->GetModel().GetItemPool()); aSet.Put(XFillStyleItem(drawing::FillStyle_BITMAP)); aSet.Put(XFillBitmapItem(OUString(), std::move(aGraphic))); rObject.SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet); } rSh.EndUndo( SwUndoId::END ); if(pResult) { // we are done; mark the modified/new object pSdrView->MarkObj(pResult, pSdrView->GetSdrPageView()); } } void SwDrawShell::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq) { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView *pSdrView = rSh.GetDrawView(); const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); SfxBindings &rBnd = GetView().GetViewFrame().GetBindings(); sal_uInt16 nSlotId = rReq.GetSlot(); bool bChanged = pSdrView->GetModel().IsChanged(); pSdrView->GetModel().SetChanged(false); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(pArgs) pArgs->GetItemState(nSlotId, false, &pItem); bool bMirror = true; switch (nSlotId) { case SID_OBJECT_ROTATE: GetView().ToggleRotate(); break; case SID_MOVE_SHAPE_HANDLE: { if (pArgs && pArgs->Count() >= 3) { const SfxUInt32Item* handleNumItem = rReq.GetArg<SfxUInt32Item>(FN_PARAM_1); const SfxUInt32Item* newPosXTwips = rReq.GetArg<SfxUInt32Item>(FN_PARAM_2); const SfxUInt32Item* newPosYTwips = rReq.GetArg<SfxUInt32Item>(FN_PARAM_3); const SfxInt32Item* OrdNum = rReq.GetArg<SfxInt32Item>(FN_PARAM_4); const sal_uLong handleNum = handleNumItem->GetValue(); const sal_uLong newPosX = newPosXTwips->GetValue(); const sal_uLong newPosY = newPosYTwips->GetValue(); const Point mPoint(newPosX, newPosY); const SdrHdl* handle = pSdrView->GetHdlList().GetHdl(handleNum); if (!handle) { break; } if (handle->GetKind() == SdrHdlKind::Anchor || handle->GetKind() == SdrHdlKind::Anchor_TR) { rSh.FindAnchorPos(mPoint, /*bMoveIt=*/true); pSdrView->ModelHasChanged(); } else pSdrView->MoveShapeHandle(handleNum, mPoint, OrdNum ? OrdNum->GetValue() : -1); } } break; case SID_BEZIER_EDIT: if (GetView().IsDrawRotate()) { rSh.SetDragMode(SdrDragMode::Move); GetView().FlipDrawRotate(); } GetView().FlipDrawSelMode(); pSdrView->SetFrameDragSingles(GetView().IsDrawSelMode()); GetView().AttrChangedNotify(nullptr); // Shell switch break; case SID_OBJECT_HELL: if (rSh.GetSelectedObjCount()) { rSh.StartUndo( SwUndoId::START ); SetWrapMode(FN_FRAME_WRAPTHRU_TRANSP); rSh.SelectionToHell(); rSh.EndUndo( SwUndoId::END ); rBnd.Invalidate(SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN); } break; case SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN: if (rSh.GetSelectedObjCount()) { rSh.StartUndo( SwUndoId::START ); SetWrapMode(FN_FRAME_WRAPTHRU); rSh.SelectionToHeaven(); rSh.EndUndo( SwUndoId::END ); rBnd.Invalidate(SID_OBJECT_HELL); } break; case FN_TOOL_HIERARCHIE: if (rSh.GetSelectedObjCount()) { rSh.StartUndo( SwUndoId::START ); if (rSh.GetLayerId() == SdrLayerID(0)) { SetWrapMode(FN_FRAME_WRAPTHRU); rSh.SelectionToHeaven(); } else { SetWrapMode(FN_FRAME_WRAPTHRU_TRANSP); rSh.SelectionToHell(); } rSh.EndUndo( SwUndoId::END ); rBnd.Invalidate( SID_OBJECT_HELL ); rBnd.Invalidate( SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN ); } break; case SID_FLIP_VERTICAL: bMirror = false; [[fallthrough]]; case SID_FLIP_HORIZONTAL: rSh.MirrorSelection( bMirror ); break; case SID_FONTWORK: { FieldUnit eMetric = ::GetDfltMetric( dynamic_cast<SwWebView*>( &rSh.GetView()) != nullptr ); SwModule::get()->PutItem(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_METRIC, static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(eMetric)) ); SfxViewFrame& rVFrame = GetView().GetViewFrame(); if (pArgs) { rVFrame.SetChildWindow(SvxFontWorkChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(), static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>((pArgs->Get(SID_FONTWORK))).GetValue()); } else rVFrame.ToggleChildWindow( SvxFontWorkChildWindow::GetChildWindowId() ); rVFrame.GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_FONTWORK); } break; case FN_FORMAT_FOOTNOTE_DLG: { GetView().ExecFormatFootnote(); break; } case FN_NUMBERING_OUTLINE_DLG: { GetView().ExecNumberingOutline(GetPool()); rReq.Done(); } break; case SID_OPEN_XML_FILTERSETTINGS: { HandleOpenXmlFilterSettings(rReq); } break; case FN_WORDCOUNT_DIALOG: { GetView().UpdateWordCount(this, nSlotId); } break; case SID_EXTRUSION_TOGGLE: case SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_DOWN: case SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_UP: case SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_LEFT: case SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_RIGHT: case SID_EXTRUSION_3D_COLOR: case SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH: case SID_EXTRUSION_DIRECTION: case SID_EXTRUSION_PROJECTION: case SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_DIRECTION: case SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_INTENSITY: case SID_EXTRUSION_SURFACE: case SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH_FLOATER: case SID_EXTRUSION_DIRECTION_FLOATER: case SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_FLOATER: case SID_EXTRUSION_SURFACE_FLOATER: case SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH_DIALOG: svx::ExtrusionBar::execute( pSdrView, rReq, rBnd ); rReq.Ignore (); break; case SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE: case SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE_TYPE: case SID_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT: case SID_FONTWORK_SAME_LETTER_HEIGHTS: case SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING: case SID_FONTWORK_KERN_CHARACTER_PAIRS: case SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING_FLOATER: case SID_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT_FLOATER: case SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING_DIALOG: svx::FontworkBar::execute(*pSdrView, rReq, rBnd); rReq.Ignore (); break; case SID_INSERT_GRAPHIC: { // #i123922# check if we can do something SdrObject* pObj = IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected(); if(pObj) { // ...and if yes, do something InsertPictureFromFile(*pObj); } break; } case FN_ADD_TEXT_BOX: { if (SdrObject* pObj = IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected()) { SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = ::FindFrameFormat(pObj); if (pFrameFormat) SwTextBoxHelper::create(pFrameFormat, pObj, pObj->HasText()); } break; } case FN_REMOVE_TEXT_BOX: { if (SdrObject* pObj = IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected()) { SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = ::FindFrameFormat(pObj); if (pFrameFormat) SwTextBoxHelper::destroy(pFrameFormat, pObj); } break; } default: OSL_ENSURE(false, "wrong dispatcher"); return; } if (pSdrView->GetModel().IsChanged()) rSh.SetModified(); else if (bChanged) pSdrView->GetModel().SetChanged(); } void SwDrawShell::GetState(SfxItemSet& rSet) { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView* pSdrView = rSh.GetDrawViewWithValidMarkList(); SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet ); sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); bool bProtected = rSh.IsSelObjProtected(FlyProtectFlags::Content) != FlyProtectFlags::NONE; if (!bProtected) // Check the parent bProtected |= rSh.IsSelObjProtected( FlyProtectFlags::Content|FlyProtectFlags::Parent ) != FlyProtectFlags::NONE; while( nWhich ) { switch( nWhich ) { case SID_OBJECT_HELL: if ( !rSh.GetSelectedObjCount() || rSh.GetLayerId() == SdrLayerID(0) || bProtected ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; case SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN: if ( !rSh.GetSelectedObjCount() || rSh.GetLayerId() == SdrLayerID(1) || bProtected ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; case FN_TOOL_HIERARCHIE: if ( !rSh.GetSelectedObjCount() || bProtected ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; case SID_OBJECT_ROTATE: { const bool bIsRotate = GetView().IsDrawRotate(); if ( (!bIsRotate && !pSdrView->IsRotateAllowed()) || bProtected ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); else rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, bIsRotate ) ); } break; case SID_BEZIER_EDIT: if (!Disable(rSet, nWhich)) rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, !GetView().IsDrawSelMode())); break; case SID_FLIP_VERTICAL: if ( !pSdrView->IsMirrorAllowed() || bProtected ) { rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } else { // TTTT - needs to be adapted in aw080: // state is not kept for drawing objects --> provide not flipped state rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, false ) ); } break; case SID_FLIP_HORIZONTAL: if ( !pSdrView->IsMirrorAllowed() || bProtected ) { rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } else { // TTTT - needs to be adapted in aw080: // state is not kept for drawing objects --> provide not flipped state rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, false ) ); } break; case SID_FONTWORK: { if (bProtected) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); else { const sal_uInt16 nId = SvxFontWorkChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( nWhich , GetView().GetViewFrame().HasChildWindow(nId))); } } break; case SID_INSERT_GRAPHIC: { // #i123922# check if we can do something SdrObject* pObj = IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected(); if(!pObj) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } break; } case FN_ADD_TEXT_BOX: { bool bDisable = true; if (SdrObject* pObj = IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected()) { SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = ::FindFrameFormat(pObj); // Allow creating a TextBox only in case this is a draw format without a TextBox so far. if (pFrameFormat && pFrameFormat->Which() == RES_DRAWFRMFMT && !SwTextBoxHelper::isTextBox(pFrameFormat, RES_DRAWFRMFMT, pObj)) { if (SdrObjCustomShape* pCustomShape = dynamic_cast<SdrObjCustomShape*>( pObj) ) { const SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem& rGeometryItem = pCustomShape->GetMergedItem(SDRATTR_CUSTOMSHAPE_GEOMETRY); if (const uno::Any* pAny = rGeometryItem.GetPropertyValueByName(u"Type"_ustr)) // But still disallow fontwork shapes. bDisable = pAny->get<OUString>().startsWith("fontwork-"); } } } if (bDisable) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; } case FN_REMOVE_TEXT_BOX: { bool bDisable = true; if (SdrObject* pObj = IsSingleFillableNonOLESelected()) { SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = ::FindFrameFormat(pObj); // Allow removing a TextBox only in case it has one. if (pFrameFormat && SwTextBoxHelper::isTextBox(pFrameFormat, RES_DRAWFRMFMT, pObj)) bDisable = false; } if (bDisable) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; } } nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } svx::ExtrusionBar::getState( pSdrView, rSet ); svx::FontworkBar::getState( pSdrView, rSet ); } SwDrawShell::SwDrawShell(SwView &_rView) : SwDrawBaseShell(_rView) { SetName(u"Draw"_ustr); vcl::EnumContext::Context eContext = vcl::EnumContext::Context::Draw; SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView* pDrView = rSh.GetDrawView(); if (pDrView && svx::checkForSelectedFontWork(pDrView)) eContext = vcl::EnumContext::Context::DrawFontwork; SfxShell::SetContextName(vcl::EnumContext::GetContextName(eContext)); } // Edit SfxRequests for FontWork void SwDrawShell::ExecFormText(SfxRequest const & rReq) { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView* pDrView = rSh.GetDrawView(); bool bChanged = pDrView->GetModel().IsChanged(); pDrView->GetModel().SetChanged(false); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pDrView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if ( rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 && rReq.GetArgs() ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = *rReq.GetArgs(); if ( pDrView->IsTextEdit() ) { pDrView->SdrEndTextEdit( true ); GetView().AttrChangedNotify(nullptr); } pDrView->SetAttributes(rSet); } if (pDrView->GetModel().IsChanged()) rSh.SetModified(); else if (bChanged) pDrView->GetModel().SetChanged(); } //Return status values for FontWork void SwDrawShell::GetFormTextState(SfxItemSet& rSet) { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SdrView* pDrView = rSh.GetDrawView(); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pDrView->GetMarkedObjectList(); const SdrObject* pObj = nullptr; if ( rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 ) pObj = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); const SdrTextObj* pTextObj = DynCastSdrTextObj(pObj); const bool bDeactivate( !pObj || !pTextObj || !pTextObj->HasText() || dynamic_cast< const SdrObjCustomShape* >(pObj)); // #121538# no FontWork for CustomShapes if(bDeactivate) { rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTSTYLE); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTADJUST); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTDISTANCE); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTSTART); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTMIRROR); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTHIDEFORM); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTOUTLINE); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTSHADOW); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTSHDWCOLOR); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTSHDWXVAL); rSet.DisableItem(XATTR_FORMTXTSHDWYVAL); } else { pDrView->GetAttributes( rSet ); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */