/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace nsSwDocInfoSubType; static OUString lcl_BuildTitleWithRedline( const SwRangeRedline *pRedline ) { const OUString sTitle(SwResId(STR_REDLINE_COMMENT)); TranslateId pResId; switch( pRedline->GetType() ) { case RedlineType::Insert: pResId = STR_REDLINE_INSERTED; break; case RedlineType::Delete: pResId = STR_REDLINE_DELETED; break; case RedlineType::Format: case RedlineType::ParagraphFormat: pResId = STR_REDLINE_FORMATTED; break; case RedlineType::Table: pResId = STR_REDLINE_TABLECHG; break; case RedlineType::FmtColl: pResId = STR_REDLINE_FMTCOLLSET; break; default: return sTitle; } return sTitle + SwResId(pResId); } static bool lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(const SwView& rView, std::u16string_view sAuthor) { return !comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() || !rView.IsLokReadOnlyView() || sAuthor == rView.GetRedlineAuthor(); } static bool lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(const SwView& rView, const sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pAnnotationWin) { return pAnnotationWin && lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(rView, pAnnotationWin->GetAuthor()); } static bool lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(const SwView& rView, sal_uInt32 nPostItId) { return lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(rView, rView.GetPostItMgr()->GetAnnotationWin(nPostItId)); } void SwTextShell::ExecField(SfxRequest &rReq) { SwWrtShell& rSh = GetShell(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = nullptr; sal_uInt16 nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); const SfxItemSet* pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); if(pArgs) pArgs->GetItemState(GetPool().GetWhichIDFromSlotID(nSlot), false, &pItem); bool bMore = false; bool bIsText = true; SwFieldTypesEnum nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::Date; sal_uInt16 nInsertSubType = 0; sal_uInt32 nInsertFormat = 0; switch(nSlot) { case FN_EDIT_FIELD: { SwField* pField = rSh.GetCurField(true); if( pField ) { switch ( pField->GetTypeId() ) { case SwFieldTypesEnum::DDE: { ::sfx2::SvBaseLink& rLink = static_cast(pField->GetTyp())-> GetBaseLink(); if(rLink.IsVisible()) { if (officecfg::Office::Common::Security::Scripting::DisableActiveContent::get()) { std::unique_ptr xError( Application::CreateMessageDialog( nullptr, VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, SvtResId(STR_WARNING_EXTERNAL_LINK_EDIT_DISABLED))); xError->run(); break; } SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); VclPtr pDlg(pFact->CreateLinksDialog(GetView().GetFrameWeld(), &rSh.GetLinkManager(), false, &rLink)); pDlg->StartExecuteAsync( [pDlg] (sal_Int32 /*nResult*/)->void { pDlg->disposeOnce(); } ); } break; } default: { SwAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SwAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); VclPtr pDlg(pFact->CreateSwFieldEditDlg( GetView() )); // without TabPage no dialog if (pDlg) pDlg->StartExecuteAsync( [pDlg] (sal_Int32 /*nResult*/)->void { pDlg->disposeOnce(); } ); } } } break; } case FN_COPY_FIELD: { //call copy field dialog with field string - if there is any! SwField* pField = rSh.GetCurField(true); if( pField && pField->GetFieldName().getLength()) { SwAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SwAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); VclPtr pDlg(pFact->CreateCopyFieldDlg( GetView().GetFrameWeld(), pField->ExpandField(true, nullptr))); pDlg->StartExecuteAsync( [pDlg] (sal_Int32 /*nResult*/)->void { pDlg->disposeOnce(); } ); } break; } case FN_UPDATE_SEL_FIELD: { SwField *pField = rSh.GetCurField(); if (pField) { rSh.UpdateOneField(*pField); } break; } case FN_CONVERT_SEL_FIELD: { SwField* pField = rSh.GetCurField(); if (pField) { rSh.ConvertOneFieldToText(*pField); } break; } case FN_EXECUTE_MACROFIELD: { SwField* pField = rSh.GetCurField(); if(pField && pField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Macro) { const OUString& rMacro = static_cast(pField)->GetMacro(); sal_Int32 nPos = rMacro.indexOf('.'); if(nPos != -1) { SvxMacro aMacro( rMacro.copy(nPos + 1), rMacro.copy(0,nPos), STARBASIC ); rSh.ExecMacro(aMacro); } } } break; case FN_GOTO_NEXT_INPUTFLD: case FN_GOTO_PREV_INPUTFLD: { bool bRet = false; SwFieldType* pField = rSh.GetFieldType( 0, SwFieldIds::Input ); const bool bAddSetExpressionFields = !( rSh.GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() ); if ( pField != nullptr && rSh.MoveFieldType( pField, FN_GOTO_NEXT_INPUTFLD == nSlot, SwFieldIds::Unknown, bAddSetExpressionFields ) ) { rSh.ClearMark(); if (!rSh.IsMultiSelection() && (nullptr != dynamic_cast( SwCursorShell::GetTextFieldAtCursor(rSh.GetCursor(), ::sw::GetTextAttrMode::Default)))) { rSh.SttSelect(); rSh.SelectTextModel( SwCursorShell::StartOfInputFieldAtPos( *(rSh.GetCursor()->Start()) ) + 1, SwCursorShell::EndOfInputFieldAtPos( *(rSh.GetCursor()->Start()) ) - 1 ); } else if (SwField* pCurrentField = rSh.GetCurField(true)) { rSh.StartInputFieldDlg(pCurrentField, false, false, GetView().GetFrameWeld()); } bRet = true; } rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( nSlot, bRet )); } break; case FN_GOTO_MARK: { const SfxStringItem* pName = rReq.GetArg(FN_GOTO_MARK); if (pName) { rSh.GotoMark(pName->GetValue()); } } break; default: bMore = true; } if(!bMore) return; // Here come the slots with FieldMgr. SwFieldMgr aFieldMgr(GetShellPtr()); switch(nSlot) { case FN_INSERT_DBFIELD: { bool bRes = false; if( pItem ) { sal_uInt32 nFormat = 0; SwFieldTypesEnum nType = SwFieldTypesEnum::Date; OUString aPar1 = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); OUString aPar2; sal_Int32 nCommand = 0; if( const SfxUInt16Item* pFieldItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_TYPE, false )) nType = static_cast(pFieldItem->GetValue()); aPar1 += OUStringChar(DB_DELIM); if( SfxItemState::SET == pArgs->GetItemState( FN_PARAM_1, false, &pItem )) { aPar1 += static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); } if( SfxItemState::SET == pArgs->GetItemState( FN_PARAM_3, false, &pItem )) nCommand = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); aPar1 += OUStringChar(DB_DELIM) + OUString::number(nCommand) + OUStringChar(DB_DELIM); if( SfxItemState::SET == pArgs->GetItemState( FN_PARAM_2, false, &pItem )) { aPar1 += static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); } if( const SfxStringItem* pContentItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_CONTENT, false )) aPar2 = pContentItem->GetValue(); if( const SfxUInt32Item* pFormatItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_FORMAT, false )) nFormat = pFormatItem->GetValue(); OSL_FAIL("Command is not yet used"); SwInsertField_Data aData(nType, 0, aPar1, aPar2, nFormat, GetShellPtr(), ' '/*separator*/ ); bRes = aFieldMgr.InsertField(aData); } rReq.SetReturnValue(SfxBoolItem( nSlot, bRes )); } break; case FN_INSERT_FIELD_CTRL: case FN_INSERT_FIELD: { bool bRes = false; if( pItem && nSlot != FN_INSERT_FIELD_CTRL) { sal_uInt32 nFormat = 0; SwFieldTypesEnum nType = SwFieldTypesEnum::Date; sal_uInt16 nSubType = 0; OUString aPar1 = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); OUString aPar2; sal_Unicode cSeparator = ' '; if( const SfxUInt16Item* pTypeItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_TYPE, false )) nType = static_cast(pTypeItem->GetValue()); else if (pArgs->GetItemState(FN_PARAM_4, false, &pItem) == SfxItemState::SET) { const OUString& rTypeName = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); nType = SwFieldTypeFromString(rTypeName); } if( const SfxUInt16Item* pSubtypeItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_SUBTYPE, false )) nSubType = pSubtypeItem->GetValue(); if( const SfxStringItem* pContentItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_CONTENT, false )) aPar2 = pContentItem->GetValue(); if( const SfxUInt32Item* pFormatItem = pArgs->GetItemIfSet( FN_PARAM_FIELD_FORMAT, false )) nFormat = pFormatItem->GetValue(); if( SfxItemState::SET == pArgs->GetItemState( FN_PARAM_3, false, &pItem )) { OUString sTmp = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); if(!sTmp.isEmpty()) cSeparator = sTmp[0]; } if (pArgs->GetItemState(FN_PARAM_5, false, &pItem) == SfxItemState::SET) { // Wrap the field in the requested container instead of inserting it // directly at the cursor position. const OUString& rWrapper = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); if (rWrapper == "Footnote") { GetShellPtr()->InsertFootnote(OUString()); } else if (rWrapper == "Endnote") { GetShellPtr()->InsertFootnote(OUString(), /*bEndNote=*/true); } } SwInsertField_Data aData(nType, nSubType, aPar1, aPar2, nFormat, GetShellPtr(), cSeparator ); bRes = aFieldMgr.InsertField( aData ); } else { //#i5788# prevent closing of the field dialog while a modal dialog ( Input field dialog ) is active if(!GetView().GetViewFrame().IsInModalMode()) { SfxViewFrame& rVFrame = GetView().GetViewFrame(); rVFrame.ToggleChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD); bRes = rVFrame.GetChildWindow( nSlot ) != nullptr; Invalidate(rReq.GetSlot()); Invalidate(FN_INSERT_FIELD_CTRL); rReq.Ignore(); } } rReq.SetReturnValue(SfxBoolItem( nSlot, bRes )); } break; case FN_INSERT_REF_FIELD: { SfxViewFrame& rVFrame = GetView().GetViewFrame(); if (!rVFrame.HasChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD)) rVFrame.ToggleChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD); // Show dialog // Switch Fielddlg at a new TabPage sal_uInt16 nId = SwFieldDlgWrapper::GetChildWindowId(); SwFieldDlgWrapper *pWrp = static_cast(rVFrame.GetChildWindow(nId)); if (pWrp) pWrp->ShowReferencePage(); rReq.Ignore(); } break; case FN_DELETE_COMMENT: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()) { sal_uInt32 nPostItId = pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32(); if (lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(GetView(), nPostItId)) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->Delete(nPostItId); } else if ( GetView().GetPostItMgr() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()->HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pAnnotationWin = GetView().GetPostItMgr()->GetActiveSidebarWin(); if (lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(GetView(), pAnnotationWin)) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->DeleteActiveSidebarWin(); } break; } case FN_DELETE_COMMENT_THREAD: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()) { sal_uInt32 nPostItId = pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32(); if (lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(GetView(), nPostItId)) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->DeleteCommentThread(nPostItId); } else if (GetView().GetPostItMgr() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()->HasActiveSidebarWin()) { sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pAnnotationWin = GetView().GetPostItMgr()->GetActiveSidebarWin(); if (lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(GetView(), pAnnotationWin)) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->DeleteActiveSidebarWin(); } break; } case FN_RESOLVE_NOTE: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()) { GetView().GetPostItMgr()->ToggleResolved(pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32()); } break; } case FN_RESOLVE_NOTE_THREAD: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()) { GetView().GetPostItMgr()->ToggleResolvedForThread(pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32()); } break; } case FN_DELETE_ALL_NOTES: if ( GetView().GetPostItMgr() ) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->Delete(); break; case FN_FORMAT_ALL_NOTES: { SwPostItMgr* pPostItMgr = GetView().GetPostItMgr(); if (pPostItMgr) pPostItMgr->ExecuteFormatAllDialog(GetView()); } break; case FN_DELETE_NOTE_AUTHOR: { const SfxStringItem* pNoteItem = rReq.GetArg(nSlot); if (pNoteItem && GetView().GetPostItMgr() && lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(GetView(), pNoteItem->GetValue())) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->Delete(pNoteItem->GetValue()); } break; case FN_HIDE_NOTE: if ( GetView().GetPostItMgr() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()->HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { GetView().GetPostItMgr()->HideActiveSidebarWin(); } break; case FN_HIDE_ALL_NOTES: if ( GetView().GetPostItMgr() ) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->Hide(); break; case FN_HIDE_NOTE_AUTHOR: { const SfxStringItem* pNoteItem = rReq.GetArg(nSlot); if ( pNoteItem && GetView().GetPostItMgr() ) GetView().GetPostItMgr()->Hide( pNoteItem->GetValue() ); } break; case FN_REPLY: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty()) { SwFieldType* pType = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentFieldsAccess().GetFieldType(SwFieldIds::Postit, OUString(), false); if(pType->FindFormatForPostItId(pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32())) { auto pMgr = GetView().GetPostItMgr(); auto pWin = pMgr->GetAnnotationWin(pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32()); if(pWin) { if (const SvxPostItTextItem* pHtmlItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_HTML)) { SwDocShell* pDocSh = GetView().GetDocShell(); Outliner aOutliner(&pDocSh->GetPool(), OutlinerMode::TextObject); SwPostItHelper::ImportHTML(aOutliner, pHtmlItem->GetValue()); if (std::optional oPara = aOutliner.CreateParaObject()) pMgr->RegisterAnswer(oPara.value()); } OUString sText; if(const auto pTextItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT)) sText = pTextItem->GetValue(); pMgr->RegisterAnswerText(sText); pWin->ExecuteCommand(nSlot); } } } } break; case FN_POSTIT: { rSh.InsertPostIt(aFieldMgr, rReq); } break; case SID_EDIT_POSTIT: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty()) { sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin* pAnnotationWin = GetView().GetPostItMgr()->GetAnnotationWin(pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32()); if (pAnnotationWin && lcl_canUserModifyAnnotation(GetView(), pAnnotationWin)) { if (const SvxPostItTextItem* pHtmlItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_HTML)) pAnnotationWin->UpdateHTML(pHtmlItem->GetValue()); else { const SvxPostItTextItem* pTextItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT); OUString sText; if (pTextItem) sText = pTextItem->GetValue(); pAnnotationWin->UpdateText(sText); } // explicit state update to get the Undo state right GetView().AttrChangedNotify(nullptr); } } } break; case FN_PROMOTE_COMMENT: { const SvxPostItIdItem* pIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_ID); if (pIdItem && !pIdItem->GetValue().isEmpty() && GetView().GetPostItMgr()) { GetView().GetPostItMgr()->PromoteToRoot(pIdItem->GetValue().toUInt32()); } break; } case FN_REDLINE_COMMENT: { const SwRangeRedline *pRedline = rSh.GetCurrRedline(); SwDoc *pDoc = rSh.GetDoc(); // If index is specified, goto and select the appropriate redline if (pArgs && pArgs->GetItemState(nSlot, false, &pItem) == SfxItemState::SET) { const sal_uInt32 nChangeId = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); const SwRedlineTable& rRedlineTable = pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTable(); for (SwRedlineTable::size_type nRedline = 0; nRedline < rRedlineTable.size(); ++nRedline) { if (nChangeId == rRedlineTable[nRedline]->GetId()) pRedline = rSh.GotoRedline(nRedline, true); } } OUString sCommentText; const SfxStringItem* pTextItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT); if (pTextItem) sCommentText = pTextItem->GetValue(); if (pRedline) { // In case of LOK and comment text is already provided, skip // dialog creation and just change the redline comment directly if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() && !sCommentText.isEmpty()) { rSh.SetRedlineComment(sCommentText); GetView().AttrChangedNotify(nullptr); MaybeNotifyRedlineModification(const_cast(*pRedline), pRedline->GetDoc()); break; } OUString sComment = convertLineEnd(pRedline->GetComment(), GetSystemLineEnd()); bool bTravel = false; SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); ::DialogGetRanges fnGetRange = pFact->GetDialogGetRangesFunc(); SfxItemSet aSet(GetPool(), fnGetRange()); aSet.Put(SvxPostItTextItem(sComment, SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT)); aSet.Put(SvxPostItAuthorItem(pRedline->GetAuthorString(), SID_ATTR_POSTIT_AUTHOR)); aSet.Put( SvxPostItDateItem( GetAppLangDateTimeString( pRedline->GetRedlineData().GetTimeStamp() ), SID_ATTR_POSTIT_DATE )); // Traveling only if more than one field. rSh.StartAction(); rSh.Push(); const SwRangeRedline *pActRed = rSh.SelPrevRedline(); if (pActRed == pRedline) { // New cursor is at the beginning of the current redlines. rSh.Pop(); // Throw old cursor away rSh.Push(); pActRed = rSh.SelPrevRedline(); } bool bPrev = pActRed != nullptr; rSh.Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); rSh.EndAction(); rSh.ClearMark(); // Select current redline. pActRed = rSh.SelNextRedline(); if (pActRed != pRedline) rSh.SelPrevRedline(); rSh.StartAction(); rSh.Push(); pActRed = rSh.SelNextRedline(); bool bNext = pActRed != nullptr; rSh.Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); // Restore cursor position if( rSh.IsCursorPtAtEnd() ) rSh.SwapPam(); rSh.EndAction(); bTravel |= bNext || bPrev; SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact2 = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); ScopedVclPtr pDlg(pFact2->CreateSvxPostItDialog(GetView().GetFrameWeld(), aSet, bTravel)); pDlg->HideAuthor(); pDlg->SetText(lcl_BuildTitleWithRedline(pRedline)); if (bTravel) { pDlg->EnableTravel(bNext, bPrev); pDlg->SetPrevHdl(LINK(this, SwTextShell, RedlinePrevHdl)); pDlg->SetNextHdl(LINK(this, SwTextShell, RedlineNextHdl)); } SwViewShell::SetCareDialog(pDlg->GetDialog()); g_bNoInterrupt = true; if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) { const SfxItemSet* pOutSet = pDlg->GetOutputItemSet(); OUString sMsg(pOutSet->Get(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT).GetValue()); // Insert or change a comment rSh.SetRedlineComment(sMsg); } SwViewShell::SetCareDialog(nullptr); pDlg.disposeAndClear(); g_bNoInterrupt = false; rSh.ClearMark(); GetView().AttrChangedNotify(nullptr); } } break; case FN_JAVAEDIT: { OUString aType, aText; bool bIsUrl=false; bool bNew=false; bool bUpdate = false; SwFieldMgr aMgr; if ( pItem ) { aText = static_cast(pItem)->GetValue(); const SfxStringItem* pType = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_2); const SfxBoolItem* pIsUrl = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_1); if ( pType ) aType = pType->GetValue(); if ( pIsUrl ) bIsUrl = pIsUrl->GetValue(); SwScriptField* pField = static_cast(aMgr.GetCurField()); bNew = !pField || (pField->GetTyp()->Which() != SwFieldIds::Script); bUpdate = pField && ( bIsUrl != static_cast(pField->GetFormat()) || pField->GetPar2() != aType || pField->GetPar1() != aText ); } else { SwAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SwAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); ScopedVclPtr pDlg(pFact->CreateJavaEditDialog(GetView().GetFrameWeld(), &rSh)); if ( pDlg->Execute() ) { aType = pDlg->GetScriptType(); aText = pDlg->GetScriptText(); bIsUrl = pDlg->IsUrl(); bNew = pDlg->IsNew(); bUpdate = pDlg->IsUpdate(); rReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( FN_JAVAEDIT, aText ) ); rReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( FN_PARAM_2, aType ) ); rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( FN_PARAM_1, bIsUrl ) ); } } if( bNew ) { SwInsertField_Data aData(SwFieldTypesEnum::Script, 0, aType, aText, bIsUrl ? 1 : 0); aMgr.InsertField(aData); rReq.Done(); } else if( bUpdate ) { aMgr.UpdateCurField( bIsUrl ? 1 : 0, aType, aText ); rSh.SetUndoNoResetModified(); rReq.Done(); } else rReq.Ignore(); } break; case FN_INSERT_FLD_DATE : case FN_INSERT_FLD_DATE_VAR: { nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::Date; nInsertSubType = nSlot == FN_INSERT_FLD_DATE ? 0 : 1; bIsText = false; // use long date format for Hungarian SwPaM* pCursorPos = rSh.GetCursor(); if( pCursorPos ) { LanguageType nLang = pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetNode().GetTextNode()->GetLang(pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetContentIndex()); if (nLang == LANGUAGE_HUNGARIAN) nInsertFormat = rSh.GetNumberFormatter()->GetFormatIndex(NF_DATE_SYSTEM_LONG, nLang); } goto FIELD_INSERT; } case FN_INSERT_FLD_TIME : case FN_INSERT_FLD_TIME_VAR: nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::Time; nInsertSubType = nSlot == FN_INSERT_FLD_TIME ? 0 : 1; bIsText = false; goto FIELD_INSERT; case FN_INSERT_FLD_PGNUMBER: nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::PageNumber; nInsertFormat = SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC; // Like page template bIsText = false; goto FIELD_INSERT; case FN_INSERT_FLD_PGCOUNT : case FN_INSERT_FLD_RANGE_PGCOUNT: nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::DocumentStatistics; nInsertSubType = FN_INSERT_FLD_RANGE_PGCOUNT == nSlot ? 1 : 0; bIsText = false; nInsertFormat = SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC; goto FIELD_INSERT; case FN_INSERT_FLD_TOPIC : nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::DocumentInfo; nInsertSubType = DI_SUBJECT; goto FIELD_INSERT; case FN_INSERT_FLD_TITLE : nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::DocumentInfo; nInsertSubType = DI_TITLE; goto FIELD_INSERT; case FN_INSERT_FLD_AUTHOR : nInsertType = SwFieldTypesEnum::DocumentInfo; nInsertSubType = DI_CREATE|DI_SUB_AUTHOR; FIELD_INSERT: { //format conversion should only be done for number formatter formats if(!nInsertFormat) nInsertFormat = aFieldMgr.GetDefaultFormat(nInsertType, bIsText, rSh.GetNumberFormatter()); SwInsertField_Data aData(nInsertType, nInsertSubType, OUString(), OUString(), nInsertFormat); aFieldMgr.InsertField(aData); rReq.Done(); } break; case FN_INSERT_TEXT_FORMFIELD: { OUString aFieldType(ODF_FORMTEXT); const SfxStringItem* pFieldType = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_1); if (pFieldType) { // Allow overwriting the default type. aFieldType = pFieldType->GetValue(); } OUString aFieldCode; const SfxStringItem* pFieldCode = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_2); if (pFieldCode) { // Allow specifying a field code/command. aFieldCode = pFieldCode->GetValue(); } if (rSh.HasReadonlySel()) { // Inform the user that the request has been ignored. auto xInfo = std::make_shared( GetView().GetFrameWeld(), "modules/swriter/ui/inforeadonlydialog.ui", "InfoReadonlyDialog"); weld::DialogController::runAsync(xInfo, [](sal_Int32 /*nResult*/) {}); break; } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); SwPaM* pCursorPos = rSh.GetCursor(); if(pCursorPos) { // Insert five En Space into the text field so the field has extent OUString aFieldResult(vEnSpaces); const SfxStringItem* pFieldResult = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_3); if (pFieldResult) { // Allow specifying a field result / expanded value. aFieldResult = pFieldResult->GetValue(); } const SfxStringItem* pWrapper = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_4); if (pWrapper) { // Wrap the fieldmark in the requested container instead of inserting it // directly at the cursor position. OUString aWrapper = pWrapper->GetValue(); if (aWrapper == "Footnote") { rSh.InsertFootnote(OUString()); } else if (aWrapper == "Endnote") { // It's important that there is no Start/EndAction() around this, so the // inner EndAction() triggers a layout update and the cursor can jump to the // created SwFootnoteFrame. rSh.InsertFootnote(OUString(), /*bEndNote=*/true); } } // Don't update the layout after inserting content and before deleting temporary // text nodes. rSh.StartAction(); // Split node to remember where the start position is. bool bSuccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( *pCursorPos->GetPoint(), false); if(bSuccess) { SwPaM aFieldPam(*pCursorPos->GetPoint()); aFieldPam.Move(fnMoveBackward, GoInContent); if (pFieldResult) { // Paste HTML content. SwTranslateHelper::PasteHTMLToPaM(rSh, pCursorPos, aFieldResult.toUtf8()); if (pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetContentIndex() == 0) { // The paste created a last empty text node, remove it. SwPaM aPam(*pCursorPos->GetPoint()); aPam.SetMark(); aPam.Move(fnMoveBackward, GoInContent); rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aPam); } } else { // Insert default placeholder. rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertString(*pCursorPos, aFieldResult); } // Undo the above SplitNode(). aFieldPam.SetMark(); aFieldPam.Move(fnMoveForward, GoInContent); rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aFieldPam); *aFieldPam.GetMark() = *pCursorPos->GetPoint(); IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarksAccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); sw::mark::Fieldmark* pFieldmark = pMarksAccess->makeFieldBookmark( aFieldPam, OUString(), aFieldType, aFieldPam.Start()); if (pFieldmark && !aFieldCode.isEmpty()) { pFieldmark->GetParameters()->insert( std::pair(ODF_CODE_PARAM, uno::Any(aFieldCode))); } } rSh.EndAction(); } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame().GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_UNDO ); } break; case FN_INSERT_CHECKBOX_FORMFIELD: { rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); SwPaM* pCursorPos = rSh.GetCursor(); if(pCursorPos) { IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarksAccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); pMarksAccess->makeNoTextFieldBookmark(*pCursorPos, OUString(), ODF_FORMCHECKBOX); } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame().GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_UNDO ); } break; case FN_INSERT_DROPDOWN_FORMFIELD: { rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); SwPaM* pCursorPos = rSh.GetCursor(); if(pCursorPos) { IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarksAccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); pMarksAccess->makeNoTextFieldBookmark(*pCursorPos, OUString(), ODF_FORMDROPDOWN); } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame().GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_UNDO ); } break; case FN_INSERT_DATE_FORMFIELD: { rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); SwPaM* pCursorPos = rSh.GetCursor(); if(pCursorPos) { // Insert five enspaces into the text field so the field has extent bool bSuccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertString(*pCursorPos, vEnSpaces); if(bSuccess) { IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarksAccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); SwPaM aFieldPam(pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetNode(), pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetContentIndex() - ODF_FORMFIELD_DEFAULT_LENGTH, pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetNode(), pCursorPos->GetPoint()->GetContentIndex()); sw::mark::Fieldmark* pFieldBM = pMarksAccess->makeFieldBookmark(aFieldPam, OUString(), ODF_FORMDATE, aFieldPam.Start()); // Use a default date format and language sw::mark::Fieldmark::parameter_map_t* pParameters = pFieldBM->GetParameters(); SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rSh.GetDoc()->GetNumberFormatter(); sal_uInt32 nStandardFormat = pFormatter->GetStandardFormat(SvNumFormatType::DATE); const SvNumberformat* pFormat = pFormatter->GetEntry(nStandardFormat); (*pParameters)[ODF_FORMDATE_DATEFORMAT] <<= pFormat->GetFormatstring(); (*pParameters)[ODF_FORMDATE_DATEFORMAT_LANGUAGE] <<= LanguageTag(pFormat->GetLanguage()).getBcp47(); } } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame().GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_UNDO ); } break; case FN_UPDATE_TEXT_FORMFIELDS: { // This updates multiple fieldmarks in a document, based on their field name & field command // prefix. OUString aFieldType; const SfxStringItem* pFieldType = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_1); if (pFieldType) { aFieldType = pFieldType->GetValue(); } OUString aFieldCommandPrefix; const SfxStringItem* pFieldCommandPrefix = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_2); if (pFieldCommandPrefix) { aFieldCommandPrefix = pFieldCommandPrefix->GetValue(); } uno::Sequence aFields; const SfxUnoAnyItem* pFields = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_3); if (pFields) { pFields->GetValue() >>= aFields; } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::UPDATE_FORM_FIELDS, nullptr); rSh.StartAction(); IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarkAccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); sal_Int32 nFieldIndex = 0; for (auto it = pMarkAccess->getFieldmarksBegin(); it != pMarkAccess->getFieldmarksEnd(); ++it) { sw::mark::Fieldmark* pFieldmark = *it; assert(pFieldmark); if (pFieldmark->GetFieldname() != aFieldType) { continue; } auto itParam = pFieldmark->GetParameters()->find(ODF_CODE_PARAM); if (itParam == pFieldmark->GetParameters()->end()) { continue; } OUString aCommand; itParam->second >>= aCommand; if (!aCommand.startsWith(aFieldCommandPrefix)) { continue; } if (aFields.getLength() <= nFieldIndex) { continue; } comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap aMap(aFields[nFieldIndex++]); itParam->second = aMap[u"FieldCommand"_ustr]; SwPaM aPaM(pFieldmark->GetMarkPos(), pFieldmark->GetOtherMarkPos()); aPaM.Normalize(); // Skip field start & separator. aPaM.GetPoint()->AdjustContent(2); // Skip field end. aPaM.GetMark()->AdjustContent(-1); rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aPaM); OUString aFieldResult; aMap[u"FieldResult"_ustr] >>= aFieldResult; SwTranslateHelper::PasteHTMLToPaM(rSh, &aPaM, aFieldResult.toUtf8()); } rSh.EndAction(); rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::UPDATE_FORM_FIELDS, nullptr); } break; case FN_DELETE_TEXT_FORMFIELDS: { // This deletes all fieldmarks that match the provided field type & field command prefix. OUString aFieldType; const SfxStringItem* pFieldType = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_1); if (pFieldType) { aFieldType = pFieldType->GetValue(); } OUString aFieldCommandPrefix; const SfxStringItem* pFieldCommandPrefix = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_2); if (pFieldCommandPrefix) { aFieldCommandPrefix = pFieldCommandPrefix->GetValue(); } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::DELETE_FORM_FIELDS, nullptr); rSh.StartAction(); IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarkAccess = rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); std::vector aRemovals; for (auto it = pMarkAccess->getFieldmarksBegin(); it != pMarkAccess->getFieldmarksEnd(); ++it) { sw::mark::Fieldmark* pFieldmark = *it; assert(pFieldmark); if (pFieldmark->GetFieldname() != aFieldType) { continue; } if (!aFieldCommandPrefix.isEmpty()) { auto itParam = pFieldmark->GetParameters()->find(ODF_CODE_PARAM); if (itParam == pFieldmark->GetParameters()->end()) { continue; } OUString aCommand; itParam->second >>= aCommand; if (!aCommand.startsWith(aFieldCommandPrefix)) { continue; } } aRemovals.push_back(pFieldmark); } for (const auto& pMark : aRemovals) { pMarkAccess->deleteMark(pMark); } rSh.EndAction(); rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::DELETE_FORM_FIELDS, nullptr); } break; case FN_PGNUMBER_WIZARD: { SwAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SwAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); VclPtr pDlg( pFact->CreateSwPageNumberDlg(GetView().GetFrameWeld())); auto pShell = GetShellPtr(); const SwPageDesc& rCurrDesc = rSh.GetPageDesc(rSh.GetCurPageDesc()); pDlg->SetPageNumberType(rCurrDesc.GetNumType().GetNumberingType()); pDlg->StartExecuteAsync([pShell, &rSh, pDlg](int nResult) { if ( nResult == RET_OK ) { auto& rDoc = *rSh.GetDoc(); rSh.LockView(true); rSh.StartAllAction(); rSh.SwCursorShell::Push(); rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_PAGE_NUMBER, nullptr); const size_t nPageDescIndex = rSh.GetCurPageDesc(); const SwPageDesc& rDesc = rSh.GetPageDesc(nPageDescIndex); const bool bHeader = !pDlg->GetPageNumberPosition(); const bool bHeaderAlreadyOn = rDesc.GetMaster().GetHeader().IsActive(); const bool bFooterAlreadyOn = rDesc.GetMaster().GetFooter().IsActive(); const bool bIsSinglePage = rDesc.GetFollow() != &rDesc; const size_t nMirrorPagesNeeded = rDesc.IsFirstShared() ? 2 : 3; const OUString sBookmarkName = OUString::Concat("PageNumWizard_") + (bHeader ? "HEADER" : "FOOTER") + "_" + rDesc.GetName() + OUString::number(rSh.GetVirtPageNum()); IDocumentMarkAccess& rIDMA = *rSh.getIDocumentMarkAccess(); // Allow wizard to be re-run: delete previously wizard-inserted page number. // Try before creating non-shared header: avoid copying ODD bookmark onto EVEN page. auto ppMark = rIDMA.findMark(sBookmarkName); if (ppMark != rIDMA.getAllMarksEnd() && *ppMark) { SwPaM aDeleteOldPageNum((*ppMark)->GetMarkStart(), (*ppMark)->GetMarkEnd()); rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aDeleteOldPageNum); } SwPageDesc aNewDesc(rDesc); bool bChangePageDesc = false; if (pDlg->GetPageNumberType() != aNewDesc.GetNumType().GetNumberingType()) { bChangePageDesc = true; SvxNumberType aNewType(rDesc.GetNumType()); aNewType.SetNumberingType(pDlg->GetPageNumberType()); aNewDesc.SetNumType(aNewType); } // Insert header/footer if ((bHeader && !bHeaderAlreadyOn) || (!bHeader && !bFooterAlreadyOn)) { bChangePageDesc = true; SwFrameFormat &rMaster = aNewDesc.GetMaster(); if (bHeader) rMaster.SetFormatAttr(SwFormatHeader(/*On=*/true)); else rMaster.SetFormatAttr(SwFormatFooter(/*On=*/true)); // Init copied from ChangeHeaderOrFooter: keep in sync constexpr tools::Long constTwips_5mm = o3tl::toTwips(5, o3tl::Length::mm); const SvxULSpaceItem aUL(bHeader ? 0 : constTwips_5mm, bHeader ? constTwips_5mm : 0, RES_UL_SPACE); const XFillStyleItem aFill(drawing::FillStyle_NONE); SwFrameFormat& rFormat = bHeader ? const_cast(*rMaster.GetHeader().GetHeaderFormat()) : const_cast(*rMaster.GetFooter().GetFooterFormat()); rFormat.SetFormatAttr(aUL); rFormat.SetFormatAttr(aFill); if (pDlg->GetFitIntoExistingMargins()) { SvxULSpaceItem aPageUL(aNewDesc.GetMaster().GetULSpace()); tools::Long nPageMargin = bHeader ? aPageUL.GetUpper() : aPageUL.GetLower(); // most printers can't print to paper edge - use arbitrary ~14pt as minimum if (nPageMargin > constTwips_5mm) { // reduce existing margin by the "Spacing" nPageMargin -= constTwips_5mm; // also reduce by the "Height" (as calculated from the font) tools::Long nFontHeight = constTwips_5mm; // appropriate for 12pt font const OutputDevice* pOutDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice(); const SwViewShell* pViewSh = rDoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell(); OUString sParaStyle(bHeader ? "Header" : "Footer"); SwTextFormatColl* pStyle = rDoc.FindTextFormatCollByName(sParaStyle); if (pStyle && pOutDev) { SwFont aFont( &pStyle->GetAttrSet(), /*IDocumentSettingAccess=*/nullptr); // sledgehammer approach: since the in-use-font (Latin/CTL/CKJ) // is not known, use the tallest of the three just to ensure fit. sal_uInt16 nHeight = aFont.GetHeight(pViewSh, *pOutDev); // Latin aFont.SetActual(SwFontScript::CTL); nHeight = std::max(nHeight, aFont.GetHeight(pViewSh, *pOutDev)); aFont.SetActual(SwFontScript::CJK); nFontHeight = std::max(nHeight, aFont.GetHeight(pViewSh, *pOutDev)); // Spacing: above and below paragraph const SvxULSpaceItem& rParaStyleUL = pStyle->GetULSpace(); nFontHeight += rParaStyleUL.GetUpper() + rParaStyleUL.GetLower(); // Border padding: top and bottom const SvxBoxItem rBorders = pStyle->GetBox(); nFontHeight += rBorders.CalcLineSpace(SvxBoxItemLine::TOP, true); nFontHeight += rBorders.CalcLineSpace(SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM, true); } nPageMargin -= nFontHeight; nPageMargin = std::max(nPageMargin, constTwips_5mm); if (bHeader) aPageUL.SetUpper(nPageMargin); else aPageUL.SetLower(nPageMargin); aNewDesc.GetMaster().SetFormatAttr(aPageUL); // force aggressively calculated font height as minimum to ensure // effective margin stays the same (instead of getting smaller) SwFormatFrameSize aSize(rFormat.GetFrameSize()); aSize.SetHeightSizeType(SwFrameSize::Minimum); // frame size property includes both Spacing + Height aSize.SetHeight(constTwips_5mm + nFontHeight); rFormat.SetFormatAttr(aSize); // in case the calculated font height isn't actually large enough, // eat into spacing first before pushing into the content area. rFormat.SetFormatAttr(SwHeaderAndFooterEatSpacingItem( RES_HEADER_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING, true)); } } // Might as well turn on margin mirroring too - if appropriate if (pDlg->GetMirrorOnEvenPages() && !bHeaderAlreadyOn && !bFooterAlreadyOn && !bIsSinglePage && (aNewDesc.ReadUseOn() & UseOnPage::Mirror) == UseOnPage::All) { aNewDesc.WriteUseOn(rDesc.ReadUseOn() | UseOnPage::Mirror); } } const bool bCreateMirror = !bIsSinglePage && pDlg->GetMirrorOnEvenPages() && nMirrorPagesNeeded <= rSh.GetPageCnt(); if (bCreateMirror) { // Use different left/right header/footer if ((bHeader && rDesc.IsHeaderShared()) || (!bHeader && rDesc.IsFooterShared())) { bChangePageDesc = true; if (bHeader) aNewDesc.ChgHeaderShare(/*Share=*/false); else aNewDesc.ChgFooterShare(/*Share=*/false); } } if (bChangePageDesc) rSh.ChgPageDesc(nPageDescIndex, aNewDesc); // Go to the header or footer insert position bool bInHF = false; bool bSkipMirror = true; size_t nEvenPage = 0; if (bCreateMirror || !rSh.GetCurrFrame()) { // Come here if Currframe can't be found, otherwise Goto*Text will crash. // Get*PageNum will also be invalid (0), so we have no idea where we are. // (Since not asking for mirror, the likelihood is that the bHeader is shared, // in which case it doesn't matter anyway, and we just hope for the best.) // Read the code in this block assuming that bCreateMirror is true. // There are enough pages that there probably is a valid odd page. // However, that is not guaranteed: perhaps the page style switched, // or a blank page was forced, or some other complexity. bInHF = rSh.SetCursorInHdFt(nPageDescIndex, bHeader, /*Even=*/true); if (bInHF) { // Remember valid EVEN page. Mirror it if also a valid ODD or FIRST page nEvenPage = rSh.GetVirtPageNum(); assert (nEvenPage && "couldn't find page number. Use a bool instead"); } bInHF = rSh.SetCursorInHdFt(nPageDescIndex, bHeader, /*Even=*/false); if (bInHF && nEvenPage) { // Even though the cursor may be on a FIRST page, // the user requested mirrored pages, and we have both ODD and EVEN, // so set page numbers on these two pages, and leave FIRST alone. bSkipMirror = false; } if (!bInHF) { // no ODD page, look for FIRST page bInHF = rSh.SetCursorInHdFt(nPageDescIndex, bHeader, false, /*First=*/true); if (bInHF && nEvenPage) { // Unlikely but valid situation: EVEN and FIRST pages, but no ODD page. // In this case, the first header gets the specified page number // and the even header is mirrored, with an empty odd header, // as the user (somewhat) requested. bSkipMirror = false; } } assert((bInHF || nEvenPage) && "Impossible - why couldn't the move happen?"); assert((bInHF || nEvenPage == rSh.GetVirtPageNum()) && "Unexpected move"); } else { if (bHeader) bInHF = rSh.GotoHeaderText(); else bInHF = rSh.GotoFooterText(); assert(bInHF && "shouldn't have a problem going to text when no mirroring"); } // Allow wizard to be re-run: delete previously wizard-inserted page number. // Now that the cursor may have moved to a different page, try delete again. ppMark = rIDMA.findMark(sBookmarkName); if (ppMark != rIDMA.getAllMarksEnd() && *ppMark) { SwPaM aDeleteOldPageNum((*ppMark)->GetMarkStart(), (*ppMark)->GetMarkEnd()); rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aDeleteOldPageNum); } SwTextNode* pTextNode = rSh.GetCursor()->GetPoint()->GetNode().GetTextNode(); // Insert new line if there is already text in header/footer if (pTextNode && !pTextNode->GetText().isEmpty()) { rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode(*rSh.GetCursor()->GetPoint(), false); // Go back to start of header/footer if (bHeader) rSh.GotoHeaderText(); else rSh.GotoFooterText(); } // Set alignment for the new line switch (pDlg->GetPageNumberAlignment()) { case 0: { SvxAdjustItem aAdjustItem(SvxAdjust::Left, RES_PARATR_ADJUST); rSh.SetAttrItem(aAdjustItem); break; } case 1: { SvxAdjustItem aAdjustItem(SvxAdjust::Center, RES_PARATR_ADJUST); rSh.SetAttrItem(aAdjustItem); break; } case 2: { SvxAdjustItem aAdjustItem(SvxAdjust::Right, RES_PARATR_ADJUST); rSh.SetAttrItem(aAdjustItem); break; } } sal_Int32 nStartContentIndex = rSh.GetCursor()->Start()->GetContentIndex(); assert(!nStartContentIndex && "earlier split node if not empty, but not zero?"); // Insert page number SwFieldMgr aMgr(pShell); SwInsertField_Data aData(SwFieldTypesEnum::PageNumber, 0, OUString(), OUString(), SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC); aMgr.InsertField(aData); if (pDlg->GetIncludePageTotal() || pDlg->GetIncludePageRangeTotal()) { rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertString(*rSh.GetCursor(), u" / "_ustr); SwInsertField_Data aPageTotalData(SwFieldTypesEnum::DocumentStatistics, pDlg->GetIncludePageTotal() ? DS_PAGE : DS_PAGE_RANGE, OUString(), OUString(), SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC); aMgr.InsertField(aPageTotalData); } // Mark inserted fields with a bookmark - so it can be found/removed if re-run SwPaM aNewBookmarkPaM(*rSh.GetCursor()->Start()); aNewBookmarkPaM.SetMark(); assert(aNewBookmarkPaM.GetPointContentNode() && "only SetContent on content node"); aNewBookmarkPaM.Start()->SetContent(nStartContentIndex); sw::mark::MarkBase* pNewMark = rIDMA.makeMark(aNewBookmarkPaM, sBookmarkName, IDocumentMarkAccess::MarkType::BOOKMARK, sw::mark::InsertMode::New); // Mirror on the even pages if (!bSkipMirror && bCreateMirror && rSh.SetCursorInHdFt(nPageDescIndex, bHeader, /*Even=*/true)) { assert(nEvenPage && "what? no even page and yet we got here?"); if (pNewMark) { SwPaM aDeleteOldPageNum(pNewMark->GetMarkStart(), pNewMark->GetMarkEnd()); rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aDeleteOldPageNum); } pTextNode = rSh.GetCursor()->GetPoint()->GetNode().GetTextNode(); // Insert new line if there is already text in header/footer if (pTextNode && !pTextNode->GetText().isEmpty()) { rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( *rSh.GetCursor()->GetPoint(), false); // Go back to start of header/footer rSh.SetCursorInHdFt(nPageDescIndex, bHeader, /*Even=*/true); } // mirror the adjustment assert(pDlg->GetPageNumberAlignment() != 1 && "cannot have Center and bMirror"); SvxAdjust eAdjust = SvxAdjust::Left; if (!pDlg->GetPageNumberAlignment()) eAdjust = SvxAdjust::Right; SvxAdjustItem aMirrorAdjustItem(eAdjust, RES_PARATR_ADJUST); rSh.SetAttrItem(aMirrorAdjustItem); nStartContentIndex = rSh.GetCursor()->Start()->GetContentIndex(); // Insert page number SwFieldMgr aEvenMgr(pShell); aEvenMgr.InsertField(aData); if (pDlg->GetIncludePageTotal()) { rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertString(*rSh.GetCursor(), u" / "_ustr); SwInsertField_Data aPageTotalData(SwFieldTypesEnum::DocumentStatistics, DS_PAGE, OUString(), OUString(), SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC); aMgr.InsertField(aPageTotalData); } // Mark inserted fields with a bookmark - so it can be found/removed if re-run SwPaM aNewEvenBookmarkPaM(*rSh.GetCursor()->Start()); aNewEvenBookmarkPaM.SetMark(); aNewEvenBookmarkPaM.Start()->SetContent(nStartContentIndex); rIDMA.makeMark(aNewEvenBookmarkPaM, sBookmarkName, IDocumentMarkAccess::MarkType::BOOKMARK, sw::mark::InsertMode::New); } rSh.SwCursorShell::Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); rSh.EndAllAction(); rSh.LockView(false); rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::INSERT_PAGE_NUMBER, nullptr); } pDlg->disposeOnce(); }); rReq.Done(); } break; case FN_UPDATE_TEXT_FORMFIELD: { // This updates a single fieldmark under the current cursor. OUString aFieldType; const SfxStringItem* pFieldType = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_1); if (pFieldType) { aFieldType = pFieldType->GetValue(); } OUString aFieldCommandPrefix; const SfxStringItem* pFieldCommandPrefix = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_2); if (pFieldCommandPrefix) { aFieldCommandPrefix = pFieldCommandPrefix->GetValue(); } uno::Sequence aField; const SfxUnoAnyItem* pFields = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_3); if (pFields) { pFields->GetValue() >>= aField; } IDocumentMarkAccess& rIDMA = *rSh.getIDocumentMarkAccess(); SwPosition& rCursor = *rSh.GetCursor()->GetPoint(); sw::mark::Fieldmark* pFieldmark = rIDMA.getInnerFieldmarkFor(rCursor); if (!pFieldmark) { break; } if (pFieldmark->GetFieldname() != aFieldType) { break; } auto itParam = pFieldmark->GetParameters()->find(ODF_CODE_PARAM); if (itParam == pFieldmark->GetParameters()->end()) { break; } OUString aCommand; itParam->second >>= aCommand; if (!aCommand.startsWith(aFieldCommandPrefix)) { break; } rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::UPDATE_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); rSh.StartAction(); comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap aMap(aField); itParam->second = aMap[u"FieldCommand"_ustr]; SwPaM aPaM(pFieldmark->GetMarkPos(), pFieldmark->GetOtherMarkPos()); aPaM.Normalize(); // Skip field start & separator. aPaM.GetPoint()->AdjustContent(2); // Skip field end. aPaM.GetMark()->AdjustContent(-1); rSh.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteAndJoin(aPaM); OUString aFieldResult; aMap[u"FieldResult"_ustr] >>= aFieldResult; SwTranslateHelper::PasteHTMLToPaM(rSh, &aPaM, aFieldResult.toUtf8()); rSh.EndAction(); rSh.GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::UPDATE_FORM_FIELD, nullptr); } break; default: OSL_FAIL("wrong dispatcher"); return; } } void SwTextShell::StateField( SfxItemSet &rSet ) { SwWrtShell& rSh = GetShell(); SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet ); const SwField* pField = nullptr; bool bGetField = false; sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); while (nWhich) { switch (nWhich) { case FN_DELETE_COMMENT: case FN_DELETE_NOTE_AUTHOR: case FN_DELETE_ALL_NOTES: case FN_FORMAT_ALL_NOTES: case FN_HIDE_NOTE: case FN_HIDE_NOTE_AUTHOR: case FN_HIDE_ALL_NOTES: { SwPostItMgr* pPostItMgr = GetView().GetPostItMgr(); if ( !pPostItMgr ) rSet.InvalidateItem( nWhich ); else if ( !pPostItMgr->HasActiveSidebarWin() ) { rSet.InvalidateItem( FN_DELETE_COMMENT ); rSet.InvalidateItem( FN_HIDE_NOTE ); } // tdf#137568 do not offer comment formatting, if no comments are present if (!pPostItMgr || !pPostItMgr->HasNotes()) rSet.DisableItem( FN_FORMAT_ALL_NOTES ); } break; case FN_EDIT_FIELD: { if( !bGetField ) { pField = rSh.GetCurField(true); bGetField = true; } SwFieldIds nTempWhich = pField ? pField->GetTyp()->Which() : SwFieldIds::Unknown; if( SwFieldIds::Unknown == nTempWhich || SwFieldIds::Postit == nTempWhich || SwFieldIds::Script == nTempWhich || SwFieldIds::TableOfAuthorities == nTempWhich ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); else if( SwFieldIds::Dde == nTempWhich && !static_cast(pField->GetTyp())->GetBaseLink().IsVisible()) { // nested links cannot be edited rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } } break; case FN_COPY_FIELD: { if( !bGetField ) { pField = rSh.GetCurField(true); bGetField = true; } SwFieldIds nTempWhich = pField ? pField->GetTyp()->Which() : SwFieldIds::Unknown; if (SwFieldIds::Unknown == nTempWhich || !pField->ExpandField(true, nullptr).getLength()) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } break; case FN_UPDATE_SEL_FIELD: { pField = rSh.GetCurField(); if (!pField) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } break; case FN_CONVERT_SEL_FIELD: { pField = rSh.GetCurField(); SwFieldIds eFieldIds = pField ? pField->GetTyp()->Which() : SwFieldIds::Unknown; bool bInHeaderFooter = rSh.IsInHeaderFooter(); if (!pField || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::Postit || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::SetRef || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::SetExp || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::RefPageSet|| eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::Input || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::JumpEdit || (bInHeaderFooter && (eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::PageNumber || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::Chapter || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::GetExp || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::RefPageGet || eFieldIds == SwFieldIds::GetRef ))) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } break; case FN_EXECUTE_MACROFIELD: { if(!bGetField) { pField = rSh.GetCurField(); bGetField = true; } if(!pField || pField->GetTyp()->Which() != SwFieldIds::Macro) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } break; case FN_INSERT_FIELD: { if ( rSh.CursorInsideInputField() ) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } else { SfxViewFrame& rVFrame = GetView().GetViewFrame(); //#i5788# prevent closing of the field dialog while a modal dialog ( Input field dialog ) is active if(!rVFrame.IsInModalMode() && rVFrame.KnowsChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD) && !rVFrame.HasChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD_DATA_ONLY) ) rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( FN_INSERT_FIELD, rVFrame.HasChildWindow(nWhich))); else rSet.DisableItem(FN_INSERT_FIELD); } } break; case FN_INSERT_REF_FIELD: { SfxViewFrame& rVFrame = GetView().GetViewFrame(); if ( !rVFrame.KnowsChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD) || rSh.CursorInsideInputField() ) { rSet.DisableItem(FN_INSERT_REF_FIELD); } } break; case FN_INSERT_FIELD_CTRL: if ( rSh.CursorInsideInputField() ) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } else { rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( nWhich, GetView().GetViewFrame().HasChildWindow(FN_INSERT_FIELD))); } break; case FN_REDLINE_COMMENT: if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() && !rSh.GetCurrRedline()) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case FN_REPLY: if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case FN_POSTIT : case FN_JAVAEDIT : { bool bCurField = false; pField = rSh.GetCurField(); if(nWhich == FN_POSTIT) bCurField = pField && pField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Postit; else bCurField = pField && pField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Script; if( !bCurField && rSh.IsReadOnlyAvailable() && rSh.HasReadonlySel() ) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } else if ( rSh.CursorInsideInputField() ) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } // tdf#86188, tdf#135794: Allow disabling comment insertion // on footnote/endnote/header/frames for better OOXML interoperability else if (!officecfg::Office::Compatibility::View::AllowCommentsInFootnotes::get() && (rSh.IsCursorInFootnote() || rSh.IsInHeaderFooter() || rSh.GetCurrFlyFrame(/*bCalcFrame=*/false))) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } } break; case FN_INSERT_FLD_AUTHOR: case FN_INSERT_FLD_DATE: case FN_INSERT_FLD_PGCOUNT: case FN_INSERT_FLD_RANGE_PGCOUNT: case FN_INSERT_FLD_PGNUMBER: case FN_INSERT_FLD_TIME: case FN_INSERT_FLD_TITLE: case FN_INSERT_FLD_TOPIC: case FN_INSERT_DBFIELD: if ( rSh.CursorInsideInputField() ) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } break; case FN_INSERT_TEXT_FORMFIELD: case FN_INSERT_CHECKBOX_FORMFIELD: case FN_INSERT_DROPDOWN_FORMFIELD: case FN_INSERT_DATE_FORMFIELD: if ( rSh.CursorInsideInputField() ) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } else { // Check whether we are in a text form field SwPosition aCursorPos(*rSh.GetCursor()->GetPoint()); sw::mark::Fieldmark* pFieldBM = GetShell().getIDocumentMarkAccess()->getInnerFieldmarkFor(aCursorPos); if ((!pFieldBM || pFieldBM->GetFieldname() != ODF_FORMTEXT) && aCursorPos.GetContentIndex() > 0) { SwPosition aPos(*aCursorPos.GetContentNode(), aCursorPos.GetContentIndex() - 1); pFieldBM = GetShell().getIDocumentMarkAccess()->getInnerFieldmarkFor(aPos); } if (pFieldBM && pFieldBM->GetFieldname() == ODF_FORMTEXT && (aCursorPos > pFieldBM->GetMarkStart() && aCursorPos < pFieldBM->GetMarkEnd() )) { rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); } } break; } nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } } void SwTextShell::InsertHyperlink(const SvxHyperlinkItem& rHlnkItem) { const OUString& rName = rHlnkItem.GetName(); const OUString& rURL = rHlnkItem.GetURL(); const OUString& rTarget = rHlnkItem.GetTargetFrame(); const OUString& rReplacementText = rHlnkItem.GetReplacementText(); sal_uInt16 nType = o3tl::narrowing(rHlnkItem.GetInsertMode()); nType &= ~HLINK_HTMLMODE; const SvxMacroTableDtor* pMacroTable = rHlnkItem.GetMacroTable(); SwWrtShell& rSh = GetShell(); if( !(rSh.GetSelectionType() & SelectionType::Text) ) return; rSh.StartAction(); SfxItemSetFixed aSet(GetPool()); rSh.GetCurAttr( aSet ); if(SfxItemState::SET == aSet.GetItemState(RES_TXTATR_INETFMT, false)) { // Select links rSh.SwCursorShell::SelectTextAttr(RES_TXTATR_INETFMT, false); } switch (nType) { case HLINK_DEFAULT: case HLINK_FIELD: { SwFormatINetFormat aINetFormat( rURL, rTarget ); aINetFormat.SetName(rHlnkItem.GetIntName()); if(pMacroTable) { const SvxMacro *pMacro = pMacroTable->Get( SvMacroItemId::OnMouseOver ); if( pMacro ) aINetFormat.SetMacro(SvMacroItemId::OnMouseOver, *pMacro); pMacro = pMacroTable->Get( SvMacroItemId::OnClick ); if( pMacro ) aINetFormat.SetMacro(SvMacroItemId::OnClick, *pMacro); pMacro = pMacroTable->Get( SvMacroItemId::OnMouseOut ); if( pMacro ) aINetFormat.SetMacro(SvMacroItemId::OnMouseOut, *pMacro); } rSh.SttSelect(); // inserting mention if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() && !rReplacementText.isEmpty()) { SwPaM* pCursorPos = rSh.GetCursor(); // move cursor backwards to select @mention for(int i=0; i < rReplacementText.getLength(); i++) pCursorPos->Move(fnMoveBackward); rSh.InsertURL( aINetFormat, rName, false ); } else { rSh.InsertURL( aINetFormat, rName, true ); } rSh.EndSelect(); } break; case HLINK_BUTTON: bool bSel = rSh.HasSelection(); if(bSel) rSh.DelRight(); InsertURLButton( rURL, rTarget, rName ); rSh.EnterStdMode(); break; } rSh.EndAction(); } IMPL_LINK( SwTextShell, RedlineNextHdl, AbstractSvxPostItDialog&, rDlg, void ) { SwWrtShell* pSh = GetShellPtr(); // Insert or change a comment. pSh->SetRedlineComment(rDlg.GetNote()); const SwRangeRedline *pRedline = pSh->GetCurrRedline(); if (!pRedline) return; // Traveling only if more than one field. if( !pSh->IsCursorPtAtEnd() ) pSh->SwapPam(); // Move the cursor behind the Redline. pSh->Push(); const SwRangeRedline *pActRed = pSh->SelNextRedline(); pSh->Pop((pActRed != nullptr) ? SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteStack : SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); bool bEnable = false; if (pActRed) { pSh->StartAction(); pSh->Push(); bEnable = pSh->SelNextRedline() != nullptr; pSh->Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); pSh->EndAction(); } rDlg.EnableTravel(bEnable, true); if( pSh->IsCursorPtAtEnd() ) pSh->SwapPam(); pRedline = pSh->GetCurrRedline(); OUString sComment = convertLineEnd(pRedline->GetComment(), GetSystemLineEnd()); rDlg.SetNote(sComment); rDlg.ShowLastAuthor( pRedline->GetAuthorString(), GetAppLangDateTimeString( pRedline->GetRedlineData().GetTimeStamp() )); rDlg.SetText(lcl_BuildTitleWithRedline(pRedline)); } IMPL_LINK( SwTextShell, RedlinePrevHdl, AbstractSvxPostItDialog&, rDlg, void ) { SwWrtShell* pSh = GetShellPtr(); // Insert or change a comment. pSh->SetRedlineComment(rDlg.GetNote()); const SwRangeRedline *pRedline = pSh->GetCurrRedline(); if (!pRedline) return; // Traveling only if more than one field. pSh->Push(); const SwRangeRedline *pActRed = pSh->SelPrevRedline(); pSh->Pop((pActRed != nullptr) ? SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteStack : SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); bool bEnable = false; if (pActRed) { pSh->StartAction(); pSh->Push(); bEnable = pSh->SelPrevRedline() != nullptr; pSh->Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteCurrent); pSh->EndAction(); } rDlg.EnableTravel(true, bEnable); pRedline = pSh->GetCurrRedline(); OUString sComment = convertLineEnd(pRedline->GetComment(), GetSystemLineEnd()); rDlg.SetNote(sComment); rDlg.ShowLastAuthor(pRedline->GetAuthorString(), GetAppLangDateTimeString( pRedline->GetRedlineData().GetTimeStamp() )); rDlg.SetText(lcl_BuildTitleWithRedline(pRedline)); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */