#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # from xml.dom import minidom import sys def createHeader(model, ns): nsToken = ns.replace('-', '_') print(""" #ifndef INCLUDED_OOXML_FACTORY_%s_HXX #define INCLUDED_OOXML_FACTORY_%s_HXX #include "ooxml/OOXMLFactory.hxx" #include "OOXMLFactory_generated.hxx" #include "oox/token/namespaces.hxx" #include "ooxml/resourceids.hxx" #include "tools/ref.hxx" namespace writerfilter { namespace ooxml { /// @cond GENERATED """ % (nsToken.upper(), nsToken.upper())) print("""class OOXMLFactory_%s : public OOXMLFactory_ns { public: typedef tools::SvRef Pointer_t; static Pointer_t getInstance(); virtual const AttributeInfo* getAttributeInfoArray(Id nId); virtual bool getElementId(Id nDefine, Id nId, ResourceType& rOutResource, Id& rOutElement); virtual bool getListValue(Id nId, std::string_view aValue, sal_uInt32& rOutValue); virtual Id getResourceId(Id nDefine, sal_Int32 nToken); """ % nsToken) actions = [] for nsNode in [i for i in model.getElementsByTagName("namespace") if i.getAttribute("name") == ns]: for resource in nsNode.getElementsByTagName("resource"): for action in [i.getAttribute("name") for i in resource.childNodes if i.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE and i.tagName == "action"]: if action != "characters" and action not in actions: actions.append(action) for action in actions: print(" void %sAction(OOXMLFastContextHandler* pHandler);" % action) print("""virtual void charactersAction(OOXMLFastContextHandler* pHandler, const OUString & sText); virtual void attributeAction(OOXMLFastContextHandler* pHandler, Token_t nToken, const OOXMLValue::Pointer_t& pValue); virtual ~OOXMLFactory_%s(); protected: static Pointer_t m_pInstance; OOXMLFactory_%s(); }; """ % (nsToken, nsToken)) print("""/// @endcond }} #endif //INCLUDED_OOXML_FACTORY_%s_HXX""" % nsToken.upper()) modelPath = sys.argv[1] filePath = sys.argv[2] model = minidom.parse(modelPath) ns = filePath.split('OOXMLFactory_')[1].split('.hxx')[0] createHeader(model, ns) # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: