False 6 Edit Categories True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end gtk-new True False True True True Creates a new AutoText category using the name that you entered in the Name box. False True 0 gtk-delete True False True True True False True 1 _Rename True False True True True Changes the name of the selected AutoText category to the name that you enter in the Name box. False True 2 gtk-ok True True True True True True False True 3 gtk-cancel True True True True False True 4 gtk-help True True True True False True 5 True False True end 0 True False True True 6 12 True True False Selection list True group 0 0 2 2 True True True True in True True True True True liststore1 False 0 False True 6 0 True 6 1 Lists the existing AutoText categories and the corresponding paths. 0 3 2 True False True Displays the current path to the directory where the selected AutoText category files are stored. If you are creating an AutoText category, select where you want to store the category files. 1 1 True False Path True pathlb 0 1 0 True False Category True name 0 0 0 True True 256 True True Displays the name of the selected AutoText category. To change the name of the category, type a new name, and then click Rename. To create a new category, type a name, and then click New. 0 1 False True 1 new delete rename ok cancel help Adds, renames, or deletes AutoText categories.