55535 1 1 10 False 6 Insert Break False True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end _OK True True True True True True False True 0 _Cancel True True True True False True 1 _Help True True True True False True 2 True False True end 0 True False 0 none True False vertical 6 12 6 Line break True True False True True pagerb Ends the current line, and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the next line, without creating a new paragraph. False True 0 True False 6 Restart Location: True clearlb 0 False True 1 True False False 0 [None] Left Right Next Full Line False True 2 Column break True True False True True pagerb Inserts a manual column break (in a multiple column layout), and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the beginning of the next column. A manual column break is indicated by a nonprinting border at the top of the new column. False True 3 Page break True True False True True True Inserts a manual page break, and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the beginning of the next page. The inserted page break is indicated by a nonprinting border at the top of the new page. False True 4 True False 6 Page Style: True stylelb 0 False True 5 True False 0 [None] Select the page style for the page that follows the manual page break. False True 6 Change page number True True False 6 True True Assigns the page number that you specify to the page that follows the manual page break. This option is only available if you assign a different page style to the page that follows manual page break. False True 7 True True start True adjustment1 True Enter the new page number for the page that follows the manual page break. False True 8 True False Type False True 1 cancel help Inserts a manual line break, column break or a page break at the current cursor position.