1 65535 1 10 True False True True 6 vertical 12 True False True 0 none True False True 6 12 True False True 6 12 True True True name Enter your name. 1 0 True True True email Enter your email address for replies. 1 1 True True True email Enter the address to use for email replies. 1 3 True False end _Your name: True displayname 0 0 True False end _Email address: True address 0 1 Send replies to _different email address True True False True 0 True Uses the email address that you enter in the Reply address text box as the reply-to email address. 1 2 True False end _Reply address: True replyto 0 3 True False User Information False True 0 True False True 0 none True False True 6 12 True False True 6 12 True True True Enter the SMTP server name. 1 0 2 True False start 12 vertical center Ser_ver Authentication… True True True start True Opens the Server Authentication dialog where you can specify the server authentication settings for secure email. False True 0 1 3 True True adjustment1 Enter the SMTP port. 1 1 2 True False end _Server name: True server 0 0 True False end _Port: True port 0 1 _Use secure connection (SSL) True True False True True 0 True When available, uses a secure connection to send emails. 1 2 2 True False end vertical center _Test Settings True True True True Opens the Test Account Settings dialog to test the current settings. False True 0 2 3 True False Outgoing Server (SMTP) Settings False True 1 Specifies the user information and server settings for when you send form letters as email messages.