1 100 1 1 10 1 100 1 1 10 False 6 Save merged document True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end Save Documents True True True True True Saves the documents. False True 0 _Cancel True True True True False True 1 _Help True True True True False True 2 True False True end 2 True False True True 0 none True False 12 6 True True 6 S_ave as a single large document True True False True True True Saves the merged document as a single file. 0 0 Sa_ve as individual documents True True False True True singlerb Saves the merged document as a separate file for each recipient. The file names of the documents are constructed from the name that you enter, followed by an underscore, and the number of the current record. 0 1 True False Save As Options False True 0 Rangeframe True False False False 0 none True False 12 6 True True 12 _From True True False True True Selects a range of records starting at the record number in the From box and ending at the record number in the To box. 0 0 True False _To True to 2 0 True True True 1 True adjustment1 1 Enter the number of the first record to include in the mail merge. 1 0 True True True 1 True adjustment2 1 Enter the number of the last record to include in the mail merge. 3 0 True False Range False True 1 ok cancel help Save the mail merge output to file.