True False 6 vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 Use the current _document True True True False True True True Uses the current Writer document as the base for the mail merge document. 0 0 Create a ne_w document True True False True True currentdoc Creates a new Writer document to use for the mail merge. 0 3 Start from _existing document True True False True True True currentdoc Select an existing Writer document to use as the base for the mail merge document. 0 4 Start from a t_emplate True True False True True True currentdoc Select the template that you want to create your mail merge document with. 0 6 Start fro_m a recently saved starting document True True False True True currentdoc Use an existing mail merge document as the base for a new mail merge document. 0 8 True False 18 Select the document. 0 9 B_rowse... True True True start 18 True Locate the Writer document that you want to use, and then click Open. 0 5 B_rowse... True True True start 18 True Opens a template selector dialog. 0 7 True False start 18 Data source of the current document is not registered. Please exchange database. 0 1 Exchange Databases... True True True start 18 Click to exchange the databases of your mail merge. 0 2 True False Select Starting Document for the Mail Merge False True 0 Specify the document that you want to use as a base for the mail merge document.