999 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 True False 6 6 12 True False 0 none 50 True True 12 6 in True True liststore1 False False 0 False 0 Click the outline level that you want to modify, then specify the numbering options for that level. Use “1-10” to apply the same setting for all outline levels. True False Level True 0 0 True False True True 0 none True False 12 6 True True 12 150 260 True False True True 0 True False Preview 2 0 True False 6 12 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 12 True False Paragraph style: True style 0 0 2 True False True Select the paragraph style to assign to the selected outline level. 1 2 True False Number: True numbering 0 0 0 True False Character style: True charstyle 0 0 3 True False Show sublevels: True sublevelsnf 0 0 4 True False True Select the numbering scheme that you want to apply to the selected outline level. 1 0 True False True Select the character style of the numbering character. 1 3 True False True True True True adjustment2 1 Select the number of outline levels to display in the heading number, where 1 starts at the current level, and increasing the value shows additional previous levels. For example, select “3” to display the current level and the two previous levels in the heading number. 1 4 True False Start at: True startat 0 0 1 True True True True True adjustment1 Enter the number at which to start the numbering for the selected outline level. 1 1 True False Numbering 0 0 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 12 True True True True True Enter the text that you want to display before the heading number. 1 0 True True True True True Enter the text that you want to display after the heading number. 1 1 True False Before: True prefix 0 0 0 True False After: True suffix 0 0 1 True False Separator 0 0 1 1 0