20 0.05 10 -20 20 0.05 10 20 0.05 10 100 0.01 1 100 0.01 1 100 0.01 1 True False True True 6 12 True False 0 none 50 True True in 12 6 True True liststore1 False False 0 False 0 Select the level(s) that you want to modify. True False Level False True 0 True False True True 0 none True False True True 6 12 12 6 True False Numbering alignment: True numalignlb 0 0 9 True False True Left Centered Right Set the alignment of the numbering symbols. Select "Left" to align the numbering symbol to start directly at the "Aligned at" position. Select "Right" to align the symbol to end directly before the "Aligned at" position. Select "Centered" to center the symbol around the "Aligned at" position. 1 9 True False Minimum space between numbering and text: True numdistmf 0 0 8 True True True True adjustment3 2 True The alignment of the numbering symbol is adjusted to get the desired minimum space. If it is not possible because the numbering area is not wide enough, then the start of the text is adjusted. 1 8 True False Width of numbering: True numberingwidthmf 0 0 7 True True True True adjustment1 2 True Enter the width of the numbering area. The numbering symbol can be left, center or right in this area. 1 7 Relative True True False True True Indents the current level relative to the previous level in the list hierarchy. 1 6 True False Indent: True indentmf 0 0 5 True True True True adjustment2 2 True Enter the amount of space to leave between the left page margin (or the left edge of the text object) and the left edge of the numbering area. If the current paragraph style uses an indent, the amount you enter here is added to the indent. 1 5 True False Indent at: True indentatmf 0 0 4 True True True True adjustment6 2 True Enter the distance from the left page margin to the start of all lines in the numbered paragraph that follow the first line. 1 4 True False Numbering alignment: True num2alignlb 0 0 0 True False True Set the alignment of the numbering symbols. Select "Left" to align the numbering symbol to start directly at the "Aligned at" position. Select "Right" to align the symbol to end directly before the "Aligned at" position. Select "Centered" to center the symbol around the "Aligned at" position. 1 0 True False Aligned at: True alignedatmf 0 0 1 True True True True adjustment4 2 True Enter the distance from the left page margin at which the numbering symbol will be aligned. 1 1 True False Tab stop at: True atmf 0 0 3 True True True True adjustment5 2 True If you select a tab stop to follow the numbering, you can enter a non-negative value as the tab stop position. 1 3 True False True Tab stop Space Nothing New Line Enter the distance from the left page margin at which the numbering symbol will be aligned. 1 2 True False Numbering followed by: True numfollowedbylb 0 0 2 Default True True True end Resets the indent and the spacing values to the default values. 1 10 True False Position and Spacing False True 1 True False 0 none True False 12 6 150 130 True False 0 0 True False Preview False True 2