360 1 10 True False start True 6 18 True False 0 none True False 6 12 12 6 Browse... True True True Locate the new graphic file that you want to link to, and then click Open. 2 0 True True True True True Displays the path to the linked graphic file. To change the link, click the Browse button and then locate the file that you want to link to. 1 0 True False _File name True entry 0 0 0 True False Link 0 1 2 True False start True 0 none True False True 3 12 12 6 _Vertically True True False True True Flips the selected image vertically. 0 0 Hori_zontally True True False True True Flips the selected image horizontally. 0 1 On all pages True True False 12 True True True Flips the selected image horizontally on all pages. 0 2 On left pages True True False 12 True True allpages Flips the selected image horizontally only on even pages. 0 3 On right pages True True False 12 True True allpages Flips the selected image horizontally only on odd pages. 0 4 True True True True never never in True False True True True False True True 1 0 5 True False Flip 0 0 2 True False 0 none True False 12 12 6 True False start 12 True False _Angle: True NF_ANGLE 0 False True 0 True True True adjustmentANGLE 2 True True False True 1 False True 0 True False vertical 6 True False GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK | GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK Rotation Angle center False True 0 True False Default _settings: True CTL_ANGLE False True 1 False True 1 True False Rotation Angle 0 0 2 2 True False 0 none True False start 3 12 12 6 True False Type: True 0 0 0 True False True ??? 0 1 0 True False Image Information 0 3 2 Specify the flip and the link options for the selected image.