True False True 6 vertical 12 True False True 6 12 True True False vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 12 6 Helplines _While Moving True True False True True Displays snap lines around the frames when frames are moved. You can select the Helplines While Moving option to show the exact position of the object using lineal values. 0 0 True False Guides False True 0 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 _Images and objects True True False True True Specifies whether to display images and objects on the screen. 0 0 _Tables True True False True True Displays the tables contained in your document. 0 1 Dra_wings and controls True True False True True Displays the drawings and controls contained in your document. 0 2 _Comments True True False True True Displays comments. Click a comment to edit the text. Use the context menu in Navigator to locate or delete a comment. Use the comments's context menu to delete this comment or all comments or all comments of this author. 0 3 _Resolved comments True True False True True 0 4 True False Display False True 1 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 6 Hidden te_xt True True False True True Displays text that is hidden by Conditional Text or Hidden Text fields. 0 0 Hidden p_aragraphs True True False True True If you have inserted text using the Hidden Paragraph field, specifies whether to display the hidden paragraph. 0 1 True False Display Fields False True 2 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 6 Tracked _deletions in margin True True False True True Displays text that is hidden by Conditional Text or Hidden Text fields. 0 0 _Tooltips on tracked changes True True False True True 0 1 True False Display tracked changes False True 3 0 0 True False True vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 S_mooth scroll True True False True True Activates the smooth page scrolling function. 0 1 True False True 6 12 Verti_cal ruler: True True False True True Displays the vertical ruler. Select the desired measurement unit from the corresponding list. 0 1 True False True Displays the horizontal ruler. Select the desired measurement unit from the corresponding list. 1 0 True False True Displays the vertical ruler. Select the desired measurement unit from the corresponding list. 1 1 Right-aligned True True False 12 True True Aligns the vertical ruler with the right border. 0 2 2 True False Hori_zontal ruler: True hrulercombobox end Displays the horizontal ruler. Select the desired measurement unit from the corresponding list. 0 0 0 0 True False View False True 0 True False 0 none True False 12 6 12 True False True Specifies the Unit for HTML documents. 1 0 True False Measurement unit: True measureunit 0 0 True False Settings False True 1 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 6 _Show outline-folding buttons True True False True True Displays outline folding buttons on the left of the outline headings. 0 0 Include sub _levels True True False 12 True True Displays the folding buttons of the outline sub levels. 0 1 True False Outline Folding False True 2 1 0 False True 0 Defines the default settings for displaying objects in your text documents and also the default settings for the window elements.