# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical Ltd. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # Authors: Jonathan Davies # Bryan Quigley # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # This profile should enable the average LibreOffice user to get their # work done while blocking some advanced usage # Namely not tested and likely not working : embedded plugins, # Using the LibreOffice SDK and other development tasks # Everything else should be working #Defines all common supported file formats #Some obscure ones we're excluded (mostly input) #Generic @{libreoffice_ext} = [tT][xX][tT] #.txt @{libreoffice_ext} += {,f,F}[oO][dDtT][tTsSpPbBgGfF] #All the open document format @{libreoffice_ext} += [xX][mMsS][lL] #.xml and xsl @{libreoffice_ext} += [pP][dD][fF] #.pdf @{libreoffice_ext} += [uU][oO][fFtTsSpP] #Unified office format @{libreoffice_ext} += {,x,X}[hH][tT][mM]{,l,L} #(x)htm(l) #Images @{libreoffice_ext} += [jJ][pP][gG] @{libreoffice_ext} += [jJ][pP][eE][gG] @{libreoffice_ext} += [pP][nN][gG] @{libreoffice_ext} += [sS][vV][gG] @{libreoffice_ext} += [sS][vV][gG][zZ] @{libreoffice_ext} += [tT][iI][fF] @{libreoffice_ext} += [tT][iI][fF][fF] #Writer @{libreoffice_ext} += [dD][oO][cCtT]{,x,X} @{libreoffice_ext} += [rR][tT][fF] #Calc @{libreoffice_ext} += [xX][lL][sSwWtT]{,x,X} @{libreoffice_ext} += [dD][iIbB][fF] #.dif dbf @{libreoffice_ext} += [cCtT][sS][vV] #.tsv .csv @{libreoffice_ext} += [sS][lL][kK] #Impress/Draw @{libreoffice_ext} += [pP][pP][tTsS]{,x,X} @{libreoffice_ext} += [pP][oO][tT]{,m,M} @{libreoffice_ext} += [sS][wW][fF] @{libreoffice_ext} += [pP][sS][dD] #Photoshop #Math @{libreoffice_ext} += [mM][mM][lL] @{libo_user_dirs} = @{HOME} /mnt /media #include profile libreoffice-soffice INSTDIR-program/soffice.bin { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #List directories for file browser / r, /**/ r, owner @{libo_user_dirs}/**/ rw, #allow creating directories that we own owner @{libo_user_dirs}/**~lock.* rw, #lock file support owner @{libo_user_dirs}/**.@{libreoffice_ext} rwk, #Open files rw with the right exts # Settings /etc/libreoffice/ r, /etc/libreoffice/** r, /etc/cups/ppd/*.ppd r, /proc/*/status r, owner @{HOME}/.config/libreoffice{,dev}/** rwk, owner @{HOME}/.cache/fontconfig/** rw, owner @{HOME}/.config/gtk-???/bookmarks r, #Make bookmarks work owner @{HOME}/.recently-used rwk, owner /{,var/}run/user/*/dconf/user rw, owner @{HOME}/.config/dconf/user r, # allow schema to be read /usr/share/glib-*/schemas/ r, /usr/share/glib-*/schemas/** r, # bluetooth send to network bluetooth, /bin/sh rmix, /bin/bash rmix, /bin/dash rmix, /usr/bin/bluetooth-sendto rmPUx, /usr/bin/lpr rmPUx, /usr/bin/paperconf rmix, /dev/tty rw, /usr/lib{,32,64}/@{multiarch}/gstreamer???/gstreamer-???/gst-plugin-scanner rmPUx, owner @{HOME}/.cache/gstreamer-???/** rw, unix peer=(addr=@/tmp/.ICE-unix/* label=unconfined), #Gstreamer doesn't work without this /usr/lib{,32,64}/jvm/ r, /usr/lib{,32,64}/jvm/** r, INSTDIR-** ra, INSTDIR-**.so rm, INSTDIR-program/soffice.bin rmix, INSTDIR-program/xpdfimport rPx, INSTDIR-program/open-url rPx, INSTDIR-program/senddoc rPx, /usr/share/java/**.jar r, /usr/share/hunspell/ r, /usr/share/hunspell/** r, /usr/share/hyphen/ r, /usr/share/hyphen/** r, /usr/share/mythes/ r, /usr/share/mythes/** r, /usr/share/liblangtag/ r, /usr/share/liblangtag/** r, /usr/share/libreoffice/ r, /usr/share/libreoffice/** r, /usr/share/yelp-xsl/xslt/mallard/** r, /usr/share/libexttextcat/* r, /usr/share/icu/** r, /usr/share/locale-bundle/* r, /var/spool/libreoffice/ r, /var/spool/libreoffice/** rw, /var/cache/fontconfig/ rw, #Likely moving to abstractions in the future owner @{HOME}/.icons/*/cursors/* r, /usr/share/*-fonts/conf.avail/*.conf r, /usr/share/fonts-config/conf.avail/*.conf r, }