'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : marc.neumann@oracle.com '* '* short description : Helper Routines for Form and Control Tests '* '*************************************************************************************** '* ' #1 fSwitchAutopilotOff ' #1 fSetControlProperty ' #1 fGetControlProperty ' #1 hDrawingWithSelection ' #1 fOpenControlPropertyBrowser ' #1 addControl ' #1 fSwitchControlDesignMode ' #1 closePropertyBrowserAndDocument ' #1 fOpenMoreControlsToolBar '* '\************************************************************************************** function fSwitchAutopilotOff(SwitchAutoOff as boolean) '/// turn the Control autopilots off or on '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <b>SwitchAutoOff:</b> If true the autopilot is turned off, if the parameter is false the autopilot is turned on '/// open a new document printlog "open a new document" gApplication = "WRITER" call hNewDocument Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "tt_doc" , true sleep(1) Kontext "Toolbar" call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" '/// insert a group box to activate autopilot button ListBox.Click sleep(1) call hDrawingWithSelection ( 50, 50, 60, 60 ) sleep(2) '/// check if auto pilot dialog is available Kontext "AutoPilotListComboBox" if AutoPilotListComboBox.Exists(3) then Kontext "AutoPilotListComboBox" AutoPilotListComboBox.Cancel sleep(2) if SwitchAutoOff = true then Kontext "FormControls" printlog "switch autopilot off" UseWizards.Click sleep(2) else printlog "let autopilot on" endif else if SwitchAutoOff = false then Kontext "FormControls" printlog "switch autopilot on" UseWizards.Click sleep(2) else printlog "let autopilot off" endif endif hCloseDocument end function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fSetControlProperty(sControlType, sPropertyName, sPropertyValue as string) '/// set the property of a control via the control property browser '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <b>sControlType:</b> The name of the control type f.e. TextBox '/// <b>sPropertyName:</b> The name of the control property f.e. DefaultValue '/// <b>sPropertyValue:</b> The value of the control property ' switch to the General Page Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl Kontext "TabGeneralControl" if TabGeneralControl.exists(3) then printlog "Set Property '" + sPropertyName + "' to the value '" + sPropertyValue + "' for a '" + sControlType + "' control." ' A - C if sPropertyName = "Accuracy" then Accuracy.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "Align" then Align.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "AdditionalInfo" then Information.setText(sPropertyValue) Information.TypeKeys("<RETURN>",true) elseif sPropertyName = "AutoComplete" then AutoComplete.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Background" then Background.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Border" then Border.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "BorderColor" then BorderColor.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "ButtonType" then ButtonType.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "BlockIncrement" then BlockIncrement.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "CellBound" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" CellBound.setText(sPropertyValue) CellBound.typeKeys("<RETURN>",true) Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "CellRange" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" CellRange.setText(sPropertyValue) CellRange.typeKeys("<RETURN>",true) Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "CurrSymPosition" then CurrSymPosition.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "CurrencySymbol" then CurrencySymbol.setText(sPropertyValue) 'D - F elseif sPropertyName = "DateMax" then DateMax.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "DateMin" then DateMin.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "DateFormat" then DateFormat.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultButton" then DefaultButton.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultSelection2" then DefaultSelection2.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultState" then DefaultState.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultValue" then TabGeneralControl.MouseDown 1,1,1,true TabGeneralControl.MouseUp 1,1,1,true sleep(1) TabGeneralControl.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , 16 , true sleep(1) TabGeneralControl.TypeKeys sPropertyValue , true sleep(1) TabGeneralControl.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , true sleep(1) elseif sPropertyName = "Delay" then Delay.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "DropDown" then DropDown.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Enabled" then Enabled.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "EditMask" then EditMask.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "FilteringSorting" then FilteringSorting.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Frame" then Frame.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) 'G - L elseif sPropertyName = "Graphics" then Graphics.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "GraphicsAlignment" then GraphicsAlignment.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "HelpText" then HelpText.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "HelpURL" then HelpURL.setText(sPropertyValue) HelpURL.TypeKeys "<RETURN>",true elseif sPropertyName = "HiddenValue" then HiddenValue.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "HideSelection" then HideSelection.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "IconSize" then IconSize.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "LineCount" then LineCount.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "LineIncrement" then LineIncrement.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "LiteralMask" then LiteralMask.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "ListEntries" then ListEntries.setText(sPropertyValue) 'M - O elseif sPropertyName = "MaxTextLen" then MaxTextLen.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "MultiLine" then qaerrorlog "The Property MultiLine doesn't exists anymore." qaerrorlog "Please use TextType instead. This property will be removed soon." TextType.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "MultiLine2" then MultiLine.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Multiselection" then Multiselection.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "NameText" then NameText.setText(sPropertyValue) NameText.typeKeys("<RETURN>",true) elseif sPropertyName = "Navigation" then Navigation.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "NavigationBar" then NavigationBar.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Orientation" then Orientation.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Order" then Order.setText(sPropertyValue) 'P - R elseif sPropertyName = "Password" then Password.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "ReferenceValue" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" ReferenceValue.setText(sPropertyValue) ReferenceValue.TypeKeys("<RETURN>",true) Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "Repeat" then Repeat.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Printable" then Printable.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Positioning" then Positioning.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "RecordActions" then RecordActions.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "RecordMarker" then RecordMarker.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "ReferenceValueOff" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" ReferenceValueOff.setText(sPropertyValue) ReferenceValueOff.TypeKeys("<RETURN>",true) Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "Readonly" then Readonly.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "RowHeight" then RowHeight.setText(sPropertyValue) 'S elseif sPropertyName = "Scale" then Scale.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Spin" then Spin.select(CInt(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "StrictFormat" then StrictFormat.select(CInt(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "Scrollbars" then Scrollbars.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "SymbolColor" then SymbolColor.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "TextType" then TextType.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "ScrollValueMin" then ScrollValueMin.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "ScrollValueMax" then ScrollValueMax.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "ScrollValueDefault" then ScrollValueDefault.setText(sPropertyValue) 'T - U elseif sPropertyName = "TabOrder" then Order.setText(sPropertyValue) TabGeneralControl.TypeKeys "<RETURN>",true elseif sPropertyName = "TabStop" then TabStop.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "TakeFocus" then TakeFocus.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "TextType" then TextType.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "ThousandSeperator" then ThousandSeperator.select(CInt(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "TimeFormat" then TimeFormat.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "TimeMax" then TimeMax.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "TimeMin" then TimeMin.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "ToggleProp" then ToggleProp.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "TriState" then TriState.select(Cint(sPropertyValue)) elseif sPropertyName = "URL" then URL.setText(sPropertyValue) 'V - Z elseif sPropertyName = "VisibleSize" then VisibleSize.setText(sPropertyValue) elseif sPropertyName = "ValueMin" then if sControlType = "FormattedField" then EffectiveMin.setText(sPropertyValue) else ValueMin.setText(sPropertyValue) endif elseif sPropertyName = "ValueMax" then if sControltype = "FormattedField" then EffectiveMax.setText(sPropertyValue) else ValueMax.setText(sPropertyValue) endif elseif sPropertyName = "ValueStep" then ValueStep.setText(sPropertyValue) ' else warnlog "The property " + sPropertyName + " doesn't exists in the function fSetControlProperty." warnlog "Please add it to the function in dbaccess/tools/controltools.inc." endif 'need additional return sleep(1) TabGeneralControl.TypeKeys "<RETURN>",true else warnlog "The control property browser doesn't exists." endif sleep(1) end function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fGetControlProperty(sControlType,sPropertyName) '/// get the property of a control from the control property browser '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <b>sControlType:</b> The name of the control type f.e. TextBox '/// <b>sPropertyName:</b> The name of the control property f.e. DefaultValue Dim sReturn as String ' switch to the General Page Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl Kontext "TabGeneralControl" if TabGeneralControl.exists(3) then ' A - C if sPropertyName = "Accuracy" then sReturn = Accuracy.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "AdditionalInfo" then sReturn = Information.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Align" then sReturn = Align.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "AutoComplete" then sReturn = AutoComplete.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Background" then sReturn = Background.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "BlockIncrement" then sReturn = BlockIncrement.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Border" then sReturn = Border.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "BorderColor" then sReturn = BorderColor.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "ButtonType" then sReturn = ButtonType.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "CellBound" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" sReturn = CellBound.getText() Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "CellRange" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" sReturn = CellRange.getText() Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "CurrSymPosition" then sReturn = CurrSymPosition.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "CurrencySymbol" then sReturn = CurrencySymbol.getText 'D - F elseif sPropertyName = "DateMax" then sReturn = DateMax.getText elseif sPropertyName = "DateMin" then sReturn = DateMin.getText elseif sPropertyName = "DateFormat" then sReturn = DateFormat.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultButton" then sReturn = DefaultButton.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Delay" then sReturn = Delay.getText elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultState" then sReturn = DefaultState.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultSelection2" then sReturn = DefaultSelection2.getText elseif sPropertyName = "DefaultValue" then sReturn = DefaultValue.getText elseif sPropertyName = "DropDown" then sReturn = DropDown.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "EditMask" then sReturn = EditMask.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Enabled" then sReturn = Enabled.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "FilteringSorting" then sReturn = FilteringSorting.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Formatkey" then sReturn = Formatkey.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Frame" then sReturn = Frame.getSelIndex 'G - L elseif sPropertyName = "Graphics" then sReturn = Graphics.getSelText elseif sPropertyName = "GraphicsAlignment" then sReturn = GraphicsAlignment.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "HelpText" then sReturn = HelpText.getText elseif sPropertyName = "HelpURL" then sReturn = HelpURL.getText elseif sPropertyName = "HiddenValue" then sReturn = HiddenValue.getText elseif sPropertyName = "HideSelection" then sReturn = HideSelection.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "IconSize" then sReturn = IconSize.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "LineCount" then sReturn = LineCount.getText elseif sPropertyName = "LineIncrement" then sReturn = LineIncrement.getText elseif sPropertyName = "LiteralMask" then sReturn = LiteralMask.getText elseif sPropertyName = "ListEntries" then sReturn = ListEntries.getText 'M - O elseif sPropertyName = "MaxTextLen" then sReturn = MaxTextLen.getText elseif sPropertyName = "MultiLine" then sReturn = MultiLine.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "MultiLine2" then sReturn = MultiLine.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Multiselection" then sReturn = Multiselection.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "NameText" then sReturn = NameText.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Navigation" then sReturn = Navigation.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "NavigationBar" then sReturn = NavigationBar.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Order" then sReturn = Order.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Orientation" then sReturn = Orientation.getSelIndex 'P - R elseif sPropertyName = "Password" then sReturn = Password.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Positioning" then sReturn = Positioning.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Printable" then sReturn = Printable.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Readonly" then sReturn = Readonly.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "RecordActions" then sReturn = RecordActions.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "RecordMarker" then sReturn = RecordMarker.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "ReferenceValue" then Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabDataControl Kontext "TabDataControl" sReturn = ReferenceValue.getText Kontext "ControlPropertiesTabControl" ControlPropertiesTabControl.setPage TabGeneralControl elseif sPropertyName = "Repeat" then sReturn = Repeat.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "RowHeight" then sReturn = RowHeight.getText 'S elseif sPropertyName = "Scale" then sReturn = Scale.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "Scrollbars" then sReturn = Scrollbars.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "ScrollValueDefault" then sReturn = ScrollValueDefault.getText elseif sPropertyName = "ScrollValueMax" then sReturn = ScrollValueMax.getText elseif sPropertyName = "ScrollValueMin" then sReturn = ScrollValueMin.getText elseif sPropertyName = "Spin" then sReturn = Spin.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "StrictFormat" then sReturn = StrictFormat.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "SymbolColor" then sReturn = SymbolColor.getSelIndex 'T - U elseif sPropertyName = "TabStop" then sReturn = TabStop.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "TakeFocus" then sReturn = TakeFocus.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "TextType" then sReturn = TextType.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "ThousandSeperator" then sReturn = ThousandSeperator.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "TimeFormat" then sReturn = TimeFormat.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "TimeMax" then sReturn = TimeMax.getText elseif sPropertyName = "TimeMin" then sReturn = TimeMin.getText elseif sPropertyName = "ToggleProp" then sReturn = ToggleProp.getSelIndex elseif sPropertyName = "TriState" then sReturn = TriState.getSelIndex 'V - Z elseif sPropertyName = "ValueMin" then if sControlType = "FormattedField" then sReturn = EffectiveMin.getText else sReturn = ValueMin.getText endif elseif sPropertyName = "ValueMax" then if sControltype = "FormattedField" then sReturn = EffectiveMax.getText else sReturn = ValueMax.getText endif elseif sPropertyName = "VisibleSize" then sReturn = VisibleSize.getText elseif sPropertyName = "ValueStep" then sReturn = ValueStep.getText endif else warnlog "The control property browser doesn't exists." endif fGetControlProperty = sReturn end function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub hDrawingWithSelection ( iStartX, iStartY, iEndX, iEndY ) '/// move the mouse with pressed mouse button '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <b>iStartX:</b> The x start coordinate '/// <b>iStartY:</b> The y start coordinate '/// <b>iEndX:</b> The x end coordinate '/// <b>iEndY:</b> The x end coordinate select case gApplication case "CALC" : Kontext "DocumentCalc" DocumentCalc.MouseDown ( iStartX, iStartY ) DocumentCalc.MouseMove ( iEndX, iEndY ) DocumentCalc.MouseUp ( iEndX, iEndY ) case "WRITER" : Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.MouseDown ( iStartX, iStartY ) DocumentWriter.MouseMove ( iEndX, iEndY ) DocumentWriter.MouseUp ( iEndX, iEndY ) case "HTML": Kontext "DocumentWriterWeb" DocumentWriterWeb.MouseDown ( iStartX, iStartY ) DocumentWriterWeb.MouseMove ( iEndX, iEndY ) DocumentWriterWeb.MouseUp ( iEndX, iEndY ) case "MASTERDOCUMENT" : Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.MouseDown ( iStartX, iStartY ) DocumentMasterDoc.MouseMove ( iEndX, iEndY ) DocumentMasterDoc.MouseUp ( iEndX, iEndY ) case "IMPRESS" : Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.MouseDown ( iStartX, iStartY ) DocumentImpress.MouseMove ( iEndX, iEndY ) DocumentImpress.MouseUp ( iEndX, iEndY ) case "DRAW" : Kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.MouseDown ( iStartX, iStartY ) DocumentDraw.MouseMove ( iEndX, iEndY ) DocumentDraw.MouseUp ( iEndX, iEndY ) end select end sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fOpenControlPropertyBrowser '/// open the Control Properties Dialog '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <u>return:</u> sleep(2) call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" ControlProperties.Click Kontext "ControlPropertiesDialog" if ControlPropertiesDialog.exists(3) then 'nothing else Kontext "FormControls" ControlProperties.Click endif sleep(2) fOpenControlPropertyBrowser=true end function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function addControl(sControl as String, isx as integer , isy as integer , iex as integer , iey as integer) '/// add the specified control and the specified position '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <b>sControl</b> the control name '/// <b>isx</b> the start x coordinate '/// <b>isy</b> the start y coordinate '/// <b>iex</b> the end x coordinate '/// <b>iey</b> the end y coordinate '/// <u>return:</u> dim oControl as Object if sControl = "SpinButton" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" SpinButton.Click elseif sControl = "ScrollBar" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" Scrollbar.Click elseif sControl = "ImageButton" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" ImageButton.Click elseif sControl = "ImageControl" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" ImageControl.Click elseif sControl = "FileControl" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" FileControl.Click elseif sControl = "DateField" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" DateField.Click elseif sControl = "TimeField" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" TimeField.Click elseif sControl = "NumericField" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" Numericfield.Click elseif sControl = "CurrencyField" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" CurrencyField.Click elseif sControl = "PatternField" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" PatternField.Click elseif sControl = "GroupBox" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" GroupBox.Click elseif sControl = "Grid" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" Grid.Click elseif sControl = "NavigationBar" then call hToolbarSelect("MoreControls",true) Kontext "MoreControls" NavigationBar.Click elseif sControl = "Edit" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" Edit.Click elseif sControl = "Label" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" Label.Click elseif sControl = "CheckBox" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" CheckBox.Click elseif sControl = "FormattedField" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" FormattedField.Click elseif sControl = "PushButton" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" PushButton.Click elseif sControl = "ListBox" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" ListBox.Click elseif sControl = "ComboBox" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" ComboBox.Click elseif sControl = "RadioButton" then call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) Kontext "FormControls" RadioButton.Click else warnlog "control " + sControl + " not found. add to addControl in control tools." endif sleep(1) call hDrawingWithSelection ( isx, isy, iex, iey ) sleep(2) Kontext "FormControls" end Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fSwitchControlDesignMode() '/// switch the control design on or off '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <u>return:</u> Kontext "Toolbar" call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true) sleep(1) Kontext "FormControls" SwitchControlDesignMode.Click end function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function closePropertyBrowserAndDocument '/// close control property browser and the document '/// only used in the Control_Serveral tests '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <u>return:</u> printlog "close control property browser" Kontext "ControlPropertiesDialog" ControlPropertiesDialog.close '/// close document printlog "close document" hCloseDocument end function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fOpenMoreControlsToolBar '/// open the More Controls toolbar '/// <u>parameter:</u> '/// <u>return:</u> Kontext "MoreControls" if not MoreControls.exists(1) then Kontext "FormControls" MoreControls.Click Kontext "MoreControls" endif End function