# This file contains a list of most commonly used accelerators. # These accelerators are language dependent # Include framework/tools/inc/accels.inc and use hGetAccel( string ) # to retrieve one specific accelerator, where string is one of the sections # from this file. # mod1 = CTRL # mod2 = ALT # Syntax: ISO code = accelerator, do not put spaces around the = sign. # This is the accelerator used to open the "File Open" dialog. Find it in the File-menu # mod1 o is CTRL+O [FileOpen] en-US=mod1 o pt-PT=mod1 o ru-RU=mod1 o nl-NL=mod1 o fr-FR=mod1 o es=mod1 a hu-HU=mod1 o it=mod1 o da-DK=mod1 o sv=mod1 o pl-PL=mod1 o de=mod1 o pt-BR=mod1 o ja-JP=mod1 o ko-KR=mod1 o zh-CN=mod1 o zh-TW=mod1 o sl=mod1 o # This is the accelerator to open the File Save dialog (get it from File-Menu) [FileSave] en-US=mod1 s pt-PT=mod1 s ru-RU=mod1 s nl-NL=mod1 s fr-FR=mod1 s es=mod1 g hu-HU=mod1 s it=mod1 s da-DK=mod1 s sv=mod1 s pl-PL=mod1 s de=mod1 s pt-BR=mod1 s ja-JP=mod1 s ko-KR=mod1 s zh-CN=mod1 s zh-TW=mod1 s sl=mod1 s [FileSaveAs] en-US=mod1 shift s pt-PT=mod1 shift s ru-RU=mod1 shift s nl-NL=mod1 shift s fr-FR=mod1 shift s es=mod1 shift g hu-HU=mod1 shift s it=mod1 shift s da-DK=mod1 shift s sv=mod1 shift s pl-PL=mod1 shift s de=mod1 shift s pt-BR=mod1 shift s ja-JP=mod1 shift s ko-KR=mod1 shift s zh-CN=mod1 shift s zh-TW=mod1 shift s sl=mod1 shift s # This is the accelerator to print a file, find it in the File Menu [print] en-US=mod1 p pt-PT=mod1 p ru-RU=mod1 p nl-NL=mod1 p fr-FR=mod1 p es=mod1 p hu-HU=mod1 p it=mod1 p da-DK=mod1 p sv=mod1 p pl-PL=mod1 p de=mod1 p pt-BR=mod1 p ja-JP=mod1 p ko-KR=mod1 p zh-CN=mod1 p zh-TW=mod1 p sl=mod1 t # This is the accelerator to select all objects within a document # Take it from the Writer/Edit menu [SelectAll] en-US=mod1 a pt-PT=mod1 a ru-RU==mod1 a nl-NL=mod1 a fr-FR=mod1 a es=mod1 e hu-HU=mod1 a it=mod1 a sv=mod1 a pl-PL=mod1 a de=mod1 a pt-BR=mod1 a ja-JP=mod1 a ko-KR=mod1 a zh-CN=mod1 a zh-TW=mod1 a sl=mod1 a # The accelerator for "Copy", you can find the sequence in the edit-menu [Copy] en-US=mod1 c pt-PT=mod1 c ru-RU==mod1 c nl-NL=mod1 c fr-FR=mod1 c es=mod1 c hu-HU=mod1 c it=mod1 c sv=mod1 c pl-PL=mod1 c de=mod1 c pt-BR=mod1 c ja-JP=mod1 c ko-KR=mod1 c zh-CN=mod1 c zh-TW=mod1 c sl=mod1 c # This is the accelerator to show the logfile after a document has been # converted using the documentconverter # Howto: Open the documentconverter, convert a document. On the final # page you get a button with the caption "Show log", get this # accelerator and enter it below [DocumentConverter_ShowLog] en-US=mod2 o pt-PT=mod2 o ru-RU=mod2 l nl-NL=mod2 n fr-FR=mod2 h es=mod2 v hu-HU=mod2 l it=mod2 t da-DK=mod2 v sv=mod2 v pl-PL=mod2 n de=mod2 n pt-BR=mod2 q ja-JP=mod2 u ko-KR=mod2 u zh-CN=mod2 u zh-TW=mod2 u sl=mod2 i cs=mod2 a # This is the accelerator that switches tabs in the BASIC IDE. I found it by accident # and i'm not at all certain that it is documented somewhere. [IDE_SWITCH_TAB+] en-US=MOD1 PAGEUP pt-PT=MOD1 PAGEUP ru-RU=MOD1 PAGEUP nl-NL=MOD1 PAGEUP fr-FR=MOD1 PAGEUP es=MOD1 PAGEUP hu-HU=MOD1 PAGEUP it=MOD1 PAGEUP da-DK=MOD1 PAGEUP sv=MOD1 PAGEUP pl-PL=MOD1 PAGEUP de=MOD1 PAGEUP pt-BR=MOD1 PAGEUP ja-JP=MOD1 PAGEUP ko-KR=MOD1 PAGEUP zh-CN=MOD1 PAGEUP zh-TW=MOD1 PAGEUP sl=MOD1 PAGEUP # This is the accelerator that switches tabs in the BASIC IDE. I found it by accident # and i'm not at all certain that it is documented somewhere. [IDE_SWITCH_TAB-] en-US=MOD1 PAGEDOWN pt-PT=MOD1 PAGEDOWN ru-RU=MOD1 PAGEDOWN nl-NL=MOD1 PAGEDOWN fr-FR=MOD1 PAGEDOWN es=MOD1 PAGEDOWN hu-HU=MOD1 PAGEDOWN it=MOD1 PAGEDOWN da-DK=MOD1 PAGEDOWN sv=MOD1 PAGEDOWN pl-PL=MOD1 PAGEDOWN de=MOD1 PAGEDOWN pt-BR=MOD1 PAGEDOWN ja-JP=MOD1 PAGEDOWN ko-KR=MOD1 PAGEDOWN zh-CN=MOD1 PAGEDOWN zh-TW=MOD1 PAGEDOWN sl=MOD1 PAGEDOWN