# This file contains a number of servers providing certain services # both inside and outside your firewall. # Acces the data via global/tools/inc/t_server_info.inc::hGetServerInfo(...) # This list can be extended to your liking (just create new unique sections). # You can even break the scheme used herein by just specifying a section like #[mysection] #FullURL=ftp://myname:mypassword@yourserver.com # and all you would have to do is call hGetServerInfo( "mysection", "FullURL" ) # to get the string. [http_internal] Name= Port=80 Protocol=http:// URL=myserver.sweden.com UseProxy=no User=(none) Pass=(none) [http_external] Name=Heiseticker Port=80 Protocol=http:// URL=www.heise.de UseProxy=yes User=(none) Pass=(none) [ftp_internal] Name= Port=21 Protocol=ftp:// URL=. Subdir=/ UseProxy=no User= Pass= [ftp_external] Name=Mozilla Fondation Public FTP Server Port=21 Protocol=ftp:// URL=ftp.mozilla.org Subdir=/pub UseProxy=yes User= Pass=