'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : wolfram.garten@oracle.com '* '* short description : Checking all gallery themes '* '***************************************************************** '* ' #1 tLoad100GalleryGraphicFiles 'Inserting 100 gallery graphics and checking the sizes ' #1 tCheckAllGalleryGraphicFiles 'Checking the size ( > 0 Byte ) of all gallery-files. ' #1 tInsertGalleryObjects 'Inserting random objects via contextmenu-insert-copy. ' #0 LoadGraphic ' #0 CheckGraphic ' #0 makeNumOutOfText ' #1 tSettingsToCM 'Measurement unit for textdocuments to cm ' #1 tResetSettings 'Resetting the measurement unit for textdocuments. '* '\****************************************************************************** testcase tSettingsToCM printlog " Setting the measurement unit for textdocuments to cm." printlog " +Tools / options / text documents / general" ExitRestartTheOffice WaitSlot (10000) Call hNewDocument ToolsOptions hToolsOptions ( "WRITER", "General" ) iSaveSetting = Masseinheit.GetSelIndex Masseinheit.Select 2 Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tLoad100GalleryGraphicFiles '/// Inserting all gallery graphics in a Writer document and checking the sizes. Dim lsFiles (3000) as String Dim lsGraphics (3000) as String Dim i as Integer Dim y as Integer Dim t as Integer Dim iCount as Integer Dim corLoad as Boolean Dim x as boolean '/// Geting all installed gallery objects out of the installation in a list. if gNetzInst = TRUE then GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficeBasisPath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () ) else GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () ) end if call GetOnlyGraphics ( lsFiles (), lsGraphics() ) iCount = ListCount ( lsGraphics() ) printlog " We have " + iCount + " graphics in the gallery." '/// + Open a new document call hNewDocument for i = 1 to 100 for y = 1 to 1 randomize t = Int((iCount*Rnd)) if (t<1) then 'just so we get it between 1 and the amount of items. y = y - 1 end if next y corLoad = FALSE try '/// Loop begin '/// + Inserting all gallery files and checking the sizes '/// +- Iinsert / graphic / from file '/// +- Check the size in 'format / graphics' on the Type tabpage '/// +-- The size should noz be smaler than 17*25cm / photos 21*25cm '/// + Deleting the graphic with <delete> of the keyboard '/// Loop ends x = LoadGraphic ( lsGraphics(t), corLoad ) sleep(1) printlog catch ExceptLog if corLoad = FALSE then warnlog "Problems with " + lsGraphics(t) ResetApplication call hNewDocument end if endcatch if (not x) then printlog " Tested nr: " + t + " : " + lsGraphics(t) end if next i '/// Close the gallery ///' ToolsGallery WaitSlot (2000) '/// Close the document ///' call hCloseDocument endcase 'tLoadAllGalleryGraphicFiles '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tCheckAllGalleryGraphicFiles '/// Checking the filesize of all gallery graphics. Dim lsFiles (3000) as String Dim lsGraphics (3000) as String Dim i as Integer Dim y as Integer Dim t as Integer Dim iCount as Integer Dim corLoad as Boolean Dim x as boolean '/// Geting all installed gallery objects out of the installation in a list. if gNetzInst = TRUE then GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficeBasisPath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () ) else GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () ) end if call GetOnlyGraphics ( lsFiles (), lsGraphics() ) iCount = ListCount ( lsGraphics() ) printlog " We have " + iCount + " graphics in the gallery." '/// Open a new document call hNewDocument for i=1 to iCount corLoad = FALSE try '/// Loop begin '///+ Inserting all gallery files and checking the sizes '///+- Iinsert / graphic / from file '///+- Check the size in 'format / graphics' on the Type tabpage '///+-- The size should noz be smaler than 17*25cm / photos 21*25cm '///+ Deleting the graphic with <delete> of the keyboard '/// Loop ends x = CheckGraphic ( lsGraphics(i), corLoad ) catch ExceptLog if corLoad = FALSE then warnlog "Problems with " + lsGraphics(i) ResetApplication call hNewDocument end if endcatch if (not x) then printlog " Tested nr: " + i + " : " + lsGraphics(i) end if next i '/// Close the gallery ///' ToolsGallery WaitSlot (2000) '/// Close the document ///' call hCloseDocument endcase 'tLoadAllGalleryGraphicFiles '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tInsertGalleryObjects Dim lsFiles (3000) as String Dim lsGraphics (3000) as String Dim CountOfThemes Dim HowManyItems as Integer Dim WhichOne as Integer Dim CountOfItems as Integer Dim ct as Integer Dim i as Integer Dim d as Integer Dim iCount as Integer Dim corLoad, x as Boolean '/// 1. Select theme ///' call hNewDocument call hOpenGallery kontext "Gallery" CountOfThemes = Gallerys.GetItemCount for ct = 1 to CountOfThemes Gallerys.Select ct printlog " Selected Gallery-Theme nr: " + ct + ": " + Gallerys.GetSelText kontext "Gallery" CountOfItems = View.GetItemCount() '/// 2. Choose if we should test 3,4 or 5 objects. ///' for d = 1 to 1 randomize HowManyItems=Int((5*Rnd)+(3*Rnd)) if CountOfItems = 0 then QaErrorLog " There were no objects in the the gallery-theme on position: " + ct else if (HowManyItems<3) then 'just so we get it between 3 and 5. d = d - 1 else printlog " Will now select and copy " + HowManyItems + " items from this Theme." end if for i = 1 to HowManyItems '/// 3. Select the objects ///' for x = 1 to 1 randomize WhichOne=Int(CountOfItems*RND) '(5*Rnd)+(CountOfItems*Rnd)) if (WhichOne<1) then 'just so we get it between 1 and the amount of items. '>(CountOfItems + 1)) OR (WhichOne<1) then ' x = x - 1 end if next x printlog " Will copy object nr: " + WhichOne View.Mousemove (1,1) View.TypeKeys "" View.TypeKeys "", (WhichOne) kontext "GraphicObjectBar" if GraphicObjectBar.Exists then if GraphicObjectBar.IsDocked = False then GraphicObjectBar.Dock end if kontext "Gallery" sleep (1) View.TypeKeys("") sleep (1) try dim number as integer number = MenuGetItemCount if (number > 2) AND (number < 10) then '/// 4. Copy the selected item into our document. ///' hMenuSelectNr (1) 'Insert hMenuSelectNr (1) 'As Copy sleep (1) else Warnlog " The contextmenu came up, but the number of entries were strange." printlog " Number of entries:" + number MenuSelect(0) end if catch warnlog " A contextmenu didnt come up for the gallery-theme on position: " + ct i = HowManyItems endcatch '/// 5. Repeat 3.-5. until 2. is fulfilled. ///' next i end if 'if the theme didnt have any objects, we landed here. next d '/// 6. Change Theme. ///' '/// 7. Repeat 2. - 8. until all themes are done. ///' next ct Kontext "Gallery" if Gallery.Exists(2) then ToolsGallery WaitSlot (2000) end if '/// Remove the last copied object. ///' hTypeKeys "" call hCloseDocument endcase 'tInsertGalleryObjects '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tResetSettings printlog "Resetting the measurement unit for textdocuments." printlog "+Tools / options / text documents / general" call hNewDocument ToolsOptions hToolsOptions ( "WRITER", "General" ) Masseinheit.Select iSaveSetting Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK call hCloseDocument endcase 'tResetSettings '-------------------------------------------------------------------------