'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '/************************************************************************ '* '* Owner : helge.delfs@oracle.com '* '* short description : '* '******************************************************************* ' #1 tSammleImportFilter ' #1 tCollectSaveAsFilter ' #1 tCollectExportFilters ' #1 fReadComparePrintLists ' #1 tGroupNameCheck '\****************************************************************** testcase tSammleImportFilter '/// compare IST- with SOLL- import filter state ///' Dim i as Integer Dim j as Integer Dim x as Integer Dim Ende as Integer Dim EndeSoll as Integer ' Dim Zaehler as Integer ' count entries with "(STAROFFICE WRITER)" in IST Dim gZaehler as Integer ' do the same as 'i' in 'compare for-next' ? Dim gZaehler2 as Integer ' do the same as 'i' in 'compare for-next' ? Dim lsListe(350) as String ' IST list gets generated with tested SO and written into Dim Eintrag as String ' during compare: entry (i) from IST list Dim lsListeFail(350) as String ' List that gets set from the compare function, if anny filters are not available, optional parammeter to function '----new implementation of filter lists Dim sPlatform as String Dim fStandardFilterList as String Dim fStandardLanguageFilterList as String Dim fExceptionLanguageFilterList as String Dim fCompleteDiffFilterList as String Dim fW4WDiffFilterList as String Dim fActualFilterFile as String Dim fSortedFilterFile as String Dim iFilterCount as Integer Dim a as integer Dim b as integer Dim c as integer '-------------------------------------- ' INIT Stuff gZaehler = 0 lsListe(0)=0 '/// There are 3 files with filter lists ///' '///+ 1. Language independent, System independent, Standard installation : if_st_all.txt ///' '///+ 2. Language dependent, System independent, Standard installation : if_st_xx_all.txt ///' '///+ 2. Language dependent, System independent, Standard installation, Exceptions : if_st_xx_exe.txt ///' '///+ 3. Language independent, System dependent, Complete installation diff to 1.) & 2.) : if_cod_xxx.txt ///' '///+ 3. Language independent, System dependent, Standard installation diff to 1.) : if_w4w_xxx.txt ///' '///+ they are all found in "input\\writer\\la_sp\\" ///' '/// System depends on: w95, sol, lin; if system is not regcognizeable: Fallback to lin ///' '///+ Path to filter lists: 'input\\writer\\la_sp\\' /// '///+ Filter files have to be saved as Unicode UTF8 encoded ///' ' since utf8 encoding isn't supported as list-write-format it doesn't make sense to save the list ' set Platform variable 'printlog " + + + gPCName: "+ gPCName+ " gPlatgroup: "+ gPlatgroup +" gPlatform: "+ gPlatform + " gSYSName: "+gSYSName select case gPlatgroup case "w95" : sPlatform = "w95" case "unx" : select case gPlatform case "lin" : sPlatform = "lin" case "x86" : sPlatform = "lin" ' i think there were w4w licensing problems case "sol" : sPlatform = "w95" case else : sPlatform = "lin" ' minimal filter list end select case else : sPlatform = "lin" ' minimal filter list end select 'this one gets hard coded! fStandardFilterList = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\if_st_all." + "txt") fStandardLanguageFilterList = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\if_st_"+ iSprache+"_all." + "txt") fExceptionLanguageFilterList = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\if_st_"+ iSprache+"_exe." + "txt") fCompleteDiffFilterList = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\if_cod_" + sPlatform + ".txt") fW4WDiffFilterList = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\if_w4w_" + sPlatform + ".txt") fActualFilterFile = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\actual.txt") 'unsorted fSortedFilterFile = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\sorted.txt") 'sorted '' generate IST-list and write to file ///' FileOpen sleep (3) Kontext "OeffnenDlg" sleep (3) iFilterCount = Dateityp.GetItemCount ' have to substract already used ones at the end somewhere... sleep (3) for i=1 to Dateityp.GetItemCount ListAppend ( lsListe(), DateiTyp.GetItemText (i) ) next i OeffnenDlg.Cancel 'ListWrite(lsListe(),fActualFilterFile, "utf8") 'Call ListCopy(lsListe(),lsListeSort()) Call ListSort(lsListe()) 'ListWrite(lsListe(),fSortedFilterFile, "utf8") ' printlog "-------------------------------------------------------------" ' for i=1 to ListCount ( lsListeSort() ) ' printlog lsListeSort(i) ' next i ' printlog "-------------------------------------------------------------" 'Printlog "- Got Filters from Office; written to: " + fActualFilterFile + "; Count: "+ ListCount (lsListe()) 'Printlog "- Got Filters from Office; written to: " + fSortedFilterFile + chr(13) lsListeFail(0) = 0 printlog "'///- comparing ## Language independent ## Standard installation ## filters with existing ones" printlog "----- found : "+ fReadComparePrintLists (fStandardFilterList, lsListe(),lsListeFail()) + chr(13) a = ListCount (lsListeFail()) ' not found filters if (a > 0) then ' sort out filters for platforms, where we don't have licenses for OR the translator has good reasons....(swedish) if (iSprache = 46) then b = fReadComparePrintLists (fExceptionLanguageFilterList, lsListeFail()) printlog "----- found : "+ b + chr(13) if (ListCount (lsListeFail()) <> 0) then a = ListCount ( lsListeFail() ) for i=1 to a Printlog lsListeFail(i) next i printlog "----- NOT found : "+ c + chr(13) else qaErrorLog "--------- EVERYTHING is fine now, ignore every failure above about not found filters! :-) --------------" end if end if if (sPlatform = "lin") then qaErrorLog "ok there are failures, lets check them: sort out filters that are not allowed on this platform! (LINUX) :-)" b = fReadComparePrintLists (fW4WDiffFilterList, lsListeFail()) printlog "----- found : "+ b + chr(13) if (ListCount (lsListeFail()) <> 0) then warnlog "By now, there are STILL some Filters realy missing :-(" c = ListCount ( lsListeFail() ) for i=1 to c Printlog lsListeFail(i) next i printlog "----- NOT found : "+ c + chr(13) else qaErrorLog "--------- EVERYTHING is fine now, ignore every failure above about not found filters! :-) --------------" end if else Warnlog ("The above filters are missing: " + a) end if end if printlog "'///- comparing ## Language dependent ## Standard installation ## filters with existing ones" b = fReadComparePrintLists (fStandardLanguageFilterList, lsListe()) printlog "----- found : "+ b + chr(13) if b = 0 then warnlog " No filters found :-( - maybe because list-file is empty, please create it!" warnlog " take the file and put all filters for this language on the same position into the file: " +fStandardLanguageFilterList end if a = ListCount (lsListeFail()) ' not found filters if (a > 0) then Warnlog ("The above filters are missing: " + a) end if '///' delete ------------ filters from IST-list (used filters appear twice) ///' '/// TBO TODO: select them! nice behaviour i think :-) ///' printlog "- remove seperators ----------------------------" gZaehler2 = 0 for i=1 to ListCount ( lsListe() ) Eintrag = lsListe(i) if instr(Eintrag,"---------") then gZaehler2 = gZaehler2 + 1 ListDelete ( lsListe(), i ) ' delete seperator i=i-1 ' so the i-counter has to be decremented by one end if next i printlog " + (" + gZaehler2 + "/8) seperators are available." if gZaehler2 <> 8 then warnlog " there are seperators missing or too much :-(" Printlog " check if all groups are available! the groupnames can be found in the tostcase later on" warnlog " !!! NO FILTER IS ALLOWED TO HAVE THE SAME NAME AS ANY GROUPNAME !!! because than this group won't show up in the FileOpen Dialog!" end if '///' delete <...> filters from IST-list (used filters appear twice) ///' printlog "- Already used filters in previous tests." gZaehler = 0 for i=1 to ListCount ( lsListe() ) Eintrag = lsListe(i) if Left$(Eintrag,1) = "<" and Right$(Eintrag,1) = ">" then gZaehler = gZaehler + 1 printlog "" + Eintrag ListDelete ( lsListe(), i ) ' delete already used filter (i) i=i-1 ' so the i-counter has to be decremented by one end if next i printlog " + " + gZaehler + " Filters have been used in previous tests." printlog "++++++ this was now : " + (iFilterCount - gZaehler - gZaehler2) +" existing filters in office" if ListCount (lsListe()) > 50 then printlog chr(13)+"'/// - this is a COMPLETE Installation ?! (>50 filters still available): "+ListCount (lsListe()) + chr(13) printlog "'///- comparing ## Language independent ## Complete installation ## filters with existing ones" printlog "----- found : "+ fReadComparePrintLists (fCompleteDiffFilterList, lsListe()) + chr(13) else printlog chr(13)+"'/// - this is a STANDARD Installation ?! (<50 filters still available): "+ListCount (lsListe()) + chr(13) end if if ListCount ( lsListe() ) <> 0 then printlog Chr(13) Warnlog "*** The following Filters are available, but nobody wants them??'!" + "; Count: "+ ListCount (lsListe()) Warnlog ("please compare them to the missing ones from above!") for i=1 to ListCount ( lsListe() ) Printlog lsListe(i) next i end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tCollectSaveAsFilter Dim i as Integer Dim j as Integer Dim x as Integer Dim lsListe(350) as String ' IST list gets generated with tested SO and written into Dim iFilterCount as Integer Dim fActualFilterFile as String Dim fSortedFilterFile as String ListAllDelete(lsListe()) x = 0 fActualFilterFile = ConvertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/sa_actua."+iSprache) 'unsorted fSortedFilterFile = ConvertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/sa_sorte."+iSprache) 'sorted '/// go into every application and print out the filters found under 'File -> SaveAs' ///' for j = 1 to 7 select case j case 1: gApplication = "WRITER" case 2: gApplication = "CALC" case 3: gApplication = "IMPRESS" case 4: gApplication = "DRAW" case 5: gApplication = "MASTERDOCUMENT" case 6: gApplication = "MATH" case 7: gApplication = "HTML" end select hNewDocument() '' generate IST-list and write to file ///' FileSaveAs sleep (3) Kontext "SpeichernDlg" sleep (3) iFilterCount = Dateityp.GetItemCount ' have to substract already used ones at the end somewhere... x = x + iFilterCount sleep (3) printlog " ---- " + gApplication + " : " + iFilterCount for i=1 to Dateityp.GetItemCount ListAppend ( lsListe(), DateiTyp.GetItemText (i) ) Printlog DateiTyp.GetItemText (i) next i Printlog "-----------------------------------------------" SpeichernDlg.Cancel hCloseDocument() next j Printlog chr(13)+" This are "+ x + " - from 85 expected." + chr(13) if x <> 85 then warnlog "Somewhere Over the rainbow... there are filters missing / too much :-(" if (app.dir(fActualFilterFile) = "") then Call ListWrite(lsListe(),fActualFilterFile, "utf8") Printlog "- Got Filters from Office; written to: " + fActualFilterFile + "; Count: "+ ListCount (lsListe()) end if if (app.dir(fSortedFilterFile) = "") then Call ListSort(lsListe()) Call ListWrite(lsListe(),fSortedFilterFile, "utf8") Printlog "- Got Filters from Office; written to: " + fSortedFilterFile + chr(13) end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tCollectExportFilters Dim i as Integer Dim j as Integer Dim x as Integer Dim lsListe(350) as String ' IST list gets generated with tested SO and written into Dim iFilterCount as Integer Dim fActualFilterFile as String Dim fSortedFilterFile as String ListAllDelete(lsListe()) x = 0 fActualFilterFile = ConvertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/ex_actua."+iSprache) 'unsorted fSortedFilterFile = ConvertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/ex_sorte."+iSprache) 'sorted '/// go into every application and print out the filters found under 'File -> SaveAs' ///' for j = 1 to 7 select case j case 1: gApplication = "WRITER" case 2: gApplication = "CALC" case 3: gApplication = "IMPRESS" case 4: gApplication = "DRAW" case 5: gApplication = "MASTERDOCUMENT" case 6: gApplication = "MATH" case 7: gApplication = "HTML" end select hNewDocument() '' generate IST-list and write to file ///' FileExport sleep (3) Kontext "SpeichernDlg" sleep (3) iFilterCount = Dateityp.GetItemCount ' have to substract already used ones at the end somewhere... x = x + iFilterCount sleep (3) printlog " ---- " + gApplication + " : " + iFilterCount for i=1 to Dateityp.GetItemCount ListAppend ( lsListe(), DateiTyp.GetItemText (i) ) Printlog DateiTyp.GetItemText (i) next i Printlog "-----------------------------------------------" SpeichernDlg.Cancel hCloseDocument() next j Printlog chr(13)+" This are "+ x + " - from 65 expected." + chr(13) if x <> 65 then warnlog "Somewhere Over the rainbow... there are filters missing / too much :-(" if (app.dir(fActualFilterFile) = "") then Call ListWrite(lsListe(),fActualFilterFile, "utf8") Printlog "- Got Filters from Office; written to: " + fActualFilterFile + "; Count: "+ ListCount (lsListe()) end if if (app.dir(fSortedFilterFile) = "") then Call ListSort(lsListe()) Call ListWrite(lsListe(),fSortedFilterFile, "utf8") Printlog "- Got Filters from Office; written to: " + fSortedFilterFile + chr(13) end if ' Should look like this: ' ---- WRITER : 3 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) '------------------------------------------ 'XHTML (.xhtml) '----------------------------------------------- ' ---- CALC : 3 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) '------------------------------------------ 'XHTML (.xhtml) '----------------------------------------------- ' ---- IMPRESS : 23 'HTML Document (StarOffice Impress) (.html;.htm) 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) 'Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf) '------------------------------------------ 'BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp) 'EMF - Enhanced Metafile (.emf) 'EPS - Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) 'GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg;.jpeg;.jfif;.jif;.jpe) 'MET - OS/2 Metafile (.met) 'PBM - Portable Bitmap (.pbm) 'PCT - Mac Pict (.pct) 'PGM - Portable Graymap (.pgm) 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic (.png) 'PPM - Portable Pixelmap (.ppm) 'PWP - PlaceWare (.pwp) 'RAS - Sun Raster Image (.ras) 'SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) 'SVM - StarView Metafile (.svm) 'TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.tif;.tiff) 'WMF - Windows Metafile (.wmf) 'XPM - X PixMap (.xpm) 'XHTML (.xhtml) '----------------------------------------------- ' ---- DRAW : 22 'HTML Document (StarOffice Draw) (.html;.htm) 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) 'Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf) '------------------------------------------ 'BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp) 'EMF - Enhanced Metafile (.emf) 'EPS - Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) 'GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg;.jpeg;.jfif;.jif;.jpe) 'MET - OS/2 Metafile (.met) 'PBM - Portable Bitmap (.pbm) 'PCT - Mac Pict (.pct) 'PGM - Portable Graymap (.pgm) 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic (.png) 'PPM - Portable Pixelmap (.ppm) 'RAS - Sun Raster Image (.ras) 'SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) 'SVM - StarView Metafile (.svm) 'TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.tif;.tiff) 'WMF - Windows Metafile (.wmf) 'XPM - X PixMap (.xpm) 'XHTML (.xhtml) '----------------------------------------------- ' ---- GLOBALDOC : 7 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) '------------------------------------------ 'StarOffice 6.0 Text Document (.sxw) 'StarWriter 5.0 (.sdw) 'StarWriter 4.0 (.sdw) 'StarWriter 3.0 (.sdw) 'Open Office Text (.oot) '----------------------------------------------- ' ---- MATH : 1 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) '----------------------------------------------- ' ---- HTML : 7 'PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf) '------------------------------------------ 'StarOffice Text Document (StarOffice Writer/Web) (.sxw) 'StarWriter 5.0 (StarOffice Writer/Web) (.sdw) 'StarWriter 4.0 (StarOffice Writer/Web) (.sdw) 'StarWriter 3.0 (StarOffice Writer/Web) (.sdw) 'Open Office Text (StarOffice Writer/Web) (.oot) '----------------------------------------------- endcase function fReadComparePrintLists (fFilterList as string, gFilterList() as string, optional gFilterListFail() as string) as integer '/// input : filename of the to load list, existing list, return filter list of fails ///' '///+ output: changed existing list, generates file of list, if not available.. sometimes ///' '///+ count of found list entries ///' '///+ optional gFilterListFail gets set to the missing filters, for further evaluation! /// '///+ function: loads list from file, searches, prints, deletes found listentries from given list ///' '///+ prints listentries from loaded list, which were not found ///' Dim lFilterList(350) as String Dim Eintrag as String Dim i as Integer Dim j as Integer Dim x as Integer Dim Ende as Integer Dim EndeSoll as Integer Dim gZaehler as Integer ' do the same as 'i' in 'compare for-next' ? '----temp stuff only used, if filternames change again :-[ Dim lsTemp(350) as String dim iTemp as integer dim sTemp as string dim fTempFilterList as string '-------------------------------------- lFilterList(0) = 0 fReadComparePrintLists = -1 ' worst case '/// read Standard-list ONE from file ///' if Dir ( fFilterList ) <> "" then ListRead ( lFilterList(), fFilterList, "utf8" ) Printlog " - Read Filters-to-find-List from: " + fFilterList + "; Count: "+ ListCount (lFilterList()) '------------temp stuff------------- to get the part in braces '()' ' lsTemp(0) = 0 ' for iTemp =1 to ListCount (lFilterList()) ' sTemp = lFilterList(iTemp) ' ListAppend (lsTemp(), mid (sTemp, inStr(sTemp, "("), len(stemp)+1-inStr(sTemp, "(") )) ' Printlog " " + lsTemp(iTemp) ' next iTemp ' fTempFilterList = ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\filter\if_st_XX_all_ext.txt") ' ListRead ( lsTemp(), fTempFilterList, "utf8" ) ' for iTemp =1 to ListCount (lFilterList()) ' sTemp = lFilterList(iTemp) + lsTemp(iTemp) ' Printlog " " + sTemp ' lsTemp(iTemp) = sTemp ' next iTemp ' ListWrite ( lsTemp(), fFilterList+"X", "utf8" ) '----------------------------------- '/// delete ONE filters from both, IS and ONE, lists and print out found & not found ones ///' Call ListSort(lFilterList()) Call ListSort(gFilterList()) printlog " - List Filters which have been found in both Lists:" x=0 ' count found filters Ende = ListCount ( gFilterList() ) for i=1 to Ende gZaehler = gZaehler + 1 Eintrag = gFilterList(i) for j=1 to ListCount ( lFilterList() ) if Eintrag = lFilterList(j) then ' if entry found -> delete from IST & SOLL list Printlog " - " + lFilterList(j) x=x+1 ListDelete ( lFilterList(), j ) ' don't modify the gFilterList, copy the not found entry to new global list !!!! ListDelete ( gFilterList(), i ) i=i-1 ' here i have to check the function, how a list gets deleted... ! i think evrything from that entry on moves one up j = 1000 ' goto next entry ' Fehler = FALSE ' -> found state else ' Fehler = TRUE end if next j if gZaehler = Ende then i=1000 ' Abbruch, weil die Schleife einmal druchgegangen ist next i 'printlog "+++ these are " + x else warnlog " Missing list file, create empty file: "+fFilterList ListWrite ( lFilterList(), fFilterList, "utf8") end if '/// print filters which were not found from ONE list ///' if ListCount ( lFilterList() ) <> 0 then qaErrorLog "The following filters aren't available in the Office! look what happend to them !!!" + "; Count: "+ ListCount (lFilterList()) for i=1 to ListCount ( lFilterList() ) Printlog "" + lFilterList(i) next i ListCopy (lFilterList(), gFilterListFail()) else ListAllDelete (gFilterListFail()) end if fReadComparePrintLists = x end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tGroupNameCheck if gPlatGroup = "unx" then Printlog "No testing under Unix/Linux. Exiting testcase." goto endsub end if '///' inspired from #97305 : 86+88: missing import filters in fileopen dialog ///' '///+' -> 97723 97758 ///' '///' solution for sucha problem is, that the group name (Webseiten) is the same as a filtername (Webseite) in the translation. ///' '///+' so you have to keep an eye on the names in 'UI.xml' & 'TypeDetection.xml' from '\share\config\registry\instance\org\openoffice\Office' ///' '///+' they have to be different! ///' Dim saGroups (50) as string dim i as integer 'TypeDetection.xml saGroups (0)=0 ' cfg:value; xml:lang = de... ' saGroups = TBOXMLGetFirstCharsForElement ( "UI;FilterClassification;GlobalFilters;Classes;FilterClass;DisplayName;cfg:value", UIxml, TRUE ) TBOXMLGetListOfFilterGroups (iSprache, saGroups ()) for i = 1 to ListCount (saGroups()) Printlog " "+i+": '" + saGroups(i)+"'" next i endcase function TBOXMLGetListOfFilterGroups ( iLang as integer, sList() as string ) as String '/// parse xml file for special needs ///' dim sElementLine as String dim sXMLFile as String Dim bCloseLocal as Boolean dim i as integer Dim x as integer Dim y as integer dim sLang, sClass as string dim iAttrCount as integer sElementLine = "UI;FilterClassification;GlobalFilters;Classes" sXMLFile = gNetzOfficePath & ConvertPath("Basis\share\registry\res\" + gISOLang + "\org\openoffice\Office\UI.xcu") if (dir(sXMLFile) = "") then qaErrorLog "File doesn't exist :-( '" + sXMLFile + "'" exit function end if SAXReadFile ( sXMLFile ) bCloseLocal = TRUE call hXMLGotoElement ( sElementLine ) for i = 1 to SAXGetChildCount SAXSeekElement ( i ) ' if SAXGetNodeType <> NodeTypeCharacter then ' Printlog " '"+SAXGetAttributeName (1) +"' : '"+SAXGetAttributeValue (1) +"' :" for y = 1 to SAXGetChildCount SAXSeekElement ( y ) SAXSeekElement ( 1 ) sLang = SAXGetAttributeValue (1) SAXSeekElement ( 1 ) if (y = 1) then ' if SAXGetNodeType = NodeTypeCharacter then Printlog " "+ConvertLanguage2( slang )+":"+slang +":"+i+":"+SAXGetChars if (ConvertLanguage2( slang, TRUE ) = iLang) then ListAppend (sList(),SAXGetChars) else ' if SAXGetNodeType = NodeTypeCharacter then Printlog " "+":"+slang +":"+i+":"+SAXGetChars end if SAXSeekElement ( 0 ) SAXSeekElement ( 0 ) SAXSeekElement ( 0 ) next y ' end if SAXSeekElement ( 0 ) next i if bCloseLocal = TRUE then SAXRelease end function