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# Builds the SpreadSheet examples of the Developers Guide.

PRJ = ..$/..
PRJNAME = cli_ure
TARGET := qa_test_climaker
PACKAGE = cliversioning

.INCLUDE: settings.mk

#----- compile .java files -----------------------------------------

JARFILES = ridl.jar unoil.jar jurt.jar juh.jar java_uno.jar OOoRunner.jar
JAVAFILES = VersionTestCase.java
JAVACLASSFILES	= $(foreach,i,$(JAVAFILES) $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/$(i:b).class)

#----- make a jar from compiled files ------------------------------


JARTARGET       = $(TARGET).jar

.INCLUDE: target.mk


echo :
    @echo .
    @echo ###########################   N O T E  ######################################
    @echo . 
    @echo To run the test you have to provide the path to the  office location. It must
    @echo contain the ure (d:\myOffice\LibreOffice\URE).
    @echo Also an office must be installed with full system integration.
    @echo Example:
    @echo dmake run office="d:\myOffice"
    @echo .
    @echo To build a test library with a particular name run. The names must start with "version". 
    @echo For example:
    @echo "dmake name=version_10_10_10.dll"	
    @echo ###########################   N O T E  ######################################
    @echo .
    @echo .	

# --- Parameters for the test --------------------------------------

# test base is java complex
CT_TESTBASE = -TestBase java_complex

# test looks something like the.full.package.TestName
CT_TEST     = -o $(PACKAGE:s\$/\.\).$(JAVAFILES:b)

# start the runner application
CT_APP      = org.openoffice.Runner

# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------

RUN: $(MISC)$/copyassemblies.done
    java -cp $(CLASSPATH) -DSystemRoot=$(SystemRoot) -Dcli_test_program=$(BIN)$/runtests.exe -Dpath="$(office)"\LibreOffice\URE\bin $(CT_APP) $(CT_NOOFFICE) $(CT_TESTBASE) $(CT_TEST)

run: RUN