--- misc/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30-src/jakarta-servletapi-5/build.xml Thu Jun 19 16:03:59 2008 +++ misc/build/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30-src/jakarta-servletapi-5/build.xml Thu Jun 19 15:56:18 2008 @@ -1,1 +1,31 @@ -dummy +<project name="jsr152 and jsr154 in Debian" default="debuild" basedir="."> + + <target name="debuild" + description="Build jsr154 and jsr152 for Debian (Default)"> + <echo message="Building Servlet 2.4 API"/> + <ant antfile="jsr154/build.xml" + target="dist" + inheritAll="false" + /> + <echo message="Building JSP 2.0 API"/> + <ant antfile="jsr152/build.xml" + target="dist" + inheritAll="false" + /> + </target> + + <target name="clean" description="Clean"> + <echo message="Cleaning JSP 2.0 API"/> + <ant antfile="jsr152/build.xml" + target="clean" + inheritAll="false" + /> + <echo message="Cleaning Servlet 2.4 API"/> + <ant antfile="jsr154/build.xml" + target="clean" + inheritAll="false" + /> + <delete dir="tmp"/> + </target> + +</project>