/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: xsimpleanimation.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2008-04-04 10:54:54 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_toolkit.hxx" #ifndef TOOLKIT_AWT_XSIMPLEANIMATION_HXX #include "toolkit/awt/xsimpleanimation.hxx" #endif #ifndef _TOOLKIT_HELPER_PROPERTY_HXX_ #include "toolkit/helper/property.hxx" #endif #ifndef _TOOLKIT_HELPER_THROBBERIMPL_HXX_ #include "toolkit/helper/throbberimpl.hxx" #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif //........................................................................ namespace toolkit { //........................................................................ using namespace ::com::sun::star; //==================================================================== //= XSimpleAnimation //==================================================================== DBG_NAME( XSimpleAnimation ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- XSimpleAnimation::XSimpleAnimation() { DBG_CTOR( XSimpleAnimation, NULL ); mbRepeat = sal_True; mnStepTime = 100; mpThrobber = new Throbber_Impl( this, mnStepTime, mbRepeat ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- XSimpleAnimation::~XSimpleAnimation() { DBG_DTOR( XSimpleAnimation, NULL ); delete mpThrobber; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XINTERFACE2( XSimpleAnimation, VCLXWindow, XSimpleAnimation_Base ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( XSimpleAnimation, VCLXWindow, XSimpleAnimation_Base ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL XSimpleAnimation::start() throw ( uno::RuntimeException ) { mpThrobber->start(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL XSimpleAnimation::stop() throw ( uno::RuntimeException ) { mpThrobber->stop(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL XSimpleAnimation::setImageList( const uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< graphic::XGraphic > >& rImageList ) throw ( uno::RuntimeException ) { mpThrobber->setImageList( rImageList ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void XSimpleAnimation::ProcessWindowEvent( const VclWindowEvent& _rVclWindowEvent ) { // TODO: XSimpleAnimation::ProcessWindowEvent //::vos::OClearableGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); //Reference< XSimpleAnimation > xKeepAlive( this ); //SpinButton* pSpinButton = static_cast< SpinButton* >( GetWindow() ); //if ( !pSpinButton ) // return; VCLXWindow::ProcessWindowEvent( _rVclWindowEvent ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL XSimpleAnimation::setProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& PropertyName, const uno::Any& Value ) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { ::vos::OGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if ( GetWindow() ) { sal_uInt16 nPropertyId = GetPropertyId( PropertyName ); switch ( nPropertyId ) { case BASEPROPERTY_STEP_TIME: { sal_Int32 nStepTime( 0 ); if ( Value >>= nStepTime ) { mnStepTime = nStepTime; mpThrobber->setStepTime( mnStepTime ); } break; } case BASEPROPERTY_REPEAT: { sal_Bool bRepeat( sal_True ); if ( Value >>= bRepeat ) { mbRepeat = bRepeat; mpThrobber->setRepeat( mbRepeat ); } break; } default: VCLXWindow::setProperty( PropertyName, Value ); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Any SAL_CALL XSimpleAnimation::getProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& PropertyName ) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { ::vos::OGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); uno::Any aReturn; if ( GetWindow() ) { sal_uInt16 nPropertyId = GetPropertyId( PropertyName ); switch ( nPropertyId ) { case BASEPROPERTY_STEP_TIME: aReturn <<= mnStepTime; break; case BASEPROPERTY_REPEAT: aReturn <<= mbRepeat; break; default: aReturn = VCLXWindow::getProperty( PropertyName ); } } return aReturn; } //........................................................................ } // namespace toolkit //........................................................................