/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: property.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.41 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-01-29 15:07:23 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_toolkit.hxx" #include #include #ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_ #include #endif #include // qsort/bsearch #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTWEIGHT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTSLANT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_CHARSET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTDESCRIPTOR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTWIDTH_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTTYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTUNDERLINE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTSTRIKEOUT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_FONTPITCH_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_TREE_XTREEDATAMODEL_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_VIEW_SELECTIONTYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_STYLE_VERTICALALIGNMENT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UTIL_XNUMBERFORMATSSUPPLIER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_PROPERTYATTRIBUTE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_GRAPHIC_XGRAPHIC_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_RESOURCE_XSTRINGRESOURCERESOLVER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_TYPES_HXX_ #include #endif #include #include #ifndef _TOOLKIT_HELPER_PROPERTY_HXX_ #include #endif using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor; using ::com::sun::star::style::VerticalAlignment; struct ImplPropertyInfo { ::rtl::OUString aName; sal_uInt16 nPropId; ::com::sun::star::uno::Type aType; sal_Int16 nAttribs; sal_Bool bDependsOnOthers; // eg. VALUE depends on MIN/MAX and must be set after MIN/MAX. ImplPropertyInfo() { nPropId = 0; nAttribs = 0; bDependsOnOthers = sal_False; } ImplPropertyInfo( const sal_Unicode* pName, sal_uInt16 nId, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type& rType, sal_Int16 nAttrs, sal_Bool bDepends = sal_False ) : aName( pName ) { nPropId = nId; aType = rType; nAttribs = nAttrs; bDependsOnOthers = bDepends; } }; #define DECL_PROP_1( asciiname, id, type, attrib1 ) \ ImplPropertyInfo( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 ) #define DECL_PROP_2( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2 ) \ ImplPropertyInfo( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2 ) #define DECL_PROP_3( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2, attrib3 ) \ ImplPropertyInfo( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib3 ) #define DECL_DEP_PROP_1( asciiname, id, type, attrib1 ) \ ImplPropertyInfo( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1, sal_True ) #define DECL_DEP_PROP_2( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2 ) \ ImplPropertyInfo( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2, sal_True ) #define DECL_DEP_PROP_3( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2, attrib3 ) \ ImplPropertyInfo( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib3, sal_True ) ImplPropertyInfo* ImplGetPropertyInfos( sal_uInt16& rElementCount ) { static ImplPropertyInfo* pPropertyInfos = NULL; static sal_uInt16 nElements = 0; if( !pPropertyInfos ) { ::osl::Guard< ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pPropertyInfos ) { static ImplPropertyInfo __FAR_DATA aImplPropertyInfos [] = { DECL_PROP_2 ( "AccessibleName", ACCESSIBLENAME, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "Align", ALIGN, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Autocomplete", AUTOCOMPLETE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "AutoHScroll", AUTOHSCROLL, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_1 ( "AutoMnemonics", AUTOMNEMONICS, bool, BOUND ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "AutoToggle", AUTOTOGGLE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "AutoVScroll", AUTOVSCROLL, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "BackgroundColor", BACKGROUNDCOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "BlockIncrement", BLOCKINCREMENT, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "Border", BORDER, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "BorderColor", BORDERCOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Closeable", CLOSEABLE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "CurrencySymbol", CURRENCYSYMBOL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "CustomUnitText", CUSTOMUNITTEXT, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "Date", DATE, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DateFormat", EXTDATEFORMAT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DateMax", DATEMAX, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DateMin", DATEMIN, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "DateShowCentury", DATESHOWCENTURY, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DecimalAccuracy", DECIMALACCURACY, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DefaultButton", DEFAULTBUTTON, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DefaultControl", DEFAULTCONTROL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DesktopAsParent", DESKTOP_AS_PARENT, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DisplayBackgroundColor", DISPLAYBACKGROUNDCOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Dropdown", DROPDOWN, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "EchoChar", ECHOCHAR, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "EditMask", EDITMASK, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "EffectiveDefault", EFFECTIVE_DEFAULT, Any, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "EffectiveMax", EFFECTIVE_MAX, double, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "EffectiveMin", EFFECTIVE_MIN, double, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "EffectiveValue", EFFECTIVE_VALUE, Any, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Enabled", ENABLED, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "EnforceFormat", ENFORCE_FORMAT, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "FillColor", FILLCOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FocusOnClick", FOCUSONCLICK, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), // DECL_PROP_2 ( "FocusSelectionHide", FOCUSSELECTIONHIDE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontRelief", FONTRELIEF, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontEmphasisMark", FONTEMPHASISMARK, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontDescriptor", FONTDESCRIPTOR, FontDescriptor, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), // Teile des ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontName", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_NAME, ::rtl::OUString,BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontStyleName", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_STYLENAME, ::rtl::OUString,BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontFamily", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_FAMILY, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontCharset", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_CHARSET, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontHeight", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_HEIGHT, float, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontWidth", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_WIDTH, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontPitch", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_PITCH, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontWeight", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_WEIGHT, float, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontCharWidth", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_CHARWIDTH, float, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontOrientation", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_ORIENTATION, float, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontSlant", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_SLANT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontUnderline", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_UNDERLINE, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontStrikeout", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_STRIKEOUT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontKerning", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_KERNING, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontWordLineMode", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_WORDLINEMODE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "FontType", FONTDESCRIPTORPART_TYPE, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "FormatKey", FORMATKEY, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEVOID, TRANSIENT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "FormatsSupplier", FORMATSSUPPLIER, Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier >, BOUND, MAYBEVOID, TRANSIENT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Graphic", GRAPHIC, Reference< ::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic >, BOUND, TRANSIENT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "HelpText", HELPTEXT, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "HelpURL", HELPURL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "HideInactiveSelection", HIDEINACTIVESELECTION, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "HScroll", HSCROLL, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "HardLineBreaks", HARDLINEBREAKS, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ImageAlign", IMAGEALIGN, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ImagePosition", IMAGEPOSITION, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ImageURL", IMAGEURL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Label", LABEL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "LineColor", LINECOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "LineCount", LINECOUNT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "LineEndFormat", LINE_END_FORMAT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "LineIncrement", LINEINCREMENT, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "LiteralMask", LITERALMASK, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "LiveScroll", LIVE_SCROLL, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "MaxTextLen", MAXTEXTLEN, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Moveable", MOVEABLE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_1 ( "MouseTransparent", MOUSETRANSPARENT, bool, BOUND ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "MultiLine", MULTILINE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "MultiSelection", MULTISELECTION, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "NativeWidgetLook", NATIVE_WIDGET_LOOK, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "NoLabel", NOLABEL, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), //added for issue79712 DECL_PROP_2 ( "Orientation", ORIENTATION, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "PaintTransparent", PAINTTRANSPARENT, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "PluginParent", PLUGINPARENT, sal_Int64, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "PrependCurrencySymbol", CURSYM_POSITION, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Printable", PRINTABLE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "ProgressValue", PROGRESSVALUE, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ProgressValueMax", PROGRESSVALUE_MAX, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ProgressValueMin", PROGRESSVALUE_MIN, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "PushButtonType", PUSHBUTTONTYPE, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ReadOnly", READONLY, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Repeat", REPEAT, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "RepeatDelay", REPEAT_DELAY, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), // DECL_PROP_3 ( "ResourceResolver", RESOURCERESOLVER, Reference< ::com::sun::star::resource::XStringResourceResolver >, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ScaleImage", SCALEIMAGE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "ScrollValue", SCROLLVALUE, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ScrollValueMax", SCROLLVALUE_MAX, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ScrollValueMin", SCROLLVALUE_MIN, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "SelectedItems", SELECTEDITEMS, Sequence, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ShowThousandsSeparator", NUMSHOWTHOUSANDSEP, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Sizeable", SIZEABLE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Spin", SPIN, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "SpinIncrement", SPININCREMENT, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "SpinValue", SPINVALUE, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "SpinValueMax", SPINVALUE_MAX, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "SpinValueMin", SPINVALUE_MIN, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "State", STATE, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "StrictFormat", STRICTFORMAT, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "StringItemList", STRINGITEMLIST, Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "VisualEffect", VISUALEFFECT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "SymbolColor", SYMBOL_COLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "Tabstop", TABSTOP, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Text", TEXT, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "TextColor", TEXTCOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "TextLineColor", TEXTLINECOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "Time", TIME, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "TimeFormat", EXTTIMEFORMAT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "TimeMax", TIMEMAX, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "TimeMin", TIMEMIN, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Title", TITLE, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Toggle", TOGGLE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "TreatAsNumber", TREATASNUMBER, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT,TRANSIENT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "TriState", TRISTATE, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Unit", UNIT, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "VScroll", VSCROLL, bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "Value", VALUE_DOUBLE, double, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ValueMax", VALUEMAX_DOUBLE, double, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ValueMin", VALUEMIN_DOUBLE, double, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ValueStep", VALUESTEP_DOUBLE, double, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "VerticalAlign", VERTICALALIGN, VerticalAlignment, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "VisibleSize", VISIBLESIZE, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Activated", ACTIVATED, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Complete", COMPLETE, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "CurrentItemID", CURRENTITEMID, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "WheelWithoutFocus", WHEELWITHOUTFOCUS, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "StepTime", STEP_TIME, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Decoration", DECORATION, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "SelectionType", TREE_SELECTIONTYPE, ::com::sun::star::view::SelectionType, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "Editable", TREE_EDITABLE, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "DataModel", TREE_DATAMODEL, Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::tree::XTreeDataModel >, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "RootDisplayed", TREE_ROOTDISPLAYED, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ShowsHandles", TREE_SHOWSHANDLES, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "ShowsRootHandles", TREE_SHOWSROOTHANDLES, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_3 ( "RowHeight", TREE_ROWHEIGHT, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "InvokesStopNodeEditing", TREE_INVOKESSTOPNODEEDITING, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "DialogSourceURL", DIALOGSOURCEURL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ), DECL_PROP_2 ( "URL", URL, ::rtl::OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ) }; pPropertyInfos = aImplPropertyInfos; nElements = sizeof( aImplPropertyInfos ) / sizeof( ImplPropertyInfo ); } } rElementCount = nElements; return pPropertyInfos; } struct ImplPropertyInfoCompareFunctor : ::std::binary_function { inline bool operator()(const ImplPropertyInfo& lhs,const ImplPropertyInfo& rhs) const { return lhs.aName.compareTo(rhs.aName) < 0; } inline bool operator()(const ImplPropertyInfo& lhs,const ::rtl::OUString& rhs) const { return lhs.aName.compareTo(rhs) < 0; } inline bool operator()(const ::rtl::OUString& lhs,const ImplPropertyInfo& rhs) const { return lhs.compareTo(rhs.aName) < 0; } }; void ImplAssertValidPropertyArray() { static sal_Bool bSorted = sal_False; if( !bSorted ) { sal_uInt16 nElements; ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements ); ::std::sort(pInfos, pInfos+nElements,ImplPropertyInfoCompareFunctor()); bSorted = sal_True; } } sal_uInt16 GetPropertyId( const ::rtl::OUString& rPropertyName ) { ImplAssertValidPropertyArray(); sal_uInt16 nElements; ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements ); ImplPropertyInfo* pInf = ::std::lower_bound(pInfos,pInfos+nElements,rPropertyName,ImplPropertyInfoCompareFunctor()); /* (ImplPropertyInfo*) bsearch( &aSearch, pInfos, nElements, sizeof( ImplPropertyInfo ), ImplPropertyInfoCompare ); */ return ( pInf && pInf != (pInfos+nElements) && pInf->aName == rPropertyName) ? pInf->nPropId: 0; } const ImplPropertyInfo* ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId ) { ImplAssertValidPropertyArray(); sal_uInt16 nElements; ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements ); sal_uInt16 n; for ( n = 0; n < nElements && pInfos[n].nPropId != nPropertyId; ++n) ; return (n < nElements) ? &pInfos[n] : NULL; } sal_uInt16 GetPropertyOrderNr( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId ) { ImplAssertValidPropertyArray(); sal_uInt16 nElements; ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements ); for ( sal_uInt16 n = nElements; n; ) { if ( pInfos[--n].nPropId == nPropertyId ) return n; } return 0xFFFF; } const ::rtl::OUString& GetPropertyName( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId ) { const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId ); DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" ); return pImplPropertyInfo->aName; } const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type* GetPropertyType( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId ) { const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId ); DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" ); return pImplPropertyInfo ? &pImplPropertyInfo->aType : NULL; } sal_Int16 GetPropertyAttribs( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId ) { const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId ); DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" ); return pImplPropertyInfo ? pImplPropertyInfo->nAttribs : 0; } sal_Bool DoesDependOnOthers( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId ) { const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId ); DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" ); return pImplPropertyInfo ? pImplPropertyInfo->bDependsOnOthers : sal_False; } sal_Bool CompareProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& r1, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& r2 ) { return ::comphelper::compare( r1, r2 ); }