import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent; import java.util.Vector; public class AccessibilityTreeModelBase implements TreeModel { public AccessibilityTreeModelBase () { setRoot (null); maTMListeners = new Vector(); } public synchronized void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) { maTMListeners.add(l); } public synchronized void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) { maTMListeners.remove(l); } public synchronized int getChildCount(Object aParent) { return (aParent instanceof AccessibleTreeNode) ? ((AccessibleTreeNode)aParent).getChildCount() : 0; } public synchronized Object getChild (Object aParent, int nIndex) { Object aChild = null; try { if (aParent != null && aParent instanceof AccessibleTreeNode) aChild = ((AccessibleTreeNode)aParent).getChild(nIndex); else System.out.println ("getChild called for unknown parent node"); } catch ( e) { aChild = ("no child " + nIndex + " from " + aParent + ": " + e); } return aChild; } public synchronized Object getChildNoCreate (Object aParent, int nIndex) { Object aChild = null; try { if (aParent != null && aParent instanceof AccessibleTreeNode) aChild = ((AccessibleTreeNode)aParent).getChildNoCreate(nIndex); else System.out.println ("getChild called for unknown parent node"); } catch ( e) { } return aChild; } /** iterate over all children and look for child */ public synchronized int getIndexOfChild (Object aParent, Object aChild) { int nIndex = -1; try { if ((aParent instanceof AccessibleTreeNode) && (aChild instanceof AccessibleTreeNode)) { AccessibleTreeNode aParentNode = (AccessibleTreeNode) aParent; AccessibleTreeNode aChildNode = (AccessibleTreeNode) aChild; int nChildCount = aParentNode.getChildCount(); for( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; i++ ) { if (aChildNode.equals (aParentNode.getChild (i))) { nIndex = i; break; } } } } catch ( e) { // Return -1 by falling through. } // not found? return nIndex; } public boolean isLeaf (Object aNode) { return (aNode instanceof AccessibleTreeNode) ? ((AccessibleTreeNode)aNode).isLeaf() : true; } public synchronized Object getRoot() { return maRoot; } public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) { } protected synchronized void setRoot (AccessibleTreeNode aRoot) { maRoot = aRoot; } // The list of TreeModelListener objects. protected Vector maTMListeners; // The root node of the tree. Use setRoot to change it. private AccessibleTreeNode maRoot = null; }