import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; class GeometryEventHandler extends EventHandler { public GeometryEventHandler (AccessibleEventObject aEvent, AccessibilityTreeModel aTreeModel) { super (aEvent, aTreeModel); } public void PrintOldAndNew (PrintStream out) { out.println (" children not relevant"); } public void Process () { AccTreeNode aNode = maTreeModel.updateNode (mxEventSource, AccessibleComponentHandler.class, AccessibleExtendedComponentHandler.class); // Update the graphical representation of aNode in the Canvas. Canvas aCanvas = maTreeModel.getCanvas(); if (aCanvas != null) { // Iterate over all nodes in the sub-tree rooted in aNode. LinkedList aShapeQueue = new LinkedList(); aShapeQueue.addLast (aNode); while (aShapeQueue.size() > 0) { // Remove the first node from the queue and update its // graphical representation. AccTreeNode aShapeNode = (AccTreeNode) aShapeQueue.getFirst(); aShapeQueue.removeFirst(); aCanvas.updateNodeGeometry (aShapeNode); // Add the node's children to the queue. int nChildCount = maTreeModel.getChildCount (aShapeNode); for (int i=0; i<nChildCount; i++) { Object aTreeNode = maTreeModel.getChildNoCreate (aShapeNode, i); if (aTreeNode instanceof AccTreeNode) aShapeQueue.addLast (aTreeNode); } } aCanvas.repaint (); } } }