Help for the AWB v1.7

The AWB, or Accessibility Work Bench, is a tool for testing the implementation UNO Accessibility API.

The main window is roughly divided into three areas:

Tree View

The tree view has a top-level node for every open document window of StarOffice/OpenOffice. Expand those nodes to make them visible in the graphical view.


The nodes in the tree view belong to different classes, some of which have children others do not:


The tree view supports the following actions:

Graphical View

The graphical view shows several properties of accessibility objects:


The graphical view supports three the following actions:

value='distro/collabora/cp-4.2'>distro/collabora/cp-4.2 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/external/fontconfig/Makefile
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