/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> // This works and was used before for standalone test, not sure why // we'd want it. #define LAYOUT_WEAK 1 #include "uno.hxx" #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/SAXException.hpp> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx> #include <rtl/ustring.hxx> #include <ucbhelper/configurationkeys.hxx> #include <ucbhelper/contentbroker.hxx> #define SORT_DLG 1 /* requires sfx2, svx to be compiled */ #if SORT_DLG #include "scitems.hxx" #include "uiitems.hxx" #endif /* SORT_DLG */ #include "editor.hxx" #include "plugin.hxx" #undef _LAYOUT_POST_HXX #include "recover.hxx" #undef _LAYOUT_POST_HXX #if SORT_DLG #include "sortdlg.hxx" #undef _LAYOUT_POST_HXX #endif /* SORT_DLG */ #include "wordcountdialog.hxx" #undef _LAYOUT_POST_HXX #include "zoom.hxx" #undef _LAYOUT_POST_HXX #include <layout/layout-pre.hxx> using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::cppu; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; class LayoutTest : public Application { Reference< XComponentContext > mxContext; Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > mxMSF; OUString mInstallDir; OUString mTestDialog; bool mEditMode; std::list< OUString > mFiles; public: LayoutTest( char const* installDir ); void RunEditor(); void RunFiles(); void ExceptionalMain(); void Init(); void InitUCB(); void LoadFile( OUString const &aName ); void Main(); void ParseCommandLine(); }; static void usage() { fprintf (stderr, "usage: test [--inst OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX] [DIALOG.XML]... | --test [DIALOG.XML]\n" ); exit( 2 ); } static uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > get_factory( char const *service ) { uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory( comphelper::createProcessComponent( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( service ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( !xFactory.is() ) fprintf( stderr, "error loading: %s\n", service ); return xFactory; } #define GET_FACTORY(x) get_factory( #x ) void LayoutTest::LoadFile( const OUString &aTestFile ) { fprintf( stderr, "TEST: layout instance\n" ); uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory = GET_FACTORY( com.sun.star.awt.Layout ); if ( !xFactory.is() ) { fprintf( stderr, "Layout engine not installed\n" ); throw uno::RuntimeException( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Layout engine not installed" ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() ); } fprintf( stderr, "TEST: initing root\n" ); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aParams( 1 ); aParams[0] <<= aTestFile; uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutRoot > xRoot ( xFactory->createInstanceWithArguments( aParams ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); fprintf( stderr, "TEST: file loaded\n" ); } void LayoutTest::InitUCB() { OUString aEmpty; Sequence< Any > aArgs( 6 ); aArgs[0] <<= OUString::createFromAscii( UCB_CONFIGURATION_KEY1_LOCAL ); aArgs[1] <<= OUString::createFromAscii( UCB_CONFIGURATION_KEY2_OFFICE ); aArgs[2] <<= OUString::createFromAscii( "PIPE" ); aArgs[3] <<= aEmpty; aArgs[4] <<= OUString::createFromAscii( "PORTAL" ); aArgs[5] <<= aEmpty; if ( !::ucbhelper::ContentBroker::initialize( mxMSF, aArgs ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to init content broker\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "arg[0]: %s\n", UCB_CONFIGURATION_KEY1_LOCAL ); fprintf( stderr, "arg[1]: %s\n", UCB_CONFIGURATION_KEY2_OFFICE ); } } static void support_upstream_brand_prefix () { if ( char const* inst = getenv( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX" ) ) { char const *brand_prefix = "/openoffice.org3"; OUString brand_dir = OUString::createFromAscii( inst ) + OUString::createFromAscii( brand_prefix ); struct stat stat_info; if ( !stat ( OUSTRING_CSTR( brand_dir ), &stat_info ) ) { OSL_TRACE( "Appending %s to OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX", brand_prefix ); setenv( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX", OUSTRING_CSTR( brand_dir ), 1 ); } } } void LayoutTest::Init() { ParseCommandLine(); setenv( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX", OUSTRING_CSTR( mInstallDir ), 0 ); support_upstream_brand_prefix (); OSL_TRACE( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s", getenv( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX" ) ); mxContext = defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext(); mxMSF = new UnoBootstrapLayout( Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >( mxContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY ) ); ::comphelper::setProcessServiceFactory( mxMSF ); InitUCB(); } void LayoutTest::ParseCommandLine() { printf ("%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < GetCommandLineParamCount(); i++ ) { OUString aParam = OUString( GetCommandLineParam( i ) ); if ( aParam.equalsAscii( "-h" ) || aParam.equalsAscii( "--help" ) ) usage(); if ( aParam.equalsAscii( "--inst" ) ) { if ( i >= GetCommandLineParamCount() - 1) usage(); mInstallDir = GetCommandLineParam( ++i ); setenv( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX", OUSTRING_CSTR( mInstallDir ), 1 ); } else if ( aParam.equalsAscii( "--test" ) ) { mTestDialog = OUString::createFromAscii( "zoom" ); if (i + 1 < GetCommandLineParamCount()) mTestDialog = GetCommandLineParam( ++i ); } else if ( aParam.equalsAscii( "--editor" ) ) mEditMode = true; else mFiles.push_back( aParam ); } if ( mFiles.size() <= 0 ) mFiles.push_back( OUString::createFromAscii( "layout.xml" ) ); } void LayoutTest::RunEditor() { OUString aFile; if ( !mFiles.empty() && mFiles.front().compareToAscii( "layout.xml" ) != 0 ) aFile = mFiles.front(); Editor editor( mxMSF, aFile ); editor.Show(); editor.Execute(); } short RunDialog( Dialog& dialog ) { dialog.Show(); short result = dialog.Execute(); fprintf( stderr, "Done: dialog execute exited:%d\n", result); return result; } #undef Dialog short RunDialog( ::Dialog& dialog ) { dialog.Show(); short result = dialog.Execute(); fprintf( stderr, "Done: dialog execute exited:%d\n", result); return result; } #if SORT_DLG static void LoadSC() { get_factory( "com.sun.star.comp.sfx2.DocumentTemplates" ); get_factory( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.SpreadsheetDocument" ); GET_FACTORY( com.sun.star.i18n.Transliteration.l10n ); } #endif /* SORT_DLG */ void TestDialog( OUString const& name ) { if ( 0 ) ; else if ( name.equalsAscii( "plugin" ) ) { PluginDialog plugin ( 0 ); RunDialog( plugin ); } else if ( name.equalsAscii( "query" ) ) { QueryBox query ( 0, "Do you want to do?", "do"); RunDialog( query ); } else if ( name.equalsAscii( "query-compat" ) ) { QueryBox query ( 0, WinBits( WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_YES ), // WinBits( WB_ABORT_RETRY_IGNORE ), OUString::createFromAscii ("Do you want to do?")); RunDialog( query ); } else if ( name.equalsAscii( "recover" ) ) { SvxRecoverDialog recover ( 0 ); RunDialog( recover ); } #if SORT_DLG else if ( name.equalsAscii( "sort" ) ) { LoadSC(); ScSortDlg sort (0, 0); RunDialog( sort ); } #endif /* SORT_DLG */ else if ( name.equalsAscii( "wordcount" ) ) { SwWordCountDialog words ( 0 ); RunDialog( words ); } else if ( name.equalsAscii( "zoom" ) ) { SvxZoomDialog zoom( 0 ); RunDialog( zoom ); } } void LayoutTest::RunFiles() { fprintf( stderr, "TEST: loading files\n" ); for ( std::list< OUString >::iterator i = mFiles.begin(); i != mFiles.end(); i++ ) LoadFile( *i ); fprintf( stderr, "TEST: executing\n" ); Execute(); fprintf( stderr, "TEST: done executing\n" ); } void LayoutTest::ExceptionalMain() { if ( mTestDialog.getLength() ) TestDialog( mTestDialog ); else if ( mEditMode ) RunEditor(); else RunFiles(); } void LayoutTest::Main() { try { ExceptionalMain(); } catch (xml::sax::SAXException & rExc) { OString aStr( OUStringToOString( rExc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ); uno::Exception exc; if (rExc.WrappedException >>= exc) { aStr += OString( " >>> " ); aStr += OUStringToOString( exc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); } fprintf (stderr, "Parsing error: '%s'\n", aStr.getStr()); OSL_ENSURE( 0, aStr.getStr() ); } catch ( uno::Exception & rExc ) { OString aStr( OUStringToOString( rExc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ); fprintf (stderr, "UNO error: '%s'\n", aStr.getStr()); OSL_ENSURE( 0, aStr.getStr() ); } Reference< lang::XComponent > xComp( mxContext, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xComp.is() ) xComp->dispose(); } LayoutTest::LayoutTest( char const* installDir ) : mInstallDir( OUString::createFromAscii ( installDir ) ) { } LayoutTest layout_test( "/usr/local/lib/ooo" );