 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_tools.hxx"
#include "tools/geninfo.hxx"
#include <stdio.h>

// class GenericInformation

GenericInformation::GenericInformation( const ByteString &rKey,
                        const ByteString &rValue,
                        GenericInformationList *pParentList,
                        GenericInformationList *pSubInfos )
                : ByteString( rKey ),
                sValue( rValue ),
                pInfoList( pSubInfos ),
                pParent( pParentList )
    // if a ParentList exists, insert this object into it
    if ( pParent )
        pParent->InsertInfo( this );
    // make myself owner of pInfoList
    if ( pInfoList )
        pInfoList->SetOwner( this );

GenericInformation::GenericInformation( const GenericInformation& rInf,
                                        BOOL bCopySubs)
                : ByteString( rInf ),
                sValue( rInf.sValue ),
                pInfoList( 0L ),
    if(bCopySubs && rInf.pInfoList)
        pInfoList = new GenericInformationList(*rInf.pInfoList, this);

    // remove pInfoList and all childs out of memory
    delete pInfoList;
    pInfoList = 0;

    // remove this Info out of ParentList
    if ( pParent )
        pParent->RemoveInfo( this );

BOOL GenericInformation::InsertSubInfo( GenericInformation *pInfo )
    return ( pInfoList && pInfoList->InsertInfo( pInfo ));

BOOL GenericInformation::InsertSubInfo( const ByteString &rPathKey, const ByteString &rValue,
                    BOOL bSearchByPath, BOOL bNewPath )
  return (pInfoList && pInfoList->InsertInfo( rPathKey, rValue, bSearchByPath, bNewPath ));

void GenericInformation::RemoveSubInfo( GenericInformation *pInfo,
                            BOOL bDelete )
    pInfoList->RemoveInfo( pInfo, bDelete );

//void GenericInformation::RemoveSelf( BOOL bDelete )
  if ( pParent )
    pParent->RemoveInfo( this, bDelete ); // loescht sich aus der Liste vom Parent und
  // bei Bedarf auch mit obiger Methode alle Sublisten

  // loescht sich bei Bedarf auch selbst
    if ( bDelete )
    delete this;

GenericInformation *GenericInformation::GetSubInfo( ByteString &rKey,
                        BOOL bSearchByPath,
                            BOOL bCreatePath )
  if ( !pInfoList && bCreatePath )
    pInfoList = new GenericInformationList( this );
  if ( pInfoList )
    return pInfoList->GetInfo( rKey, bSearchByPath, bCreatePath );
  return NULL;

// class GenericInformationList

GenericInformationList::GenericInformationList( GenericInformation *pParent )
                : pOwner( pParent )

GenericInformationList::GenericInformationList(const GenericInformationList& rList,
                            GenericInformation *pParent)
    : GenericInformationList_Impl()
    USHORT i;
    GenericInformation* pTemp,*pWork;

    pOwner = pParent;

        pTemp = rList.GetObject(i);
        pWork = new GenericInformation(*pTemp,TRUE);


    // delete all Informations stored in this List
    // ### GH: Hier werden dann wohl etwa die H�lfte der Eintr�ge gel�scht
/*  for ( ULONG i = 0; i < Count(); i++ ) {
        GetObject( i )->ListDeleted();
        delete GetObject( i );
        Remove( i );*/
    // Neue Variante:
    while ( Count() ) {
        GetObject( 0 )->ListDeleted();
        delete GetObject( 0 );
        Remove( (ULONG)0 );

GenericInformation *GenericInformationList::Search( ULONG &rPos, ByteString sKey,
                                                   ULONG nStart, ULONG nEnd )
    if ( Count() == 0 ) {
        rPos = 0;
        return NULL;

    if ( nStart == nEnd ) {
        rPos = nStart;
        ByteString sCandidate = ByteString( *GetObject( nStart ));
        if ( sCandidate.ToUpperAscii() == sKey.ToUpperAscii()) {
            return GetObject( nStart ); // found !!!
        else {
            // requested key not found
            return NULL;

    // search binary in existing list
    ULONG nActPos = nStart + (( nEnd - nStart ) / 2 );
    rPos = nActPos;
    ByteString sCandidate = ByteString( *GetObject( nActPos ));

    if ( sCandidate.ToUpperAscii()  == sKey.ToUpperAscii())
        return GetObject( nActPos ); // found !!!

    // split the list at ActPos
    if ( sCandidate < sKey )
        return Search( rPos, sKey, nActPos + 1, nEnd );
        return Search( rPos, sKey, nStart, nActPos );

GenericInformation *GenericInformationList::GetInfo( ByteString &rKey,
                             BOOL bSearchByPath,
                             BOOL bCreatePath )

    rKey.EraseLeadingChars( '/' );
    rKey.EraseTrailingChars( '/' );

    ByteString sKey;
    if ( bSearchByPath )
        sKey = rKey.GetToken( 0, '/' );
        sKey = rKey;

    ULONG nPos = 0;
    GenericInformation *pReturnInfo = Search( nPos, sKey, 0, Count() - 1 );
    /* wenn kein Searchpath gesetzt und kein Returninfo vorhanden,
     *   gib NULL zurueck
     * wenn Searchpath gesetzt und returninfo vorhanden,
     *   suche weiter nach unten
     * wenn searchpath gesetzt kein returninfo vorhanden und newpath gesetzt,
     *   mache neues Verzeichniss
    USHORT nTokenCount = rKey.GetTokenCount('/');
    // search for next key of path in next level of tree
    if ( bSearchByPath && (nTokenCount > 1)) {
      ByteString sPath = ByteString(rKey.Copy( sKey.Len() + 1 ));
      if ( !pReturnInfo ) { // wenn kein Return, dann muss man es anlegen
        if ( !bCreatePath ) // wenn aber kein Create, dann nicht anlegen
          return NULL;
        pReturnInfo = new GenericInformation( sKey, "", this, NULL);
        pReturnInfo->SetSubList( new GenericInformationList( pReturnInfo ));
      return pReturnInfo->GetSubInfo( sPath, TRUE, bCreatePath );
    if ( !pReturnInfo && bCreatePath ) {
      pReturnInfo = new GenericInformation ( sKey, "", this, NULL);

    return pReturnInfo; // kann durchaus NULL sein.

ULONG GenericInformationList::InsertSorted( GenericInformation *pInfo,
                                        BOOL bOverwrite,
                                        ULONG nStart, ULONG nEnd )
    if ( Count() == 0 ) {
        // empty list, so insert at first pos
        Insert( pInfo, LIST_APPEND );
        return 0;

    ByteString sKey( pInfo->GetBuffer());

    // Check to sppeed up reading a (partially) sorted list
    if ( nStart == 0 && Count()-1 == nEnd )
        ByteString sCandidate( *GetObject( nEnd ));
        if ( sCandidate.ToUpperAscii() < sKey )
            Insert( pInfo, LIST_APPEND );
            return nEnd+1;

// ### GH: dieser Block schein �berfl�ssig zu sein
    if ( Count() == 1 ) {
        ByteString sCandidate( *GetObject( 0 ));
        if ( sCandidate.ToUpperAscii() == sKey ) {
            // key allready exists in list
            if ( bOverwrite )
                Replace( pInfo, ULONG(0));  // ### Laut NF scheint hier ein Memory Leak zu sein
            return 0;
        else if ( sCandidate > sKey ) {
            Insert( pInfo, ULONG(0));
            return 0;
        else {
            Insert( pInfo, LIST_APPEND );
            return 1;
// ### GH: /ENDE/ dieser Block schein �berfl�ssig zu sein

    ULONG nActPos = nStart + (( nEnd - nStart ) / 2 );
    ByteString sCandidate = ByteString( *GetObject( nActPos ));

    if ( sCandidate.ToUpperAscii() == sKey ) {
        // key allready exists in list
        if ( bOverwrite )
            Replace( pInfo, nActPos );  // ### Laut NF scheint hier ein Memory Leak zu sein
        return nActPos;

    if ( nStart == nEnd ) {
        // now more ways to search for key -> insert here
        if ( sCandidate > sKey ) {
            Insert( pInfo, nStart );
            return nStart;
        else {
            Insert( pInfo, nStart + 1 );
            return ( nStart + 1 );

    if ( nActPos == Count() - 1 ) {
        // reached end of list -> insert here
        Insert( pInfo, LIST_APPEND );
        return ( nActPos + 1 );

    ByteString sSecondCand = ByteString( *GetObject( nActPos + 1 ));
    if (( sCandidate < sKey ) && ( sSecondCand.ToUpperAscii() > sKey )) {
        // optimal position to insert object
        Insert( pInfo, nActPos + 1 );
        return ( nActPos + 1 );

    if ( sCandidate < sKey )
        return InsertSorted( pInfo, bOverwrite, nActPos + 1, nEnd );
        return InsertSorted( pInfo, bOverwrite, nStart, nActPos );

BOOL GenericInformationList::InsertInfo( GenericInformation *pInfo,
                                BOOL bOverwrite )
    if ( !pInfo->Len())
        return FALSE;

    InsertSorted( pInfo, bOverwrite, 0, Count() - 1 );
    return TRUE;

BOOL GenericInformationList::InsertInfo( const ByteString &rPathKey, const ByteString &rValue,
                     BOOL bSearchByPath, BOOL bNewPath )
  GenericInformation *pInfo;
  ByteString sPathKey ( rPathKey );
  sPathKey.EraseLeadingChars( '/' );
  sPathKey.EraseTrailingChars( '/' );

  pInfo = GetInfo( sPathKey, bSearchByPath, bNewPath );

  if ( pInfo ) {
    pInfo->SetValue( rValue );
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

void GenericInformationList::RemoveInfo( GenericInformation *pInfo,
                                BOOL bDelete )
    Remove( pInfo );
    if ( bDelete )
        delete pInfo;
/*  if ( Count() == 0 && pOwner )   // Leere Listen entfernen;
        SetOwner( NULL );
        delete this;
    } Rausgepatched by GH */

GenericInformation* GenericInformationList::SetOwner( GenericInformation *pNewOwner )
    GenericInformation *pOldOwner = pOwner;
    if ( pOwner )   // bei parent austragen;
        pOwner->SetSubList( NULL );
    if ( pNewOwner )
        pNewOwner->SetSubList( this );
    pOwner = pNewOwner;
    return pOldOwner;